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TET - Science II

1. Plastics that gets hardened on heating are called Thermo setting Plastics 2. The only material which can be recycled to 100% is Glass 3. Measurement of a quantity by different people should give the same value and this value is called Standard Measurement. 4. The mass of the body is the amount of matter contained in it 5. SI unit of length is Centimeter. 6. SI unit of Mass is Kilogram. 7. SI unit of Time is Second 8. When an object is in motion then it is called moving object 9. when an object is in rest then it is called stationery object 10. When an object changes its position with respect to time then it is called to be in Motion 11. When an object moves along a straight line, it is said to be in Linear Motion 12. If an object moves along a circular path, it is said to be in Circular Motion 13. Issac Asimov is called as Father of Robot 14. Robot is a human machine 15. Robots are run by heavy batteries 16. The motion of a rolling ball is circular 17. Cranes are used to lift heavy iron rods 18. Powerful electromagnets are used to operate Escalators 19. South Seeking pole in a magnet is called South Pole 20. Like Poles repel each other. 21. Unlike poles attract each other.

22. Electromagnetic train is also called as Suspension Train 23. Attractive force of a magnet is maximum at one end. 24. Marines Compass was first used by European 25. The capacity or ability to do work is called Energy 26. Water stored in a dam/tank has potential Energy 27. The energy possessed by the body by the virtue of its position is potential energy. 28. The energy possessed by the body by the virtue of its rotation is called kinetic energy 29. Potential energy and Kinetic energy are called Mechanical Energy. 30. Wind mill converts .. 31. Mechanical energy can bring moving body to rest 32. Chemical energy is called chemical energy 33. A battery or a cell converts chemical energy into Electrical energy 34. Chemical energy of a fuel is converted into heat and light energy 35. Electrical energy is used to run electric trains 36. Due to Friction and chemical reaction heat energy is produced. 37. Heat energy obtained from petrol and diesel is used to run vehicles 38. Heat energy obtained from coal is used for generating electrical energy 39. Solar energy is directly used in solar heaters 40. Law of conservation of energy says that energy can be either created nor destroyed. 41. Heat is the form of energy, was discovered by Voltas. 42. Telescope was invented by Galileo. 43. Light travels in straight line. 44. The objects which allows light to pass through them are called Transparent Object 45. Objects which do not allow light to pass through them are called opaque objects

46. Objects which allow partially light partially to pass through them are called Translucent object. 47. Light is reflected by mirror. 48. When the sun, the earth and the moon come in straight line eclipse are formed. 49. Sun is the source of light. 50. Moon is an Opaque object 51. When the shadow of earth falls on moon, the moon is hidden, this is lunar eclipse. 52. When the shadow of moon falls on earth, the sun is hidden, this is solar eclipse.


1. The sun appears in the day 2. Our ancestors were Nomads

3. Food industry depends upon plant products. 4. Plants that cures diseases are called herbal plants 5. Other name of Pea egg plant is Purple fruit 6. Carry me seed plant cures Jaundice 7. Neem destroys intestinal worms 8. Holy Basil cures cold, cough and fever. 9. Sweet Flag cures abdominal Diseases. 10. Turmeric is the good insecticide/cosmetic 11. Veldt grape increases appetite. 12. Gunny bags are products of plants. 13. Match stick are made from silk cotton tree. 14. Orange tree fields fruits about 400 years 15. Redwood tree docent easily catch fire. 16. Rafflesia produces the largest flowers 17. Carbohydrates provide energy 18. Proteins help in growth 19. Fats provide energy 20. Vitamins help in physiological activities. 21. Minerals act as regulators in physiological activities. 22. Water transports food, regulates body temperature. 23. Vitamins are lost when vegetables are washed after chopping. 24. Due to protein deficiency Kwashiorkor disease caused in children. 25. Marasmus is a disease which has symptoms like enlarged head, loss of weight. 26. Night Blindness is caused due to deficiency of Vitamin A 27. Beri Beri is caused due to deficiency of Vitamin B

28. Bleeding Gum diseases is scurvy. 29. Weak and Bow bones is a sign of Rickets. 30. Due to Iodine deficiency Goiter is caused. 31. Iron deficiency leads to Anemia 32. Autotrophs are the plants which prepare their own food. 33. Heterotrophy are organized which depends upon other organisms for food 34. The Cascuta plant depends upon other plants for food. 35. An example of Ectoparasite Leech, 36. Ectoparasite are found attached to the outer surface of the body. 37. Ring Worm lives inside the body.(Gut) 38. Example of an endoparasite is ring worm. 39. Saprophytes decompose the dead plant and animal substances. 40. Animals that feed on only plants are called Herbivores 41. Animals that feed on other animals are called Carnivores 42. Animals that feed on both animals and plants are called omnivores 43. Steamed fish items and brinjal in ascortic acid prevent heart diseases. 44. Water Melon is the fruit with more water content. 45. Example of Prokaryotic cell is Bacteria. 46. Prokaryotic cell do not possess incipient Nuclear. 47. Eukaryotic cell have a well-defined nuclear and nuclear membrane. 48. Protoplasm is found inside the plasma membrane. 49. Proto means first 50. Colloid means plasma 51. Cytoplasm is found between the plasma membrane and the nuclear. 52. Nucleus carries genetic characters from generation to generation.

53. Mitochondrion helps in cell respiration. 54. Mitochondrion is called the power house of the cell. 55. Gotgi bodies are involved in the secretion of digestive enzymes. 56. Endoplasmic reticulum helps in the transportation of material from one part of the cell to another. 57. Ribosomes help in protein synthesis. 58. Lysosomes are called suicidal bags of the cell 59. Lysosomes helps in cell digestion. 60. Centrosome helps in formation of new cells. 61. Vacuoles in a cell appear light blue in colour. 62. Vacuoles maintain intracellular pressure. 63. Vacuoles store cell sap. 64. Centrosome is absent in plant cell. 65. Cell wall is made up of Cellulose. 66. Plastids are the characteristic features of plant cells 67. Chloroplast help in photo synthesis. 68. Bones are made up of special type of dry cells. 69. Anton Van Leeuwen hook discovered that blood contains RBC. 70. Darwin sailed in a ship called H.M.S.Beagle 71. The branch of science which deals with viruses are called virology. 72. Study of Bacteria is called Bacteriology 73. An example of alga is chlamydomonas 74. Amoeba is an micro organism without a definite shape. 75. Star fish can regenerate its broken part of body. 76. Dog was the first animals send to space.

77. Plants with seeds that can be separated into two cotyledons are called dicotyledonous plants. 78. Plants with seeds that cannot be separated into two cotyledons are called monocotyledonous plants. 79. Truck of elephant is the modified form of its nose and upper lip. 80. Tusks are the incisors of elephant. 81. Human being is mammal. 82. Star fish is an echinoderm. 83. Lions roars can be heard to a distance of 5kms 84. Decomposed substances are used as manure for plants. 85. Compositing is a method were decomposed substances are used in manure. 86. Worms decomposes the water. 87. Vermicompost is a decomposed waste by worms. 88. Degradable wastes can be converted into manure by using earth worm. 89. An example of non-biodegradable product is polythene bags. 90. Compose pit is a place were the earth worm is reared. 91. Noise pollution is measured by decibels 92. Kalpana Chawla was the first Indian women to go to space. 93. Changes that cannot useful are called undesirable changes. 94. The changes that occur frequently at regular intervals of time are called periodic changes 95. The clear liquid above sediment is called supernatant liquid. 96. Transferring a clear liquid into another container using a glam rod is called Decantation. 97. Evaporation is a process in which a liquid changes into the vapour.

98. Suitable method to separate lighter impurities from a mixture is winnowing. 99. Separation of common self from the sea water is by Evaporation. 100. In a mixture, solids of different size can be separated by sieving process. 101. Plastics which gets hardened on heating and which cannot be melted and remolded again is termed as Thermosetting plastics. 102. Cotton fiber consists of a chemical substance called cellulose 103. Silk is an example of Natural Fibre 104. Measurement is a process of comparison of an unknown quantity with a standard quantity of the same kind.

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