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Nina Ngo Rhea Lawrence Lois Olayemi

What are the three types of Global winds?

Jet streams, local winds, and global winds
Trade winds, windbelts, and jet streams

Westerlies, polar easterlies, and trade winds

There arent any global winds! What are you talking about?!

Coriolis winds, westerlies, and air pressure

Differences in air pressure cause wind.

Why do global winds curve? Explain why.

When Earth rotates, places near the equator travel faster than places near the poles. The difference in speed causes wind to be deflected, causing the global winds to curve.

What causes wind?

Wind? Its called breeze. Sheesh.

Air temperature
Global warming

Air pressure

Definition Match-Up
The Coriolis effect
Local winds Jet streams
Large-scale wind systems

Narrow bands of high-speed winds

Deflections by Earths rotation, that cause curves

Global winds

Winds that generally move over short distances

Movement of air caused by differences in air pressure

Trade wind goes towards the poles

Why would pilots flying east try to catch a jet stream?

To have a fun ride and please passengers. What? Only jets use jet streams. Duh! Gimme some candy!

To get to destinations in the east

To let the winds carry it all the way to its destination

To fly faster and save fuel.

Jet streams can help meteorologists detect the paths of

Because jet streams can affect the movements of storms, meteorologists try to track the jet streams. This can sometimes help predict the path of a storm if they know where the jet streams are located.

Jet streams blow east to west.

Which global wind system blows towards the poles between 30 and 60 latitude.?
Trade winds Jet streams

Polar easterlies
Local winds


There would still be wind if the Earths surface was the same temperature everywhere.

Thanks for participating!!

Do well on your handout sheet! Hope you had fun!

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