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TV Advert: pre production Task 1 What is pre production?

- Pre-production is the process of preparing all the elements involved in a film, play, or any other performance. In filmmaking and video production, pre-production formally begins once a project has been confirmed. What is your production name? - Illusion. We chose this Production name because we believe that it is original and stands out from the other Production names. What is your companys usp? - Our Unique Selling Point is that we are able to promote different products successfully. We aim to advertise by suiting our initial target audience. Our target audience for our products will be the young, dynamic teenagers, normally between 15-19. What is your logo for your company?

-We chose this design for our company as the font is simple and makes it more understandable and clear to read, in contrast to this we then added an illusion background to represent our name. We dimmed the colour of the background also to make the logo name stand out more. Who is in your group? -Demi, Francesca and Nathan. What are your job roles? -Demi: director -Francesca: producer -Nathan: editor What is your contact list page?

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