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Errors @ Stock Posting MB!C No. range for trans./event type WA in yr.

2011 dusnt exist IMG - MM - IMPI No. Assignment Def.No.Assignment for mat. & physical inventory doc.s Groups(Maintain) - Select WA Maintain Clik on some From No. - Go to Edit Insert yr. 2011 1500000000 1599999999 enter sav Parameters for plant SONY not maintained in Inventory Management IMG(sap Customizing Implementation Guide) MM IM&PI Plant Parameters N.E. Combination of plant SONY and material type Finished product does not exist OMS2 Select FERT(Material Type for Finished Product) Clik Qty. & Value Updates Tick mark Qty. & Value Updates for ur company code - Save Account determination for entry INT GBB ____ BSA 7920 not possible OMWW Pess continue till u get CHART OF ACCOUNTS- Fill-in INT continue filli-in 0001 for ur company code continue complete save Period 009/2011 is not open for account type S and G/L 799999 IMG FA FAGS DOC. Posting Periods Do all 3 steps 1. N.E. SONY SONY VARIANT 2. SONY + GAP GAP 1 2011 12 2011 13 2011 16 2011 3. Position ur Company code : SONY SONY enter save WM movement type 561 not allowed for warehouse number 010 IMG LE Shipping Picking Lean wm Last step (Cntrl plant/storage loc) Position ur company 1 005 For object RF_BELEG SONY, number range interval 49 does not exist FBN1 FBN1 Enter Comp Code Change Interval 49 2011 4900000000 4999999999 Enter rate EUR / INR rate type M for 11.09.2011 in the system settings OB08 [IMG General Settings Currencies - ] N.E. M(rate type) Dt. Gap EUR 66.5507 INR

Errors @ Order VA01 Pricing error: Mandatory condition MWST is missing 1. Maintain cond. rec.s for MWST @ VK11 VK11 0(Tax Cl) 0(Tax Cl) OT(Tax Code) 1(Tax Cl) (Tax Cl) OT(Tax Code) OR 2. Do not keep MWST as mandatory condition i.e. untick Mdt for control level (lft side folder) in ur pricing procedure SONY Missing data: Shipping Point/Receiving Pt OVL2 Errors @ Invoice Creation VF01 Pricing error in item 000010 MWST at

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