Post-Test: MS-Access 2007 Date: Time Limit: 10minutes Total Marks: 15 Name: Employee ID: Branch

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Post-Test: MS-Access 2007 Name:


Time Limit: 10Minutes Employee ID:

Total Marks: 15 Branch:

Q1. Microsoft Access Is A A. RDBMS B. OODBMS C. ORDBMS D. Network Database Model Q2. What is the full form of RDBMS A. Relational Database Management System B. Rational Data Model System C. Random Data Model Structure D. None of above Q3. What is the maximum character size of Memo data type A. 65536 B. 64533 C. 255 D. None of above Q4. Which of the following database object is created first? A. Table B. Form C. Report D. Query Q5. Which syntax is correct while writing a code in module? A. Msgbox Hello B. MessageBox Hello C. MessageBox Hello; D. None of above Q6. Which is default type of relationship will be created when 1 field is primary key in between 2 relational table. A. 1 to many B. 1 to 1 C. Many to many D. None of above Q7. Which of the following is not a database object? A. Tables B. Queries C. Relationships D. Reports Q8. Which of the following will create a drop down in table field? A. Memo B. Hyperlink C. Ole Object D. Lookup Wizard

Q9. What are the rows in a Microsoft Access table called? A. Rows B. Records C. Tuple D. Field Q10.Multiple tables that are connected to produce combined output then what is the type of form will be used? A. Form subform B. Wizardform C. Relational form D. None of above Q11. What is the shortcut key to zoom a cell A. Ctrl F2 B. Shift F2 C. F2 D. None of above Q12. In macros one of the action is missing so to see all the available actions click on A. Show All the macros B. Show all action C. List all action D. None of above Q13.Can we undo action queries action and close file without save so nothing will be changed? A. No B. Yes Q14. Mentioned below is one of the new feature of access 2007 A. Smart Cut Paste B. Save import steps C. Macros D. None of above Q15. What is the extension of access 2007 A. mdb B. accdb C. mdbx D. None of above

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