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Why human beings are considered complex organisms?

The organisation of cells in this way enable multi cellular organisms to carry out various processes of life such as moving,breathing and reproduction.

cell organization in human.

Cells performing aparticular type of work are similar in many respects. Different cells carry out different types of work and are modified accordingly. The human body is made up of various cells that carry outs pecificfunctions in the body.

Types of cell

Types of tissue
Tissue is a cellular organizational level intermediate between cells and a complete organism.

functions of the cells

Nerve cell: receive and Red blood cell: transmit sensations transport oxygen in and nerve impulses the body Epithelial/ skin cells: prevent the loss of water from the body

Epithelial/Skin cells: Prevent the loss of water from the body

Muscle cell: Reproductive cells: Controls movement stake part in of bones and organs fertilisation process of body Bone cells: support and protect organs

Red blood cells: Perform the most important blood duty. A single drop of blood contains millions of red blood cells which are constantly traveling through your body delivering oxygen and removing waste. If they weren't, your body would slowly die.

Organ in human body











Function of organ in human body

Skin : is the largest or biggest human body organ. The average weight of skin in human body is about 10,886 grams which varies according to the size and weight of human being. Human skin is made up of different ectodermal tissues and it protects all the inner body organs like liver, glands, stomach, heart etc. Other functions are heat regulation, interaction with atmosphere, protection from diseases, absorption and sensation. Liver : is the second largest organ of male or female human body. Its average weight in a normal human body is 1,560 gms. The liver recieves blood full of digested food from the gut. It stores some foods and delivers the rest to the other cells through blood. The other function of liver is to change the left material into harmless waste called urine. Brain : is the third largest and major organ of human body. Its average weight in a normal human body is 1,263 gms. The brain controls the actions of all the body parts. There are about 100 billion cells in human brain which make about 100 trillion nerve connections with nerve cells for messaging. Medulla oblongata, Midbrain, Hind brain, Cerebellum, Spinal cord and Venticle are some of the major parts of a human brain.
Lungs : is the fourth biggest organ of human beings body. The average total weight of the right and left lung in a normal human body is about 1,090 gms. The major function of lungs is to inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide out of the red blood cells. The lungs can hold a total of upto 5 litres of air. The adult lungs have an internal area of over 90 meters, that is about half the area of a tennis court. Heart : is the fifth largest human body organ which is prerequisite for a living human being. The major function of the heart is to pump the blood to every part of the body to deliver the energy to every body cell. In males the average weight of heart is 315 gm while in females this weight is about 265 gms. Ventricles, atrium and aorta are some of the main parts of a human heart.

Kidneys : Is the sixth largest organ in every human body. There are two kidneys in every human being and the average weight of both the kidneys is about 290 grams. The major function of a kidney is to separate the waste amterial by filtering the blood. Both these kidneys filter our blood 50 times a day. If one kidney stops working the other will enlarge and do the work of two. Spleen : Is 170 grams heavy and it is the seventh largest or heaviest organ of the human body. It forms the red blood cells pulp and white blood cells pulp. Therefore it is helpful in making the blood and increasing the immunity of the human being. Pancreas : Is the eighth largest human organ with an average weight of 98 grams in human body. It is one of the most important gland which produces several hormones including insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin. The pancreas is a dual-function gland, having features of both endocrine and exocrine glands. Thyroid : Is the ninth biggest one in human organs system. The average weight of thyroid gland in human body is 35 grams. It is the largest gland in the human body. The function of this gland is to produce thyroxine and triiodothyronine hormones.

Prostate: Is the tenth largest human organ gland with a weight of 20 grams.The function of the prostate is to secrete a slightly acidic fluid, milky or white in appearance,that usually constitutes 2030% of the volume of the semen along with spermatozoa and seminal vesicle fluid.

System in human body

Function of the system in the human body

1. Respiratory : In take of oxygen and removal of carbon dioxide from body. 2. Nervous : Control of body activities and the reaction to stimuli. 3. Digestive : Break down of food and absorption for use as energy. 4. Excretory : Controls water and salt balance. 5. Endocrine : Production of hormones and body regulation. 6. Skeletal and Muscular : Protection and movement. 7. Circulatory : Transport of nutrients, metabolic wastes, water, salts, and disease fighting cells. 8. Integumentary : Protection of body from injury and bacteria, maintenance of tissue moisture, holds receptors for stimuli response, body heat regulation.

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