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Structure of Solids

PE 650- Biomaterials MD-530-Advanced topics in Biomaterials PE-660- Solid State Pharmaceutics

What is meant by hierarchy in structure

Composition: Elements present How different elements/atoms bond together? How different atoms/molecules are associated with each other? Solids/liquids/gases Microstructure Macrostructure

Atomic Structure

Types of Bonds
Primary Bonds 1. Covalent 2. Ionic 3. Metallic Secondary Bonds Vander Waals and Hydrogen Bonding

Secondary Bonds

Coordination number FCC- 12 BCC- 8

Atomic packing factor FCC>BCC


Smallest possible structure/unit cell that can be stacked up to create whole 3D lattice. Doesnot necessarily represents the symmetry of the crystal

Same for Simple crystal systems

Varies for Body centred; base centered or Face centred systems

Diffraction occurs when a wave encounters a series of regularly spaced obstacles that (1) are capable of scattering the wave, and (2) have spacings that are comparable in magnitude to the wavelength. Furthermore, diffraction is a consequence of specific phase relationships established between two or more waves that have been scattered by the obstacles.

Calculation for h k l

Unit Cell Volumes

The various sets of planes in a lattice have various values of interplanar spacing. The planes of large spacing have low indices and pass through a high density of lattice points, whereas the reverse is true of planes of small spacing.

Structure of the DNA

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