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Mike Sweeney -- Algebra 1-2

Terminal Objective: Students will be able to compose compound inequalities from graphs, and vice-versa Content Standard: HSM.S3.C3.P06 ( Solve linear inequalities in one variable.) Language Standards: Listen actively to the ideas of others in order to acquire new knowledge. (ELL-L&S-3) Express in writing his or her own thinking and ideas. (ELL-W-1) Time Sub-Objective Teaching Strategy Active Student Participation Relate meanings of, and Each student completes bellwork activity silently and individually. graph, simple inequalities of Bellwork (review from 6 Non-volunteers will be called to briefly go over answers at conclusion each type (<. > , ) previous days lesson) of bellwork time. Understand 1. After watching the trailer, students will begin by working in pairs to come up with the inequality for the movie (x 50). They will then graph it Anticipatory Set -- 2. Students will be asked to interpret their graph (if the arrow goes Discover compound Motivational activity using on forever, can the bus really be traveling at infinite speeds?) inequalities through a trailer from the movie Students will be asked to come up with a stopping point for the bus's exploration of multiple 10 "Speed". Students will maximum speed. inequalties being used watch the trailer, then 3. Students will share their ideas for the maximum speed with class simultaneously model the premise of the (non-volunteers and volunteers). Students will evaluate plausibility Understand movie using an inequality of peer ideas. 4. Students will be asked to write, in words, their interpretation of their new graphed inequality (IE 'X must be greater than 50 but is also less than 100) 1. Students will take notes from lecture on provided note-taker Describe how to represent 2. Non-volunteers will be called upon for periodic checks for compound inequalities of understanding Lecture 10 the "and" type in their own 3. Students will work in pairs to attempt a novel unsolved-inequality Portion of PowerPoint words that models a real life situation Understand 4. Intermittent Closure -- Students will describe an 'and' inequality in their own words

Solve and graph compound Guided Practice inequalities of the "and" Think Pair Share -White type boards Apply Describe how to represent compound inequalities of Lecture the "or" type in their own Portion of PowerPoint words Understand Solve and graph compound Guided Practice inequalities of the "or" type Think Pair Share -White Apply boards Students will compose compound inequalities Closure from graphs, and vice-versa Stump your neighbor Apply Independent Practice Homework


1. Students will work individually to solve 2 problems, and then compare answers with partner. They will decide upon best answer, which they will write on a whiteboard to be raised and shared with class 1. Students will take notes from lecture on provided note-taker 2. Non-volunteers will be called upon for periodic checks for understanding 3. Students will work in pairs to attempt a novel unsolved-inequality that models a real life situation 4. Intermittent Closure -- Students will compare "and" and "or" inequalities 1. Students will work individually to solve 2 problems, and then compare answers with partner. They will decide upon 'correct' answer, which they will write on a whiteboard to be raised and shared with class 1. Students will be asked to sketch a quick numberline of their own choice and creation which will be given to their partner, who will then evaluate it and create a compound inequality 2. After partners solve each other's problems, volunteers will share challenges they found in their problem solving 1. Students will complete a homework assignment to practice methods learned in today's lesson (assignment in power point)

Students will practice solving and graphing - compound inequalities Apply Total time : 55 mins

Materials: Copies of Notetaker Speed Movie trailer White boards and markers (1 for every 2 students) Powerpoint, computer, and projector Textbooks for homework assignment (Algebra 1 -- Mcdougal Littell)

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