December Minutes CCEA

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CCEA Executive Meeting Agenda December 14, 2012 7:00 7:35 am Joys Classroom #120

Attendance: Shannon Hayes, Becky Foellmer, Gina Stetka, Mary Pellin, Jeannie Wyse,
Terri Smeltzer, Janet Oliver, Janet Schultz, Joy DeFors, Jenny Rickert, Jake Little


Approval of November Minutes a. Erika motioned to approve the minutes b. Jake seconded the motion c. The November minutes were approved

II. Treasurer's Report (Annie not in attendance) a. No expenses b. Asked for IPACE funds III. Positives/Concerns A. Ide a. Thanks to the social worker for the crisis plan b. Heat & cold situation seems to be improving. B. PV a. Becky wonderful support with staff & appreciate all that she is doing b. Mr. Arnold does a great job with positive boost of morale C. LV a. Appreciative of staff input for school calendar b. Proactive approach in regards to Hunter Himes c. Appreciation for the book club Kim Liles runs

IV. Meeting with Mr. Arnold please report positives to Mr. Arnold V. Regional Council Report Christmas party no report a. Bus meeting at Yorktown Mall for petition for IEA and many other state unions for January 3 & 4, 2013 b. Building reps should talk to staff about this opportunity. VI. Presidents Report a. We can endorse candidates for School Board election b. We can request our IPACE money to help with signs, flyers, etc. c. May want to consider this as there are 4 positions open. d. Need to make a recommendation by February 19th of who we endorse. e. Building reps will talk to staff to see if there are people they think would be interested running for school board. f. Joy has master list of potential candidates - additions can be made until Sunday. g. Staff will call parents from list to see if interested VII.Additional Information a. Kindergarten what is the talk on full day kindergarten b. 5 sections of day kindergarten currently c. Is there a possibility of open positions? VIII. Adjournment a. Joy motioned to adjourn b. Erika seconded the motion

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