Temperature Effects On Korean Entomopathogenic Nematodes, and - , and Their Symbiotic Bacteria

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eagnon@oohcyh :liam-E ;4445-157-55-28 :xaF ;7066-648-11-28 ,4445-157-55-28 :enohP

rohtua gnidnopserroC*


.snoitareneg 3-1 hguorht ecudorp dna ,stluda ot poleved ,sllec lairetcab dna seussit tcesni no deef sedotamen esehT .noitcudorper rof tsoh a retne ot edotamen elamef dna elam a eriuqer yeht ,citcimihpma era sditamenreniets lla ylraen esuaceB .smsinagroorcim rehto tsom fo htworg eht tneverp taht scitoibitna secudorp osla dna ,noitcefni fo h 84 nihtiw tcesni eht llik ot snixot secudorp ,seilpitlum muiretcab ehT .muiretcab citoibmys eht sesaeler ti ,leocomeh stcesni eht otni setartenep elinevuj evitcefni eht ecnO .leocomeh eht otni setartenep neht dna ,selcarips dna ,suna ,htuom eht sa hcus sgninepo larutan hguorht tcesni eht sretne ,tsoh tcesni na rof sehcraes elinevuj evitcefni ehT .enitsetni sti ni muiretcab eht srobrah ,egats gnivil-eerf ylno eht ,elinevuj egats- 3 evitcefni ehT .muiretcab citoibmys eht dna edotamen eht neewteb noitaicossa citsilautum eht setartsnomed sditamenreniets fo elcyc efil ehT .]2[ ailartsuA morf seiceps edotamen debircsednu owt dna muduacignol .S htiw iigniddeb .X dna ,munabuc .S dna ]03[ iresalg .S htiw detaicossa si iiraniop .X ,easpacoprac .S htiw ylno detaicossa si alihpotamen .X ,elpmaxe roF .]3 ,2[ seiceps edotamen eno naht erom htiw detaicossa eb yam seiceps sudbahroneX a tub ,seiceps sudbahroneX a htiw detaicossa ylesolc si seiceps amenrenietS hcaE .stsep tcesni lios fo yteirav a tsniaga stnega lortnoc lacigoloib sa desu gnieb era xelpmoc muiretcab-edotamen siht fo seiceps emos dna ,sudbahroneX suneg eht ni airetcab citoibmys htiw detaicossa yllacitsilautum era amenrenietS suneg eht ni sedotamen cinegohtapomotnE .]81 ,8[ stsep tcesni dna ]22 ,7[ sesaesid tnalp ni htob noitnetta deviecer sah smsinagroorcim htiw stsep fo lortnoc lacigoloib ,sraey tnecer nI

edotamen cinegohtapomotne ,sudbahroneX ,muiretcab citsilautum ,amenrenietS :sdrowyeK .iiraniop .X naht )C 81 dna C 31( serutarepmet wol ta tneluriv erom saw .ps sudbahroneX tub ,serutarepmet detset lla ta werg seiceps lairetcab htoB .C 03 dna C 42 ta ytilitom doog dewohs muduacignol .S saerehw ,C 03 ta ytilitom tsetaerg eht dewohs iresalg amenrenietS .C 42 ta retteb yllareneg saw noitcudorp ynegorp ,muduacignol .S rof tub ,C 03 dna C 42 ta tsoh/selinevuj evitcefni 02 evoba slevel aluconi ta tseb saw noitcudorp ynegorp edotamen ,iresalg .S roF .C 53 ro C 31 ta derrucco noitcudorp ynegorp on tub ,serutarepmet lla ta tluda ot depoleved seiceps edotamen htoB .iresalg .S naht C 81 ta ytilatrom rehgih desuac dna serutarepmet dloc ot detpada retteb saw muduacignol .S ,revewoH .C 03 dna C 42 neewteb serutarepmet ta gnirrucco seitilatrom rehgih htiw ,detset serutarepmet lla ta ytilatrom desuac seiceps edotamen htoB .derotinom erew sretemarap suoirav eht dna krad eht ni C 53 ro ,C 03 ,C 42 ,C 81 ,C 31 ta decalp saw muiretcab citoibmys eht ro xelpmoc muiretcab-edotamen eht htiw detcefni stcesnI .serutarepmet tnereffid ta tsoh tcesni na ni ,muduacignol .S rof .ps sudbahroneX dna iresalg .S rof iiraniop sudbahroneX ,muiretcab citoibmys evitcepser rieht fo ecneluriv dna htworg eht deiduts ew ,noitidda nI .niarts nasnoN muduacignol .S dna niarts eargnoD iresalg amenrenietS ,sedotamen cinegohtapomotne fo setalosi naeroK owt fo ytilitom dna ,noitcudorper ,tnempoleved ,ecneluriv eht no stceffe erutarepmet eht detagitsevni eW tcartsbA
o o o o o

6002 ,52 rebmevoN :detpeccA 6002 ,01 yluJ :devieceR

manteiV ,ionaH ,meiL uT cagn gnoD ,)PPIN( noitcetorP tnalP fo etutitsnI lanoitaN manteiV ,noisiviD ygolomotnE :sserdda tneserP .A.S.U ,61659 AC ,sivaD ,ainrofilaC fo ytisrevinU ,ygolotameN fo tnemtrapeD4 aeroK ,003-066 mangnoeyG ,etutitsnI hcraeseR tseroF aeroK ,retneC hcraeseR tseroF nrehtuoS3 aeroK ,117-247 ujgnaS ,ytisrevinU lanoitaN ujgnaS ,ygoloiB deilppA fo tnemtrapeD aeroK ,107-066 ,mangnoeyG ,ytisrevinU lanoitaN gnasgnoeyG ,secneicS efiL & erutlucirgA fo etutitsnI2 ,retneC hcraeseR eroC lanoitaN ygolonhcetoiB latnemnorivnE ,secneicS latnemnorivnE dna ygoloiB deilppA fo tnemtrapeD1 aeroK ,107-066 mangnoeyG ,ujniJ ,ytisrevinU lanoitaN gnasgnoeyG ,ecneicS efiL deilppA fo noisiviD


airetcaB citoibmyS rieht dna ,muduacignol .S dna iresalg amenrenietS ,sedotameN cinegohtapomotnE naeroK no stceffE erutarepmeT

724024 ,)3(71 ,)7002( .

lonhcetoiB .loiborciM .J

.ynegorp decudorp taht srevadac esoht no ylno desab dezylana erew srebmun latot rieht dna yad rep selinevuj evitcefni fo rebmun ehT .degareva dna detnuoc erew yliad decudorp erew taht selinevuj evitcefni ehT .degreme selinevuj evitcefni on litnu yliad detsevrah erew selinevuj evitcefni ehT .dedrocer saw ecnegreme elinevuj evitcefni fo yad tsrif ehT .emiger erutarepmet emas eht ta tpek dna dedrocer saw ytilatrom retfa syad 7 part etihW a no yllaudividni decalp erew srevadac 01 ot pu ,erutarepmet dna noitartnecnoc hcae tA .seiceps edotamen eht ot desopxe saw eavral fo tes wen a ,ecneluriV edotameN eht rof debircsed locotorp latnemirepxe emas eht gnisU

noitcudorpeR edotameN

.]1[ tsruhkA fo dohtem deifidom a gnisu ).A.S.U ,DM ,skrapS ,ocfiD( raga yeknoCcaM no derutluc dna stcesni dellik-edotamen morf detalosi erew airetcab citoibmyS .]71[ desu erew yeht erofeb syad 12 naht erom on rof C 01 ta retaw dellitsid dezilirets ni derots dna part etihW a morf detsevrah erew selinevuj evitcefnI .]9[ .la te yktuD fo dohtem eht gnisu ,allenollem airellaG eavral htom xaw retaerg eht fo ratsni tsal eht ni deraer erew sedotamen ehT .]72[ dohtem gnitiab tcesni eht gnisu ecnivorP mangnuhC ni nasnoN ta tserof a morf detcelloc selpmas lios morf detalosi saw nasnoN muduacignol .S .]5[ nasuB ni bulC floG tseneB eargnoD eht ta ,silatneiro alamoxE elteeb latneiro eht fo srevadac lavral morf detalosi saw eargnoD iresalg amenrenietS

serutluC lairetcaB dna edotameN


.dedrocer saw revadac hcae nihtiw stluda edotamen fo rebmun eht dna emiger erutarepmet hcae morf detcessid saw srevadac 01 ot 5 fo elpmasbus A .htaed retfa syad 5 ro 4 dekcehc saw tnempoleved edotamen ,C 81 dna 31 ta saerehw ,htaed retfa syad 2 dekcehc saw tnempoleved edotamen ,C 53 dna ,03 ,42 tA .slavretni emit tnereffid ta tnempoleved edotamen no kcehc ot detcessid erew srevadac ehT .rotabucni emas eht ot denruter dna ,hsid irtep wen a ni decalp ,rotabucni eht morf devomer erew )ecneluriv edotameN( stnemirepxe evoba eht morf allenollem .G fo srevadaC

tnempoleveD edotameN

.evoba detacidni serutarepmet eht ta rotabucni na ni semit tnereffid eerht fo latot a detcudnoc erew woleb debircsed stnemirepxe tneuqesbus lla dna tnemirepxe sihT .noitaluconi fo syad 51 retfa detanimret saw tnemirepxe ehT .yliad dedrocer saw ytilatrom dna ,krad eht ni C 53 ro ,C 03 ,C 42 ,C 81 ,C 31 ta erew sesac citsalp esehT .noitaropave eziminim ot slewot repap tew 5 htiw derevoc dna )mc 220373( esac citsalp a ni decalp erew sehsid irtep depuorg ehT .seloh llams 4 htiw derutcnup saw taht mlif enelyhteylop htiw depparw dna ngised kcolb dezimodnar yletelpmoc a ni depuorg erew sehsid irtep ehT .seiceps dna ,erutarepmet ,noitartnecnoc /stcesni 01 htiw setacilper ruof erew erehT .lm 5.0 /selinevuj evitcefni 061 ro ,08 ,04 ,02 ,01 ,5 ,0 fo selinevuj evitcefni deviecer dah taht srepap retlif owt htiw hsid irtep mc-5 a ni decalp saw )gm 002-081( avral allenollem .G A .ecneluriv rieht etaulave ot seiceps edotamen htob htiw yllaudividni demrofrep saw eavral allenollem .G fo ratsni tsal eht tsniaga yassa esnopser-noitartnecnoc A

ecneluriV edotameN

.]71[ II esahp fo esoht naht detnemgip erom dna ,euqapo ,xevnoc ,rellams era seinoloc I esahp ,raga yeknoCcaM nO .ygolohprom dna noitatnemgip ynoloc eht no desab detceles saw muiretcab I esahP .]2[ erameoB dna ]71[ kcotS dna ayaK yb debircsed dohtem eht gnisu deifitnedi saw seiceps hcae morf detalosi muiretcaB

.stcesni tsep naeroK niatrec fo stnega lortnoc lacigoloib sa esimorp wohs sexelpmoc muiretcab-edotamen htoB .]2[ iigniddeb .X htiw detaicossa muduacignol .S ylbissop dna ]03[ iiraniop .X htiw detaicossa iresalg .S ,muiretcab citoibmys tnereffid evah yeht ,revewoH .ylevitcepser ,htgnel ni m 360,1 dna m 031,1 gnigareva elinevuj evitcefni eht htiw sedotamen egral htob era ,niarts nasnoN muduacignol .S dna niarts eargnoD iresalg .S ,setalosi naeroK owt esehT .semiger erutarepmet tnereffid ta airetcab citoibmys rieht dna setalosi ditamenreniets naeroK owt fo ecnamrofrep eht niereh troper eW .sedotamen eht no neeb yllareneg evah seiduts erutarepmet tub ,airetcab citoibmys rieht dna sedotamen cinegohtapomotne htob gnitceffa srotcaf tnatropmi eht fo eno si erutarepmeT .]2[ ylevitcepser ,C 5 dna C 23 era eseht ,iineivob .X ,muiretcab citoibmys sti rof saerehw ,]21[ C 8 si dlohserht rewol eht dna C 52 si eaitlef .S fo tnempoleved eht rof dlohserht reppu eht ,elpmaxe roF .airetcab citoibmys eht rof sdlohserht erutarepmet tnereffid evah sedotamen cinegohtapomotne eht ,ylgnitseretnI .]4[ eid yllautneve dna revadac eht edisni niamer yam seinegorp tub ,stimil dlohserht rewol dna reppu ta ynegorp ecudorp dna stluda ot poleved selinevuj evitcefni eht ,sesac emos nI .]02 ,91[ tnempoleved dna ,ytivitcefni ,lavivrus rof serutarepmet lamitpo sa llew sa sdlohserht rewol dna reppu nwo sti sah seiceps hcaE .]21 ,01[ sniarts dna seiceps edotamen htiw yrav tnempoleved dna ,ytivitcefni ,lavivrus rof segnar erutarepmeT .]62 ,42 ,31[ lavivrus dna ,tnempoleved ,ytivitcefni ,ytilitom rieht ni elor tnatropmi na syalp erutarepmet ,cimrehtolikiop era sedotamen cinegohtapomotne esuaceB .]61 ,2[ stsoh wen rof hcraes ot revadac eht morf egreme dna enitsetni rieht ni sllec lairetcab sudbahroneX eht retseuqes taht selinevuj evitcefni egats - 3 eht ecudorp sedotamen eht ,detelped era secruoser sA


.eavral allenollem airellaG tsniaga nasnoN muduacignol .S )B( dna eargnoD iresalg amenrenietS )A( fo ytilatrom eht no noitartnecnoc edotamen fo tceffE .1 .giF

.sedotamen fo selinevuj evitcefnI ,sjI .)50.0<P( snaem gnoma ecnereffid tnacifingis on setacidni srab eht evoba srettel esac rewol emas ehT .snaem eht fo rorre dradnats tneserper srab lacitreV

depoleved fo srebmun htiw detalerroc saw noitartnecnoc edotamen ehT .]52[ tset slueK-namweN-tnedutS eht htiw edam saw noitarapes snaem dna ,AVONA gnisu sisylana erofeb demrofsnart toor erauqs eniscra erew atad ytilatroM

sisylanA ataD

.h 21 yreve dekcehc saw ytilatroM .etacilper/eavral 01 htiw emiger erutarepmet hcae ta setacilper ruof erew erehT .avral detaert eht sa ylralimis dleh dna noitulos sregniR dezilirets fo emulov tnelaviuqe na htiw detcejni saw avral lortnoc hcaE .evoba debircsed semiger erutarepmet eht ta rotabucni na ni tpek saw hsid/eavral 01 fo puorg A .repap retlif denetsiom fo eceip a gniniatnoc hsid irtep mm-09 a ni decalp dna egnirys lm-1 a no detnuom eldeen eguag-72 a gnisu detaluconi saw )nemodba eht fo esab eht ta ,.e.i( noitcejni fo tniop eht ta lonahte %07 htiw dezilirets ecafrus neeb dah taht avral hcaE .avral hcae otni detcejni saw )retaw dellitsid dezilirets fo l 1 ni OC HaN g 2.0 , lCaC g 4.0 ,lCK g 4.0 ,lCaN g 9( noitulos sregniR dezilirets ni iiraniop .X fo sllec 000,01 ro .ps sudbahroneX fo sllec 001 .ac gniniatnoc l 02 dna ,UFC dna ytisned lacitpo yb noitalerroc hguorht denimreted ylsuoiverp neeb dah sllec lairetcab fo rebmun ehT .allenollem .G fo ratsni lavral tsal eht otni noitcejni rof desu erew doirep htworg laitnenopxe eht ni erew taht sllec lairetcab ehT .C 42 ta htorb SY otni yltcerid detaluconi erew raga yeknoCcaM no serutluc morf detceles .ps

sudbahroneX ro iiraniop .X fo I esahp fo seinoloc lairetcaB

muiretcaB fo ecneluriV

gnisaercni htiw desaercni ecneluriv edotameN .C 53 dna ,C 03 ,C 42 htiw derapmoc selinevuj evitcefni 04< ta C 81 dna C 31 ta tnereffid yltnacifingis saw ecneluriv ,si taht ;noitartnecnoc dna erutarepmet wol ta ecneluriv tnereffid dewohs iresalg .S .eavral allenollem .G ot )1000.0<P ,09 ,92=fd ;69.21=F( )lS( muduacignol .S dna )1000.0 <P ;09 ,92=fd ;65.42=F( )gS( iresalg .S fo ecneluriv decneulfni yltnacifingis noitartnecnoc dna erutarepmeT

.etalosi lairetcab dna emiger erutarepmet hcae rof setacilper 01 erew erehT .seinoloc lairetcab rof yliad dekcehc dna semiger erutarepmet detacidni eht ta detabucni erew sehsid ehT .]92[ hsid/)UFC( stinu gnimrof ynoloc 003 -03 niatbo ot edam erew snoitulid laires ,dedeen sA .raga yeknoCcaM no dekaerts saw noisnepsus lairetcab eht fo lm 1.0 dna ces 01 rof dexetrov saw ebut ehT .retaw dellitsid dezilirets gniniatnoc ebut tset a ot derrefsnart dna detceles erew .ps sudbahroneX ro iiraniop .X fo seinoloc I esahP

ragA yeknoCcaM no htworG lairetcaB

ecneluriV edotameN

.)ES( rorre dradnats snaem sa desserpxe era ataD .]52[ )MLG CORP( tset slueK-namweN-tnedutS yb detarapes erew serutarepmet nevig ta snaem dna ,ecnairav fo sisylana yb dezylana erew noitcudorp ynegorp dna tnempoleved edotameN .]52[ RROC CORP SAS htiw erutarepmet nevig eht ta stluda

.seiceps edotamen dna erutarepmet hcae rof sehsid irtep etacilper ruof erew erehT .detnuoc dna yliad dil eht morf dehsaw erew selinevuj evitcefni ehT .ylsuoiverp debircsed semiger erutarepmet eht ta rotabucni na ni decalp dna dil eht htiw derevoc saw hsid irtep hcae dna ,ecafrus lios eht no decalp saw muduacignol .S ro iresalg .S fo lm 5.0/selinevuj evitcefni derdnuh-eviF .dil eht dna ecafrus lios eht neewteb pag mm-5 a dedivorp hcihw ,hsid irtep mc-5 a ni decalp saw lios fo g 61 ,suhT .ytilitom edotamen tset ot elbatius saw %23 fo erutsiom lios ,stset yranimilerp no desaB .reniatnoc a ni dexim ylhguoroht saw )yalc %05 dna ,dnas %03 ,tsopmoc %02( lioS

ytilitoM edotameN
.la te



0 cba 539,3116,06 a 020,6111,17 a 826,5209,01 0 061 0 f-c 208,2170,24 ba 250,8682,96 a 529277,60 0 080 0 fe 430,2621,13 d-a 906,5898,85 a 906,2627,80 0 040 0 fe 716,4735,82 fe 581,8467,63 a 24665,20 0 020 0 fe 848,4309,33 e-b 354,5490,74 a 148909,20 0 010 0 fed 332,9259,92 f 922,3959,91 a 652196,10 0 500 muduacignol amenrenietS 0 a 070,33902,99 a 1165,1545,46 a 313,1381,60 0 061 0 a 070,6832,28 ba 0470,1814,95 a 653,3055,70 0 080 0 ba 683,4994,55 ba 996,4436,54 a 667,1498,20 0 040 0 ba 360,4114,15 a 076,4667,06 a 325395,10 0 020 0 b 718,5477,62 ba 933,6380,14 a 104,2607,20 0 010 0 b 708,51552,33 b 005,5999,72 a0 0 500 iresalg amenrenietS C 53 C 03 Co42 Co81 Co31 )avral/sjI( o o edotameN noitartnecnoC ESrevadac/sJI fo rebmuN .noitartnecnoc edotamen dna serutarepmet tnereffid ta eavral allenollem airellaG ni nasnoN muduacignol .S dna eargnoD iresalg amenrenietS fo noitcudorp elinevuj evitcefnI .1 elbaT

.)50.0<P ,tset slueK-namweN-tnedutS( tnereffid yltnacifingis ton era nmuloc a nihtiw seiceps edotamen emas eht rof srettel esacrewol emas ehT

dna C 81 ta decudorp erew selinevuj evitcefni fo srebmun wol ,yllareneG .)1 elbaT( )1000.0<P ;89 ,11=fd ;59.01=F :lS ;1000.0<P ;89 ,11=fd ;17.7=F :gS( serutarepmet esoht ta selinevuj evitcefni on decudorp muduacignol .S dna iresalg .S ,C 53 dna C 31 ta stluda ot depoleved
o o

seiceps edotamen htob hguohtlA .noitcudorp edotamen decneulfni yltnacifingis noitartnecnoc dna erutarepmeT

noitcudorpeR edotameN

.snaem eht fo rorre dradnats tneserper srab lacitreV

.eavral allenollem airellaG ni nasnoN muduacignol .S )B( dna eargnoD iresalg amenrenietS )A( fo tnempoleved eht no noitartnecnoc edotamen fo tceffE .2 .giF

.)B2 .giF( )1000.0<P ;952 ,92=fd ;29.63=F( 3.51 gnitneserper C 53 ta dedrocer saw rebmun tsewol ehT .ylevitcepser ,9.52 dna 9.23 gnitneserper C 81 dna C 42 yb dewollof ,selinevuj evitcefni 061 ta C 03 ta 3.24 saw rebmun tsehgih ehT .iresalg .S ni sa ycnednet emas eht dewohs stluda muduacignol .S depoleved fo rebmun ehT .)A2 .giF( )1000.0<P ,652 ,92=fd ,12.85=F( 2.9 gnitneserper C 31 ta wol yltnacifingis saw stluda fo rebmun eht ,revewoH .2.74 gnitneserper selinevuj evitcefni 061 ta C 03 ta deniatbo saw rebmun tsehgih ehT .serutarepmet detset lla ta snoitartnecnoc gnisaercni htiw desaercni saw stluda iresalg .S depoleved fo rebmun ehT .noitartnecnoc dna erutarepmet yb decneulfni yltnacifingis saw tnempoleved edotameN

tnempoleveD edotameN

.derrucco ytilatrom lortnoc oN .)1 .giF( muduacignol .S yb %59-53 dna iresalg .S yb %5.78-5.22 saw ytilatrom egatnecrep eht dna C 31 ta decuder saw seiceps htob yb ytilatroM .)1 .giF( selinevuj evitcefni 01< ta ylno C 81 ta iresalg .S fo taht dna selinevuj evitcefni 04< ta C 81< ta tnereffid yltnacifingis saw muduacignol .S fo ecneluriv ,revewoH .serutarepmet detset lla ta tnereffid yltnacifingis ton saw muduacignol .S dna iresalg .S fo ecneluriV .C 81 ta iresalg .S naht ytilatrom tsoh retaerg desuac muduacignol .S saerehw ,C 53 ta muduacignol .S naht ytilatrom rehgih desuac iresalg amenrenietS .selinevuj evitcefni 5 ta derrucco ecnereffid tnacifingis tub ,iresalg .S fo taht ot ralimis saw muduacignol .S fo ecneluriV .C 53 dna ,C 03 ,C 42 ta selinevuj evitcefni 01> rof ecneluriv ni secnereffid on erew ereht tub ,C 81 dna C 31 ta selinevuj evitcefni 04< ta snoitartnecnoc
o o



.)50.0<P( snaem gnoma ecnereffid tnacifingis on setacidni srab eht evoba )IAD 3( ehportsopa htiw esacrewol dna ,)IAD 2( esacrewol ,)IAD 1( esacreppu emas ehT .snaem eht fo rorre dradnats tneserper srab lacitreV

.raga yeknoCcaM no ,)B( .ps sidbahroneX dna )A( iiraniop sudbahroneX ,airetcab citoibmys fo htworg eht no erutarepmet fo tceffE .4 .giF

dradnats tneserper srab lacitreV .nasnoN muduacignol .S )B( dna eargnoD iresalg amenrenietS )A( .sdil hsid irtep eht no )sjI( selinevuj evitcefni fo

.snaem eht fo rorre

.C 53 ot C 31 morf serutarepmet tnereffid ta emit htiw sedotameno fo ytiloitom eht fo segnahC .3 .giF

rebmun evitalumuc eht no desab derusaem saw sedotamen fo ytilitom ehT

C 31 morf gnignar serutarepmet detset lla ta werg ,)sX( .ps

sudbahroneX dna )pX( iiraniop .X ,airetcab citoibmys ehT

ragA yeknoCcaM no htworG lairetcaB

.)3 .giF( rotabucni eht ni hsid eht gnicalp retfa syad 2 tsrif eht derevocer selinevuj evitcefni tsom eht htiw ,muduacignol .S fo taht eciwt saw derevocer selinevuj evitcefni iresalg .S fo rebmun latot ehT .)3 .giF( C 03 dna C 42 ta muduacignol .S dna C 03 ta evitca tsom saw iresalg .S ,srebmun evitalumuc no desaB .)1000.0<P ;51 ,4=fd ;4.822=F( ytilitom muduacignol .S decneulfni erutarepmet ylno tub ,)1000.0<P ;51 ,4=fd ;6.63 =F( ytilitom iresalg .S decneulfni erutarepmet dna emiT
o o o

ytilitoM edotameN
o o

.avral/selinevuj evitcefni 08 ta C 42 ta muduacignol .S rof syad 21 dna avral/selinevuj evitcefni 061 ta C 03 ta iresalg .S rof syad 11 ta derrucco ecnegreme kaeP .avral /selinevuj evitcefni 061 dna 08 ta noitcefni tsop syad 2.8 ta erutarepmet emas eht yb dewollof ,avral/selinevuj evitcefni 02 ta C 03 ta noitcefni tsop syad 1.8 ta gnigreme nageb selinevuj evitcefni sa muduacignol .S rof deniatbo saw ecnereffid tnacifingis oN .C 03 dna C 42 ta degreme dah
o o o

revadac eht morf egreme dluow taht selinevuj evitcefni eht fo %08 ,41 yad yB .noitcefni tsop syad 4.8 ta C 03 yb dewollof avral/selinevuj evitcefni 061 ta noitcefni tsop syad 3.8 ta C 42 ta saw selinevuj evitcefni iresalg .S fo ecnegreme tseilrae ehT .snoitartnecnoc wol dna serutarepmet wol htob ta regnol koot ecnegreme ynegorP .srevadac morf )1000.0<P ;001 ,11=fd ;40.8=F( muduacignol .S dna )1000.0<P ;001 ,11=fd ;43.8=F( iresalg .S fo ecnegreme ynegorp tsrif eht detceffa noitartnecnoc dna erutarepmeT .avral/selinevuj evitcefni 061 ta deppalrevo noitcudorp elinevuj evitcefni muduacignol .S ,C 03 tA .avral /selinevuj evitcefni 061 dna 04 neewteb aluconi eht ta C 42 ta ynegorp erom decudorp muduacignol .S ,tsartnoc nI .selinevuj evitcefni muduacignol .S fo rebmun eht naht rewol saw decudorp selinevuj evitcefni iresalg .S fo rebmun eht ,C 81 tA .slevel aluconi 061 dna 08 eht ta C 03 dna C 42 ta deppalrevo decudorp selinevuj evitcefni iresalg .S fo rebmun eht ,revewoH .avral/selinevuj evitcefni 061 dna 02 neewteb aluconi eht ta C 03 ta decudorp erew selinevuj evitcefni iresalg .S fo srebmun tsehgih ehT .)1 elbaT( C 03 dna C 42 ta decudorp erew srebmun rehgih
o o o

.la te



muduacignol .S yb seitilatrom ,si tahT .erutarepmet wol ot evitpada erom saw hcihw ,nasnoN muduacignol .S htiw derapmoc erutarepmet hgih ot evitpada erom saw eargnoD iresalg .S ,lareneg nI .C 42 naht retaerg serutarepmet ta sedotamen owt eht neewteb ecneluriv eht ni secnereffid on erew ereht tub ,serutarepmet wol ta seitilatrom rewol ni detluser nasnoN muduacignol .S dna eargnoD iresalg .S fo ecneluriv eht ,sedotamen htiw yduts ruo nI .seiceps lairetcab dna edotamen htiw seirav ,airetcab citoibmys rieht fo ecneluriv dna htworg dna ,seiceps edotamen fo ytilitom dna ,noitcudorper ,tnempoleved ,ecneluriV


.)nwohs ton atad( h 234 ni C 31 ta %5.27 saw ytilatrom egatnecrep eht ,revewoH .)2 elbaT( h 291 ni C 81 ta dna h 84 ni C 53 dna C 03 ta iiraniop .X yb deniatbo saw ytilatrom %001 saerehw ,h 65 ni serutarepmet detset lla ta C 42> ta %001 dna )1000.0<P ;51 ,4=fd ;63.373=F( h 21 ni C 53 ta .ps sudbahroneX yb %5.29 saw ytilatrom egatnecrep ehT .iiraniop .X naht tneluriv erom saw .ps sudbahroneX .erutarepmet gnisaercni htiw rehgih saw .ps sudbahroneX dna iiraniop sudbahroneX fo ecneluriV

muiretcaB fo ecneluriV

dewohs ]32[ daetsliM ,dnah rehto eht nO .worg ot airetcab citoibmys eht fo ytilibani ot eud eb yam serutarepmet hgih dna wol ta noitcudorper edotamen fo eruliaf eht taht detseggus ]6[ .la te oohC dna ]31[ .la te yrrebenneH .noitcudorper gnidulcni derusaem sretemarap suoirav ni secnereffid ni tluser dluoc eaitlef .S fo sniarts edotamen taht dewohs ]21[ .la te rizaH .rucco secnereffid niarts taht gnitartsnomed ,]41[ ecudorper ot deliaf sedotamen eht tub ,C 03 ta stluda ot depoleved sedotamen eht ,631-DD easpacoprac .S htiw ,ylgnitseretnI .]42[ stluda noitareneg tsrif eht ot depoleved sedotamen eht hguoht neve ,C 53 ta rucco did iresalg .S htiw noitcudorper ,serutarepmet hgih tA .C 8 ta ecudorper ton did tub C 61 dna C 8 neewteb derrucco easpacoprac .S yb noitcefnI .]62[ C 42 ot C 02 ta dipar tsom saw edotamen siht yb noitcefni tub ,]01[ C 23-C 21 saw easpacoprac .S fo noitcefni rof htdaerb ehcin lamreht eht ,elpmaxe roF .srehcraeser fo rebmun a yb detroper neeb evah stluser ralimiS .noitcudorper rof esoht naht redaorb erew nasnoN muduacignol .S dna eargnoD iresalg .S fo tnempoleved dna noitcefni rof segnar erutarepmet ehT .]atad dehsilbupnu oohC ,12[ serutarepmet wol ot detpada si ,aeroK ni niatnuom hgih a morf detalosi saw hcihw ,mulocitnom .S ,ylralimiS .]02[ ytilacol noitalosi lanigiro sti fo etamilc mraw eht ot sdnopserroc hcihw ,C 52 saw murar .S rof erutarepmet lamitpo eht ,suhT .detalosi erew yeht erehw morf snoitidnoc citamilc eht ot detaler eb yam sedotamen cinegohtapomotne fo sesnopser erutarepmet ,ylgnidroccA .aeroK fo trap nrehtuos eht ni aera remraw a morf detalosi saw eargnoD iresalg .S saerehw ,aeroK lartnec ni aera dloc a morf detalosi saw nasnoN muduacignol amenrenietS .snoitartnecnoc lla ta )C 81 dna C 31 ,.e.i( serutarepmet wol ta eargnoD iresalg .S yb esoht naht rehgih erew nasnoN
o o

.)4 .giF( gnikaerts retfa syad owt litnu C 31 ta devresbo ton erew .ps sudbahroneX fo esoht dna ,gnikaerts retfa yad eno litnu C 31 ta devresbo ton erew iiraniop .X fo seinoloC .)4 .giF( )1000.0<P ;54 ,4=fd ;15.5=F( gnikaerts retfa syad eerht dna ,)1000.0<P ;54 ,4=fd ;40.99=F( gnikaerts retfa syad owt ,)1000.0<P ;54 ,4=fd ;2.59=F( gnikaerts retfa yad eno ta serutarepmet gnoma tnereffid yltnacifingis ton saw iiraniop .X fo seinoloc fo rebmun ehT .C 53 ot

a 001 a 001 a 001 a 001 b 7.45.7 042 a 001 a 001 a 001 a 001 b 000 291 a 001 a 001 a 001 b 8.45.76 c 000 861 a 001 a 001 a 001 b 000 b 000 441 a 001 a 001 a 001 b 000 b 000 021 a 001 a 001 a 001 b 000 b 000 690 a 001 a 001 a 001 b 000 b 000 270 a 001 a 001 b 000 b 000 b 000 840 b 000 b 000 b 000 b 000 b 000 420 bX a 001 a 001 a 001 a 001 a 001 650 a 001 a 001 a 001 a 001 b 000 840 a 001 a 001 a 001 b 000 b 000 630 a 001 a 001 a 001 b 000 b 000 420 a 8.45.29 b 000 b 000 b 000 b 000 210 pX C 53 C 03 C 42 C 81 C 31 )h( noitcejni tsop emiT airetcab citoibmyS o o o o o .)sX( .ps sudbahroneX ro )pX( iiraniop sudbahroneX ,muiretcab citoibmys eht fo noitcejni retfa eavral allenollem airellaG fo ytilatroM .2 elbaT

.)50.0<P ,tseT slueK-namweN-tnedutS( serutarepmet gnoma tnereffid yltnacifingis ton era srettel emas eht yb dewollof ytilatrom fo segatnecrep naeM

.11 .01 .9 .8 .7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1


.853-153 :28 .loiborciM .lppA .J .ps sudbahroneX fo sdica yttaf ni snoitairav detaidem-htworG .7991 .relguaG .R dna .A .M ,bataH .352-542 :91 .loiB lamrehT .J .noitcudorper dna ,tnemhsilbatse ,noitcefni rof htdaerb ehciN :sedotamen cinegohtapomotne fo noitatpada lamrehT .4991 .relguaG .R dna ,navleS .S ,.S .P ,lawerG .224-714 :6 .lohtaP tcesnI .J .edotamen 631-DD eht fo noitagaporp ssam eht rof euqinhcet A .4691 .llewtnaC .E .G dna ,nospmohT .V .J ,.R .S ,yktuD .0941-5841 :61 .lonhcetoiB .loiborciM .J .enil llec rapsid airtnamyL ni surivordehylopoelcun aenuc airtnahpyH fo noitacilper evitcudorp A .6002 .gabrimeD .Z dna .I ,rimeD 1201-1101 :51 .lonhcetoiB .loiborciM .J .sedicignuf lacimehc ralupop naht retteb era setar noisserppus ;9707 sneicafeuqilolyma sullicaB yb ignuf cinegohtapotyhp fo lortnoc lacigoloiB .5002 .miK .D-.S dna .H-.S ,gnuhC .14-92 :82 .lotameN .J .paJ .aeroK ni tsep tcesni tsniaga sedotamen htiw hcraeser lortnocoiB .8991 .eeL .W .D dna ,miK .H .H ,eeL .M .S ,ayaK .K .H ,.Y .H ,oohC .15-44 :52 .lotameN .J .paJ .aeroK morf )eaditidbahroreteH dna eaditamenrenietS( sedotamen cinegohtapomotne fo noitalosI .5991 .kcotS .P .S dna ,ayaK .K .H ,.Y .H ,oohC .573-363 :34 acigolotameN .sedotamen cinegohtapomotne fo lavivrus dna ecneulfni ytidimuh dna erutarepmeT .7991 .relguaG .R dna .M .I ,nworB .306-106 :4 ygolotameN .sudbahrotohP-sitidbahroreteH dna sudbahroneX-amenrenietS ,xelpmoc edotamen muiretcab cinegohtapomotne eht fo sretrap eht neewteb snoitcaretnI .2002 .E .N ,erameoB .K.U ,noxO ,drofgnillaW ,gnihsilbuP IBAC .ygolotameN cinegohtapomotnE ,).de( .R ,relguaG nI .65-53 .pp ,sudbahroneX dna sudbahrotohP fo scitametsys dna ,ymonoxat ,ygoloiB .2002 .E .N ,erameoB .903-303 :121 .loiborciM .neG .J .sitidbahroreteH dna anatcelpaoeN sedotamen cinegohtap tcesni eht htiw detaicossa yllacitoibmys airetcab ,.pps sudbahroneX ni msihpromid lanoitcnuf dna lacigolohproM .0891 .J .R ,tsrukA


.aeroK fo cilbupeR ,trap ni retneC hcraeseR eroC lanoitaN ygolonhcetoiB latnemnorivnE dna yrtseroF dna erutlucirgA rof margorP tnempoleveD ygolonhceT eht yb detroppus saw hcraeser sihT .ecnatsissa lacinhcet rof gnoS eaD gnahC .rM dna nooY nuoY ooS dna ,gnawH nooY maN ,naH gnuoY nuG .sM knaht eW


.aeroK ni snoitidnoc rednu esu rieht dna noitcudorp rof ecnamrofrep lamitpo eht no noitamrofni htiw su sedivorp xelpmoc muiretcab-edotamen naeroK eht fo segnar erutarepmet

eht gnidniF .serutarepmet eseht ta stcesni eht dellik yeht hguoht neve ecudorper ot elbanu erew sedotamen eht tub ,C 53 dna C 31 neewteb stsoh tcesni rieht dellik dna werg airetcab ehT .noitcudorper edotamen rof taht naht rediw saw ytilatrom tcesni dna htworg lairetcab rof egnar erutarepmet eht taht nwohs sah yduts ruO .]82[ muiretcab citoibmys fo seiceps emas eht nihtiw sniarts no gnidneped tnereffid eb nac ytivitca ladicitcesni ,revewoH .airetcab citoibmys fo seiceps rehto naht cinegohtap ssel saw enola ,iresalg .S ,rentrap edotamen sti ro iiraniop .X rehtie taht detats seiduts ynaM .C 31 ta regnol semit 6 yllaicepse ,serutarepmet detset lla ta .ps sudbahroneX fo esoht naht regnol erew iiraniop .X fo seulav TL ,noitidda nI .muduacignol .S morf .ps sudbahroneX naht ecneluriv rewol a dah eargnoD iresalg .S morf detalosi iiraniop .X ,yduts ruo nI .tsoh allenollem .G rieht ot tneluriv ylhgih erew airetcab citoibmys eht ,lareneg nI .C 81 dna C 31 ta stcesni llik ot regnol koot ti ,detcepxe sA .C 31 ta tpecxe noitcejni retfa h 42 morf eavral airellaG fo ytilatrom hgih desuac .ps sudbahroneX dna iiraniop .X .edahs eht fo esuaceb hcum sa yrav ton od serutarepmet lios erehw tserof eht morf saw nasnoN muduacignol .S saerehw ,thgin dna yad neewteb etautculf ot nwonk era serutarepmet erehw esruoc flog a morf detalosi saw eargnoD iresalg .S ,revoeroM .C 0.21 si nasnoN muduacignol .S fo taht saerehw ,C 4.41 si erutarepmet egareva eht erehw ,detalosi saw ti hcihw morf etamilc eht ot kcab decart eb thgim eargnoD iresalg .S fo ytilitom eht ,derusaem ew taht sretemarap rehto htiw sA .nasnoN muduacignol .S htiw derapmoc erutarepmet hgih ta elitom ylevitaler saw eargnoD iresalg amenrenietS .seiceps htiw seirav osla tnemevom edotamen tub ,]42 ,51[ ytilitom edotamen secneulfni yllausu erutarepmeT .serutarepmet hgih ta tnetsixenon ro serutarepmet wol ta wol saw seinegorp nasnoN muduacignol .S dna eargnoD iresalg .S fo rebmun eht esuaceb noitcudorper edotamen rof elbarovafnu erew semertxe erutarepmet ,llarevO .)C 03 ro C 52( serutarepmet rehgih ta naht tnetnoc dipil rewol dah )C 51( erutarepmet wol ta sdipil tcesni ni derutluc erew taht sllec lairetcab taht devresbo ]11[ relguaG dna bataH .erutarepmet wol ta sedotamen fo dleiy wol eht rof elbisnopser eb thgim airetcab citoibmys eht fo ytilauq ro/dna htworg eht ,noitidda nI .]42[ mreps ro etycoo fo noitcudorp ro/dna roivaheb gnitam edotamen detceffa evah yam serutarepmet hgih ro wol ehT .serutarepmet eseht ta ecudorper ton did yeht ,C 53 dna C 31 ta stluda ot depoleved nasnoN muduacignol .S dna eargnoD iresalg .S fo selinevuj evitcefni hguohtla ,si tahT .serutarepmet eseht ta noitcudorper edotamen fo eruliaf eht rof nosaer eht eb ton yam airetcab eht taht gnitacidni ,C 53 dna C 31 ta stsoh rieht dellik dna werg airetcab citoibmys eht ,yduts tnerruc ruo nI .C 33 dna C 21 ta ytilatrom tsoh desuac muiretcab citoibmys sti saerehw ,C 03 dna C 21 ta ecudorper ton did arohpoiretcab .H taht
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.12 .02 .91

.451-741 :4 .lotisaraP .tsyS .)aditidbahR ;adotameN( 7291 ,sossavarT amenrenietS fo mynonys roinuj a ;9291 ,renietS anatcelpaoeN .2891 .gniddeB .A .R dna ,nidreG .S ,kecarM .Z ,.M .W ,stuoW .03 .RA ,ellivetteyaF ,noitatS latnemirepxE erutlucirgA sasnakrA .133 .lluB .reS .pooC nrehtuoS
.seuqinhceT fo koobdnaH A :sedotameN ditidbahroreteH

.92 .82

.81 .71 .61 .51 .41

.72 .62 .52 .42

.32 .22

dna ditamenrenietS .8891 .ayaK .K .H dna .L .J ,gnirdooW .K.U ,noxO ,drofgnillaW ,gnihsilbuP IBAC .ygolotameN cinegohtapomotnE ,).de( .R ,relguaG nI .411-99 .pp ,setilobatem lairetcaB .2002 .iL .J dna ,uH .K ,nehC .G ,.M .J ,retsbeW .29-18 :57 .lohtnimleH .J .snoitalupop cirtapolla neewteb noitairav cipytonehp dna noitubirtsid cihpargoeg ;)eaditanenrenietS :adotameN( gnaW & nehS muduacignol amenrenietS fo noitpircsedeR .1002 .oohC .Y .H dna ,nehS .X ,dieR .P .A ,tnuH .J .D ,gneH .J ,.P .S ,kcotS .403-992 :13 .lotameN .J .allenollem airellaG ot ytivitcefni easpacoprac amenrenietS dna sidigem sitidbahroreteH no stceffe erutarepmeT .9991 .retsbeW .M .J dna .E .J ,srednuaS .A.S.U ,CN ,yraC .etutitsnI SAS ,swodniW rof 11.6 SAS .6991 .etutitsnI SAS .081-961 :26 .lotisaraP .repxE .ytivitcefni dna ruoivaheb fo stcepsa dna ,erutarepmeT :.pps )anatcelpaoeN=( amenrenietS dna .pps sitidbahroreteH .6891 .S .A ,xuenyloM .171-761 :72 acigolotameN .snecsenimul sudbahroneX etaicossa lairetcab sti dna )aediotidbahR :adotameN( arohpiretcab sitidbahroreteH yb desuac )aretpodipeL :atcesnI( allenollem airellaG fo eaval ratsni htneves fo ytilatrom no egasod dna erutarepmet fo ecneulfnI .1891 .E .J ,daetsliM .907-107 :51 .lonhcetoiB .loiborciM .J .)ffo-gnipmaD( esaesid suoitcefni enroblios fo lortnoc lacigoloib eht rof tsinogatna fo gnineercs evitceffE .5002 .miK .K .E dna ,nuY .S .H ,iohC .W .S ,eeL .B .H ,.S .B ,eeL .614-704 :2 ygolotameN .aeroK morf edotamen cinegohtapomotne detpada-dloc

a ,mulocitnom amenrenietS fo noitaziretcarahc lacigolocE .0002 .ayaK .K .H dna ,ylugnaG .S ,.M .A ,refohneppoK .821-021 :37 .lohtaP .rbetrevnI .J .murar amenrenietS fo noitaziretcarahc lacigolocE .9991 .ayaK .K .H dna .M .A ,refohneppoK .841-931 :38 .lohtaP .rbetrevnI .J .yesreJ weN morf edotamen cinegohtapomotne detpada-baracs a ,ieabaracs amenrenietS fo noitaziretcarahc lacigolocE .3002 .yzuF .M .E dna .M .A ,refohneppoK .517-017 :51 .lonhcetoiB .loiborciM .J .nietorp latsyrc cA1yrC sisneigniruht sullicaB niatnoc taht ardehylop gnicudorp surivolucab tnanibmocer devorpmi na fo noitaziretcarahC .5002 .eJ .H .Y dna ,niJ .R .B ,hoR .Y .J ,mihS .J .H ,gnahC .H .J ,iohC .Y .J ,.S .J ,miK .A.S.U ,AC ,ogeiD naS ,sserP cimedacA .ygolohtaP tcesnI ni seuqinhceT fo launaM ,).de( .A .L ,yecaL nI .423-182 .pp ,ygolotamen tcesni ni seuqinhceT .7991 .kcotS .P .S dna .K .H ,ayaK .602-281 :83 .lomotnE .veR .unnA .sedotamen cinegohtapomotnE .3991 .relguaG .R dna .K .H ,ayaK .A.S.U ,LF ,notaR acoB ,sserP CRC .lortnoC lacigoloiB ni sedotameN cinegohtapomotnE ,).sde( ayaK .K .H dna .R ,relguaG nI .511-39 .pp ,ygoloce lioS .0991 .K .H ,ayaK .943-643 :9 .lotameN .J .erutarepmet tnatsnoc ta easpacoprac anatcelpaoeN fo niarts 631-DD eht fo tnempoleveD .7791 .K .H ,ayaK .381-971 :52 .lomotnE .norivnE .seiceps edotamen cinegohtapomotne owt yb eavral )eadiihceleG :aretpodipeL( alleipyssog arohponitceP fo ytilatrom dna noitcefni no stceffe erutarepmeT .6991 .nergedniL .E .J dna ,ekruB .A .R ,hceJ .F .L ,.J .T ,yrrebenneH .052-542 :77 .lohtaP .rbetrevnI .J .)eaditamenrenietS :adotameN( eaitlef amenrenietS edotamen cinegohtapomotne eht fo setalosi cihpargoeg evif no tceffe erutarepmet tnempoleveD .1002 .nikseK .N dna ,reppohneppoK .M .A ,ayaK .K .H ,kcotS .P .S ,.S ,rizaH




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