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Application Enhancement tool (AET) SAP CRM 7.

AET Introduction The AET tool is integrated into the CRM UI Configuration tool Custom fields/Tables can be addded in the UI without any additional development Custom fields/Tables can be added without deep technical knowledge Dropdown list can be added and DDIC check table and search help can be assigned to fields in the tool The custom field can be made available in the search and result, Mobile, BW Reporting, OLTP Reporting and R/3 Adapter Existing fields can be reused across applications The SAP Note 1251796 contains a standard PFCG role that contains all the authorizations required to use AET AET - Overview How to Enable the Configuration Mode in UI Before using AET the UI Configuration Mode needs to be enabled from the Personalize link on the the header area of the UI This will enable the Show Configurable Areas and Configure Page buttons on the workcenter pages

Transaction Code AXTSYS is used to enter the package name, Namespace and genration Prefix for custom fields and UI component for tableenhancements Enter the package name and prefix to be used for new enhancements, for the current logical system. The generation namespace is automatically derived from this information. The prefix is optional and is to be used if new enhancements are used in several development systems. Note : You cannot use UI components that have been created in the BSP component workbench, because the UI components for table enhancements need a special interface. Therefore, you need to create the UI component for table enhancements in this Customizing activity.

In Order to create a field in a particular application Open that application and click on the Show Configurable Areas button. This will display the list of Configurable Areas you can confugure. To Add a custom field or table in an application open that application and click on the Configure Page button. For example if you want to create a custom field in object SERVICE_ORDER open a service order in UI and click on the Configure Page button.

You can add a custom field, add a table, change an existing custom field and delete an existing custom field Also you can reuse an existing field from another enhancement object.

The Part of Business Object needs to be chooses where the field will reside.The list of BO can bee seen in the transaction code AXTREG. When the Expert Mode is chossen the Package and Namespace will be editable. For example if the BO Part CUSTOMER_H is chooses the field would be updated in the data base table CRMD_CUSTOMER_H and BOL Object BTCustomerH

You can Select a data type, Define the label, field ID(only in expert mode),length for the field.Assign Check table, search helps and create drop down values. Enable the field for BW, R/3 Adapter, Mobile, OLTP reporting Also in expert mode you can specify reference dala element which would be used to create the field.Other wise a new data element is created for the field with a autogenerated name. Once finished click Back and Save and Generate to generate the extension and add the field

Note : Make sure to restart the session after field generation before attempting anything else in AET tool. You can add a new custom table using AET. This table would be created as table with relation to the Order Header or Item table and the correcsponding BOL relation with BTAdminH/BTAdminI would ne created.

Note : For adding table a BSP components needs to be created first using the AXTSYS transaction code You can edit field labels, drop down list box values, translation, search options, external interface flags, check tables and search helps. Also you can also mark a field for deletion You can either click on the extension hyper link to go to the details page to edit, else you can directly edit the field details in the custom field block. The status column shows the current staus of the extension. Successful (green), Failed/Error (red) or Not Yet Generated (yellow).

The Add Reusable Field. Button lets you select any available reusable field in the system.If a reusable field is based on the same enhancement place, no new enhancement is created and If a reusable field is based on a different enhancement place, it is copied over to the new application.

AET Troubleshooting

The AET tool makes use of many tables for maintaining the details of fields and system settings like... AXT_EXT_PART_DTL Contains the details of each extension life Field ID, Data Type, Length, Search Help etc AXT_RUN_BO_PART Contains mapping of each extension field id with Extension BO and Extsniosn BO Part. AXT_EXTENSION_ST Contains the detailed status of each extension. AXT_DATATYPE Contains the allowed data types of AET and the implementaion class of each of them. AXT_BEHAVIOR Contains the Extensibility Field Behavior types and their implementation class. AXT_RUN_FIELDDEF Contains the details Runtime field definition(e.g. Data Element name, Type) of an extension. Note : You can check for the tables with names AXT* . They are all related to AET.

There are some standard reports on AET troubleshooting like AXT_EXT_ANALYZE Shows the field definition, the generated objects, status and error messages AXT_EXT_GENERATE troubleshooting in SAP Gui than that report can be used to trigger generation process conveniently from SAP Gui without the need to switch from one UI to another. AXT_EXT_CHANGE_PACKAGE To change the package of an extension AXT_EXT_ACTIVATE_LOCAL This report is to generate OLTP Reporting structures in the destination systems since OLTP Reporting data related to a custom field is generated always in local packages, it will not be transported along with the field. AXT_EXT_RESET Unlocks extensions which ran into errors and cant be manually edited from the tool.

Enhancements Registry Transaction Code AXTREG maintains all enhancement objects. This comes and standard delivered.Here you can enable the R/3 Adapter, Mobile enhancement for a BO. Increse the number of custom fields that can be appened to standard BO.

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