D:wou:g302:intrexcl - Ver2.doc: G302 - Introduction To Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets and Data Manipulation

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G302 - Introduction to Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets and Data Manipulation d:wou:g302:intrexcl_ver2.

doc INTRODUCTION The study of geology is based primarily on the observation, analysis, and modelling of Earth processes. The observation of geologic phenomena is accomplished by data collection over varying spatial and temporal scales. Examples of hydrologic data include yearly rainfall magnitudes for the state of Oregon, monthly stream discharge rates for the United States, or reconstruction of global ice budgets for the past 500,000 years. The steps in hydrologic analysis include: (1) conceptual observation, (2) hypothesis building (deriving relationships), (3) time-averaged data collection, (4) data analysis, (5) hypothesis testing and reformulation, (6) continued data collection and analysis, (7) model building and validation, and (8) application of hydrologic models to real-world problems (e.g. water resource planning for a city). Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet software program that is very useful in basic data manipulation and analysis. The objective of this lab is to introduce students to Excel techniques, that will be later applied to geologic problems. CLASS COMPUTER ACCOUNTS Student's name and ID have been submitted to the Computing Services Dept. at WOU and you have been assigned a student server/network account. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Lab Task 1 - Testing Your Student Account 1. Find a network computer station in the lab and log-on at the Windows NT prompt with your username and password. 2. After you log-on to the server, perform the following mouse-click functions on the pull-down menus: Start-Programs-Windows Explorer or use My Computer to check your H:\ folder 3. Check your log-on folders, you should see the following folders available: - H:username this is your personal folder space for storing files.

4. Using windows explorer or My Computer, create a new folder on your H:\ drive entitled G302 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Other notes / things to think about: - All computers in the student labs have the local hard drives (e.g. C:\ drive) "locked" so that you cannot save or install software to the computers. You can only save to the network account, to the floppy drive (a:\ drive), or to a CD. - Students are encouraged to work in teams, but remember that each of you will have to turn in your own work for grading. Some of this work will be electronically submitted. If you work in groups or with partners, make sure you know how to do the exercises and save your own data files. You will be tested on your ability to work with the computer as a tool! SPREADSHEET SOFTWARE 1

Microsoft Excel (part of MS Office suite of software) is a spreadsheet software package that facilitates data collection, data organization, and data analysis. This software is widely used at Universities, businesses, and government facilities. This is a good tool to know how to use. Excel is widely available on campus. An overview of Excel includes: - Excel is software that organizes information into a series of rows and columns (e.g. a "table" of data) - Information may either be numeric (i.e. numbers) or alphanumeric (words, letters, and numbers combined) -Excel files are referred to as "Workbook" files, and are given a *.xls extension. Within each workbook, you may have multiple "worksheets" with different types of data. Examples of a workbook might include river discharge data for the Willamette River (e.g. a file named WillamQ.xls). Within the WillamQ.xls file, there may be 12 worksheets with average monthly data for each month respectively. -Excel data is organized in columns and rows ("spreadsheet" or "table" format). - columns are identified by letter ID: A,B,C....AA, AB, AC...etc. - rows are identified by number ID: 1, 2, ...80,000 - individual "cells" are identified by a unique column-row identifier: e.g. A1 = first cell, B25, etc.

- The column-row structure of Excel worksheets allows quick and easy analysis of data, mathematical calculations, graphing, etc. Think of Excel worksheets as "calculator" software, but you only have to enter the data once and can perform different types of mathematical and statistical functions. Example data functions include: adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, means, standard deviations, frequency distributions, histogram plots, x-y scatter graphs, graph-line fitting, data sorting, trig calculations (sin, cos, tan, etc.), evaluation of algebraic / trigonometric equations... plus much more... sorting in increasing order, sorting in decreasing order, sorting in increasing alphabetical order... plus other stuff. -Types of data/information that can be analyzed include: numbers, angles (degrees, radians), names (e.g. sorting alphabetically) -Math functions are performed on the "cells", regardless of the specific data that is contained in the cells. "Cell equations" are used to manipulate and analyze the data that are contained in the cells. We will refer to this methodology as "Cell Algebra". ______________________________________________________________________________________

Lab Task 2 - Basic Data Entry, Formatting and Analysis in Excel 1. Log-on to campus computer. 2. Start microsoft Excel software Start-Programs-Microsoft Excel 3. Once in Excel, note the column-row "cell" structure. Move the mouse around and note the "+" pointer. Move the mouse / pointer, and click on Cell D5. Note that the cell becomes outlined as "active". Type your first name in cell D5. Now click on Cell B 9, type in your last name. 4. Click back on Cell D5 and change the font size to "22" (the font style and size are located on the tool bar to the top of the spread sheet). Note that your name does not "fit" in cell D5 anymore. Change the width of cell D5 with the follow menu clicks: Format-Column-Width-20 Now center your name in cell D5 with the following clicks: Format-Cells-Alignment-Horizontal-Center Save this file to your H:\g302 folder, let's call it "temp.xls" File-Save-H: folder-temp.xls Check and see what this file will look like if you print it: File-Print Preview While in Print Preview, click on "margins", you will now see the page margins as they will be printed, drag the inner top line down to the middle of the page. Drag the left line to a third of the distance across the page. Now hit "print" to send it the page to the printer. "Close" print preview to return to "worksheet" mode.

Double Click on the "sheet 1" tab at the bottom tool bar, rename this worksheet " My Name". Click any where on the worksheet to get out of sheet name edit mode. Save / update the "temp.xls" file. File-Save 5. Let's try an example data entry and analysis exercise now. Click on the "Sheet 2" tab at the bottom toolbar. You are now on a fresh worksheet, but note that the "my name" sheet is still in the workbook, you're just on a different worksheet now. NOTE: If at any time you perform a task and find that it is a mistake, just go to the Edit menu at the top tool bar, and click on "undo", this will undo your last action. Double-click on the "sheet 2" tab, and rename it "Example Data", perform the following tasks. (A) At cell A1, type in "Table 1. Example data entry and analysis" (B) Click on cell A1 and the the "Bold" icon on the toolbar (the "B" next to the font size") Change the font of cell A1 to Times New Roman, 16 point (C) Enter the following data and information with the cell structure as shown, start with cell A3: A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 B C D

Table 1. Example Data Entry and Analysis Location Miami Pittsburgh Portland Miami Pittsburgh Portland Seattle Date 05/23/90 06/24/90 12/22/90 06/24/90 12/22/90 05/23/90 05/23/90 Rainfall (in) 1.1 0.2 2.3 1.3 0.8 3.8 106.0 Temperature(F) 72 85 35 120 68 45 63

Note: Cell A1 is being used for the table title, Row 3 is used for column titles, cells A4 to D10 are the actual tabulated data. (D) Using the mouse/icon, starting at cell A3, click and drag to highlight all of the data you just entered (highlight cells A3 to D10). (E) Change the font of all data cells to "Arial" "14 pt" (F) Click and drag to highlight cells A3 to D3 (the column titles). (G) Once highlighted, change the column widths to 20 character wide (H) Highlight all data in cells A3 to D3, center the data in columns: Format-Cells-Alignment-Horizontal-Center (I) Save your updated files periodically 4 File-Save Format-Column-Width-20

(J) Now let's sort the data by location and date: -highlight the data cells only (Cells A4 to D10), not the column titles in row 3 - from the top menu bar: Data-Sort-Sort By-Location-Ascending-Then By-Date-Descending-OK **Your data should now be sorted by location (in increasing alphabetical order), then by dates (in decreasing order of time)** (K) Let's try your hand at some basic data anlaysis with Excel: -Add the following titles to your table Cell B12 "Total Sum" Cell B13 "Average" - Let's write a basic cell equation in Cell C12 - now another cell equation in Cell C13 =sum(C4.C10) =average(C4.C10)

**what you have done is added the total of all rainfall from Cells C4 to C10, and averaged all of the rainfalls from cell C4.C10** -woops, you discovered you've made a mistake, the rainfall for Seattle on 05/23/90 is 1.06 inches, NOT 106 inches, click on cell C10 and change the number from 106 to 1.06 Check you what happened to your total sum and average at the bottom, they changed accordingly to reflect your change in data... that is the power of cell equations!!! The cell algebra keeps track of the cells, so if the data changes, the equations also are updated to provide the right answers. - make sure you save your changes once in a while, otherwise you might lose your work if the power goes out!!! -For cells C12 and C13, let's assume that we want the numbers in a format with 1 decimal place to the right of the decimal point, try this: - highlight cells C12 and C13 format-cells-number-number-1 decimal place -highlight cells C12 and C13 format-cells-alignment-horizontal-center Next, perform a total sum and average calculation for the temperature column... since we've already written an equation, we can just copy the cell equations to the new column, so we don't have to re-write the equations. -highlight cells C12 and C13 click on the "copy" (2 pages icon) icon just to the right of the sizzors on the top tool bar, note that the two cells are highlighted with blinking lines

-place the pointer in cell D12 click on the "paste" (clipboard icon) icon just to the right of the "copy" icon on the top tool bar Place the pointer in cell D12 and check out what happened: Excel copied the equation from the cell column, but automatically changed it the the "D" cell addresses when the equations were pasted. You have quickly calculated the total sum and average temperature data, without having to re-write the equations. (L) Adding additional data in rows and columns New data has just been received from Newport. We need to add this data into the table, and your job is to keep the locations and dates in their proper sort order. Here's how to insert new rows of data - highlight cells A6 and A7 Insert-Rows

Type in the following Newport Data in the appropriate cells: Location Newport Newport Date 05/23/90 06/24/90 Rainfall 2.3 3.3 Temperature 53 59

**Note that the Total Sum and Average data calculations in Cells C14 to D15 have been changed automatically to reflect the new rows of data... this is very convenient!! Couldn't keep track of data like this with a calculator! - Now, Let's create a new data column. You decide that a good way to analyze rainfall and temperature data is to create a hypothetical quantitative parameter known as the "R/T Ratio", with the following formula: R/T Ratio = Rainfall (in) x 100% Temperature (F) (units = %in/F)

- click/highlight on cell C3


(this should insert a new column between the Date and Rainfall columns)

Note: the rainfall and temperature dated have been shifted over one column each, to columns D and E, respectively. Check out your "Total Sum" and "Average" cell equations, they have also been changed automatically. - Label the inserted cell C3 as "R/T Ratio (%in/F)" -highlight cells C4 to C12 Format-Cells-Number-Number-Decimal Places-3

**this will set the R/T calculations to a numeric format of 3 decimal places to the right of the decimal point**

- now let's calculate the R/T ratio by using some cell equations: - in cell C4 write the following equation =(D4/E4)*100

The answer should be "1.083" which is the rainfall divided by the temperature times 100% for the Miami station on 06/24/90. -highlight cell C4 (with the equation) -now, click and highlight cells C5 to C12 hit the "copy" icon hit the "paste" icon

Highlight and double check the contents of each cell to make sure the the R/T ratio was properly calculated, note that copying and pasting equations results in automatic change of the cell addresses! Wow, that makes it easy. WARNING / NOTE: If you ever find yourself writing the same cell equations over and over manually, you are doing something wrong. All you need to do is write the cell equation once, and then copy-paste to the appropriate cell destination!!!! - Use the cell equation copy/paste method to now calculate the "Total Sum" and Average for the "R/T Ratio" column. - Save / update your file (-file-save-temp.xls) (M) Graphing Data Excel also creates graphs so that you can visualize data relationships. Data graphing is a very effective tool for indentifying relationships between data. In this last part of the introductory exercise, we will create a graph of our rainfall-temperature data. Let's create a simple X-Y graph of the data, a "scatter plot". - click/highlight on cell A20, so that the graph will be placed below the data table - click on the "chart wizard" icon (the one that looks like a graph) on the top tool bar - select the "X-Y Scatter" Chart Type -Systematically highlight each X-Y chart sub-type and read the description of what each one does, then select the "Scatter, with no lines" option (double-click it). -Data Range = D4:E12 this will graph the rainfall and temp. data

- select the "Series in Columns" radio button -click on the "Series" folder tab to view your graph (the rainfall data is on the x-axis, and the temp data is on the y-axis). -click on the "Next" button

-At the "Titles" tab, enter the following Chart Title Value (X) Axis Value (Y) Axis Graph of Rainfall vs. Temperature Rainfall (inches) Temperature (F)

- At the "Axes" tab, make sure the X and Y Axes are checked -At the "Grid Lines" tab, Check all of the grid lines for X and Y (major and minor) -At the "Legend" tab, click on various boxes to see where the legend will be placed on the graph. When finished exploring, place the legend on the right of the graph. -At the "Data Labels" tab, click the various options to see what happens, but leave the final setting to "None" -click the "Next" button, click on the "As Object In" radio button, this will place the chart on your active worksheet (Example Data)... the other option will place the graph on a new, separate worksheet by itself. - Click "Finish", the graph should now appear on your worksheet. - Click and drag the chart to place it below the data... we don't want the chart on top of the data... that's messy! -Click on the chart and highlight it, right click the mouse, click on chart options... use this technique if you want to change any of the chart formatting. -click and drag the chart, place the upper left hand corner in Cell A20 -grab the lower right corner of the chart, and stretch the size so that the corner is somewhere on Cell D40 (this is how to resize the chart for better visual effects). - Now you can play with the chart to get it in better shape... experiment with the following: -Place the pointer over the X-axis and double click -at the "scale" tab, set the axis minimum = 0, maximum = 10, major tick unit = 1, minor tick unit = 0.2, value of y-axis crosses at 0 -Place the pointer over the Y-axis and double click -at the "scale" tab, set the axis minimum = 0, maximum = 200, major tick unit = 50, minor tick unit = 10, value of x-axis crosses at 0 - Experiment by editing any part of the graph, all you have to do to edit any part of the graph (titles, grid lines, etc.), just point and double-click! You will then be able to change the formatting, font style, etc. 8

(N) Formatting Excel Work for Printing -Place boxes and lines around the data table to better organize it. highlight all data table cells A3:E15 format-cell-border-outline highlight the title row 3 A3:E3 format-cell-border-bottom line highlight row 12 A12:E12 format-cell-border-bottom line highlight cells A3:D12 format-cell-border- center /right lines highlight cells B13:D15 format-cell-border-center/right lines Prepare your page for printing. -highlight all cells in the table from A1:E42 (this includes the chart area) -click on... -File-Print Area-Set Print Area (this sets the print space) -click on any single cell to undo the highlight, or hit the "Esc" key -click on... -File-Page Setup-Page-Portrait -File-Page Setup-Margins-Top = 1inch, Left / Right = 0.5 inch -File-Print Preview **Note: that the last column of the chart is off the page. The Columns are too wide to print, let's re-set the columns so that the table fits on the paper, close the print preview function - Click on the date column (click on cell B3) -Click on the rainfall column (click on cell D3) **Now the table should fit on the page with 0.5 inch Left/Right Margins - File-Print Preview check to see if everthing fits on 1 page, incl. the chart! Format-Column Width-15 Format-Column Width-15

-hit "Print" and send to the printer - Save and update your work ______________________________________________________________________________________ Lab Task 3 - Practice Writing and Evaluating Cell Equations in Microsoft Excel -Use Netscape or Internet Explorer to visit the class web site (www.wou.edu/taylor follow links to G302). - Go down the web page to the "Lab Data" section, click on the "Intro to Excel Data Set" -When you click on the link, MS Excel should automatically start and open the file. If not, the web browser will ask you to save the file. In either case, save the file to your H\ folder on the campus network (the file name is "introexcel.xls"). -Click on the "Cell Equation Practice" worksheet. The other worksheets are examples of the results from completing Lab Tasks 1 and 2. You will be using the "Cell Equation Practice" worksheet for Lab Task 3 (this last task...).

-The worksheet contains two columns of generic data, we will call "Data1" and "Data2". Your job is to use cell algebra to calculate equations, as listed on the spreadsheet. The following is a summary of the table columns that you are to evaluate and complete - remember to use your cell algebra, and cut-and-paste techniques. You should not have to write an equation more than once (just copy it from cell to cell). Refer to Appendix 1 for a summary of information on cell algebra. Also refer to the "Help" facility of Excel if you need more information. Spot check your cell equations with a calculator to make sure you have the hang of it. Step 1 - Cell Algebra Tasks to Complete Column D - For each row, add data1 and data2 together. =cell address1 + cell address 2 Column E - For each row, subtract Data 2 from Data 1. =cell address1 - cell address 2 Column F- For each row, multiple Data1 times Data 2. =cell1*cell2 Column G - For each row, Divide Data1 by Data 2. =cell1/cell2 Column H- For each row, cube Data 2 =cell^3 Column I- For each row, determine the Log to the base 10 for Data1 =LOG10(cell address) Column J- For each row, calculate the Cosine for Data 2 =COS(cell address) Column K- For each row, divide Data1 by Data2, and multiply the result by 230 =(cell1 / cell 2)*230 Column L-For each row, tak the square root of Data1 =SQRT(cell address) Step 2 - Calculate summary statistics for all data In the appropriate cells below the data set you've just created, use the statistical functions of excel to calculate the following numbers: FOR EACH DATA COLUMN (columns B through L), calculate the following The minimum value in the data set The maximmum value in the data set The sum of all data in the set The average of all data in the set The median of all data in the set The Standard Deviation of all data in the set The number of obsevations in the data set =MIN(cell range) =MAX(cell range) =SUM(cell range) =AVERAGE(cell range) =MEDIAN(cell range) =STDEV(cell range) =COUNT(cell range)

When you have completed the data table, save your work, print, and include your print out as part of you lab exercise. __________________________________________________________________________________________ There you have it, a crash course in the use of Excel to analyze data!!! If you feel confused at this point, go back to the beginning of the lab and work through it again... practice makes perfect.


Appendix 1 - Overview of Excel Worksheet Functions


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