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Long, long ago when fairies could still grant wishes, there lived a king and queen who wanted a baby daughter more than anything in the whole world.

Eventually, their wish came true and they had a party to celebrate the birth of a beautiful baby girl. They invited all their friends and the twelve most important fairies in the land. Everyone had a wonderful time and gave the little princess lots of lovely gifts for her christening. The twelve fairies gave her special magical gifts such as beauty, kindness, honesty, and happiness. The eleventh fairy had just given her gift when there was a clap of thunder and suddenly a horrible wicked fairy appeared.
"How dare you not invite me to the party! I have a gift I want to give the baby princess but because you forgot to invite me, it is not a very nice gift!.

When the princess is sixteen years old she hall prick her finger on a spindle and die!" She laughed a wicked laugh and disappeared with a flash of lightening. Everyone was frightened at what had happened and the king ordered all the spindles in the land to be destroyed. Suddenly, the twelfth fairy spoke up. " I cannot undo the spell on the princess, but I still have my gift to give. The princess shall not die, but instead she shall sleep for one hundred years" However, gradually people forgot about the

awful spell and the princess grew up into a lovely young girl.
On her sixteenth birthday, the young princess found a tower in the palace she had never seen before. She climbed the steps and found an old woman sitting at a spindle.

It was the wicked fairy. The princess bent over the spindle and pricked her finger. The fairy laughed a nasty laugh and the poor princess fell down as if she was dead. The spell had come true. The king and queen and all the servants in the palace fell asleep. Even the birds stopped singing and fell asleep. A great thorn hedge grew round the palace. Time seemed to stand still for many years. People outside the palace tried to get through the hedge but couldn't as it was so prickly. The years passed and, unhappily, people forgot the story of the sleeping princess.

One day, many years later, a handsome prince came riding in the forest surrounding the palace. He touched the prickly hedge but the thorns turned into roses.

The prince walked through the hedge, easily pushing the branches out of the way. He was surprised at all the sleeping people he saw. As for the princess, she opened her eyes and instantly fell in love with the prince.

KANCIL AND THE MONKEY One day in the forest, there are many kinds of animals living in harmony and peace each other. Each animal has his own life and activities. But there is one animal that is always making trouble and is very clever, the name is Kancil. With the cunning of reason and intelligence to speak to fool his opponent. Kancil known as the beast with a million clever deception. Well this time the target monkeys. On one day a monkey was enjoy hanging and shade under the bamboo tree. Singing, whistling with the cool and peaceful porch enjoying a piece of cake. Kancil Come, see the monkey that was cool to enjoy a piece of cake. Cunning of reason appears to take the cake in the hands Monkey. The monkey then had to come up Kancil, while asking "What up Cil? You call me." Kancil : "Nyet .. Can you given me a bit of cake, just a little" Monkey : "Yes ... Cil .. I'm care about others, yes this is my half of the cake," Kancil : "Thank ya Nyet ... you're so good, but let's me to cut the cake," Monkey give the cake to be cut by Kancil without the slightest suspicion against the Kancil. "This is the cake you cut a fair Cil ...," The monkey said as he handed a cake to Kancil. Kancil with a sly sense to cut the cake, one big and other small without the knowledge of the Monkey. Then give a small part to Monkey then the great he held his own. "Cil ... why is big your one?," Said Monkey. Kancil : "Come give to me, I make for the same cake," and Kancil eat a little of the cake which he held, "It's the same?." Monkey: "Not Cil ... this is still a big mine," Kancil Monkey takes the cake hands and ate a little cake, and so on until the cake was eaten Kancil. Finally Kancil eaten all the cake while Monkey just got upset at not getting the cake when the cake was his own. Since then the Monkey hates Kancil.


GARLIC & ONION Long time ago in a village lived a family consisting of father, mother and a beautiful teenage girl named Bawang Putih (garlic). They are a happy family. Although the father Bawang Putih (garlic) traders only normal, but they are harmonious and peaceful living. But one day the mother Bawang Putih (garlic) sick and eventually died. Bawang Putih (Garlic) very similarly in his father's sorrow. Live in the village is also a widow who has a child named Bawang Merah (Onion). Since the mother's Bawang putih died, Bawang Merah mother often went to the Bawang Putih house. He often brings food, Bawang Merah help tidy the house or just keep Bawang Putih and shoot the father. Finally Bawang Putih father thinking that it may be best if he just married mother Bawang Merah, Bawang Putih not so lonely anymore. Then Bawang Putih's father and Bawang Merah's mother married. Originally Bawang Merah mother's and Bawang Merah is very good to Bawang putih. However, the nature of long run they began to look authentic. They often bristle Bawang Putih and gave her a job if the father of Bawang Putih are going to trade. Bawang Putih must do all homework, while Bawang Merah's mother and Bawang Merah just sit only. Of course Bawang white father did not know about it, because Bawang Putih never tell to her father. One day Bawang Putih's father fell ill and then died. Since that time Bawang Merah's mother and Bawang merah more powerful and haphazardly against to Bawang putih. Bawang Putih almost never rest. She should wake up before dawn, to prepare the water bath and breakfast for Bawang Merah and her mother. Then he had to feed the livestock, watering thegarden and wash clothes to the river. But he still must iron the clothes, tidy house, and many other jobs. But Bawang Putih always happy to do the work, because she hopes one day the stepmother will love such as her child own. This morning as usual Bawang Putih bring basket containing the clothes in the river will wash. She sang with the small paths in the forest edge of a small regular she walk. Today the weather was very bright. Bawang Putih immediately wash all the dirty clothes brought. She fell very happy, Bawang putih not realize that one of the clothes have been brought out flow. Unfortunately the shirt is a lovely shirt her stepmother. When the think that, clothes's stepmother was too far away. Bawang Putih, try the river to search for it, but did not succeed to find it. With the despair he returned to the house and told to his mother. "filthy!" Rave stepmother. "I did not want to know, the main thing you need to find the clothes! And do not dare go home if you have not found it. Understand? " Bawang Putih forced to obey the wishes her stepmother. She immediately wen to place the river washed earlier. The sun has begun to escalate, but Bawang Putih not find clothes for her mother. He installed her eyes, thoroughly looking for each radix stick to the root of the river, the mother

who knows clothes get caught in there. After a long stride and the sun is slanting to the west, Bawang Putih saw a rancher who is bath him buffalo. Bawang putih then ask: "O good uncle, do you see the red shirt who wander through here? Because I have to find and bring it home. " "Yes I see the bud earlier. If you pursue quick, you may be able to pursue, "said the uncle. "Ok uncle, thank you!" Said Bawang Putih and immediately ran back the river bank. Day has begun dark, Bawang Putih have started despair. The night will soon arrive, and Bawang putih. From a distance appear to light the lamp that came from a hut in the river bank. Bawang putih immediately came to the house and knock the door. "Excuse me ...!" Said Bawang putih. An old woman opened the door. "Who are you kid?" ask the grandmother. "I'am Bawang putih grandmother. Earlier I'am looking for a dress my mother that away in the river. And now benighted. Can I stay here tonight? "ask Bawang putih. "Can. Are you looking for a shirt red? "Ask grandmother. "Yes granmother. What is ... u find it? "ask Bawang putih. "Yes. Earlier clothes that get caught in front of the house. Unfortunately, when I like that dress,"said the grandmother. "Okay I will return it, but you must first stay here for a week. I do not have long conversation with anyone, how? "Fate grandmother. Bawang Putih think a moment. It seems lonely grandmother. Bawang Putih also felt compassion. "Nek Okay, I will accompany a grandmother for a week, the grandmother is not bored with it," said Bawang Putih smile. Bawang Putih for a week to stay with the grandmother. Bawang Putih every day to help grandmother's the work house. Of course, the grandmother feel happy. Until eventually even have a week, a grandmother also called Bawang Putih."Nak, you have a week to stay here. And I am happy because you're a studious child and kind. Therefore, it is appropriate my promise you can bring home your mother shirt. And one more, you can choose one of two pumpkin as a gift!" Said the grandmother. Initially Bawang white refused grandmother give the gifts but grandmother force her. Bawang putih finally choose the most small pumpkin. "I'm afraid, canot to bring a big one," she said. Grandmother was smiling and deliver Bawang Putih untill to the front house. Reachhe at home, Bawang Putih give a red shirt to her stepmother owned while she went to the kitchen to chop the yellow pumpkin. Would surprise Bawang Putih when pumpkin split it, there appeared to contain a gold jewel is very large. She shout so happy and told the wonderful things to her stepmother and Bawang Merah with a greedy suddenly seize the gold and the jewel. They force Bawang Putih to recount how she can get these gifts. Bawang putih told with honest. Hear the story of Bawang Putih, Bawang Merah and her mother plan to do the same thing but this time Bawang Merah will do it. In short word, Bawang Merah reache in the house grandmother in the river. Such as Bawang Putih, Bawang Merah also be required to accompany for a week. Not like Bawang putih that diligent, for a week of Bawang Merah only sit Lazy. Even if there is then the result is never good because it always works with the origin-derived.

Finally after a week that grandmother allows Bawang Merah to go. "The grandmother should be given the pumpkin as gifts because i had accompany for a week?" Ask Bawang Merah. Grandmother had told Bawang Merah select one of two of the pumpkin offered. Quickly Bawang Merah take a large pumpkin and without thanked to her swing away. Reach in the house Bawang Merah immediately to meet her mother and happyly show the pumpkin that brought. For fear of Bawang Putih will ask for it, they told Bawang Putih to go to the river. Then they can not wait to rip the pumpkin. But was not gold jewel that is out of the pumpkin, but animals such as venomous snakes, scorpions, and others.


According to legend, told King Sungging Perbangkara went hunting. In the middle of forest the King to urine on caring leaves (keladi forest). A female wild pig named Wayungyang in the middle of imprisoned want to be a human drank the urine. Wayungyang pregnancy and birth to a beautiful baby. Beautiful baby was brought to the palace by his father, and given the name of Dayang Sumbi or Rarasati. Many of the kings who propose her, but one does not have received. Finally, the king in the war between each other. Dayang Sumbi with her asked a seclude themselves in a hill accompanied a male dog that is Si Tumang. While it is preoccupied weave, toropong (piston) being used to weave cloth fell down. Dayang Sumbi feel as lazy, she said without be thought first, he promised to anyone who get the piston that drop if sex male, will be her husband. Tumang bring the piston and given to Dayang Sumbi. Dayang Sumbi finally delivered the baby male given name Sangkuriang. Children are very fond of hunting, he hunting accompanied by Tumang, dog pet palace. Sangkuriang do not know, that dog is the bead of the gods and also him father. On a day Tumang do not want followed the command to pursue prey animals. But dog is outcasted into the forest. When returned to the palace, Sangkuriang told the incident to him mother. Extraordinarily angry Dayang Sumbi heard the story. She accidentally hit Sangkuriang's head with a spoon of rice that held it, Sangkuriang injured. He was very disappointed and went rogue. After that incident, Dayang Sumbi extremely regret themselves. She was always very diligent to pray and be imprisoned. One day, the Gods gave her a gift. She will be forever young and has a lasting beauty. After many years itinerate, Sangkuriang eventually intends to return to the homeland. Reach offer there, the kingdom has changed totally. There found a lovely girl, who is not Dayang Sumbi. Dazzled by the beauty of the woman, Sangkuriang propose her to marriage. Because the youth was very handsome, Dayang Sumbi also very stunned him. On a day Sangkuriang ask farewell to hunt. He requested help Dayang Sumbi to tidy bundle head. Would shocked Dayang Sumbi when she saw the scar on her fiance. Injury like as children who have been injured to go wander. After a long she looking of him, the youth face is very similar to face his son.She became very afraid, so after that she seek power to thwart the efforts of the propose to marriage. She ask the two terms. First, she asks for the youth to stem the Citarum river. And second, she requested Sangkuriang to make a large boat to cross over the river. The two requirements that must be met before the morning break. That night Sangkuriang do imprisoned. With the power he exert supernatural beings to help finish the job. Dayang Sumbi also secretly snoop the job. Once the work is almost complete, Dayang Sumbi ordered peoples to set off the red silk cloth, in the east of the city. When witnessed the ruddy color in the east of the city, Sangkuriang think the day is morning. He also

stopped work. He was very angry because it means he can not meet the requirements requested Dayang Sumbi. With strength, he was destroyed a dam that maked. There were big floods engulf the entire city. Then he kicked a big boat that maked. The boat fall and drift become a mountain called

"Tangkuban Perahu."

Timun Mas Long time ago, living a couple of farmers. They live in a village near the forest. They live happy, unfortunately they have not only was a child also. Every day they pray to the God. They pray to be soon be a child. One day a giant passes where they reside. Giant prayer is heard that wife's husband. Giant then provide them with seeds cucumber. "Plant seeds of this, Later you will soon get a female child," said the giant. "Thank you, giant," said the couple. "But there is condition, at the age of 17 years the child must be submitted with you to me," the giant reply. Without thinking long they agree, because it wanted a child. Husband and wife farmers to plant the seeds cucumber. Every day they start caring for the plants that grow with it as best as possible. Many months and then bear a cucumber with golden color. Fruit cucumber that the longer become larger and heavier. When the fruit is ripe, they take it, carefully slit the fruit. Sudenlly, in the fruit is found in infants of women who are very beautiful. Couple was very happy, they gave the name of the baby Timun Mas. Year after year passed, Timun Mas grown into a beautiful girl. Both parents are very proud of her. But they became very afraid, because in the anniversary Timun Mas at 17, the giant will back. The giant take back that promises to take Timun Mas. Farmers are trying to calm. "Wait a moment. Timun Mas playing. My wife would called her," he said. Farmers find it immediately to her doughter. "My girl, take this," she said while giving a cloth bag. "This will help fight the giant. Now flee as soon as possible," she said. So even Timun Mas immediately fled. Couple on the sad departure Timun Mas. But they are not willing if their child become food giant. Giant waiting long time. He was not a patient. He knew, was that lied by couple of farmers. And he also destroyed the huts of the farmers. Then it was to pursue Timun Mas to forest. Giant run chase immediately Timun Mas. Near the gian,Timun Mas immediately take the handful of salt from the cloth pouch. Then salt spread it to the giant. Suddenly a wide sea also unfold. Giant forced to swim with great difficulty. Timun Mas ran again. But then most successful giant come closer. Timun Mas again taking bizarre objects from a cloth bag. He took the handful chili. Chili throwed to the giant. At once the tree branches and sharp thorns of the giant trap. Giant cried in pain. Timun Mas while running to save herself. But the giant is really strong. He was again nearly captured Timun Mas. So Timun Mas is also a

third issue of miraculous. She sow seeds Cucumber magic. At once grow the cucumber garden very knowledgeable. Giant very tired and hungry. He also eat the fresh cucumber with oneself. Because of too much eating, giant was slept. Timun Mas again fled. She ran for dear life. But long run power out. More unlucky again because a giant awakened from sleep. Giant again almost catch her. Timun Mas very terrified. He also threw the last tool handful shrimp paste. Again, miracles happen. A lake of mud spread wide. Giant fall into it. Hands almost reach Timun Mas. But the lake mud is basic to withdraw it. Giant panic, he can not breathe, then submerged. Timun Mas relieved. She has survived, Timun Mas is also return to home to their parents. Father and mother's Timun Mas happy to see Timun Mas be save. They held, "Thank you, God. You have to save my girl," said their delighted. Since that time Timun Mas can live quietly with her parents. They can be happy without living in fear again.

MALIN KUNDANG THE REBELLIOUS CHILD In a time, lived one of the fisherman's families in the Sumatran coast of the territory coast. This family consisted of the father, the mother and a male child who were given by the name of Malin Kundang. Because of the condition for the family's worrying finance, the father decided to seek a living in the foreign country by crossing the wide ocean. Then stop Malin and his mother in gubug they. A week, two weeks, a month, two months in fact already 1 year more the length, the father Malin also did not return to his native village. So as his mother must replace the position of Malin's father to seek a living. Malin including the smart but somewhat naughty child. He often pursued the chicken and struck him with the broom. One day when Malin was pursuing the chicken, he stumbled the stone and his right arms the wound was affected by the stone. This wound became resulting dilengan him and could not be lost. After moving mature, Malin Kundang felt pity with his mother who threw bones sought a living to increase himself. He thought about seeking a living in the foreign country in the hope that eventually when returning to the native village, he has become a person who was very rich. Malin was attracted by the invitation of a captain of the freighter that previously poor now has become a person who was very rich. Malin Kundang explained his intention to his mother. His mother originally not all that agreed with the intention to Master Kundang, but because Malin continued to urge, Ms Malin Kundang finally agreed to him although in a heavy-hearted manner. After preparing provisions and adequate equipment, Malin immediately headed towards the quay by being delivered by his mother. "My child, if you had successful and become the sufficient person, don't you forgot with your mother and your native village, son", said Ms Malin Kundang while trickling the tear. The ship that was gotten on by Malin was increasingly old increasingly far by being accompanied the wave of the hands of Ms Malin Kundang. During was in the ship, Malin Kundang often studied about voyage knowledge to the crew that has been experienced. In the middle of the trip, suddenly the ship that was gotten on by Malin Kundang in attacked by the pirate. All the merchandise things of the traders that was in the ship was seized by the pirate. Moreover most crews and the person that was in this ship was killed by the pirates. Malin Kundang very lucky himself was not killed by the pirates, because when the incident happened, Malin immediately hid in a small space that were closed by wood. Malin Kundang floated in the middle of sea, till finally the ship that was occupied by him was casted ashore in a coast. With available power, Malin Kundang walked headed towards the village that was closest from the coast. An arrival in this village, Malin Kundang was helped in this village after beforehand to tell the incident that struck him by the community. The place village of Malin was casted ashore was the very fertile village. With perseverance and his perseverance in working, the old Malin to long succeeded in becoming a person who was very rich. He had many freighters with the subordinate that the amount more than 100 people. After becoming very rich, Malin Kundang proposed to a girl to become his wife. The news of Malin Kundang that became very rich and married until also to the mother of Malin Kundang. Ms Malin Kundang felt grateful and very happy his child was successful. Since that time, the mother of Malin Kundang every day went to the quay, waited for his child who possibly came home to his native village. After several have for a long time married, Malin and his wife carried out the voyage by the big and beautiful ship was accompanied by the crew as well as his guard that many. Ms Malin

Kundang that every day tended his child, saw the very beautiful ship, entered the port. He saw had two people who were standing on the deck of the ship. He be sure that that was standing that was his child of Malin Kundang as well as his wife. Malin Kundang then descended from the ship. He was welcomed by his mother. After quite close, his mother saw the scar on right arms this person, increasingly was convinced his mother that that he approached was Malin Kundang. "Malin Kundang, my child, why did you go so old without sending the news?" , he said while embracing Malin Kundang. But what happened afterwards? Malin Kundang immediately released his mother's embrace and pushed him until falling. The "woman did not know himself, at random claimed as my mother", said Malin Kundang to his mother. Malin Kundang temples did not recognise his mother, because embarrassed with his mother who has been old and put on tattered clothes. "The woman your mother?" , the wife of Malin Kundang asked. "Not, he only a beggar that temples claimed as my mother in order to get my wealth", answered Malin to his wife. Heard the statement and was treated arbitrarily by his child, the mother of Malin Kundang very angry. He did not suspect his child of becoming the rebellious child. Because of his anger that was at a peak, the mother of Malin up her face and his hands while saying "Oh God, if true he my child, was cursed by me he became a stone". Was not how long afterwards the wind thundered tight and the horrifying storm came to destroy Malin Kundang's ship. After that Malin Kundang's body slow became stiff and for a long time finally have the shape of became a coral stone.

He climbed up the tower and found the sleeping princess. He thought she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen and bent down to kiss her. Immediately, the spell was broken. One hundred years had passed. The king and queen and everyone else in the palace woke up. The cook put a cake in the oven, the gardener started work in the garden and the birds started singing again.

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