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From GUI to NUI and BCI

Human being is a social creature who needs to communicate each others. But, it is not enough, they are also trying to communicate with other things, in this case is computer, as a product of technology. At the beginning the communication was following a system and procedure required by the machine (computer oriented), and it needs a movement of muscles. But now the orientation is step-by-step move to human or user oriented with the invention of brain computer interface (BCI).

The idea of writing this article was inspired by Hanny Santosos article at Swa magazine (15 April 2003: 94) with the title of Dari GUI ke NUI. In his article, he mentioned the development of computer interface, from so called graphical user interface (GUI)like mouse and touch screento a level which is called natural user interface (NUI)like voice recognition and finger print recognition.. figure 2 On the other words, Hanny Santoso was trying to describe that the orientation of how a human being interact with a computer is changing from one time to another time. From the computer oriented, gradually are becoming people or normally we call it user oriented. Keyboard, mouse, (as we can see at figure 1) and touch screen (as it can be seen at figure 2) work based on the programmed systems, it means the users absolutely follow the installed systems and procedures. Voice recognition (as it is seen at figure 3, a paralyzed man communicates with his computer through his voice) and fingerprint recognition (see figure 4, where a laptop can be operated when the finger print is matched with the owners finger print) is designed in a different way. This interface is created to recognize the user by scanning his or her voice, finger print, or event an eye retina. If a finger print and an eye retina is used as a media to identify which one is authorized, which one is unauthorized, voice is even used for instructing a computer to do something what the user need.. The latest invention in computer interface is what we call it braincomputer interface (BCI). Even though still in the level figure 3

Figure 1

of research, the development of this technology is interesting to be monitored. Till the end of 20th century, interfacing a computer through human brain (BCI) was science fiction. But, it was rapidly becoming science fact. Now researchers have succeeded in tapping directly into thoughts, figure 4 by implanting tiny electrodes into the brain. It's called cognitive engineering, and it's mind-blowing (Howard 1999). BCI is based on the assumption that electromagnetic current which is generated by the human brain can be converted into digital current as a basis of computer activitiesthe similar ideas of how modem can convert alternative current into digital current and viceversa in a network computers that used a telecommunication infrastructure. By using the modem technology textual, graphical, and voice data can be transmitted from one computer to another through telecommunication infrastructure networks all over the worldwhich is known as the Internet. BCI, which is part of cognitive science and technology, at the beginning was developed within medical circle, which was differentiated from human-computer interface (HCI). If HCI is involving the activities of nerves an muscles in interacting with the computer, BCI is not dealing with nerves and muscles, but it is only involving the activities of brain when it interacts with a computer. BCI nowadays is commonly developed within the subdiscipline Electroencephalography which has been started since 1929. The first implementation began in 1970s, and up to now there are more than 22 researches have done regarding the BCI. (Nykopp 2001: 21). It can be said that BCI at the beginning was focusing on the effort of aiding paralyzed or disable persons to do their daily activities with the help figure 5 of a computer. Moreover, BCI could provide a new communication tool for people suffering from so called locked-in syndrome. They are completely paralyzed physically and unable to speak, but cognitively intact and alert (Lehtoned 2002: 2). But, it seems the result of this technological development is also benefiting for a normal ability people. As we can see at figure 5, a

young girl wore a cap which is equipped with electroencephalography instrument was thinking about left and right hand movementthe user controls the virtual keyboard with her brain activity (visit: )

Howard, Toby 1999. Controlling computers by thought ( Lehtoned, Janne 2002 EEG based Brain Computer Interfaces A Masters Thesis at Helsinsky Technology University. ( Nykopp, Tommi 2001. Statistical Modelling Issues for Adaptive Brain Interface A Masters Thesis at Helsinsky Technology University. ( Santoso, Hanny 2003. GUI ke NUI. In Swa Magazine. Edisi 15 April 2003: 94. Jakarta, 25 Mei 2005 Edhi Juwono*) ___________________ *) The writer is a lecturer of Graduate and Undergraduate Program of Perbanas Economics School Jakarta for the subject of Management Information Systems, and a lecturer for subject of IT for Management at Bina Nusantara University Graduate Program, Jakarta.

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