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The unreal past

Find two students to ask the questions below to. Ask them to give reasons for their answers. Student A Student B

If your best friend had to complete the following about you, what would he/she say? If only he/she was.. Is there anything you wish you had done last weekend? How would you complete this phrase with regard to your work? Its high time Would you rather look at classical art or contemporary art? Suppose you were given the opportunity to act in a TV drama. Would you do it? What would you do if you had forgotten someone importants birthday? What will you do if you pass your advanced English exam? If you could write a biography about someone, who would you write it about? Suppose you were given a limousine and driver for the evening. Where would you go? If you were asked to work abroad for a year, would you do it?


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The unreal past TEACHERS NOTES:

Aim: to provide further practice of the unreal past and responding to hypothetical questions. This worksheet is designed to be used in conjunction with unit 9.3. Time: 40 minutes Materials: copy of the worksheet for each student

Students practise the unreal past freely by asking other students questions using it. They respond how they like as long as they use the given structures. Monitor as they discuss the questions to check this. Ask for class feedback at the end of the activity.

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