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Diseases Caused by Microorganisms Affecting the Upper and Lower Respiratory Tract

Whooping Cough-Pertusis

What is whooping cough?

Whooping cough, also known as pertussis, causes uncontrollable, violent coughing that can make it hard to breathe. Infections are spread through tiny, airborne droplets expelled when a person coughs or sneezes. The disease can affect anyone, but it is particularly dangerous for infants and young children, where it can cause permanent disability or death.

Caused by Bordetella pertussis that infect

the top of the throat

Bordetella pertusis

Bordetella produces a pertussis toxin (Ptx) and filamentous hemagglutinin (Fha) These help the bacteria to attach to and destroy the respiratory epithelium resulting in a build-up of mucus

Following a 3-21 day incubation period, the disease is characterized by three stages A) Catarrhal stage -First stage - Marked by nasal drainage & congestion, sneezing, and occasional coughing - Lasts 1-2 weeks

B) Paroxysmal stage - Characterized by fits of 10-20 abrupt, hacking coughs followed by deep inspiration which gives off a whoop sound, Can occur up to 15 times/day -Usually lasts 1-6 weeks

C) Convalescence stage -Coughing fits decrease in length and frequency -Can last for weeks to months -A secondary pneumonia infection is sometimes seen

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