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Contact: Rachel Jansen Phone: 763-486-5056 Email: teamhasek@gmail.



USTCRs Chairman looks to bring energy for College Republicans statewide.

St. Paul, February 7th, 2013: St. Thomas College Republicans Chairman Andrew Hasek has announced his plans to run for State Chairman of Minnesota College Republicans. The announcement was made at todays USTCRs meeting at St. Thomas. Hasek has gained statewide attention for turning St. Thomas College Republicans into one of the most active chapters in the state. Hasek stated that One year ago, St. Thomas was a weak chapter. We were not active in helping local campaigns or even helping out MNCRS at the state level, our meetings were ill-attended, and our chapter was not excited for a crucial election season. With hard work I was able to change all of that. Andrew Hasek and his team were the main factors in getting USTCR members to help out with campaign activities across the Metro region. Among 30 members, USTCRs put forward more than 630 hours of volunteering during the fall campaign season. He was also able to greatly expand the membership by nearly tripling USTs email list and doubling its number of Facebook likes. I look forward to bringing my passion, fire, and commitment to MNCRs to the Chairman position. I am excited for the prospects that MNCRs has moving forward and look to expand our numbers in order to be well prepared for the 2014 midterm elections Hasek said. He also stated that he is also excited to meet College Republicans throughout the state and hearing their ideas.


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