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cDR 500


English . ... ShortOverview ...... T h e f tP revention ..... ..... O n / Of f wit ch S ........ . . . 22 V o l u m eC ontrol. .. . . .. Tone Control .... Radio ..... T ra f ficA nnounceme nts RD S -E ON .... . . . . .. . . . . . R a d ioS tat ionKeys .. ..... C D Operat ion .... C a rT elephone SteeringWheel RemoteControl . . . .. ....... . . . . Coding lnform atio n .... . . . . G e n e ral @ 1 9 99 A damOoe lAG 20 21 21 23 23 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 34

Short Overview
The radio CDR 500 enables receptionof VHF, mediumand long wave wavebands. It is equipped with a traffic radio decoder (TP) and receives data for Radio Data System (RDS). Six radio station keys enable the storage of a total of 30 radio stations. The unit is equippedwith a CD drive unit for playing standard CD's.

@ @
automatic radio station allocation @ [UMLI changewaveband detachableoperatingconsole @ [AS]

(seevehicle Thedisplay thevehicle opeIn ratinginstructlons) alsousedfor external is from display Information the radio.Two of can in basic typos displays be installed of thevahicle.

WheelRemote Control Steering no. symbol denotes

@ radio:advance station one CD:restart reverse search key forward search key increase volume reduce volume radio/CD selection mode

I digit display
tlttr ttrtr ttrtr fH! ffi lltfi fm !fits !#i H# fltrt flfl ililt tH! ffi." ffi." fis fifr ii#rsif,

fltrr till

fltrt !!Ht H.'t!tr!

!fltr flqfl

Operating Elements no. symbol denotes on/off: depress volume control: turn lefVright balance: pullandturn bass: turn Jl O pull treble: andturn 7/ tronlhackfader:turn O cD aperture o A ejectkeyandCD/radio O unlock operating console @ LEDunlock key O keys O t11-161radiostation O IRDSI RadioDataSystem @ ITPI trafficradio O Ol .\J

@ @ @ @



10 digit display The displaysof the 10 digitdisplayare instructions. describedin these operating The displaysof the 8 digitdisplaycorrespond to those of the 10 digitdisplaywith the exception of the waveband and certain radiofunctions.

Theft Prevention
Goding The unit is equippedwith a safetysystem againsttheft. A coded radiois of no value to the thief and thereforeyou shouldcode your unit (see the section"Coding"on page 32) and do not leavethe Radioor Car pass with the code numberin the vehicle. The radiois coded beforeit leavesthe plant. Detachable Operating Console The unit has a detachable operating console as an additional theft Drotection. A LED in the releasekey @ for the operating consoleblinks O after switching the off radioand the car ignition. Take the operating consolein its case when you leaveyour car. The unit will only work with its originaloperating console. Shouldthis be lost,a replacement operating consolemust be first adaptedby appropriate coding(see section"Adaptation of the OperatingConsole"on page 33).

Removingthe OperatingConsole Press release G) anddetach the key the operating console @. Refittingthe OperatingConsole Puttheoperating console backintothe recess press bothsides lock. and on to

On/Off Switch
Ol Depressknob O to turn the radio on or off.

Automatic Switch-On lf the unit has been turnedon by depressing knob (l , it is turnedoff by switching off the ignitionand removing key, or the simplyby lurning the ignition (in some off types of cars).The radiocomes on again automatically when the ignitionis turned on. You can deactivate and reactivate this automaticswitch-on the followingsteps: by . Switchignitionon. . Turn radiooff with knob O. . Keep radiostationkeys [1] and [3] O depressed. . Turn radioon. The message "lGNlON"is shownon the display. Releasethe depressedradiostationkeys only after the confirmation signalhas given. The message"IGNIOFF' is shownon the display. The unit may now only be turned on and off with knob 0.


The same steps as described above are followedto reactivatethe automaticswitchon. The message"lGNl ON"is shownon the display. The automatic switch-on is activatedwhen and then the unit has been disconnected connected again to the operating voltage.

Set volume ^l . TurnknoblO. rz Set Balance lefUright


Volume Control

The volurne is regulated in accordancewith the speed of the vehicle. You can regulate this volume control. Set Volume Regulation Keep IUILI @ key depressed until the confirmationsignal is given. Set lhe desired volume increase using the searcfr buttons @ and @. "SD-VOL U or "SD-VOL +1" to "SD-VOL+5"appears on the display. Depressthe [UML] @ key again until the confirmationsignal is given in order to store the setting. is The automatic volume regulation not active in the setting "SD-VOL 0". . lf you do not depressany key within10 seconds,then the previoussettingwill remain stored.

AutomaticCD Play-Back
lf a CD has been insertedinto the unit when switched off (see section "lnsert CD" on page 29), the unit will switchon automaticallyand play the CD.

. Pull knob(O. . Turnknob. 7/ SetFaderforward/back

switchoff one The unit will automatically hour afterthe car ignitionhas been turned off. The automatic switch-offfunction is independent the automaticswitch-on. of

knobO. retractable Depress Turnthe knob. The knobretracts out.

. Depressthe knob to return it to retracted oosition. on When switching the set, the radiois set to the volumelevelyou last adjusted,if this level did not exceed the factory set basic volume level. lf the volumelevelwas higher,the radiois set to it's basic level.


the Youcan adjust toneusingthe rtraot' the ableknob O. Youcanadjust basa from independently each andthetreble into other. The knobretracts the neutral (middle setting). position J Adiustment of the Bass

grlcat Wavcband
seon tlte I unrlng radlo willautomatically previously tuned. A diflcolltrewaveband the using can lcrenlwaveband be selected IUMLI @ koY. until tho DprcBF [UML]keyrepeatedly the l8 dc:lradwaveband selected' the Dopreealng keyoncefromtheVHF will (Very HlghFrequency) sewaveband (Medium Wave). laotthoMWwaveband the will the Dcpreaalng keyagain select LW the (Long Wave). Depressing wavcband backto the will koyagaln switch IUMLI again. VHFwaveband is selected shown currently Thowaveband "M', "M AS"or ('U",'U AS", on th6 dlsplay "L').

Manual Adiustment to the Transmitter FrequencY . Touching search @ willdropthe key the by frequency 100 kHz. . Touching search key (Dwill raisethe the bY frequency 100 kHz' Start Radio Station Search keY @ or @ untilthe search Depress of starts. Reception the search automatic will nextradiostation be selected. keysdepressed one Keeping of the search bandas longas the willsweep frequency again. the keyis released untila radio dormant remains The reception has stationis lockedin. lf the RDSfunction of reception the nextRDS beenactivated, will station be selected. transmitter

. Depress retractable knob @ ' the out. The knobretracts . Turnthe knob(tothe leftto reduce th the bass;to the rightto increase bass). . Depress knobto returnit to its retrao' the tedposition. I Adjustment of the Treble

. Depress retractable knob O ' the out. The knobretracts . Pullthe knoboutfurther. . Turnthe knob(tothe leftto reduce the the to to treble; theright increase trebl). . Depress knobto returnit to its retrac' the ted position.

Displayot a VHFRadioStation Frcquency


Useof the RDSFunction is 'What RDS?'

Raaio Data System

RDSis a service the publicradioinstituof tionswhich beenintroduced has Eurooewideto facilitate search the desired the for VHFradiostation andits interference-free receDtion. In addition the programs to transmitted, RDStransmitters radiate digitaldata also a telegram containing information whichis automatically interpreted RDSreceivers. by lf RDSis switched thedesignation on, of the radiostationis shownon the display.

EachRDSstation transmits several at frequencies. The radioreceiver continually compares signalquality thesefrethe of quencies during iravelandchanges frequencies maintain to reception the stronof gestfrequency all times(bestreception at of the selected radiostation).The radio station designation thedisplay on remains unchanged. Activate RDS . Select VHFwaveband the . Depress [RDS]O.

lf the radiostatlon is nota RDStransset mitter, thena MEMORY will search be conducted theVHFadditional and memory will (seesection be automatlcelly updated "Update Additional page28). VHF Memor/', Deactlvate RDS Depress IRDSIO keyagain. The symbol'rgDS';is no longerdisplayed. Thefrequency displayed is instead the of radio station designation. radio lonThe no gerdetermines bestreception the frequency for that radiostation. Display the Frequency of a RDS Transmltter, Depress IUMLI @ key(approx. the 1 second) untilthe display switches from the radiostation designation to the over reception frequency. Thelrequency displayed approx. is for 5 seconds.



Display: RDS activated The symbol "RDS"is displayed.The searchfunctionwill nowonly reactto RDS transmitters. The radio will automatically select the frequency as well as the radio station which can be received best.

Selection of Regional Radio Statlone SomeRDSradio stations transmit regional programs. Theycan be allocated each to radiostation so thatalternative key transmitter frequencies shouldbe selected for onlythoseregional programs previously heard. Keep radio the station keysdepressed, i.e. [1] to [6] @ , for thosewhichareto be alloprograms, theconlircaled regional to until mation signal given. is "REGON"willbe displayeo. Repeat samestepsto deactivate the this function. "REGOFF"willbe displayed.

The functions for traffic radio are international and are designated bythe symbolTP = Traffic Program. Receptionof a radio station with traffic is shown on the display by the symbol "IP". Activate Traffic Radio (TP) . SelectVHF waveband. . Depresskey [TPI @. The symbol "[TP]"isshown on the display. The symbol "[ ]" is shownon the display when searchis beingconducted if the or receptionof the radio station is not possible. When a CD is beingplayed,the play-back is interrupted trafficannouncements. by The traffic radio function (TP) can also be activated during CD play-back. In this case, the designationof the radio station last heard is displayed 5 seconds. lf the for reception had been that of a radio station not transmitting trafficradio,then the strongest trafficradiotransmitter be searwill ched.

lf traffic radio is activatedand a transmitter is selected not transmittingtraffic radio, then the strongesttraffic radio transmitter will be searched. With the automatic radio station memory activated by the [AS] @ fey, the sweep will be continued until at least one tratfic radio transmitter has been found, provided the tratfic radio function has been activated beforehand.After memorizing, radio the will switch over to a memory slot with a trafprovidedthere is one fic radiolransmitter, available. Deactivate Traffic Radio Depressthe fIPl @ key again. The symbol f /"will no longerbe displayed. lf a traffic announcementis given, the button [TP] must be depressedtwice in order to deactivatethe traffic radio. The alternativesTP on or TP off are not memorized when allocating transmitters to the radio station keys.


Adjustment the Volumefor of TrafficAnnouncements

can be presetand independently the nor_ of mal volume level for the radio.

Thevolume thetraffic for announcements

lf_you notdepress Fpl keywithin do the 10 seconds, unitwillrevert thenor_ the to maloperation without memorizing any change thesetting. in During trafficannouncement playback you canadjustthe volume withthe O tey. Theradioreturns thevolume onlyby to set increasing volume the afterthetrafficannouncement finished. has Hearing Traffic Announcements only lf you onlywantto hearthetrafficannouncements, traffic Turnknob turn on. O to theleftuntilthenormal sound volume is reduced zero. to Onlythetrafficannouncements then are heard thepreset at volume. Interrupt Traffic Announcements Depress [TP] @ keyfor a shofttime, the in orderto interrupt trafficannounce_ the ments example (for during play_back). CD I ne trafficradiofunction remains activated.

An extension RDSis the EONfunction. of EONis an abbreviation Enhanced for: OtherNetworks (support othertransmitof ters). WithRDS-EON, certain Transmitting Institutions offerthe possibility hearing of traffic announcements by reception noneven of trafficradiotransmitters. radiounit The interprets information RDSdatafrom from alternative radiostations transmitting tratfic radio. Non{raffic radiotransmitters associa_ with ted RDS-EON treated trafficradio are as transmitters the radio by unit. "EoN"(10digirdisptay) ,,Tp,, or lJrg.symOot (8 digitdisplay) disptayed these is for trans_ mitters.



Preset the votume level for traffic announcements. . Depressthe [Tp] @ key lapprox. 3 seconds) until the confirmationsignal is given. The presetvolumewill appearon the dis_ play, for example "Tp-VOL +l',. . The desired setting between _3 and +3 can be selected using the search keys O and (D Ke.ep.the ITPI @ key depressed again ' untilthe confirmation signalis given. r he settingis then memorized.


Hearing Traffic Announcements vla RDS-EON Depress [TP] @. Tnesymbol key "[PJ"is displayed. Whena tratficannouncement is given, radio willswitch the unit overto a trafficradiotransmitter whichis in the EON network. Aftertheannouncement, unitwillrevert the previously to the radiostation heard. During traffic the announcement, desthe ignation the radiostationis shownon the of display. TheRDS-EON function alsoin oDeration is duringCD play-back thetrafficradio(TP) if hasbeenactivated.

Thereare memory slotsavailable a total for of 30 radiostations: 6 x U (VHF) 6 x M (M W) 6 x L (L W) 6 x U AS (VHF, automatic storage) 6 x M AS (MW,automatic storage) Memorize Radio Station . Select waveband. desired . Tuneto desired radio station. . Keeponeof the radiostationkeys depressed to [6] @ until radio the [1] station selected be heard can again. During search, radio the the station disis played which waspreviously stored and allocated that key. to Theradio station is thusstored set and allocated thisradio to station The key. memory selected shown the is slot on display.

AutomaticStorageof RadioStations
. Selectdesired wavelength. until ' Keep[AS] @ keydepressed the confirmation signal given. is The radiostation search commences and thesymbol 7S"is shown thedisplay. on Afterthe search beencompleted, of has six the strongest transmitters thatwaveband in are stored.Theyare allocated the AS to memory slotsof the radiostationkeys. RDStransmitters automatically prewill be ferentially storedandallocated the first to memory slots. (TP)is turnWhen tratfic the radio function ed on either before during or automatic storage radio of stations, unitwillrecall the a memory witha stored slot trafficradio (not transmitter necessarily memory 1). slot


Recall Stored Radio Station . Selectdesiredwaveband. . Depress one of the radio station keys [1] to [6] @ for a shorttime.

Useof VHFAdditionalMemory
ln addition to the radio station buttons, the memoryfor VHF in unit has an additional which all VHF radiostationsare stored which can be received.This memorycan be "pagedthrough"usingthe searchkeys' memorycan be reThe VHF additional assignedeithermanuallyor automatically usingthe automaticstorage(AS)' Paging Through the VHF Additional

Update VHF Additional MemorY Keep the IRDSI O key depresseduntilthe signalis given. The display confirmation shows "MEMORY'U"for a shorl time, followed by "MEMO" and the frequencies (sequentially). after The memorysweep is comPleted approx.30 secondsand the radiowill then returnto its normalmode of operation, whereby the strongesttransmitter received will be selected. The radio stations allocatedto the radio station keys will not be replaced by this function. is A furtherpossibility to recallthe function of the automatic storage (AS) of radio stations. This functionwill replacethe radio to stationswhich were allocated the AS memoryslots for those radiostations.


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Radio station on bufton 3, waveband VHF-AS (automaticstorage). lf you want to recall a radio station stored with AS: . Selectdesiredwaveband. . DepresstASl @ key for a shod time. . Depressone of the radiostationkeys [1] to [6] O for a short time.

Memory . Turnthe RDSfunction on. . Depress of the search keys (D or one time. @ for a shod of or Thefrequencies designationsthose on are stations given thedisplay radio in are which stored theVHFadditional memory.


CD Operation
Inserlthe CD (lettered side up) into the slot untilthe CD is automatically receivedand taken. The display shows "T- CD" during this. After the CD has been accepted,the player beginswith first track on the CD. On the display,initially total numberof tracks the on the CD is shown "Txx CD", followed by ,,T 1 CD". After the last track has been played, playback of the CD beginsagain,startingwith the first track. lf the CD has been insertedincorrectlv. the display will show "EF-CD".

Title Selection Depress search keys (D oder @ for a short timeanduntil number thedethe for sired trackappears thedisplay. you on lf depress search the key { for a shorltime, just thetrack played be repeated. will Use of Search

The displaywill show the numberof the track as well as its durationin minutesand seconds, e.g. "3 02-42". A fast play-back; initially 10 times and then at 30 times the at normalspeed occursat a reducedvolume level. Eject CD Depress eject key @ until "EJECT CD"is displayed.The CD is ejectedand the radio unit revertsto the radiomode of ooeration. lf you do not take the CD out of the unit withinapprox.20 seconds,it will be returned into the CD player again (to protect the CD from damage). In this case, the unit will remainin radio mode. The displaywill show the symbol "cD tN".

InterruptGD Play-Back . Depress key|o fora short eiect time.

The radiounit will revertfrom CD mode to radiooDeration. . Depresseject key again for a short time to returnthe unit to CD play-backmode.

Keep search key (D oder @ depressed until desired the trackon theCD hasbeen reached.


the Youcanremove CDfromthe unitas is evenwhenthe radio described above, off. switched lf youdo nottaketheCDout, backintotheunitafter it willbe returned Theradio subseunit seconds. approx.5 quently otf switches again. Radio Display During CD Play-Back frethe CD During Play-back, transmitter (for quency the radio designation station or last of RDShansmitters) theVHFstation can heard be displayed. time. the Depress IUMLI (E keyfor a short will information be displayed Thedesired for 5 seconds, "Ul 101.2". e.g. radio a these seconds, different 5 During can or can station be recalled, a search be usingthe searchkeys. started is or radio(TP)function active, lf thetraffic play-back a CD, of during if it is activated for search the radio willautomatically unit if radio transmitterthe traffic thestrongest be can last radio station heard no longer received.

Car Telephone
to car lf an installed telephoneis connected the unit,the radiowill go into telephone mode when a call comes in. The display will show "MESSAGE".In order to utilize the telephonemode,the.cartelephone must be connected to the radio by an authorizedOpel dealer.

within lf the[TP]keyis notdepressed to the 10 seconds, unitwillrevert itsoriginal any without storing changes. setting during an Thevolume level be adjusted can the incoming by using knobO. call Interchanging of Incoming Calls and Trafflc Announcements (symbol Whenthetratficradiois activated call and "[TP]" the display) a telephone on announcement, a is received during traffic precedence. call theincoming willbe given By useof thebutton @, youareable tTPl the between in to interchange suchcases and traffic announcement thetelerunning phone call.

VolumeLevel SetTelephone level the You preset volume forthe can

from the nortelephoneand independently mal volumefor the radiounit. . Turn radiooff. . Keep [TP] @ key dePressedand turn the radioon again. signalwill be given. The The confirmation presetvolumelevelwill appearon the display,e.g. "MS-VOL+ 1". . Selectthe desiredsettingbetween-3 and +3 usingthe searchkeys (D and @. . Again keep the [TP] key depresseduntil signalis given. the contirmation The settingwill be stored.


SteeringWheelRemote Control
Not included all vehicles. on

Recall Memorized Radio Station (D to selectthe desired Depresskey + radiostationfrom the allocatedkeys in the memory. Each depression the key will of advancethe selectionby one stored radio stationfrom the wavebandin currentselection. Select CD Track Depressone of the searchkeys (D or @ to advanceto the next track on the CD" lf you depressthe searchkey { once for a shorttime, play-back the track currently of being playedwill be repeated. Use of CD Search Keep one of the searchkeys depressed untilthe desiredtrack on the CD has been found. CD Repeat DePress keY + of @. Play-back the CD startsagain at the first track.

. Depresskey * volume. . Depresskey volume. Mode Switch Depresskey O D to interchange between radiooperation and CD play-back operation. the @ to increase @ to decreasethe

Tune RadioStation
Depressone of the searchkeys @ or @ for a shorttime in orderto activatethe automaticsearchfunctionor to page throughthe VHF memory. The radio remainsdormantuntila transmitter has been lockedin. Keep one of the searchkeys depressedin orderto manuallytune to a radiostation.


Secureyour unit by codingit. A coded radio is of no value to the thief. The code numberis to be found in the radioor car pass. The codingof the unit is only possiblewhen the ignitionis turnedon. lf the unit is detachedfrom the operating voltage,for exampleby removalof the unit (theft) or detachment of the battery, it is saf electronically eguarded. Only you can put the unit back into operation by enteringthe correctcode (see "Putpage33). ting the Unit back into Operation", be Shouldthe theft protection dispensed with, e.g. by sale of the unit,it must first be the decoded(see"Decoding Unit",page 33). In orderthat the attemptto put the unit into operationby trial and err6r be not made, waiting times take effect following unsuccessfuldecodingattempts.The numberof remaining decodingattemptsis shown on the display. Duringthe waitingperiod,the radiomust remainswitchedon.

the Thewaiting timeafter firsttwounsuc20 is attempts approximately secessful timeincreathe conds, afterwhich waiting the following third sesto 10 minutes the Following ninthunsuccessful attempt. to the timehas reached aftempt, waiting 640minutes. the Theunitwilllockafter tenthunsucon shown the attempl("SAFE'is cessful by invoice A against display). replacement is Opel an authorized dealer thennecessary. to recommendedletan It is therefore put Opel authorized dealer the unitback after intooperation thesixthunsuccessful attempt. Check Coding function be usedto can Thefollowing or the whether unitis coded not. check unit "CODE'onthe Thecoded indicates timeafterit every for display a shortperiod is the is turned andprovided ignition on switched on.

Coding the Unit The theft protectionis activated by coding the unit. . Switchon the ignition. . Turn the radiooff. . Turn radioon while keepingthe [AS] (9 key depressed.The displayshows "CODE" and after 3 seconds appears. . Enterthe first digit of the code number usingthe radiostationkey [1] @. Each of depression the key will raisethe digit on the displayby one. Depressthe key as often as necessaryto reachthe correctdigit in the first position of the display. . Enterthe next three digitsol the code numberusingthe radiostationkeys [2] and I4l @. . Keep the [AS] key depresseduntilthe signalis given. confirmation goes out of dorThe radiosubsequently mant mode.


The correctway to proceedis highlighted by the followingexample: Example: codenumber:0 3 6 5

lf you then want to returnthe unit to operating mode,the followingsteps must be carried out. . Switchthe ignitionon, turn radiounit off. . Keep the tASl @ key depressed and turn the radioon. Initially"SAFE"willbe shown on the display,followedby "10 - - - -". The number 10 indicates the numberof attemotsleft to enterthe correct code number. . Enterthe code numbergiven in the radio pass usingthe radiostationkeys [1] to [4] lO as describedin "Codingthe Unit'. OveMrite the code numberif an incorrect entry is made, i.e. the whole numbermust be re-entered. . When the correctcode numberis visible on the display,depressthe [AS] @ key untilthe confirmation signalis given. lf the code numberis correct,the unit will go out of dormantmode. . lf the code numberenteredis incorrect and the [AS] key for confirmationhas been depressed, displaywill show the '9 SAFE', after the waitingtime "9 - - - -'. The correctcode numbercan then only be enteredafter allowingfor the waiting time to elaose.

Decoding Unit the

The theft protectionis cancelled when the unit is decoded. Proceedas describedin "Codingthe Unit". After the unit has been successfullydecoded, the unit will go out of dormantmode. The radiounit is thus no longerprotected against theft, and can be put back into operationfollowingan interruption the operaof ting voltage. Adaptation of the Operating Console The radiounit will only operateusingthe originaloperating console. lf this is lost,a replacement operating consolemust first be adaptedto the unit by coding. . Set operating console @ . . Switchthe radiounit on. The radiois in dormantmode and the display will show 'PANEL". To adapt the new operating console,conductthose steps which are describedin the section"Codino the Unit".

radio station key depress [1] 1 x key depress [2] 4 x key depress [3] 7 x key depress [4] 6 x key 0 0 0 0


; 3 3



Codenumberentry;the fourthpositionis stillmissing. Putting the Unit back into Operation When operating the voltage beeninterhas rupted because unithasbeenremoved the or thebattery disconnected, unitgoes the "safe" intoa special mode.Theunit remains dormant thismode. in


Information General
Consultan authorized Opeldealer shouldfunctionalinterferences occur. VHFReception
quality, In spiteof the hightechnical VHF receotion vehicles differ in fromthat can (HiFi withstationary receivers equipment). Interferences therefore occurin can also thereceDtion RDStransmitters. from Thetechnical causes suchinterferences of canbe foundin theoperating instructions forthevehicle. Handlingof CD's Avoid lingerprints wheninserting CD the intothe unit. Return CDto theCD box the immediately removal fromtheunit,in after it orderto protect fromdamage dirt. and Protect CD'sfromheatanddirect sunshine.

Interruption VoltageSupply of
The memorized data but not the radio station designation remainstoredif the will batteryis changed. The unit can be electronically lockedby the theft protection. Enterthe code numberin order to return the unit to normaloperation(see "Putting page 33). the Unit back into Operation", lf the code numberis lost,consultan authorizedOpel dealer. The returnto operation of the unit will only be carriedout upon proof of identityand will be invoiced.

These Operating lnstructions _a]}havebeenprinted chlorine on tt ' paper, a contrifreebleached as bution theprotection theenvironment. to of


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