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Helpful Resources

INTERVENTION CENTRAL http://www.interventioncentral.or g/ RTI FOR TEACHERS edit6200/rtiforteachers/index.htm l RESPONSE TO INTERVENTION http://thertisite.learningtodayonli CENTER ON INSTRUCTION http://www.centeroninstruction.o rg/

Response to Intervention

How do teachers find time to implement RTI?

At Tier 1, interventions are delivered to the full class, so this requires no extra time than regular teaching. However at Tier 2, when small group interventions are required, here are some options: *Create centers or learning stations around the classroom. *If possible, use extra school personnel, such as instructional aides or reading specialists to carry out the small group interventions. *Combine efforts with another classroom. One teacher can teach both classes, while the other works on the intervention. *Utilize study hall time or extra time at lunch.

Response to Intervention: A Practical Guide for Every Teacher by Bender & Shores RTI Strategies for Secondary Teachers by Fitzell RTI in the Classroom: Guidelines and Recipes for Success by Brown-Chidsey, Bronaugh, & McGraw Effective School Interventions: Evidence-Based Strategies for Improving Student Outcomes by Rathvon

A Guide For Teachers


Jade Franklin Instructional Consultation, Spring 2012 University at Albany

Quinn, P. (2009). Ultimate RTI. Slinger, WI: Ideas Unlimited Seminars, Inc. The Education Experts: United Teachers of Dade, (2010). Response to intervention in a nutshell. FL: Miami.

Teachers deliver instruction and interventions to students at increasing levels of intensity. They also measure student progress and use these results to decide whether a student needs additional intervention in general education or a referral to special education.

The Classroom Teachers Role in Response to Intervention

Tier 1
v Administer school wide, full classroom assessments v Utilize evidence-based instructional practices v Maintain communication with parents on student progress v Participate in Tier 1 data meetings

Basic Steps of RTI

Universal Screening o Measure all students to identify students who at risk of falling behind. Tier One: Full Class Intervention o Use a method backed by research to teach your full class. Fidelity Check of Full Class Intervention o Have another person observe the teaching to make sure it is being done properly. Progress Monitoring during Full Class Intervention o Measure the progress of the students identified as at risk in the universal screening. Tier Two: Small Group Intervention o Implement a different intervention for the small group of students who are not making progress with the full class intervention. Fidelity Check of Small Group Intervention o Have another person observe the small group intervention to make sure it is being taught properly. Progress Monitoring during Small Group Intervention o Measure the progress of students who are receiving the small group intervention. Tier Three: Special Services o At this point, schools will now move to providing specialized services from special education staff to those students who are not responding.

Tier 2
v Provide small group intervention during scheduled intervention periods (when necessary) v Participate in Tier 2 problem solving meetings v Maintain communication with parents on student progress v Collaborate on instructional planning with Tier 2 interventionists

Tier 3
v If referring a student for Tier 3 support, complete the necessary Request for Assistance Form (referral form) v Participate in Tier 3 problem solving v Implement Tier 3 supports for referred students (when necessary) v Maintain communication with parents on student progress

Interventions are instructional in nature. They are all about teaching. Progress monitoring is testing. It is all about measuring. -Pat Quinn

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