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Black and White

By: Brooke

When youre finished reading this book, one million dollars will fall right into the palm of your hands. Well really Im not
100% sure that will happen. Theres probably a 1% chance that the one million dollars will fall into your hands, but one thing you must do in order to lead a life well lived you

must read



Where Were From

Where are we from? Well read along and youll soon find out. Where were from is actually an unexpected story. Youd think we were from some farmer
Black and White

named cow. But thats not #3 Who true at all. brought us The questions cows to we will America? answer are... #1 Where are cows from? #2 How we got to America?

My ancestors are from a small town in italy called Genoa. Do you know who else is from Genoa? Ill tell you later. Then we sailed on three ships the Santa

Maria, the Pinta... is this sounding familiar? Who Brought us here, well fine I volunteer to be Captain Obvious. Christopher Columbus!
Where weer from

Dinner and Desse"

Making an eight- A dairy cow can ounce container of make five gallons yogurt takes one of ice cream per day. pound of milk.

It takes ten pounds A single cattle makes thousand of milk to make about 350milk in her glasses of life. The normal cow one pound of makes ten gallons of cheese. milk a day, thats about
ninety glasses of milk. It only takes the cattles body about two days to process her food into milk.

It takes twenty-two pounds of milk to make one pound of butter.

Cattles arent just used for dairy their also used for their meat. Things like steak, ground beef, rib eye roast, and arm pot roast.

Dinner and Dessert

Black and White

cows are also used to make leather.

My mom has thirty-two teeth. Twenty-four are molars and eight incisors. My mom also drinks about thirty gallons of water per day. My moms age can be read by counting the rings on her horns. My moms normal temperature is 101.5 degrees. My mom sits down and stands up fourteen times a day. My mom and I can see color like you! Me and my mom or any other cow will never have the same two spots. My mom and other milk cows usually have their ears pierced. I started walking one hour after I was born.
Nullam arcu leo, facilisis ut

This picture is from my friend Dylan Williams.

What did you learn? Now I have a QUIZ for you and if you look back your grade will be a ZERO!

Part1) Part2) Part3) Whobroughtcattles Whichonecancows Howmanyteethdo toamerica? make? cowshave? A. Indians A. soup A. 32 B. Christopher B. salad B. 8 Columbus C. icecream C. 24 C. DarthVader IftheorderyougotthingsinwasB,C,Athenyougot100%.If yougotonerightthenyougot331/3%.ifyougottworight thenyougot662/3%

Quiz 5 Black and White

All About The Author

My name is Brooke

Im in Ms.Murrays fourth grade

My favorite color is neon green My favorite food is pasta My favorite activity is Gottcha


The Websites I Used Are: www.livebinders/play/play/8914 151_2572128;jsessionid=7EFE4773DACB2717300A2CDCE3887990 Interior Of American Diner, Dublin, Republic Of Ireland, Europe. [Photography]. Retrieved from Encyclopdia Britannica Image Quest. 151_2572128;jsessionid=7EFE4773DACB2717300A2CDCE3887990 Interior Of American Diner, Dublin, Republic Of Ireland, Europe. [Photography]. Encyclopdia Britannica Image Quest. Retrieved 17 Jan 2013, from http://;jsessionid=7EFE4773DACB2717300A2CDCE3887990 Encyclopdia Britannica Image Quest, "Interior Of American Diner, Dublin, Republic Of Ireland, Europe", accessed 17 Jan 2013, 151_2572128;jsessionid=7EFE4773DACB2717300A2CDCE3887990

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