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evsjv`k cKkj wekwe`vjq, XvKv

K) GB wekwe`vjqi wbgewYZ k~b c`mg~n c~ibi wbwg hvMZv mb evsjv`ki bvMwiK`i wbKU nBZ `iLv Avnvb Kiv hvBZQ t 1| cyiKkj wefvM $t 25750-33750/- eZb j mnhvMx AavcK-Gi 2(`yB)wU vqx c`| 2| cvwb I ebv eevcbv BwUwUDU $t 25750-33750/- eZb j mnhvMx AavcK-Gi 1(GK)wU vqx c`| 3| KwgKkj wefvM $t 18500-29700/-eZb j mnKvix AavcK-Gi 1(GK)wU vqx c`| 4| wm.Gm.B wefvM $t 18500-29700/-eZb j mnKvix AavcK-Gi 1(GK)wU vqx c`| 5| BwUwUDU Ae GcvwcqU UKbvjwR $t 18500-29700/-eZb j mnKvix AavcK (Bwwbqvwis)-Gi 1(GK)wU vqx c`| ======================================================================= L) $t 11000-20370/- eZb j wbewYZ wefvM/ BwUwUDUi cvk DwjwLZ msLK jKPvivi/ *MelYv jKPvivi (Bwwbqvwis) m~Y Avqx wfwZ wbqvMi wbwg mvvrKvi MnY Kiv nBe t g 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. wefvM/BwUwUDU cyiKkj Kkj cvwb m` Kkj cvwb I ebv eevcbv BwUwUDU hKkj AvB.wc.B e I avZe Kkj Z. B Kkj wm.Gm.B AvB.AvB.wm.wU BwUwUDU Ae GcvwcqU UKbvjwR* wc.Gg.Avi.B BD.Avi.wc vcZ KwgKkj c`v_ wevb MwYZ msLv 2 (`yB) Rb 1 (GK) Rb 1 (GK) Rb 6 (Qq) Rb 2 (`yB) Rb 2 (`yB) Rb 9 (bq) Rb 7 (mvZ) Rb 2 (`yB) Rb 1 (GK) Rb 1 (GK) Rb 2 (`yB) Rb 2 (`yB) Rb 3 (wZb) Rb 2 (`yB) Rb 2 (`yB) Rb mvvrKvii Rb DcwZ nIqvi ZvwiL I mgq 8/3/2011Bs ZvwiL, mKvj 9-15 wgwbU 8/3/2011Bs ZvwiL, mKvj 10-15 wgwbU 8/3/2011Bs ZvwiL, mKvj 10-30 wgwbU 9/3/2011Bs ZvwiL, mKvj 9-00 NwUKv 9/3/2011Bs ZvwiL, mKvj 10-45 wgwbU 9/3/2011Bs ZvwiL, mKvj 11-15 wgwbU 12/3/2011Bs ZvwiL, mKvj 9-00 NwUKv 13/3/2011Bs ZvwiL, mKvj 9-00 NwUKv 13/3/2011Bs ZvwiL, mKvj 11-00 NwUKv 13/3/2011Bs ZvwiL, mKvj 11-30 wgwbU 15/3/2011Bs ZvwiL, mKvj 9-15 wgwbU 15/3/2011Bs ZvwiL, mKvj 10-00 NwUKv 15/3/2011Bs ZvwiL, mKvj 11-00 NwUKv 16/3/2011Bs ZvwiL, mKvj 9-15wgwbU 16/3/2011Bs ZvwiL, mKvj 10-15 wgwbU 16/3/2011Bs ZvwiL, mKvj 11-00 NwUKv

`iLv `vwLji kl ZvwiL t 22/3/2011Bs|

wbavwiZ hvMZv tc`v_ wevb/ MwYZ wefvMi t The candidate must possess a Masters or an equivalent degree with a First Class both
in B.Sc.(Hons) and in M.Sc. or equivalent degrees in relevant branch from a recognized university/ institution. Bwwbqvwis wefvM mg~ni t The candidate must possess a First Class B.Sc.Engg. Degree or equivalent in relevant branch of Engineering obtained from a recognized university/ institution. vcZ wefvMi t The candidate must possess a First Class B.Arch. degree or equivalent from a recognized university/ institution.

Pjgvb cvZv/2
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-2BD.Avi.wc wefvMi t The candidate must possess a First Class Bachelor's degree in Planning or equivalent from a recognized university/ institution; or For candidates without a Bachelor's degree in Planning: The candidate must possess First Class or equivalent academic records in MURP or equivalent with First Class or equivalent in previous degrees from a recognized university/ institution. AvB.AvB.wm.wU-Gi t The candidate must possess a First Class B. Sc. Engg. degree in Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering or an equivalent degree obtained from a recognized university/institution. or The candidate must possess a Masters degree in Information and Communication Technology or an equivalent degree with GPA of at least 3 out of 4 and a First Class B.Sc. Engg. Degree and Postgraduate diploma in IICT or equivalent obtained from a recognized university or institution. cvwb I ebv eevcbv BwUwUDU-Gi t The candidate must possess a First Class B. Sc. Engg. degree or equivalent
in relevant branch of engineering obtained from a recognized university/institution; or The candidate must possess an M. Sc in Water Resources Development or an equivalent degree with GPA of at least 3 out of 4 and First class or equivalent grades in previous degrees obtained from a recognized university/institution.

BwUwUDU Ae GcvwcqU UKbvjwR-Gi t The candidate must possess a First Class or equivalent grade in B. Sc. Engg. or equivalent degree in relevant branch of engineering obtained from a recognized university/institution; or The candidate must possess a Masters in Management of Technology or equivalent degree with a First Class or equivalent grades in previous degrees obtained from a recognized university/institution. cv_xMYK wefvM/ BwUwUDUmg~ni cvk DwjwLZ mgqm~Px Abyhvqx DcvPvh gnv`qi Awdm mvvrKvii Rb DcwZ _vwKZ nBe| mvvrKvii mgq g~j mb`cvw`, gvKkxU, Uvw , cksmvc BZvw` c`kb KwiZ nBe| BZvc~e wevwcZ hKkj wefvM I AvB.AvB.wm.wU-Gi jKPvivi c` (hvnvi `iLv MnYi kl ZvwiL wQj 23/11/2010Bs)-Gi Rb hvnviv `iLv `vwLj KwiqvQb Zvnv`i bZzb Kwiqv GB c`i Rb Ave`b KwiZ nBe bv| cv_xi Kvb cixvi djvdj ZZxq wefvM/kYx AekB MnYhvM bn| mKj c`i Rb chvR t GB wekwe`vjqi KUvjvi-Gi AbyKj c`q $t 500/- (cuvPkZ) UvKvi evsK WvdU/c AWvi (XvKv gnvbMi h Kvb evwYwRK evsKi kvLvi Dci RvixKZ) A_ev KUvjvi Awdmi mv_ hvMvhvM Kwiqv wnmve kvLv KZK c` wbavwiZ Rgv iwk`i gvag mvbvjx evsK eyqU kvLvq bM` A_ Rgv c`vb c~eK iwk`i Ask Ges wZb Kwc cvmcvU mvBRi mZvwqZ Qwemn iwRvi Awdm cve wbavwiZ dig (mKj AZxZ I eZgvb PvKzixi c`ghv`v, eZb j I ZvwiL DjL c~eK) iwRvi-Gi eivei Ave`bc (16 mU) `vwLj KwiZ nBe| cZK mUi mv_ mKj mvwUwdKU, Uwgvwbqj, Uvw I gvKkxU Ges AwfZvi mvwUwdKU-Gi mZvwqZ Kwc mshy KwiZ nBe| we`kx wWMxavix cv_xMYi mswk wefvM/Awdm KZK h_vwbqg BKzwqfvj mv`b mvc Ave`b c cmm Kiv nBe| Ave`bi Rb wbavwiZ dig (REG-1/ REG-2) I wkK c`i Q.T ewMZfve A_ev cqvRbxq WvKwUKUmn wVKvbv m^wjZ Lvg cvVvBqv GB wekwe`vjqi iwRvi-Gi Awdm nBZ msMn Kiv hvBe| mvvrKvi DcwZ nIqvi Rb Kvb cKvi hvZvqvZ ev `wbK fvZv `Iqv nBe bv| PvKzixiZ cv_xMYK AekB h_vh_ KZci gvag Ave`b KwiZ nBe|


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