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Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

In today's world e-business is extremely important for many reasons. Some of which is due to the fact it can speed the whole process of ordering etc. up. Thanks to the Kakatiya University for providing a

valuable and latest application in management process to the business students. The Present collection of E-Business is prepared for the

syllabi of Kakatiya University. As the data and collection includes from many of the internet sources and valuable authors books, the data is however is made for the use of the students appearing for MBA IInd Year from Kakatiya University. This collection needs to be monitored and

valuable suggestions are always of a great help to contribute the knowledge to the future generation. This collection is dedicated to my source of inspiration. accepted. Any queries or suggestions are heartfully

Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar, Kakatiya University & Faculty in Mgt St.Josephs P.G.College.

Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

Unit I : Introduction to E-Business E-Business: Meaning, significance Opportunities and Risks E-Business Models: B2B: Meaning and implementation, B2C: Meaning and implementation, B2G: Meaning and implementation, C2G: Meaning and implementation and C2B: Meaning and implementation Advantages and Limitations Mobile Commerce: Meaning, Framework and Models E-Business Trade: Bookshops, grocery, software, newspaper, banking auction, share dealing. Unit II : E-Business Infrastructure Internet: Meaning, Issues, Problems and Prospects, ISP Intranets: Trends, Growth and Applications Extranet: Applications, VPN EDI: Definitions and Benefits Technology and Implementation. Portals.

Unit III : E-Business Applications E-Business Strategy: Definition, Objectives, Analysis and Implementation - E-Marketing: Meaning, Areas, Planning, Strategy and implementation Internet Advertising - E-CRM: Meaning, Technology for CRM and application E-Procurement: Meaning, Drivers, Risks and implementation E-SCM: Meaning, Focus and implementation E-Payment Systems: Meaning, Pre and Post paid payments systems E-Cash.

Unit IV : E-Security

E-Security: Meaning, Attacking methods, SET and SSL, Hacking Security Tools: Cryptology and Encryption Password Authentication: Keys and Kerberos Digital Signatures Security Protocols Firewall Security E-Commerce Law: Information Technology Act, 2000 Government Policy and Recommendations.

Unit V : E-Business Web Technologies

Web site meaning Types Planning and Organizing Web page Designing, Essentials in designing good web site Web page development tools Testing and evaluating web site Creating Web site using MS Front Page: Using Wizard Viewing and closing web sites HTML: Basics, Syntax, HTML Editors Multimedia: Graphics, web image formats, VRML.

Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College


Electronic Business, commonly referred to as "eBusiness" or "e-Business", may be defined as the utilization of information and communication technologies (ICT) in support of all the activities of business. Simply, E-Business is defined as the process of conducting business electronically or over the internet. E-business involves business processes spanning the entire value chain: electronic purchasing and supply chain management, processing orders electronically, handling customer service, and cooperating with business partners.

ADVANTAGES OF E-BUSINESS: There are many advantages of E-Business. It provides advantages for sellers and buyers. Some of the important advantages are: 1. Increased sales opportunities for seller 2. Wider product availability to the buyers./

3. Decreased costs for sellers 4. Customized and personalized information and buying options. 5. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week sales for sellers and 24/7 shopping for buyers. 6. Access to global markets for sellers. 7. Increased speed and accuracy of information delivery. 8. Data collection and customer preferences tracking is available through EBusiness. SIGNIFICANCE OF E-BUSINESS 1.Electronic business methods enable companies to link their internal and external data processing systems more efficiently and flexibly, to work more closely with suppliers and partners, and to better satisfy the needs and expectations of their customers. 2. . E-business software solutions allow the integration of intra and inter firm business processes.

Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

3. E-business is a mainly Internet-based commerce method, the security of online business information, business activities and their confidence will seriously affect people's awareness, acceptance and participation of e-business, and thus the impact of ebusiness development. With the development of e-business, some new problems appeared. They are a challenge to the traditional commercial mode, honesty and the evaluation method. 3. E-business can be conducted using the Web, the Internet, intranets, extranets, or some combination of these. 4. E-business is any internet initiative tactical or strategic that transforms business relationships, whether those relationships be business-to-consumer, business-to-business, intra business or even consumer to consumer. 5. Electronic business is market place where businesses are using Internet technologies and network computing to securely transform: Their internal business processes(via Intranets), Their business relationships(via extranets), and The buying and selling of goods, services, and information (via e-commerce).

OPPORTUNITIES AND RISKS Reducing costs, improving margins, efficiencies in company purchasing and procurement processes for the buyers, and increasing revenues for sellers are the main objectives of commercial transactions on the internet. We use the term e-business to broadly describe the publishing of information and the performing of various transactions over the Internet, Extranets, or Intranets. E-business includes the various terms used to express specific functions, including e-commerce, e-government, and others. The barriers to effective ebusiness are varied enough in the industrial world, but especially problematic in the developing world. Some obstacles are likely to be removed in the relatively near future, but others will remain over a much longer period.

Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

A growing number of companies use computers and the Internet in their daily business. It is therefore not surprising that e-business is an important if not significant part of their business strategy.

Security risks can include theft of data (credit card numbers from your database), distortion of data (changes to payment files or invoices so that people appear to owe you more or less than they do), destruction of data, or broadcasting of data (showing visitors'' real names instead of their nicknames in a chat room or forum). All of these cost your business money in terms of data recovery and goodwill recovery.

RISKS IN E-BUSINESS The traditional flow of business through the supply chain is as follows: a: Raw materials supplier b: Manufacturer c: Distributor d: Retailer e: End consumer e-Business is completely revolutionizing this linear view of the supply chain. Instead of goods flowing from one participant to the next, this new online marketplace can connect each participant with the end-consumer. For some links in the supply chain, increased access to customers could be dangerous to the business. There is a chance of current industry partners could even become most "unwelcomed competitors" ... The new e-commerce supply concept requires every link in the supply chain to "valueadd" to it's existing features and benefits. As e-commerce evolves, it will present huge risks for those who don't take advantage of it. Some of the risks involved in e-business in various stages of supply chain are:

Retailers: Retailers rely on expensive real-estate locations to display and sell their products to their customers, the end-consumers. Both manufacturers and distributors can bypass retailers by using e-business to sell directly to the customers

Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

Distributors: Electronic commerce gives manufacturers the power to sell directly to consumers or to retailers. The best distributors will move further ahead of the competition by using ebusiness capabilities to share product, billing and availability information to their partners. That means lower costs and higher profit margins for them. Manufacturers: In order to maintain equity and prompt future sales, manufacturers need to own public mind share for their brands. E-commerce threatens this mind share ownership because consumers have a wider range of product selection and are not as influenced by physical placement of goods or packaging. Thus, these are the risks involved in e-business especially in case of supply chain.

DIFFERENCE BETWEEN E-BUSINESS & E-COMMERCE In practice, e-business is more than just e-commerce. E-commerce is a subset of an overall e-business strategy where as e-business is a strategic focus of all the activities involved in electronic capabilities. E-Commerce is a subset of E-business. Business involves a whole set of transactions that must be completed before actual reaching the point where goods or services change hands for the agreed consideration. E-BUSINESS MODELS: Companys business model is the way in which the company conducts business in order to generate to revenue. The important E-Business models are: The most adopted E-Business models are

Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

E- Shops E- Commerce E- Procurement E- Malls E- auctions Virtual communities Collaboration plotforms Third-party market places Value-chain integraters Value-chain service providers Information brokerage Telecommunications.

E-Business Models: Based on providers (or) producer and customer(or) clients point of view, the E-Business models are classified into: Business-to-business(B2B) * Business-to-consumer (B2C) * Business-to-employee (B2E) Business-to-government (B2G) * Government-to-business(G2B) Government-to-government (G2G) Government-to-citizen (G2C) Consumer-to-government (C2G) * Consumer-to-business (C2B) *

Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

B2B direct business model B2B direct supports commerce transactions involving products, services, or information between two businesses or parties. Typical B2B direct transactions occur between buyers, suppliers, manufacturers, resellers, distributors, and trading partners. The following diagram demonstrates a typical B2B direct business.

In a typical B2B direct business, businesses purchase goods or services directly from another business. The selling business can be a wholesaler, a distributor, a manufacturer, or a retailer who sells to buyers from other businesses. Organizations that are not traditionally considered businesses, such as governments, may sometimes implement sites based on the B2B direct business model. This occurs in such cases where governments provide goods and services directly to businesses. C2B BUSINESS MODEL: Consumer-to-business (C2B) is an electronic commerce business model in which consumers (individuals) offer products and services to companies and the companies pay them. This business model is a complete reversal of traditional business model where companies offer goods and services to consumers.


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

Consumer A consumer in the C2B business model can be any individual who has something to offer either a service or a good. The individual is paid for the work provided to the companies. Depending on the model, the "consumer" can be:

A webmaster/ blogger offering advertising service (through Google Adsense program for example or affiliation program)

Any individual answering a poll through a survey site Any individual with connections offering job hiring service by referring someone through referral hiring sites like or

Business Business in the C2B business model represents any companies buying goods or services to individual trough intermediaries. Here are some examples of potential companies which can be such clients:

Any company which wants to fill a job (through referral hiring sites) Any company needing to advertise online (through Google Adwords program for example)

Any advertising agency which needs to buy a stock photo (through microstock sites)

C2G The citizen to government (C2G) segment has become an attractive investment opportunity on the web with the government of India approving .


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

online filing of income tax. Though the I-T department is looking to simplify the tax payment process through online filing, the department does not have the online infrastructure to make it possible at present. The income tax department does not have the IT infrastructure to allow payments of taxes online directly into their system. Therefore, in the first stage we are looking at corporates and giving them tax software to allow all their employees to file their tax online.



B2C BUSINESS MODEL Business-to-consumer (B2C, sometimes also called Business-to-Customer) describes activities of businesses serving end consumers with products and/or services. There are several internet based shops,popularly known by several names such as virtual shops, cyber shops, dot-com shops, E-stores etc. Common Characteristics of the shops are; Customers have access to the internet. ; They operate from the homes or work places and wish to purchase items sold by the shops. For convenience sake, one can shop at any time from the house and items will be delivered to the house. Through the web address of the shop9ending with. .com known as dot com shops), connnected to the world wide web, customer operates.


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College



An example of a B2C transaction would be a person buying a pair of shoes from a retailer. The transactions that led to the shoes being available for purchase, that is the purchase of the leather, laces, rubber, etc. B2G BUSINESS MODEL Business-to-government (B2G) is a derivative of B2B marketing and often referred to as a market definition of "public sector marketing" which encompasses marketing products and services to government agencies through integrated marketing communications techniques such as strategic public relations, branding, marcom, advertising, and webbased communications. B2G networks allow businesses to bid on government RFPs in a reverse auction fashion. Public sector organizations (PSO's) post tenders in the form of RFP's, RFI's, RFQ's etc.



Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College


Mobile Commerce is any transaction, involving the transfer of ownership or rights to use goods and services, which is initiated and/or completed by using mobile access to computer-mediated networks with the help of an electronic device. Mobile Commerce (also known as M-Commerce, mCommerce or U-Commerce, owing to the ubiquitous nature of its services) is the ability to conduct commerce, using a mobile device e.g. a mobile phone (cell phone), a PDA, a smart phone and other emerging mobile equipment such as dashtop mobile devices.

E-GROCERY eGrocery' is the industry term for online grocery shopping, where a customer selects and pays for their groceries online. The method of picking and delivery may vary, but the core concept of eGrocery is always the same - offering the customers a wide selection of products which may be purchased online and then either delivered to the customer or else stored for pick-up by the customer. 1. Recover business from existing eGrocery providers and protect against future losses to any online operation.

2. Win new business both in customer type and through the extended radius a store can cover when offering a delivery service. Allow for access into geographical areas where it is not possible to build a store; either economically or through planning restrictions.


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College


e-book shops are the rapid growth, highly scalable online business with lakhs of users around the world. Through e-book shops the customers can access to the wide range of different books which may be related to science, business, history, technology, religion, fiction etc. easily through the source of internet. E-books shops provide the books in multiple electronic formats in all categories. Through e-book shops, the users can

download books to computers, PDAs(Personal Digital Assistant or Pagers with net feaures) and mobile phones. They can also read books online, from any computer, any where without downloading or installing anything.

Through e-book stores, the consumers can get the following advantages:

To look inside a book before buying To read their books online and download the whole book To purchase or order the books online which makes available of wide range of varieties.

To search the entire contents of every book in the catalog. Ex. of e-book shops are:


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College


Electronic business provides one of the very important features for the users in installing various software through the internet. E-Software is the application of ebusiness which provides the customers with the latest updated software to be used for various purposes.

Some of the features of e-software are:

1. Storefront software: It builds and maintains web pages and underlying data bases for an e-retail store. 2. content Management System (CMS): it manages and controls dynamic web content from authorship to publication. 3. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): it integrates all aspects of business operations including manufacturing, purchasing, sales and accounting. 4. Customer Relationship Management (CRM): it organizes and manages interactions with customers including sales, payments, and customer support.


Through E-news papers, the people around the world can easily access through the various happenings through internet. The e-news papers provide various latest

updates of news headlines, contents and other utilities which we get through the news papers on the internet. Various news papers publishers are now a days providing their news through the internet source. It is a powerful media through which people can read


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

the news. It also provides the news publishers good profit by offering various ads along with the news.

Viewers can be the members to access to the e- news by creating ID, and Password in the respected websites.

Some of the e-news papers providers are:


2.Business standard

3.Hindu www.

4. Times of India


Electronic Banking auction is one of the latest features provided by the e-business trade. Through this facility, the banks can perform the auction in an easier manner than compared to traditional auction system. Through this system, the banks will follow the following strategies to perform the e-banking auction.

1. Property will be in the possession of the bank, before it is put to public auction. 2. concerned bank branch will hand over the possession of the property to the successful bidder. 3. concerned bank branch is responsible for all the transactions.


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

4. Under the Security interest enforcement rules, 2002, sec.13(2) provides banks in India are disposing properties in public auctions pledged to them, to recover their debts from the barrowers. 5. Through e-banking auction, the people possess the properties of their choice in a place of their choice without the meddling of middlemen at a price of their choice. 6. All bank sites provides a special menu bar for auction & possession options. 7. through this the users can log in to the concerned auction section for doing the banking auction through website.


Electronic share dealing is one of the latest booms in E-business.

This feature

allows the customers to do share business with the help of internet. Various service firms provide the facility of e-share dealing. The e-share dealing firms provides the features like keeping informed to the customers about the up-to-date shares information. They provides added values to the share holders to deal online or by phone, extending the range of added value services to the investors. Various private firms collect commission charges from the share holders to perform the activity of e-share dealing.


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College


INTERNET The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standardized Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) to serve billions of users worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private and public, academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope that are linked by copper wires, fiberoptic cables, wireless connections, and other technologies. The Internet carries a vast array of information resources and services, most notably the inter-linked hypertext documents of the World Wide Web (WWW) and the infrastructure to support electronic mail. In addition it supports popular services such as online chat, file transfer and file sharing, gaming, commerce, social networking, publishing, video on demand, and teleconferencing and telecommunications. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) applications allow person-to-person communication via voice and video. COMPONENTS OF THE INTERNET WORLD Every computer on the Internet has its own unique name. This is called a domain name. It is used to identify a collection of internet host computers. It contains two or more parts separated by a dot. Six categories of most common domain names, are given below: Educational institutions (.edu) Commercial organisations (.com) Military (.mil) Government (.gov) Networking organisations (.net)


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

Advantages of the Internet

The Internet provides opportunities galore, and can be used for a variety of things. Some of the things that you can do via the Internet are:

E-mail: E-mail is an online correspondence system. With e-mail you can send and receive instant electronic messages, which works like writing letters.The messages are delivered instantly to people anywhere in the world, unlike traditional mail that takes a lot of time.

Access Information: The Internet is a virtual treasure trove of information. Any kind of information on any topic under the sun is available on the Internet. The search engines on the Internet can help you to find data on any subject that you need.

Shopping: Along with getting information on the Internet, you can also shop online. There are many online stores and sites that can be used to look for products as well as buy them using your credit card. You do not need to leave your house and can do all your shopping from the convenience of your home.

Online Chat: There are many chat rooms on the web that can be accessed to meet new people, make new friends, as well as to stay in touch with old friends.

Downloading Software: This is one of the most happening and fun things to do via the Internet. You can download innumerable, games, music, videos, movies, and a host of other entertainment software from the Internet, most of which are free.

Disadvantages of the Internet

There are certain cons and dangers relating to the use of Internet that can be summarized as:

Personal Information: If you use the Internet, your personal information such as your name, address, etc. can be accessed by other people. If you use a credit card


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

to shop online, then your credit card information can also be stolen which could be akin to giving someone a blank check.

Pornography: This is a very serious issue concerning the Internet, especially when it comes to young children. There are thousands of pornographic sites on the Internet that can be easily found and can be a detriment to letting children use the Internet.

Spamming: This refers to sending unsolicited e-mails in bulk, which serve no purpose and unnecessarily clog up the entire system.

INTRANET An intranet is a private network that uses Internet protocols to securely share any part of an organization's information or operational systems with its employees. Sometimes the term refers only to the organization's internal website, but often it is a more extensive part of the organization's information technology infrastructure and private websites are an important component and focal point of internal communication and collaboration. An intranet is built from the same concepts and technologies used for the Internet, such as client-server computing and the Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP). Any of the well known Internet protocols may be found in an intranet, such as HTTP (web services), SMTP (e-mail), and FTP (file transfer). Internet technologies are often deployed to provide modern interfaces to legacy information systems hosting corporate data. An intranet can be understood as a private version of the Internet, or as a private extension of the Internet confined to an organization. The first intranet websites and home pages began to appear in organizations in 1990 - 1991. Although not officially noted, the term intranet first became common-place inside early adopters, such as universities and technology corporations, in 1992. Intranets differ from extranets in that the former are generally restricted to employees of the organization while extranets may also be accessed by customers,


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

suppliers, or other approved parties.[1] Extranets extend a private network onto the Internet with special provisions for access, authorization and authentication. BENEFITS OF INTRANETS

Workforce productivity: Intranets can also help users to locate and view information faster and use applications relevant to their roles and responsibilities. With the help of a web browser interface, users can access data held in any database the organization wants to make available, anytime and - subject to security provisions - from anywhere within the company workstations, increasing employees' ability to perform their jobs faster, more accurately, and with confidence that they have the right information. It also helps to improve the services provided to the users.

Time: With intranets, organizations can make more information available to employees on a "pull" basis (i.e., employees can link to relevant information at a time which suits them) rather than being deluged indiscriminately by emails.

Communication: Intranets can serve as powerful tools for communication within an organization, vertically and horizontally. From a communications standpoint, intranets are useful to communicate strategic initiatives that have a global reach throughout the organization./// The type of information that can easily be conveyed is the purpose of the initiative and what the initiative is aiming to achieve, who is driving the initiative, results achieved to date, and who to speak to for more information. By providing this information on the intranet, staff have the opportunity to keep up-to-date with the strategic focus of the organization. Some examples of communication would be chat, email, and or blogs. A great real world example of where an intranet helped a company communicate is when Nestle had a number of food processing plants in Scandinavia. Their central support system had to deal with a number of queries every day (McGovern, Gerry). When Nestle decided to invest in an intranet, they quickly realized the savings. McGovern says the savings from the reduction in query calls was substantially greater than the investment in the intranet.


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

Web publishing allows 'cumbersome' corporate knowledge to be maintained and easily accessed throughout the company using hypermedia and Web technologies. Examples include: employee manuals, benefits documents, company policies, business standards, newsfeeds, and even training, can be accessed using common Internet standards (Acrobat files, Flash files, CGI applications). Because each business unit can update the online copy of a document, the most recent version is always available to employees using the intranet.

Business operations and management: Intranets are also being used as a platform for developing and deploying applications to support business operations and decisions across the internet worked enterprise.

Cost-effective: Users can view information and data via web-browser rather than maintaining physical documents such as procedure manuals, internal phone list and requisition forms. This can potentially save the business money on printing, duplicating documents, and the environment as well as document maintenance overhead. "PeopleSoft, a large software company, has derived significant cost savings by shifting HR processes to the intranet"

. Gerry McGovern goes on to

say the manual cost of enrolling in benefits was found to be USD109.48 per enrollment. "Shifting this process to the intranet reduced the cost per enrollment to $21.79; a saving of 80 percent"

. PeopleSoft also saved some money when

they received requests for mailing address change. "For an individual to request a change to their mailing address, the manual cost was USD17.77. The intranet reduced this cost to USD4.87, a saving of 73 percent" [3]. PeopleSoft was just one of the many companies that saved money by using an intranet. Another company that saved a lot of money on expense reports was Cisco. "In 1996, Cisco processed 54,000 reports and the amount of dollars processed was USD19 million".

Promote common corporate culture: Every user is viewing the same information within the Intranet.

Enhance Collaboration: With information easily accessible by all authorised users, teamwork is enabled.


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

Cross-platform Capability: Standards-compliant web browsers are available for Windows, Mac, and UNIX.

Built for One Audience: Many companies dictate computer specifications. Which, in turn, may allow Intranet developers to write applications that only have to work on one browser (no cross-browser compatibility issues).

Knowledge of your Audience: Being able to specifically address your "viewer" is a great advantange. Since Intranets are user specific (requiring

database/network authentication prior to access), you know exactly who you are interfacing with. So, you can personalize your Intranet based on role (job title, department) or individual ("Congratulations Jane, on your 3rd year with our company!").

Immediate Updates: When dealing with the public in any capacity, laws/specifications/parameters can change. With an Intranet and providing your audience with "live" changes, they are never out of date, which can limit a company's liability.

Supports a distributed computing architecture: The intranet can also be linked to a companys management information system, for example a time keeping system.

An extranet is a private network that uses Internet protocols, network connectivity, and possibly the public telecommunication system to securely share part of an organization's information or operations with suppliers, vendors, partners, customers or other businesses. An extranet can be viewed as part of a company's intranet that is extended to users outside the company, usually via the Internet.

Extranet applications: Online ordering *News and content Marketing and product information


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

Legacy database access Inventory management ERP; supply chain managemt. Collaborative research and development Collaborative scheduling Training, policy and standards Customer service/self service E-mail and chat Bulletin boards and groups Billing and account history On-line financial transactions


Exchange large volumes of data using Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Share product catalogs exclusively with trade partners Collaborate with other companies on joint development efforts Jointly develop and use training programs with other companies Provide or access services provided by one company to a group of other companies, such as an online banking application managed by one company on behalf of affiliated banks

Share news of common interest exclusively.


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College





Knowledge Management Internal Communication Project Management

Logistics Provider

Financial Srvices


Electronic Storefront Business Intelligence Customer Services Information Dissemination


Extranets can be expensive to implement and maintain within an organization (e.g., hardware, software, employee training costs) if hosted internally instead of via an application service provider.

Security of extranets can be a concern when hosting valuable or proprietary information. System access must be carefully controlled to secure sensitive data.


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College


EDI refers to Electronic Data Interchange. EDI is the direct computer to computer exchange between two organizations of standard business transaction documents such as invoices, bill of lading (list of a ships cargo), purchase orders . It saves money and time because transactions can be transmitted form one information system to another through a tele-communications network, eliminating the printing and handling of paper at one end and the inputting of data at the other.

The EDI standards were designed to be independent of communication and software technologies. EDI can be transmitted using any methodology agreed to by the sender and recipient. This includes a variety of technologies, including modem (asynchronous, and bisynchronous), FTP, Email, HTTP, AS1, AS2, etc. EDI differs from electronic mail in that it transmits an actual structured transaction (fields like transaction date/amount, senders name, recipients name etc) in contrast to an unstructured text message such as a letter. EDI consists of standardised electronic message formats, for business documents such as requests for quotations, purchase orders, purchase change orders, bills of lading, receiving advices and invoices.

APPLICATIONS OF EDI: EDI is used in manufacturing , shipping, warehousing, utilities, pharmaceuticals, construction, petroleum, metals, banking, insurance, retailing , government, healthcare, and textiles among others. The major benefits of EDI is cost reduction by eliminating paper document handling and with faster electronic document transmission. The other important features include: 1. Improvements in overall quality: By better record keeping, fewer errors in data, reductions in processing time, less reliance on human interpretation of data, minimised unproductive time. 2. Inventory reduction: it permits faster and more accurate filling of orders , helps reduce inventory, assists in JIT(Just in Time) inventory management.


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

3. Provides better information: It provides accurate information and audit trails for transactions, enabling business to identify areas offering the greater potential for efficiency improvement or cost reduction. 4. Sending invoices: It can be used for sending invoices, purchase orders, custom documents, shipping notices and other types of business documents in a fast and expensive method. 5. Saves time: It saves time and manpower by avoiding the need to rekey data. 6. It eliminates the errors introduced by rekeying. 7. Data arrives much faster than it could be by mail, and there is an automatic acknowledgement. Limitations: EDI provides lot of benefits to the organizations and suppliers and some limitations are also restricts to use the Electronic Data Interchange. They are: 1.Applications of EDI costs very high to develop and operate. Specially new entrants find this more difficult to use or have the EDI. 2. It does not allow consumers to communicate or transact with vendors in an easy way. Hence it provides limited accessibility to the consumers and the subscribers must subscribe to an online service called Value added network(VAN). 3. It need highly structure protocols, previously established arrangement, unique proprietary bilateral information exchanges.


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

VPN A virtual private network (VPN) is a computer network that is implemented in an additional software layer (overlay) on top of an existing larger network for the purpose of creating a private scope of computer communications or providing a secure extension of a private network into an insecure network such as the Internet. The links between nodes of a virtual private network are formed over logical connections or virtual circuits between hosts of the larger network. The Link Layer protocols of the virtual network are said to be tunneled through the underlying transport network. VPNs are often installed by organizations to provide remote access to a secure organizational network. Generally, a VPN has a network topology more complex than a point-to-point connection. VPNs are also used to mask the IP address of individual computers within the Internet in order, for instance, to surf the World Wide Web anonymously or to access location restricted services, such as Internet television. PORTALS A web portal, also known as a links page, presents information from diverse sources in a unified way. Apart from the standard search engine feature, web portals offer other services such as e-mail, news, stock prices, information, databases and entertainment. Portals provide a way for enterprises to provide a consistent look and feel with access control and procedures for multiple applications and databases, which otherwise would have been different entities altogether. Examples of public web portals are MSNBC, Yahoo!, AOL, iGoogle and Netvibes. A portal is a web site that acts as a single source for all information on a specific domain. An effective Web portal offers the user a broad array of information, arranged in a way that is most convenient for the user to access. When designed, implemented and maintained correctly a web portal becomes the starting or entry point of a web user introducing him into various information, resources and other sites in the internet. It has the power to draw together a common group of people, common on the basis of their age, profession, location etc.


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

Different Types of Portals:

The portals are classified on the basis of content and intended users as follows:

Vertical Portals (Vortals)

These portals focus only on a specific industry, vertical or domain. Vortals or portals just offer tools, information, articles, research and statistics on one specific industry. As the website is now a standardized tool for business, vortals offer the right gateway for businesses to promote their products and services to get exposure within their vertical. which focuses only on computer and related issues, only on mp3 audio etc are the best examples of vortals.

Vortals mostly provide customized information and services to niche audiences having a special area of interest. There are endless possibilities for establishing vertical portals. The solutions can be divided into 2 groups.

1.Corporate Portals:

This offers access to chosen information of a specific company

2.Commerce Portals:

This supports e-commerce i.e.B2B and B2C

Horizontal Portals

These portals focus on a wide range of topics and interests. They focus on general public and try to present something for each one. This portal act as an entry point of a web surfer into the internet, offering content on the subject of interest and guides towards a direction to fetch more resources and related information., and


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

Google etc which offers visitors with information on a wide area of subjects and topics. This portal target the whole Internet community.

Intranet Portals (Enterprise Portals)

The enterprise portals focus on offering staff members with information which is regularly updated along with system of document management, availability of applications on demand, online training courses and web casts etc.

Knowledge Portals:

Knowledge portals provides easy access to information necessary or helpful to them in specific roles. This are not just intranet portals as the former are supposed to offer extra functionality like collaboration services, sophisticated information, discovery services and a knowledge map.

Enterprise Portals

An enterprise portal offers access to the right range of information about a particular company. This portals have become the hot favorite technologies of the Internet. They aim at providing a virtual workplace for employees, customers, suppliers etc.


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College


E-BUSINESS STRATEGY: E-business strategy is defined as the strategy for the

companies using the internet to conduct the business or trade. E-business strategies help the business organizations to do the businesses on to the international scene at minimal cost but with maximum efficiency. Various business models of E-business provide the companies to achieve the higher benefits with less cost and labour. E-business strategy also defines how an organization gains value internally from using electronic networks, such as through sharing employee knowledge and improving process efficiencies through intranets.

E-Business strategies are based on achieving the following objectives : Is based on current performance in marketplace Defines how we will meet our objectives Sets allocation of resources to meet goals Selects preferred strategic options to compete within a market Provides a long-term plan for the development of the organisation. TYPES IN E-BUSINESS STRATEGY: The important E-Business Strategies are: Electronic Supply Chain management( e-scm) Electronic marketing(E-Marketing) Electronic Customer Service and CRM( e-CRM) Inventory and Service management Tactical operations alignment 1. Online-advertising 2. E-payment system & E- Cash


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

E-MARKETING: E-Marketing is defined as the marketing of products or services over the internet. E-marketing is also called as Internet marketing or i-marketing or web marketing or online marketing.


E-marketing or Internet marketing is relatively inexpensive when compared to the ratio of cost against the reach of the target audience. With the help of E-business, the companies can reach a wide audience for a small cost than compared to the traditional advertising budgets. The nature of the medium allows consumers to research and

purchase products and services at their own convenience. E-marketing has the advantage of measuring the statistics easily and inexpensively. The advertisers can use a variety of methods to attract the customers. Some of them are: pay per impression, pay per click, pay per play, or pay per action. eMarketing is achieving marketing objectives through use of electronic communications technology or digital technology. These digital technologies include Internet media such as web sites and e-mail as well as other digital media such as wireless or mobile and media for delivering digital Television such as cable and satellite.

LIMITATIONS: Internet marketing requires customers to use newer technologies rather than traditional media. Low-speed Internet connections are another barrier. If companies build large or overly-complicated websites, individuals connected to the Internet via dial-up connections or mobile devices experience significant delays in content delivery. From the buyer's perspective, the inability of shoppers to touch, smell, taste or "try on" tangible goods before making an online purchase can be limiting. However, there is an industry standard for e-commerce vendors to reassure customers by having liberal return policies as well as providing in-store pick-up services


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

IMPLEMENTATION OF E-MARKETING: The E-marketing can be implemented by the following ways. A company can distribute via the Internet e.g. A company can use the Internet as a way of building and maintaining a customer relationship e.g. The money collection part of a transaction could be done online e.g. electricity and telephone bills. Leads can be generated by attracting potential customers to sign-up for short periods of time, before signing up for the long-term e.g. The Internet could be used for advertising e.g. Google Adwords. Finally, the web can be used as a way of collecting direct responses e.g. as part of a voting system for a game show.

E-marketing has the following applications like:

1. E-Customer relationship management 2. Internet advertising 3. E-Supply chain management. 4. Online shopping 5. Online purchasing 6. E- Auction.


Online advertising is a form of promotion that uses the Internet and World Wide Web for the expressed purpose of delivering marketing messages to attract customers. Examples of online advertising include contextual ads on search engine results pages, banner ads, Rich Media Ads, Social network advertising, online classified advertising, advertising networks and e-mail marketing, including e-mail spam.


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

Internet advertising is very similar to TV and radio advertising. The programs are offered as a free service; commercial advertising pays the expenses. The same is true of Internet advertising. The information is free, with the costs defrayed by advertising. A major advantage of Internet advertising is the ability to attract a specific target audience. This advantage is limited or nonexistent in other forms of media advertising. With the Internet, ads are directed towards the right group of people. Internet ads are known as banners. Virtually all banners are links to other sites, but there are still those few that are just meant to be seen, like billboards. One advantage of Internet advertising is that it opens new possibilities to spread messages to a targeted audience. By advertising to a particular group, chance of success are indeed great. How Internet Advertising works? There are various Internet advertising techniques: 1. The ad owner pays a fixed amount for each person who visits the page with the ad. 2. The ad owner pays a fixed amount for each click on an ad that links to the advertisers' web site. 3. The ad owner pays a fixed rate to have his advertisement posted for a specified duration. 4. The ad owner has the option of either promoting their product or service through survey based contests on our site. E-CRM: Customer relationship management refers to Process of creating and maintaining relationships with business customers or consumers. The CRM is considered as the A holistic process of identifying, attracting, differentiating, and retaining customers. Electronic Customer relationship management refers to the process of creating and maintaining relationships with business customers or consumers through using an electronic sources such as wireless, web, and voice technologies. eCRM (Electronic Customer Relationship Management) expands the traditional CRM techniques by integrating new electronic channels, such as Web, wireless, and


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

voice technologies and combines it with e-business applications into the overall enterprise CRM strategy.

BENEFITS OF e-CRM: Some of the important benefits include: 1. A unified view of customer: e-CRM is considered as the co-ordinated(Unified) view of customer. Through web and internet applications, the interaction between the customers/ consumer with the company made easy. And the customers can express the perception of products and services directly with the company. It will make the company to respond quickly and provide more benefits to the customers and consumers. 2. Personalization through technology: The internet provides a convenient way to the customers to directly interact with the organizations. With this the customers gets the privacy and the information is not having a chance of going leak. With the advancement in the technology, the customers are provided with more technology with privacy. 3. Perfecting customer segmentation: Through e-CRM, the customer

segmentation(dividing the customer groups based on customers interests, habits,desires,income) can be made easily. 4. Enables 24/7 customers interaction: With the advancement in the technology, the customers are benefited with 24/7(24 hours,through out the week) interaction with the organization. The customers can express their perceptions, feeling with the organizations on any day any hour. 5. Interactions lead to trusted relationships: Through e-CRM, the interactions between the customers and the organizations are building towards trusted relationships. Through e-CRM, the organizations maintains the harmony with the customers as the customers are gods and they decides the success or failures of the products and services.


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College


Traditional CRM approach: call centers Rapid growth of customer base Sharp increase in service inquiries Adding more customer service representatives would be costly To improve customers experience in doing business with Sprint Core differentiator in the industry/competitive advantage.

e-PROCUREMENT: E-Procurement is the purchasing of goods and services using the internet.It Covers full life cycle of purchasing (indent to receipt of goods). e-procurement connects buyers and suppliers through electronic exchange of Tenders, catalogs, contracats, Pos, invoices etc. Typically, e-procurement Web sites allow qualified and registered users to look for buyers or sellers of goods and services. Depending on the approach, buyers or sellers may specify costs or invite bids.

TYPES OF e-PROCUREMENT: There are seven main types of e-procurement:

Web-based ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning): Creating and approving purchasing requisitions, placing purchase orders and receiving goods and services by using a software system based on Internet technology.

e-MRO (Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul): The same as web-based ERP except that the goods and services ordered are non-product related MRO supplies.

e-sourcing: Identifying new suppliers for a specific category of purchasing requirements using Internet technology.

e-tendering: Sending requests for information and prices to suppliers and receiving the responses of suppliers using Internet technology.


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

e-reverse auctioning: Using Internet technology to buy goods and services from a number of known or unknown suppliers.

e-informing: Gathering and distributing purchasing information both from and to internal and external parties using Internet technology.

e-marketsites: Expands on Web-based ERP to open up value chains. Buying communities can access preferred suppliers' products and services, add to shopping carts, create requisition, seek approval, receipt purchase orders and process electronic invoices with integration to suppliers' supply chains and buyers' financial systems.

ADVANTAGES OF e-PROCUREMENT: In reality e-procurement has the advantage of taking supply chain management to the next level, providing real time information to the vendor as to the status of a customer's needs. For example, a vendor may have an agreement with a customer to automatically ship materials when the customer's stock level reaches a low point, thus bypassing the need for the customer to ask for it. Eg: the e-procurement website of Government of Andhra Pradesh is: E-SCM: Supply chain managmenet consists of the coordination of demand and supply of products and services between a suppliers supplier and a customers customer. It involves the flow of product, information, and money between the trading partners of a companys supply chain. E-supply chain management is fast emerging as a core strategy that organizations world wide are adopting for sustainable business advantage. eSupply Chain Management refers to the flow of physical goods and associated information from the source to the consumer. Key eSupply chain activities include purchasing, materials management, distribution, customer service, and inventory forecasting. Effectively managing these processes is critical to the success of any online operation.


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

E-PAYMENT SYSTEM Today, many users make payments electronically rather than in person. Hundreds of electronic payment systems have been developed to provide secure Internet transactions. Electronic payment systems are generally classified into four categories: credit card and debit cards; electronic cash; micropayment systems; and session-level protocols for secure communications.


1.CREDIT CARD: A credit card is part of a system of payments named after the small plastic card issued to users of the system. It is a card entitling its holder to buy goods and services based on the holder's promise to pay for these goods and services. The issuer of the card grants a line of credit to the consumer (or the user) from which the user can borrow money for payment to a merchant or as a cash advance to the user.


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

2.DEBIT CARD: A debit card (also known as a bank card or check card) is a plastic card that provides an alternative payment method to cash when making purchases. Functionally, it can be called an electronic cheque, as the funds are withdrawn directly from either the bank account, or from the remaining balance on the card. In some cases, the cards are designed exclusively for use on the Internet, and so there is no physical card.[1][2] The use of debit cards has become widespread in many countries and has overtaken the cheque, and in some instances cash transactions by volume. Like credit cards, debit cards are used widely for telephone and Internet purchases, and unlike credit cards the funds are transferred from the bearer's bank account instead of having the bearer to pay back on a later date. Debit cards can also allow for instant withdrawal of cash, acting as the ATM card for withdrawing cash and as a cheque guarantee card. Merchants can also offer "cashback"/"cashout" facilities to customers, where a customer can withdraw cash along with their purchase. 3. e-CASH: Electronic Cash (also known as e-money, , electronic currency, digital money, digital cash or digital currency) refers to money or scrip which is exchanged only electronically. Typically, this involves use of computer networks, the internet and digital store value systems. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and direct deposit are examples of electronic money. Also, it is a collective term for financial cryptography and technologies enabling it. 4.MICRO PAYMENT SYSTEMS: Micropayments are financial transactions involving very small sums of money. PayPal defines a micropayment as a transaction of less than 12 USD and offers less expensive fees for micropayment transactions. A problem that has prevented the emergence of feasible micropayment systems that allow payments of less than a dollar is a need to keep costs for individual transactions low,[2] which is impractical when transacting such small sums,[3] even if the transaction fee is just a few cents.


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

5.SESSIONAL LEVEL PROTOCOLS: Sessional level protocols include a set of rules which is used by computers to communicate with each other across a network. A protocol is a convention or standard that controls or enables the connection, communication, and data transfer between computing endpoints. In its simplest form, a protocol can be defined as the rules governing the syntax, semantics, and synchronization of communication. Protocols may be implemented by hardware, software, or a combination of the two. At the lowest level, a protocol defines the behavior of a hardware connection.

e-CASH: Electronic Cash (also known as electronic money, electronic currency, digital money, digital cash or digital currency) refers to money or scrip which is exchanged only electronically. Typically, this involves use of computer networks, the internet and digital store value systems. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and direct deposit are examples of electronic money. Also, it is a collective term for financial cryptography and technologies enabling it. ECash is a legal form of computer-based currency that can be securely purchased and withdrawn by credit card, Cheque, certified cheques, wire transfer, money order and Electronic Cheque Processing (ECP). Users can also deposit to and withdraw from their ECash Direct account using several third-party merchants' payment solutions.

****** ALL THE BEST******


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College


Security is the protection of any computer device, communication device or network from unauthorized access to data, viruses etc. CONCEPT OF E-SECURITY: E-Security refers to the protection of electronic applications like software, hardware, programs, mails and other features from unauthorized persons to access, share or to use without a proper identity. The basic security concepts in E-security are: 1. Confidentiality 2. Integrity 3. Availability E-security is very important because as the internet is a collection of loosely connected networks . There are so many variety of hosts available to the hackers such as Gateways, routers, dial-up connections and Internet service providers. The individual hosts can access the former in a variety of ways, the intruders (who misuse the confidential information) can access to the variety of information like: Hardware and software System configuration Type of network connections Phone numbers used Access and authentication procedures.

ATTACKING METHODS The attacking methods are the sources to the intruders to misuse the most valuable information in the internet. Some of the important attacking methods are: Gaining access to users account Gaining privileged(confidential) access Using the victims system as a launch platform for attacks on other sites. Causing danger in less than 45 seconds A decrease in productivity


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

A significant loss of credibility or market opportunity A business no longer able to compete Legal liability and Loss of life

SECURE ELECTRONIC TRANSACTION (SET) SET is a standard, designed to allow merchant transactions to occur across the internet comparing to traditional transaction. The customer needs to have a valid

account set-up, they would thereafter receive a valid certificate with a public key to authenticate the transaction. Ex: A bank card account , credit card transactions etc.

FUNCTIONS OF SET: The important functions of SET are:

Provide for confidential payment information and enable confidentiality Ensure integrity for all transmitted data. Provide authentication that a buyer is a legitimate user of a branded bank card account.

Provide authentication that a merchant can accept bank card payments Ensure the use of the best security practices and design techniques to protect all legitimate nor prevents their use.

SET offers buyers more security than is available in the commercial market. Cardholders, merchants and the financial institutions each retain SET certificates that identify them and the public keys associated with their digital identities.

SSL(SECURITY SOCKET LAYER) SSL is a technology that encrypts or codes the packets of information sent over the internet so that only the sending and receiving computer can reassemble and read the information. The combination of SSL and certificates make transactions very secure. Many companies use the SSL method developed by Netscape Communication.


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

Netscape communications

proposed a protocol for providing data security

layered between high-level application protocols and TCP/IP

HACKER: The Hacker is a computer enthusiast who gains unauthorized access to a computer or network. A person who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems and how to stretch their capabilities, as opposed to most users, who prefer to learn only the minimum necessary.

One who programs enthusiastically (even obsessively) or who enjoys programming rather than just theorizing about programming.

A person who is good at programming quickly.

An expert at a particular program, An expert or enthusiast of any kind.

One who enjoys the intellectual challenge of creatively overcoming or circumventing limitations. A malicious meddler who tries to discover sensitive information by poking around. Hence "password hacker", "network hacker".

HACKING SECURITY TOOLS Hacking refers to the hobby/ profession of working with computers. Hacking is defined as the unauthorized or illegal process of breaking into computer systems. A hacking tool is a program designed to assist with hacking, or a legitimate utility that can also be used for hacking. The important hacking security tools are: 1. Cryptology and Encryption 2. Kerberos 3. Security protocols 4. Digital signatures 5. Firewall security


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

6. UNIX security etc.

CRYPTOLOGY: Cryptography or cryptology is a protection method that secures information by its confidentiality. It is used to protect information about the integrity and authentication of data. Cryptography is used to prevent from unauthorized view of mails, messages, information from the internet. Cryptology is the interdisciplinary of mathematics, computer science and engineering. The applications of cryptography include ATM cards, computer passwords, and electronic commerce. Encryption is the powerful tool of cryptography which is used for ensurity. Cryptography is used in the second world war-II period also to send highly secured messages to the very high level general staff messages by the Germany.

ENCRYPTION: In cryptography, encryption is the process of transforming information (referred to as plaintext) using an algorithm (called cipher) to make it unreadable to anyone except those possessing special knowledge, usually referred to as a key. The result of the process is encrypted information (in cryptography, referred to as ciphertext). The word encryption also refers to the reverse process, decryption to make the encrypted information readable again (i.e. to make it unencrypted). Encryption has long been used by militaries and governments to facilitate secret communication. Encryption is now commonly used in protecting information within many kinds of civilian systems. For example, in 2007 the U.S. government reported that 71% of companies surveyed utilized encryption for some of their data in transit.[1] Encryption can be used to protect data "at rest", such as files on computers and storage


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

devices (e.g. USB flash drives). In recent years there have been numerous reports of confidential data such as customers' personal records being exposed through loss or theft of laptops or backup drives. Encrypting such files at rest helps protect them should physical security measures fail. Digital rights management systems which prevent unauthorized use or reproduction of copyrighted material and protect software against reverse engineering (see also copy protection) are another somewhat different example of using encryption on data at rest. Encryption is also used to protect data in transit, for example data being transferred via networks (e.g. the Internet, e-commerce), mobile telephones, wireless microphones, wireless intercom systems, Bluetooth devices and bank automatic teller machines. There have been numerous reports of data in transit being intercepted in recent years. Encrypting data in transit also helps to secure it as it is often difficult to physically secure all access to networks. KERBEROS MIT(Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)) developed Kerberos to protect network services provided by Project Athena. The protocol was named after the Greek mythological character Kerberos (or Cerberus), known in Greek mythology as being the monstrous three-headed guard dog of Hades. Kerberos is a popular third-party authentication protocol. It is an encryptionbased system that uses secret key encryption designed to authenticate users and network connections. It provides an authentication means in an open network.


A password is a secret word or string of characters that is used for authentication, to prove identity or gain access to a resource (example: an access code is a type of password). The password must be kept secret from those not allowed access. Banks, hospitals, and other businesses are requiring usernames and passwords to gain access to their sites. Free e-mail sites, newspapers and even game sites require


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

usernames and passwords. Often the requirement to use usernames and passwords is imposed to gain marketing data. Passwords are not displayed on the screen, when they are typed into prevent anyone else from reading them. User passwords are generally encrypted using the DES algorithm. Once a password is encrypted, it cannot be decrypted back to its text format. This helps to prevent hackers from reading the password file and stealing Users have the responsibility for the maintenance of their passwords.


A user can change passwords at his will periodically or as necessary, unless the administrator has set up password aging mechanisms, which forces the user to change the password at regular intervals. KEYS: In cryptography, a key is a piece of information (a parameter) that determines the functional output of a cryptographic algorithm or cipher. Without a key, the algorithm would have no result. In encryption, a key specifies the particular transformation of plaintext into ciphertext, or vice versa during decryption. Keys are also used in other cryptographic algorithms, such as digital signature schemes and message authentication codes.

DIGITAL SIGNATURE A digital signature or digital signature scheme is a mathematical scheme for demonstrating the authenticity of a digital message or document. A valid digital signature gives a recipient reason to believe that the message was created by a known sender, and that it was not altered in transit. Digital signatures are commonly used for software distribution, financial transactions, and in other cases where it is important to detect forgery and tampering. Digital signatures are often used to implement electronic signatures, a broader term that refers to any electronic data that carries the intent of a signature,[1] but not all electronic signatures use digital signatures.[2][3][4] In some countries, including the United States, and


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

members of the European Union, electronic signatures have legal significance. However, laws concerning electronic signatures do not always make clear whether they are digital cryptographic signatures in the sense used here, leaving the legal definition, and so their importance, somewhat confused. Digital signatures employ a type of asymmetric cryptography. For messages sent through an insecure channel, a properly implemented digital signature gives the receiver reason to believe the message was sent by the claimed sender. Digital signatures are equivalent to traditional handwritten signatures in many respects; properly implemented digital signatures are more difficult to forge than the handwritten type. A digital signature scheme typically consists of three algorithms:

A key generation algorithm that selects a private key uniformly at random from a set of possible private keys. The algorithm outputs the private key and a corresponding public key.

A signing algorithm which, given a message and a private key, produces a signature.

A signature verifying algorithm which given a message, public key and a signature, either accepts or rejects the message's claim to authenticity.

Two main properties are required. First, a signature generated from a fixed message and fixed private key should verify the authenticity of that message by using the corresponding public key. Secondly, it should be computationally infeasible to generate a valid signature for a party who does not possess the private key. SECURED PROTOCOLS Security protocol (cryptographic protocol or encryption protocol) is an abstract or concrete protocol that performs a security-related function and applies cryptographic methods.


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

A protocol describes how the algorithms should be used. A sufficiently detailed protocol includes details about data structures and representations, at which point it can be used to implement multiple, interoperable versions of a program. Cryptographic protocols are widely used for secure application-level data transport. The prominent secure transmission protocols to secure web communications are: 1. Secure sockets layer(SSL) 2. Secure HTTP(S-HTTP)

FIREWALL A firewall is a piece of software or hardware that helps screen out hackers, viruses, and worms that try to reach your computer over the Internet. If you are a home user or smallbusiness user, using a firewall is the most effective and important first step you can take to help protect your computer.

It is important to turn on your firewall and antivirus software before you connect to the Internet.

A firewall is a part of a computer system or network that is designed to block unauthorized access while permitting authorized communications. It is a device or set of devices configured to permit, deny, encrypt, decrypt, or proxy all (in and out) computer traffic between different security domains based upon a set of rules and other criteria. Firewalls can be implemented in either hardware or software, or a combination of both. Firewalls are frequently used to prevent unauthorized Internet users from accessing private networks connected to the Internet, especially intranets. All messages entering or leaving the intranet pass through the firewall, which examines each message and blocks those that do not meet the specified security criteria


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College


IT ACT,2000 The Information Technology Act bill was presented in the year 1999 and was passed in the year 2000. It is extended to the whole of india and it applies to any offence or contravention there under committed outside india by any person. This Act aims to provide the legal infrastructure for e-commerce in India. And the cyber laws have a major impact for e-businesses and the new economy in India. The Information Technology Act, 2000 also aims to provide for the legal framework so that legal sanctity is accorded to all electronic records and other activities carried out by 53

Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

electronic means. The Act states that unless otherwise agreed, an acceptance of contract may be expressed by electronic means of communication and the same shall have legal validity and enforceability. The important frame work of the Information Technology act,2000 are: Chapter-I of the IT act specifies the basic definitions on IT terms like Computer, access, addressee, digital signature, appropriate government, asymmetric crypto system etc. Chapter-II of the Act specifically stipulates that any subscriber may authenticate an electronic record by affixing his digital signature. It further states that any person can verify an electronic record by use of a public key of the subscriber.

Chapter-III of the Act details about Electronic Governance and provides that where any law provides that information or any other matter shall be in writing or in the typewritten or printed form, then, notwithstanding anything contained in such law, such requirement shall be deemed to have been satisfied if such information or matter is rendered or made available in an electronic form; and accessible so as to be usable for a subsequent reference.

This chapter also details the legal recognition of Digital Signatures. Chapter-IV of the IT Act gives a scheme for Regulation of Certifying Authorities. The Act envisages a Controller of Certifying Authorities who shall perform the function of exercising supervision over the activities of the Certifying Authorities as also laying down standards and conditions governing the Certifying Authorities as also specifying the various forms and content of Digital Signature Certificates. The Act recognizes the need for recognizing foreign Certifying Authorities and it further details the various provisions for the issue of license to issue Digital Signature Certificates.

Chapter-VII of the Act details about the scheme of things relating to Digital Signature


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

Certificates. The duties of subscribers are also enshrined in the said Act.

Chapter-IX of the IT Act talks about penalties and adjudication for various offences. The penalties for damage to computer, computer systems etc. has been fixed as damages by way of compensation not exceeding Rs. 1,00,00,000 to affected persons. The Act talks of appointment of any officers not below the rank of a Director to the Government of India or an equivalent officer of state government as an Adjudicating Officer who shall adjudicate whether any person has made a contravention of any of the provisions of the said Act or rules framed there under. The said Adjudicating Officer has been given the powers of a civil court.

Chapter-X of the Act talks of the establishment of the Cyber Regulations Appellate Tribunal, which shall be an appellate body where appeals against the orders passed by the adjudicating officers should be preferred. Chapter-XI of the Act talks about various offences and the said offences shall be investigated only by a Police Officer not below the rank of the Deputy Superintendent of Police. These offences include tampering with computer source documents, publishing of information, which is obscene in electronic form, and hacking.

The Act also provides for the constitution of the Cyber Regulations Advisory Committee, which shall advice the government as regards any rules, or for any other purpose connected with the said act. The said Act also proposes to amend the Indian Penal Code, 1860, the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, The Bankers' Books Evidence Act, 1891, The Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 to make them in tune with the provisions of the IT Act. Advantages of IT Act,2000: The IT Act 2000 attempts to change outdated laws and

provides ways to deal with cyber crimes. We need such laws so that people can perform purchase transactions over the Net through credit cards without fear of misuse. The Act


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

offers the much-needed legal framework so that information is not denied legal effect, validity or enforceability, solely on the ground that it is in the form of electronic records. In view of the growth in transactions and communications carried out through electronic records, the Act seeks to empower government departments to accept filing, creating and retention of official documents in the digital format. The Act has also proposed a legal framework for the authentication and origin of electronic records / communications through digital signature. From the perspective of e-commerce in India, the IT Act 2000 and its provisions contain many positive aspects. Firstly, the implications of these provisions for the e-businesses would be that email would now be a valid and legal form of communication in our country that can be duly produced and approved in a court of law.

Companies shall now be able to carry out electronic commerce using the legal infrastructure provided by the act. Provisions within the amendments of Information Technology Act,2000 allow for unrestricted e-surveillance and lawful interception of data, regardless of encryption, and facilitates the blocking of content deemed disrespectful or objectionable towards national sentiments, at the discretion of government personnel appointed for the purpose. The amendments also make it mandatory for organizations in India to maintain reasonable security practices for protection of third-party data from unauthorized access, nonadherence would attract severe monetary penalties. While freeing organizations from any responsibility regarding third-party data on their websites, the amendments enlist data retention requirements for such third-party data. The necessity of e-surveillance to ensure information security and keep unlawful activities conducted via the virtual world in check cannot be argued.


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

The Act enables the companies to file any form, application or any other document with any office, authority, body or agency owned or controlled by the appropriate Government in electronic form by means of such electronic form as may be prescribed by the appropriate government. The IT Act also addresses the important

issues of security, which are so critical to the success of electronic transactions. The Act has given a legal definition to the concept of secure digital signatures that would be required to have been passed through a system of a security procedure, as stipulated by the Government at a later date. Under the IT Act, 2000, it shall now be possible for corporates to have a statutory remedy in case if anyone breaks into their computer systems or network and causes damages or copies data. The remedy provided by the Act is in the form of monetary damages, not exceeding Rs. 1 crore.


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

WEBSITE A website (also spelled web site) is a collection of related web pages, images, videos or other digital assets that are addressed with a common domain name or IP address in an Internet Protocol-based network. A web site is hosted on at least one web server, accessible via a network such as the Internet or a private local area network. A web page is a document, typically written in plain text interspersed with formatting instructions of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML, XHTML). A web page may incorporate elements from other websites with suitable markup anchors. Web pages are accessed and transported with the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which may optionally employ encryption (HTTP Secure, HTTPS) to provide security and privacy for the user of the web page content. The user's application, often a web browser, renders the page content according to its HTML markup instructions onto a display terminal. All publicly accessible websites collectively constitute the World Wide Web. The pages of a website can usually be accessed from a simple Uniform Resource Locator (URL) called the homepage. The URLs of the pages organize them into a hierarchy, although hyperlinking between them conveys the reader's perceived site structure and guides the reader's navigation of the site. Some websites require a subscription to access some or all of their content. Examples of subscription sites include many business sites, parts of many news sites, academic journal sites, gaming sites, message boards, web-based e-mail, services, social networking websites, and sites providing real-time stock market data.


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

TYPES OF WEBSITES There are a few million active web sites on the internet today. They can be classified in various categories. Some of the categories are common such as ecommerce web sites and corporate web sites, but there are some special types of web sites which also exist on the internet today. The common websites are: 1.Corporate Websites: this is the first step for most companies when they decide to build their home on the internet. Corporate web sites are pretty much like corporate presentation in a web friendly form. They provide information to users about the company and also provide contact information. The corporate web site is useful for companies who are planning to use the web site as a marketing tool. 2.Personal Websites: as the name suggests, personal web sites are web sites which belong to individuals and they have their personal profile featured on it along with any thing that they have an active interest in. A personal web site is usually targeted to a persons friends and family and has limited viewer ship. Personal web sites are quite easy to put together and you can even do it yourself with the help of some web sites. 3.Flash Websites: Flash as you might already know is one of the leading web technologies which exist today. Flash allows you to make an audio video friendly web site which can act as a great way to advertise a product or a service. Many people relate flash to digital format of television and in a way it is true. Flash web sites tend to be rich with graphics and effects and a well designed flash web site is bound to impress the user and create the desired effect. Flash web sites are deployed by luxury product companies and consumer product companies to create a lasting impression on the users. 4.Sales pages: Occasionally you would come across a web site which has just a couple of long pages which has a lot of client comments and information about a product. These sites are actually sales pages or landing pages of products or services which are sold online. E-books and online courses have sales pages which help promote them online and these cannot be clubbed with the conventional types of web sites.


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

5.E-commerce Websites: More and more corporate web sites are moving towards the ecommerce direction. If you have a product which you can sell online, the idea is that you should. Online sales are increasing at a good pace and many offline retailers are venturing into online modes. Ecommerce web sites are those which allow you to buy something online and complete a transaction by paying for it online as well. Ecommerce web sites require interaction with some third party web sites to be able to provide you this service and can be complicated to create but a good ecommerce web site has the potential to provide an excellent revenue stream for a business. 6.Web Apps and Intranets: A number of online entities are now turning into web based applications which allow you to perform business critical activities such as have online meetings, transact with world wide customers and even bank online. These web applications or intranet systems are complicated web sites which are supported with elaborate back end systems. Web apps are very useful and are likely to become a common thing on the internet in the very near future. The above listed types are the common types of websites and though they might be some specialization within these categories, they more or less cover the entire gamut of web sites which exist today. PLANNING AND ORGANISING OF A WEBSITE Purposing or planning of a web design is a complex, but essential ongoing activity. Before creating and uploading a website, it is important to take the time to plan exactly what is needed in the website. Thoroughly considering the audience or target market, as well as defining the purpose and deciding what content will be developed, are extremely important.

Web design is similar (in a very simplistic way) to traditional print publishing. Every website is an information display container, just as a book; and every web page is like the page in a book. However, web design uses a framework based on digital code and display


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

technology to construct and maintain an environment to distribute information in multiple formats.

It is essential to define the purpose of the website as one of the first steps in the planning process. A purpose statement should show focus based on what the website will accomplish and what the users will get from it. A clearly defined purpose will help the rest of the planning process as the audience is identified and the content of the site is developed. Setting short and long term goals for the website will help make the purpose clear and plan for the future when expansion, modification, and improvement will take place.

Defining the audience is a key step in the website planning process. The audience is the group of people who are expected to visit your website the market being targeted. These people will be viewing the website for a specific reason and it is important to know exactly what they are looking for when they visit the site. The list of characteristics common to the users such as:

Audience Characteristics Information Preferences Computer Specifications Web Experience

Taking into account the characteristics of the audience will allow an effective website to be created that will deliver the desired content to the target audience.


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

Content evaluation and organization requires that the purpose of the website be clearly defined. Collecting a list of the necessary content then organizing it according to the audience's needs is a key step in website planning. In the process of gathering the content being offered, any items that do not support the defined purpose or accomplish target audience objectives should be removed. The next step is to organize the basic information structure by categorizing the content and organizing it according to user needs. Each category should be named with a concise and descriptive title that will become a link on the website. Planning for the site's content ensures that the wants or needs of the target audience and the purpose of the site will be fulfilled.

Compatibility and restrictions

Because of the market share of modern browsers (depending on your target market), the compatibility of your website with the viewers is restricted. Another restriction on webpage design is the use of different image file formats. The majority of users can support GIF, JPEG, and PNG (with restrictions). Again Internet Explorer is the major restriction here, not fully supporting PNG's advanced transparency features, resulting in the GIF format still being the most widely used graphic file format for transparent images. Many website incompatibilities go unnoticed by the designer and unreported by the users. The only way to be certain a website will work on a particular platform is to test it on that platform. Planning documentation Documentation is used to visually plan the site while taking into account the purpose, audience and content, to design the site structure, content and interactions that are most suitable for the website. Documentation may be considered a prototype for the website a model which allows the website layout to be reviewed, resulting in suggested changes,


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

improvements and/or enhancements. This review process increases the likelihood of success of the website. WEBPAGE DESIGN Web design is the skill of creating presentations of content (usually hypertext or hypermedia) that is delivered to an end-user through the World Wide Web, by way of a Web browser or other Web-enabled software like Internet television clients, microblogging clients and RSS readers. The intent of web design,

is to create a web site -- a collection of electronic files that

reside on a web server/servers and present content and interactive features/interfaces to the end user in form of Web pages once requested. Such elements as text, bit-mapped images (GIFs, JPEGs, gifs), forms can be placed on the page using

HTML/XHTML/XML tags. Displaying more complex media (vector graphics, animations, videos, sounds) requires plug-ins such as Flash, QuickTime, Java run-time environment, etc. Plug-ins are also embedded into web page by using HTML/XHTML tags. Improvements in browsers' compliance with W3C standards prompted a widespread acceptance and usage of XHTML/XML in conjunction with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to position and manipulate web page elements and objects. Latest standards and proposals aim at leading to browsers' ability to deliver a wide variety of media and accessibility options to the client possibly without employing plug-ins. Typically web pages are classified as static or dynamic. Static pages dont change content and layout with every request unless a human (web master/programmer) manually updates the page. Dynamic pages adapt their content and/or appearance depending on end-users input/interaction or changes in the computing environment (user, time, database modifications, etc.) Content can be changed on the client side (end-user's computer) by using client-side scripting languages (JavaScript, JScript, Actionscript, etc.) to alter DOM


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

elements (DHTML). Dynamic content is often compiled on the server utilizing serverside scripting languages (Perl, PHP, ASP, JSP, ColdFusion, etc.). Both approaches are usually used in complex applications. With growing specialization in the information technology field there is a strong tendency to draw a clear line between web design and web development. Web design is a kind of graphic design intended for development and styling of objects of the Internet's information environment to provide them with high-end consumer features and aesthetic qualities. The offered definition separates web design from web programming, emphasizing the functional features of a web site, as well as positioning web design as a kind of graphic design.[2] The process of designing web pages, web sites, web applications or multimedia for the Web may utilize multiple disciplines, such as animation, authoring, communication design, corporate identity, graphic design, human-computer interaction, information architecture, interaction design, marketing, photography, search engine optimization and typography.

Markup languages (such as HTML, XHTML and XML) Style sheet languages (such as CSS and XSL) Client-side scripting (such as JavaScript) Server-side scripting (such as PHP and ASP) Database technologies (such as MySQL and PostgreSQL) Multimedia technologies (such as Flash and Silverlight)

Web pages and web sites can be static pages, or can be programmed to be dynamic pages that automatically adapt content or visual appearance depending on a variety of factors, such as input from the end-user, input from the Webmaster or changes in the computing environment (such as the site's associated database having been modified).


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

With growing specialization within communication design and information technology fields, there is a strong tendency to draw a clear line between web design specifically for web pages and web development for the overall logistics of all web-based services. ESSENTIALS IN DESIGNING GOOD WEBSITE Essentials Of Good Web Design 1. General Impression The web site is like a window that displays the objective of the business. If the

impression that it creates is not good enough visitors will simply leave from the website. Web site must be: Neat Organized Attractive Professional It is better that the site shows less than too much. Over crowded websites, with too many flashy elements, create a negative effect on the visitors mindset. 2. Message The first question that visitors ask themselves when coming to the web site is "What can I gain from here?" Visitors are not impressed that much by promotional offers of free goods and services. They are looking for ways in which the web site can be useful to them. If the web site should offer one or more of the following: Entertainment Information Advice Helpful tips Contact with people who share same interests, links to other interesting sites. The corporate site should provide information about the business and products and services. A business site should be simple to navigate and offer products and services that located in a simple way and ordered quickly. 3. Fast download


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

The web site should load as quickly as possible. Market research shows that the average surfer leaves a site that fails to load in 7 seconds. For a dial-up modem that means a maximum of 56 kilobytes. So avoid large graphics and flash animations. The opening page of the site should not overwhelm your visitors with too much information or you risk loosing them. Many Internet sites offer advice on how to increase the download speed of your site. 4. Graphics and Design The graphical design of a website is crucial for a positive first impression. Every graphic element should help present the main idea of your site. Funny images are not appropriate for a business site, but they can be a good choice for an entertainment one. Graphics load slowly so use them sparingly and efficiently. the overall size of a good websites web pages should be around 30k. Individual pictures should be about 6-8k. Additional 2k adds about one second to download time. Right-click on an image and check its properties to find out its size. The choice of colors is also significant since different colors provoke different feelings. The warm colors like orange and red increase the pulse rate and stimulate the senses. Cold colors like blue and green have the opposite effect. Yellow is considered a happy color because it reminds us of the sun. 5. Readable texts To impress word should be surrounded by sufficient white space. Use dark texts on light backgrounds (preferably white). Dark backgrounds make visitors feel confined and depressed. Bright backgrounds make texts difficult to read and red, orange and purple backgrounds can be dazzling. The text color choosed is equally important, different browsers interpret colors in different ways. A text that looks fine on your browser may be illegible on a different one 6. Easy Page Flow The page should contain sufficient information. Too much of information makes the readers not to spend long time as the seeing of visuals is also a hard thing. The page


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

should follow with simple answer to the point information and should be carried interestingly to the next page. 7. Navigation People read from left to right and from top to bottom. Web surfers expect to find navigation bars on the left of web pages. It is a good idea to put a button at the bottom of a long text that would allow the visitor to return to the beginning of the text. When you create a page design that you like use it on every page of your web site, it will make your web site predictable and will help your visitors find the information they need. Save a blank page with the layout, columns, logos, standardized graphics, alt tags and navigation bars built in. Use this page as a template for all pages that you create for your web site and just fill in the content that you like. 8. Privacy and Customer Opinions It is invaluable to get prospective customers to trust you, if you run a corporate site. Set a privacy page that explicitly lists how and what information you collect from your visitors, how you keep their e-mail address, how you accept and process their orders, who has access to this information and what precautions you take with information collected from minors. People like to know what the customers think of your products and services. Invite your customers to share their opinion, they would love to know that it is appreciated. Make a dedicated page with the opinions of your customers 9. Spelling, Grammar and Word Choice These are of crucial importance. If we are not careful here, all our efforts are in vain. Poor spelling and careless grammar and punctuation are the easiest way to lose visitors. Spelling and grammar mistakes tell that the site owner is lazy, careless, and unprofessional.


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

WEBPAGE DEVELOPMENT TOOLS Web development is a broad term for any activity to developing a web site for the World Wide Web or an internet. This can include e-commerce business development, web design, web content development, client-side/server-side scripting, and web server configuration. However, among web professionals, "web development" usually refers only to the non-design aspects of building web sites, e.g. writing markup and coding. Web development can range from developing the simplest static single page of plain text to the most complex web-based internet applications, electronic businesses, or social network services.

TESTING AND EVALUTING WEBSITE The website is tested with the following characteristics. They are: Dimensions of Quality. There are many dimensions of quality; each measure will pertain to a particular WebSite in varying degrees. Here are some common measures:

Timeliness: WebSites change often and rapidly. How much has a WebSite changed since the last upgrade? How do you highlight the parts that have changed?

Structural Quality: How well do all of the parts of the WebSite hold together? Are all links inside and outside the WebSite working? Do all of the images work? Are there parts of the WebSite that are not connected?

Content: Does the content of critical pages match what is supposed to be there? Do key phrases exist continually in highly-changeable pages? Do critical pages maintain quality content from version to version? What about dynamically generated HTML (DHTML) pages?

Accuracy and Consistency: Are today's copies of the pages downloaded the same as yesterday's? Close enough? Is the data presented to the user accurate enough? How do you know?

Response Time and Latency: Does the WebSite server respond to a browser request within certain performance parameters? In an e-commerce context, how is


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

the end-to-end response time after a SUBMIT? Are there parts of a site that are so slow the user discontinues working?

Performance: Is the Browser --> Web --> ebSite --> Web --> Browser connection quick enough? How does the performance vary by time of day, by load and usage? Is performance adequate for e-commerce applications? Taking 10 minutes -- or maybe even only 1 minute -- to respond to an e-commerce purchase may be unacceptable!

Impact of Quality. Quality remains is in the mind of the WebSite user. A poor quality WebSite, one with many broken pages and faulty images, with Cgi-Bin error messages, etc., may cost a lot in poor customer relations, lost corporate image, and even in lost sales revenue. Very complex, disorganized WebSites can sometimes overload the user. The combination of WebSite complexity and low quality is potentially lethal to Company goals. Unhappy users will quickly depart for a different site; and, they probably won't leave with a good impression.


a computer with Internet access and FrontPage 2003

Prior to beginning this tutorial you should be able to perform the following basic tasks on your computer: Be able to turn on the computer Be aware of basic navigation using the keyboard and mouse Know the meanings of some basic computer terms Locate 'Start' on the desktop and be able to navigate to the desktop Be able to open programs by using the mouse and clicking Be able to use a search engine such as Google Be able to select text and graphics by highlighting


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

Step Step Step Step Step Step Step Step Step Step

One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten

Create and name a folder on the desktop Open FrontPage and create a new blank page Rename the webpage and save it in a folder on the desktop Choosing the background of the page and view in a browser Inserting and modifying a table Modifying cells Modifying font Inserting and modifying graphics Creating hyperlinks Create the page

Tag Name <a> <b> <body> <br> <center> <font> <frame> Link. Bold the text within the tag. The information within this tag is the body of the HTML document. Line break. Center the text within the tag. Specify the font type, size, and color for the text within the tag. Specifies the properties within each frame. Usage

<frameset> Signifies that this HTML page is composed of frame(s). <h1>...<h6> The text within these tags are treated as headers. <head> <i> <img> <li> <meta> <ol> <p> <table> <td> <tr> <title> <u> <ul> The text within this tag specifies the header information for the HTML document. Italicize the text within the tag. Specifies the image to be shown on the HTML document. Itemized list. Specifies information about this HTML page. This information is not displayed on the browser but may be used by search engines. Ordered list, usually followed by one or more <li> tags. New paragraph. Signifies the presence of an HTML table. Specifies column properties in a table. Specifies row properties in a table. The text within this tag specifies the title of the HTML document. Underline the text within the tag. Unordered list, usually followed by one or more <li> tags.


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

Simple Text Formatting CSS Text Formatting

These features must be used as arguments of the "style" argument of a "span" or "div" tag surrounding the text. Attributes may be combined under style="" of the SPAN tag and seperated by a semicolon as such:

Description Underlined Text Font Color Aligned Text Change the Font Font Size

Attribute Syntax textdecoration:underline color:red textalign:left/right/center font-family:fontname font-size:200%

Result Underlined Text Red Text Text will be aligned to the left, right, or center Text will be in style "fontname"

2x Size Text

Self-closing Tags
Tags that, by definition, contain nothing between the opening and closing tags must selfclose with a space and forward slash: Images Carriage Return Horizontal Breaking Line


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

HTML EDITOR An HTML editor is a software application for creating web pages. Although the HTML markup of a web page can be written with any text editor, specialized HTML editors can offer convenience and added functionality. For example, many HTML editors work not only with HTML, but also with related technologies such as CSS, XML and JavaScript or ECMAScript. HTML is a language for describing web pages.

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language HTML is not a programming language, it is a markup language A markup language is a set of markup tags HTML uses markup tags to describe web pages

HTML Tags HTML markup tags are usually called HTML tags

HTML tags are keywords surrounded by angle brackets like <html> HTML tags normally come in pairs like <b> and </b> The first tag in a pair is the start tag, the second tag is the end tag Start and end tags are also called opening tags and closing tags

HTML Documents = Web Pages

HTML documents describe web pages HTML documents contain HTML tags and plain text HTML documents are also called web pages

Website Design - html basics

<html></html> Creates an HTML document


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

<head></head> Sets off the title and other information that isn't displayed on the Web page itself <body></body> Sets off the visible portion of the document <title></title> Positions the name of the document in the title bar <body bgcolor=?> Sets the background color, using name or hex value (web safe color #) <body text=?> Sets the text color, using name or hex value <body link=?> Sets the color of links, using name or hex value <body vlink=?> Sets the color of followed links, using name or hex value <body alink=?> Sets the color of links on click <pre></pre> Creates preformatted text <hl></hl> Creates the largest headline <h6></h6> Creates the smallest headline <b></b> Creates bold text <i></i> Creates italic text <tt></tt> Creates teletype, or typewriter-style text <cite></cite> Creates a citation, usually italic <em></em> Emphasizes a word (with italic or bold) <strong></strong> Emphasizes a word (with italic or bold) <font size=?></font> Sets size of font, from 1 to 7 <font color=?></font> Sets font color, using name or hex value <a href="URL"></a> Creates a hyperlink <a href="mailto:EMAIL"></a> Creates a mailto link (for email) <a name="NAME"></a> Creates a target location within a document <a href="#NAME"></a> Links to that target location from elsewhere in the document <p></p> Creates a new paragraph <p align=?> Aligns a paragraph to the left, right, or center <br> Inserts a line break <blockquote> </blockquote> Indents text from both sides <div align=?> A generic tag used to format large blocks of HTML, also used for stylesheets <img src="name"> Adds an image <img src="name" align=?> Aligns an image: left, right, center; bottom, top, middle <img src="name" width=?> Sets the width of the image <img src="name" height=?> Sets the height of the image <img src="name" border=?> Sets size of border around an image <hr> Inserts a horizontal rule <table></table> Creates a table <tr></tr> Sets off each row in a table <td></td> Sets off each cell in a row <th></th> Sets off the table header (a normal cell with bold, centered text) <table border=#> Sets width of border around table cells <table cellspacing=#> Sets amount of space between table cells <table cellpadding=#> Sets amount of space between a cell's border and its


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

contents <table width=# or %> Sets width of table - in pixels or as a percentage of document width <tr align=?> or <td align=?> Sets alignment for cell(s) (left, center, or right) <tr valign=?> or <td valign=?> Sets vertical alignment for cell(s) (top, middle, or bottom) <td colspan=#> Sets number of columns a cell should span <td rowspan=#> Sets number of rows a cell should span (default=1) <td nowrap> Prevents the lines within a cell from being broken to fit


Multimedia is usually recorded and played, displayed or accessed by information content processing devices, such as computerized and electronic devices, but can also be part of a live performance. Multimedia (as an adjective) also describes electronic media devices used to store and experience multimedia content. Multimedia is the encompass of all media used in electronics, particularly with computers. The use of computers to present text, graphics, video, animation, and sound in an integrated way. Long touted as the future revolution in computing, multimedia applications were, until the mid-90s, uncommon due to the expensive hardware required. With increases in performance and decreases in price, however, multimedia is now commonplace. Nearly all Personal Computers are capable of displaying video, though the resolution available depends on the power of the computer's video adapter and microprocessor.

VRML(VIRTUAL REALITY MODELING LANGUAGE) VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language, pronounced vermal or by its initials, originally before 1995 known as the Virtual Reality Markup Language) is a standard file format for representing 3-dimensional (3D) interactive vector graphics, designed particularly with the World Wide Web in mind. It has been superseded by X3D.


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

The term VRML was coined by Dave Raggett in a paper submitted to The First International Conference on the World-Wide Web in 1994, and first discussed at the WWW94 VRML BOF established by Tim Berners-Lee, where Mark Pesce presented the Labyrinth demo he developed with Tony Parisi & Peter Kennard. In 1997, a new version of the format was finalized, as VRML97 (also known as VRML2 or VRML 2.0), and became an ISO standard. VRML97 was used on the Internet on some personal homepages and sites such as "CyberTown", which offered 3D chat using Blaxxun Software.

VRML files are commonly called "worlds" and have the *.wrl extension (for example island.wrl). The Web3D Consortium has been formed to further the collective development of the format. VRML (and its successor, X3D), have been accepted as international standards by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). VRML experimentation was primarily in education and research where an open specification is most valued. It has now been re-engineered as X3D. The MPEG-4 Interactive Profile (ISO/IEC 14496) was based on VRML (now on X3D), and X3D is largely backward-compatible with it. VRML is also widely used as a file format for interchange of 3D models, particularly from CAD systems. IMP. LONG ANSWER QUESTIONS EXPECTED UNIT I 1. Define E-Business and explain its models. 2. Explain the applications of e-business trade Unit 2 1. Define Internet and explain various applications of internet. 2. Applications of Intranet and Extranet 3. Explain EDI and its implementation.


Suresh Chandra.Ch Ph.D Research Scholar(KU) & Faculty in Mgt, St.Josephs P.G.College

Unit 3 1. Strategies of E-Business 2. E-Marketing implementation 3. E-SCM implementation Unit IV 1.Hacking Security tools 2. Information Technology Act,2000 and its impact. Unit V 1. Development of webpage or creation of web page. 2. Explain HTML and its applications 3. Multimedia and its applications. Short answer Questions: 1. Concept of E-Business 2. Difference between B2B and B2C model 3. Mobile commerce 4. E-grocery 5. Intranet and extranet difference 6. EDI &VPN 7. E-Business strategy 8. E-CRM 9. E-Payment system 10. Attacking methods 11. SET and SSL 12. Digital Signature 13. Kerberos 14. Website 15. HTML Editors 16. Multimedia 17. VRML 18. Cryptology and Encryption.

*****ALL THE BEST *****


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