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Pre-Test: MS-Access 2007 Name:


Time Limit: 10Minutes Employee ID:

Total Marks: 15 Branch:

Q1. Microsoft Access Is A A. RDBMS B. OODBMS C. ORDBMS D. Network Database Model Q2. What is the maximum file size of Ms access database A. 10Mb B. 2Gb C. 5Gb D. None of above Q3. Which of the following database object is created first? A. Table B. Form C. Report D. Query Q4. What are the different views to display a table? A. Datasheet view B. Design view C. Pivot table & pivot chart view D. All of above Q5. This key uniquely identifies each record. A. Primary key B. Key record C. Unique key D. Field name Q6. Which of the following is not a database object? A. Tables B. Queries C. Relationships D. Reports Q7. Which of the following is not a field type in access? A. Memo B. Hyperlink C. Ole Object D. Lookup Wizard Q8. What are the columns in a Microsoft Access table called? A. Rows B. Fields C. Cells D. Record

Q9. How any columns are define in 1 table A. 255 B. 1024 C. 16384 D. None of above Q10. A. B. C. D. Multiple tables that are connected to produce combined output from all tables are? Bound Linked Relational Hierarchy

Q11. To create queries in Access A. You can drag and drop fields on query builders B. you can type the SQL command in SQL view C. You can use query wizard or design view D. All of above Q12. What is the shortcut key for Expression builder A. Ctrl F2 B. Shift F2 C. F2 D. None of above Q13. What is the logic of INoperator A. OR B. AND C. OR followed by AND D. None of above Q14. What is the limitation of crosstab query A. Only 1 column B. Only 1 row C. Only 1 total D. None of above Q15. What is the limitation of updatequery A. Only 1 update at a time B. Only 1 criteria at a time C. Only 1 function at a time D. None of above

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