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News from

Vol. 2

January 2013

The Glory Stealing G

Main title

Haleys parents touring Old Dhaka

National Mosque in Dhaka

The end of December offered us some needed rest and encouragement. Haleys parents came to Bangladesh to visit. It was great to see them and spend time with them. We traveled around Bangladesh and let ourselves just enjoy this country that we are living in. We were greatly encouraged to stay on in the work here. We also really appreciated the break and rest that we got for the couple of weeks they were here. Even though our bodies are limited and require rest, G doesnt need rest. G is always at work, and He continued to work while we were resting. I like to say that, G likes to work while Ms go on vacation In that way, G gets all the glory as he rightfully should. Returning from our break, we were greatly encouraged by the work that G was doing. My first meeting after Christmas with a friend was a testimony of Gs hand. Very early in our meeting my friend said to me, I have something confidential to tell you. I said, Ok, what? He replied, I think that I am going to become a Xtian. Oh! I asked him to explain why, and he went on to explain that he has seen the way that we (Xtians) live and that it is clear that our beliefs are true. As our meeting progressed I shared again with him the GoodNews and talked about what this will mean for him. By the end of our meeting he was ready to make a decision for J and receive him as Lord for the first time. What a blessing to be able to walk a new brother through that. Similar experiences were seen when I met with other people that I have been discipling. G had been working on the hearts while we were away. Its an very needed encouragement straight from G at the beginning of this next period of our time in Bangladesh. At times it feels like the work is too much, but G shows his hand in all of it. This relieves the weight and takes the pressure off of us. All we need to do is to be faithful to the One who leads people to himself for His own glory.

Ian with some friends that our outreach Christmas Party.

News from the school

Some of Haleys students preparing for the Christmas play in December

When you live long enough in an Eastern Culture you get to see the effects that growing up in that culture has on a child's worldview and view of God. That is what make the mnstry of Grace so cool. We have been encourages by the opportunities to help change kids worldviews by teaching them at Grace. The past month Haley has seen an example of this in one of her students. This kid is from a Hindu family and would therefore grow up having the Hindu worldview and view of God (or gods). One time they were reading the story of Abraham and Isaac. Haley asked the kids what we can learn from this story. This kid immediately responded, God keeps his promises. Yep, no further explanation necessary. Also, they were doing a craft with this story where the kids had to fill in the sentence God keeps his promises to with their name. Except he internalized it and wrote me. Such a faithful and personal view of God is certainly not a Hindus normal view of God. Pr*y with us for this kid and others like him, that their worldview would be so changed that they would be able to make a real decision to believe the GoodNews later on in life.

Kobor theke

Vol. 2

January 2013

Please Pr*y for an upcoming Pastors A woman picking Training. We are in need of funds. The tea leaves amidst conference will happen (Inshallah) the picturesque Type your message content here. February 26thMarchto the point. Use Keep it short and 2nd hills in the Srimongol region, and pr*y to grasp brother. He content useful for quick scanning Pleaseeasy for our newmessage. is which we recently being distracted by Satan in such a crucial Sample bulleted text. visited. time.
We recently went to a slum school for girls and did a Christmas themed craft and drama. We were blessed by it more than them.

{ Subheading, simple statement or quote }

of bulleted

MainRequests.\ title Pr*yer

Haley with a new friend at our Christmas Party

Pr*y that wed be lead into Gs plans for the next 6 months. Pr*y for oppurtunities to share. Please pr*y and Special Prayer Request and Praise! keep on pr*ying for us... Our fellow servant Brandon has raised enough money to come to Bangladesh. He will arrive on Feb 4th. PTL! However, we have had some issues with Visas. As of now, he is only allowed to say for 2 months and not the entire 6 months. Pr*y that we can get his time extended. And Pr*y for all for his time here that is would be fruitful.

Future Plans

The guys from an English Teaching Center that has lately acted as a doorway into seekers lives.

Thank You
for your parnership in the GoodNews

Pr*y for convos with the Lost

January was a time of re-evaluating and planning for the next six-month period. It seems that God has stirred up in our hearts, as well as the hearts of our colleagues, to expand our mnstry into new territories. Up until now, our means of interacting with university students has been by arranging cultural programs, but we feel as if God is opening up another door for us. We have met many contacts through the English language. Many students are very interested in conversing in English and learning from a native speaker. We are now pursuing setting up English Clubs and/or English Learning Centers. This will allow us to serve the university students as well as get to share some truth with them. We also will be involving some new believers in teaching and arranging these English Clubs. This will allow for both Discipleship and EV. Please pr*y for these opportunities and for success if they are of the L. In other areas of our mnstry we are pursuing setting up a weekly outreach event/discussion group. This will be dually purposed, again focused on Discipleship to believers and EV to the lost. As well, we will be starting work in another village. Please pr*y for all of these areas. Without G we can do nothing.
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