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Timing Events

K.N. Rao
Yanl Publications, Deihl
I mUS! It\&nII, those Ihousond. of lndl.ons .and who
reposed their .... me and told "'" some 01 those do!\.aIfs,
....tthout I (.QOlid no! h.&ve g.alned some Insight 11'>10 !he _
-"Il' of astrologlul comblna!lcm. Some young told
me why and how they took to drug>. to abnotmaI sexual habits
..-.I ftnally fat thai lifo! 1...:110 hwe a dlw.-nt mMIII"lI ror than.
Inmpoedll8 lhdr ch.rb undo>< PSf'S lias beoe<I .. nne
_lUIe 01 my career. fl rst comes !he partiltal
Influence (PI: !hen !heir X>< lie.. IS) w!-kh btSIns very early; then
1hdr pi ..... ,fonolllff: (F') whkh 1...:1 .. wry wide varkCy olsM"8$.
And ftnally. 1hooI, splrttu.I quat IS).
The lndlM nte _nd ECMC.. -"II cduaIIon
ft.,t, II-. career roI""'-:! by and then. cNldtM. In
the hofoscopes 01 AmaIan And IndIM>s, INs
dllraena beh.CU' PSPS and EC:MC >houId be In mind by !he
I ........ dlv,..'cd 1heI, hor + ..... without disclosing their
1OentI1Ia. An utfCIIogIaI Is .. "tcoy. " true stoIy.
wilt! Its d ....... comedy .....:I and palpitations dthe toean
soe<:n _ hf:,atd by .... astrcJlogu without his '-Ing 10 be told
about It.
I must go on rea>rd here by .to.dnS In dMrest tam. tNt I
found """"'"" vety good and mostly wry honest In the Iie<ed-
bod:.....:I the _Is cI on they narr.te andIdly. indians on
the <>!her hM'od. 800d dNI 01 YlW lnfonnolllon btl! _
vety good memooy ro. ""lei 01_ m.tIOt evoents 01 their !Iva.
The.- why I .... bo!h IndI&ns _ 11
thai wNle West.......... 1...:1 hf!Iped me look Into much v_
0I"'""Y utrologkal comblNtlon$, IndI&ns '- hdpo:d
me Willi my expeI1rMnt$ willi vOi\ou$ dash.u becMr>e they c.ouId
give me accurate dates. If had the oI ll1dW>s
rot da_ and Ir'I<IIlono the ......,;IkI.- of AmerIcanS ... good
_ 01 fOrNre _ I In astrologkal MOdlnp
: , ..
---, ... , ....
could"'"" been_.
&ut lno1lAno ..., !he products of a pullW>lcal oodeIy rt-ogto
some of them Nt now !he V\IIg.or produo:tJ of the amaIgMn of
1n<Ia.n attItuc18 ...., wes_s .r.eeaom of !he womb
In the USA. _...ud me wtly I had failed 10 >eo: In his
t-ovope that he was a I>cIInose><UIII. I had 10 tdl him thai no
l""lan ""'" .okI me about his l>cIInose><uaI habits. rt-ogh human
nature wII&. I. Is, must be many SiiYS In 1""1.0 01$0.
Simllarty. many l""l.ons Nt SO*erous that tM o/f.oo
many quesllons al a time """ ..... _ to .all lheir
questions. all _I once. It to.. _ be<en a plHsure 10 do astrology
for such poerwns. In<IlAns In USA. are !he worst In tills ..... tler.
8ec.omlng 1001'-. fully Of partly. reI.aln IndW> cant.ot"l<erous
habits wllhoo.o. cie'>el'plng the undid"..... """ of
.. e. of (OU"". ........ "H'J 1100<1 ua:ptIons '""""'3
l""lan In the USA. 11<11 do nO< _ the ruI/:.
My .".,.. 10 Or. (Mrs.) ItanJan.o Srlvaslav. !Of the tedlnIcaI
edldng of the book. Mote often than nO< when a wrtter Wfltes a
book. he thinks that his tedlnIaoI dlowsslon Is lto._. I ..... nO<
on<: of Ihem. I m.osl !he IUds_t of my junior coIlugues. Slut
Shlvar" Shatm.a aIIer seeil\ll my -"'tn:%gy DesrfffY Mod rile """"'"
of 11"",, - had o:oIf<!red muoy valw.ble ""88es<1on$ wt\Id'o I had
Ino:OfPOI"aled In !he book. Here I iUTI d<eperldlng on the help of
Or. R.anjana Srlvas __ And Shrt Shlvar .. SiwTna wllto !he dear
understAnding wllto them thai If the book Is II.owless, the _
credit will be mine _ If some mls,;akes here_ there. the
fauit will be theirs.
My hur\-fdt""'" """ bIesIl\II$ are .always wllto them.
1IeoIdes, we have the best of lIenll\ll our books
edited by sudI a group of compel .... t as
Or.ILS. CNrak. R.jeev Jhanli. VIIWi)' Miry" twesll SiwTna.
Dec ... I!.f9OOI" """ othcn. It Is wll&t no publisher of aslrology
boob atI)""""e In the world an..y wllto so much con/Idence as I
can ..y. No _. when they say In the USA. that the boob_
I'Iavoe been produdl\ll are the besl astrology boob In the world.
are pqlns Ihdr I>onest compliments 10 this bo1ULanI group of
aslrologer -1MChers.
My .".,.. to Deboroh -. """ l.O!OI\I. Ituegs both women
Vedlc asbologers who I'Iavoe studied with me here In DeIhl at my

... ,!
pIoa doing .astrology mote than Mrf othe< -..,Ind ....
.astt""'SY ......sent5, trying out the techniques I _gilt to thorn. If
tt>ey continue to _ as I h&Ye thorn to. ukuIo.tlng
hofoo<"P""I _ <IlsI\as In the mid also _ nee be COYetdepondent
on coomputes, tt>ey will be ftrst .at<> predlc;ton .and $<)Uno:!
cou....,.!ors. They I...-e "10 leunt """""' s.n..tuIt stou .. whlcll I
I".,MIabiy ,_"" onoe.uw ....
Tho: ft........o.ol oupport g'-tI "'" ",lie SocIety for
Rese.ardl .and I'rac:tk:e" for tile rep<oductlon 01 this piece 01
whl! evidences supponInll the __ It duly
-' :Odmltl.

, ........................................................... l
Conttnb ............. ............. .. ......... ................... 6
About the ,.,,!hoI ............................................................... 1
hd ., 10 IIw: SKDnd (dilloft ............................................ 10
App<a:I.odoM _ . 19
I"rd".>ee to 11M! ThIrd dIllon ............................................... 17
Choj>IeI _ I The _ 10 Writ., the IIoc:* .......................... 30
Ch.\pIef _ Z Mode.n Method 01 Lea.nlllS MtroloSY . ......... ]]
ChApo .. _) The n ..... T.bIet C a I ..... ..... .............. 38
CIIopm _ . The 5K<>nd Merno<y latH( T ASIC ................ 46
0WpIet _ 5 The ThIrd tabkt I , C ....................... 50
0WpIet _ <> The CheckIhI . 56
More b,n MIC HIshe< ..... 1.. ................. $8
.. _II Predk;llYe TIt IIlb CIII ........... ......................... 6J
0WpI .. -9 u.kllng a weer, TIming h"nts , ........ 67
0\0pIeI _ 10 Dlftkull MDmenb ...................... 14
0wipI...- _ II The CU"D AppIOKh 10 Predlcdons ................. 7tI
0wipI...- _ 11 "" u.rnpIoe oIlnlefP"'l_ ........................ 82
0wipI...- _ l) a........ Out Y"'-"Mtf ...................................... 111
0\0pIeI_ I. 'NhId'I Ayanamsn.l ...................... .. ............... 99
OwipI...-- ll SUmm&l)l .... ConduUona ........... ...... ... ....... 114

About the Author
1LN. 1too i-om!he WllMAudit
__ 5erAot .. OIlEd .. c..n.. ..... No,eo_ 1990. He II
the oecond 01 the low ..... cI Ihe r.mous 01 the
hodt .... "d.nce,.,. ... It. I\onwo R.l.o, me IourocIcf edltof oIlhe Notlon.ol
Herold _ . edIto< 01 MOre !han !hlny joumoIt In Ioelorog
__ __
ee..\, .. the 01 _ In 19U . He rqor<b ....... the _
_ o:q." he 11M kI-. In two __ .......... _ chIIclfen _
!too _ Iectum In n,sIIsh """'"' IdnIns !he pe"'hb"
""'OUIh ...... _ cu. optdd"'h In 1957. He IOIned the IndIon
___ SeMuIrom _ he _ .. IlItectorGener ..
In Naou .. ber 1990. MI;Q Inlcrate<! In Sima ..-.:I opom Ihan In
.tIoItOIoSY In his you!!\. lao won brIIIIIcy prizes In chesIo compoedllons
_ two ""'Ie ctwnponsIIIps In -... eu'ij><1Idto ... HI! pI")'Od ten
ocher s-na _ Is why In No .,!doc>'" Iha<! ....
iCk, .. 10 aon- often.
OutIna lib ....vIa! at_. he _ Ihe pI&nn, _
teochef el1tne __ cowseo on .-....:tIt oIl1eceipu ... loin!
dIoO!ClOl once_dIo",1IOO """ ... Hh interM;Jlon$04o:h .... oJai ... s .......
bftn-. ....... ' __ ........ _\WO
ctec..Ies _" """" he has. ... .on -*S .. , ws,.-..._
netwo<tt olMends. He walt on doIlli 011 hb 1i.In<iama1Y1 In
atrcJIoSY dw1ntI his CMftf tw." .. 01 _ he _ on
, In Ih<Yn ..... He 11M In ....
'eoslon ................ 50,000 ho-npn wIIh len 1mpon.onI_
01_ IndMduill ""'eel with him. It II PftI>apI. !he 1MB<'" -...
M don 01 homv_ Mf'j In the _ ......
The loll"" ""-' ................ not cN<" Mf'j ft,
DUpiI on '-'sn _ olmos! .... '*" ....... "" &SU'*'IY ITWIY
lui In Oeoc>.obtt 1981 he _ CUI 01 hb IIhdI 10
pMIdpotc In .. Ihree-<lly __ ..... 1JOIoSY In [)o,IN. AI'I.ft _
'--_ ...... ,-
SJOUfld brlNllllns opeech. -., 11M .. dftNnd lot his
0f1Ida,. from Ihen.....- he .... -. -.. ""'" Ilk
.-sIB .......... I'M. , ... he "-_wookt.ldc,,,oIx .
.... .. no. 199] _ 1995. !too '-.tsIII1he tJS,I\. on ...... IectI.o'e
too.n. He _ !he 0Wf eo.- .ot !he Coo.,,,,..., d "'"
"'-tI'*'8:J In 199]. He_
prftftlt In me third Coo."""", oIto In on Ihe Opool"8 dII)'
beuuse "'!he uowdI. he would <Ita .... Hli """", ... .os __ III
No."",boe< 1995 "'!oO /of !he Foonh Conference though he IIIId miIde It
dur INt lie would noI' be .... _ leo Ihe
COOok ' E' eu.
SIru June 19\18 he ha _ ,'JIOOCOW """ limes _e he
r.aup Ihrough lnN>pou ..... It Will ar- ............ .-y
_ as ,"*"""""" by !he Itu!Mon pon of !hose , ...... led ..
Pf"W" ...............
.... rautI of his """"*", he hM now men _ ..
__ StU<lem$In Indi.o __ INn live ho.ndred In the USA _
JWuI&. He II the 01_ of In !he _ ally. V\dy4O
en.w..n. New Delhi. The te.oc:hon on !he tfldIIng UocuIty of !he
aoItoIog)r COUI1oe In the _ ally. Vldya Showon _. like him .-
cIwpd ""Y ffto Jot w.chIns whIdIthey do 'n on hono<My up.iCIty.
'M'I&t Irnpook<I a..o '0 do H Is _ CKpWned In his own _....,..
_ !he ...... _ ..... lOch lord> 8fl tomt>Ined In !he _ on
_ """lei' In tile lOch _ . AlIhb _ best"" by his
Guru. Yost 1IwtskM_ oIGuioo"M wham Itoo ... !he I.It$I
d Ihe ItbN .w'''' g"" In !he puruC d"'1ce! .........,. He """ ookI '*"
..... he would ....... to .-hi, "'""Y Joro4n councrIo:s to sIve 10 I*'du
...nok>gy !he honout. 'ECCIS'oidoi. _ dIgoIty _1, did noI' ......... 1II
!hen. No ....-..ned up tho! In\pIIc.I d!he ftn.! eYe\' ""'I
01 Row:> ' 0 !he USA In 1993 ... . VedIc ItSrroiogy bd:>t>e R.oo _ IIfIw
WNo, yogis ......... Mid _ ... tfOIogy as ..
whIdI he _ no< stve up twos -. q\OClltd In his book. Yogis.
...... cf don
..... ollis _ e><pIcit.utye naNfe. """s __ to
..... !nco. po of""SU. """ __ '*" d. "' ods "h""i.e .
_ ..... """'" "'_ from IheClDlTllTllriryoi fA' , ....... + I I"
who ..nen .... mae JJew up line -.. 01
""'"' INn two _ .adtrnIc awoioS"" like ..... lor .....,."
...croIog,r Is _. IOUrU "'-" bill oupeI' ...... ce 10 __ Ihe

"'-"''8 and PIII'JXIO'I! 01 tunon Ilk. which 10 _ ..uoIogy ...
ohoo.*I """ "- 00 be.
_ his -.6UfII. SwMnI p",_ Sot_. """ hit
/ytiIb/o 8JI". YOSIIlhukMMWId.o u.up '*" ........ ___ 01 iJ*ItIoII
-*IIY wt*to ........... at-> usuoII)I In _ booI< 01 _ ...... ....
'- ..,., ,',d ........ 01_ -"'" In hh -. YOlk. o..dny """ me
....".,.. cI TIme . ........... bo's reanI ""'" moc>s{ ""&1II1II
.. ,' rrd>u _ hi> twO boob Ph;dI(.1ns JMmJnI 's OIM. a.w
""" ,.,.,dkU'l6/htough 1W.tIuttruhiI __ DWw. I, 11M -.
"'Ie fof.." 10 prod",,", oud> "" _ tOld
his tyodJ/olJUN Il\00, _ w ... 1n r-rtpMA (Iroldlllon} w'" mud! moot
....... """"' w_ conuIned In boob of -oIoSY _....,
"""...,...mtIauI __ H:oawn "_ . ........
_ his line fYotbh pru. knew many o.ucIo ndtlon.ol seaeu.. d
w!*to Il.00 ... ,,,. ,o',d In his 1:Iw"" boob, _ ou-.. .. CotftrJ.
Mil .. & . ""1""" _ 1M _ allinoo _ -.... MId a-.....
It ...... \he _. 8'JfIJ 01 Sw.vnI rlll'_ s. ... _ .
who line .ookecI .... no! 10 gtve up.aolfOlog)r .. I, Iwod to be.., Intqr.
I*t 01 lib ud/WI.I. Later .. Irea. SW ...... MooIkIIM\andII.
propI" .. ,ed In .\lS2 111M he _ be me otdIItea 01 grN'
Who;tho:< Is lIIce.edy fllll'llIe<I Of 001 (M1 be
PJ8ftI h:Im \he 1mpI_1bI 01 In.-ch putIII!.hed .

Preface to the Second Edition
ReYnIon of .. ( _ u t111'OU(/1 the VlmJIIottorj
n..... ha bcon "" much In IndIon ...croIoSY bec.ouse
of diIk>.".........,... """' lAID
-.ada. S- tuv_ ornomtf'IIAy. b bm', _ . """'!he
1\omw>Dpe. -.....c II. the twvomshl .-1M shy
I-Indu bIIde. _ fO her husbond, the I*th buI_ not
illllow<t<I to open Iu n>OUdI. k ... .os Il0l_ dbo,,'''d. __
the cousins oIlhe birth iIof<wnpe. -m lnco obIMon.
lye< ......:Ie good .rod ope>oed OOJI _
dIfnensIon wNdI It wh)Ilhe dlle oIl'b book "New 0Im00nII0nI" hAl
-. tile moo.! "PI ......
n.. ...,,,.,.-A,=., __
n.......toM ............ "" l1li ...... ''"''.01 theCl:>W"ltl)l hod KIded
Ihe,oy ............... "oc osy\Ol'da me ... eo ,oeoKoIlndLo .poe_ltd
In <:.oIencI.n<m Coo "ee 1956..t.oM: choIrmon _ Mo:shNd
SMo.l. Ihe<e should "--. no ..... 11. dIspJte _ the
fO be.-d. Yellhed<qconllnued 11111'1 1994 .00II ... meedr1S c.aIed
.....cIa !he .uopka 01 Ihe Human Mlnbby bJ the !hen
MirWe.. Soi l\rIun Singh.. burlM oil conuoYelsies """" and lot all by
iitpp'0III0g the (LMllrI), .,..oy ........ oIwo """*:tI
I "- bHn .... "11 -.yo. I hod olio wr1!tft1 In the
Mlo&oW"" ltwo. I ........ only !he OIIIf.op.!lksna .oy..-nsha. and In
I atOc:1UId In 1_ how !he
... "" 01 "'" could be """""" by ...... Ihe 0Ikr ..........
l"-elrdt.oded IhIspleln my bed.
and ChiId_'. Ills b !his __ 'Ih<III8h I gIW W uedII
'" Dr. "" aollng b !he "be of UUCIIoI)IIn
n.II.t. ond hIs!>oob his ay.vwomoho
I\M .oIw"Y.1flI me .ulI"Y. In III. NoIlobie HorOKopes, !he
_ .... _-
01 Georp VI. knwd _ hII ...... ..Me' , ( .... eo< ..... 01 ..
lohouId be"-wI1h !he iii)'M'iOMiha co
..... wIi ......... , own _ 01 tid ..,. .. 1'"" + .. f.oib In _
01 hit., M In mony ochers..
no. 1"4 ....... 0( ",*.a...,.o __
On me 1nskI,..,..., 01 0.. __ 0.. SUtIIdeo 01
me l,.Iil a,Nodur ShMtrI_IfIy& Sonsiutl I Nod to pt8Ide.
tromlMe _ condOJCl the big c:.:.fttoo>l! 011'<1 "" full
ltv"' RIch trltoJlft -.. poId 10 me Chonftjl
who opmy wid _In lib nurIy""'l)I
In ...... _ Iibrood . .... Nod _ ,..,.,., .. ((jO"'a
boinS C<IIIducfEOI ... wei M me. I hod 10 do 11 CO __ 1tc ......n.ooI
.an..dt wI*t! _cIoso. _ ...... ponct.onvs_
cho ' ; e . lher .. ownay .............. _1Nt"d ........+t do. 1 Nod 10 do ..
koI 01 op&de ......... 10 .. e.o. wch .. c:\ooIlI _ .... .an..dt ... 0. . .........
""""'8 octoa5 L.V.s. _ 01 the KoneN
peoo1hotn. 00. $.aid _ my (RIoo'1I conI1'IbInIon to ..... oIogy_
..... less !IIan his. Vee he I'iOV'U published me <epOtt 01Il>00 proxeedlnp
oIme mt-ellna In ...tIIdI tis ay.,.. ....... two hod -. oIo<1o:! outrlstoc. At
__ It hod 10 becoo_ .. ___ cIouto ....... btt .. tHl hIm.and
me. HIIown boob baa:! ... would __ ocIendllc
mote . .... t"e!!'ed I"" fl'iYl"!lfc:co.+i ........ 'ECQ, ........ his _ ""
_ t7 ........ t.: __ 01 -.... "'-' ..................... daN
bo' ""_ ........... tt. .... 01 .......... .
Vee ........... _ 1tc....,. pIKe 1 hod gIvouIlO his
co JudI"''' HotoJc<>pe" U .... , M _ me orAy book In wI*t! ........
WM wch .... e:col1ell( compIWIoto oIloOU11d pr'n odpos 01 &II .......
Judge'iiEM In one pIKe) _ how 1 """'" v.oIo.iiE<I1tc
.. 01 00. RMrwon. Vee It lHothes ..... .... 01
Interpledr\s"1IcJuw:ope bu! gives ... 1 \hose p1nc:1p1es wNdI one ""'"
keep In mind . 1 uoIled It .. very 800<1 book then. 1 h.ave ..... feMOtI CO
... .oa _ po$ItIon. _ ... .,. 1938 _ 1950. _ 's-'<l
.. e<Ik .... _ ...... So 1 '-been _01_ bfI&ht
_ brII&nI .... 01 his. ............ his own ayMWmSI>& bec.oniiE ..
.......... ""d'o I*n, 1 hod 10 dr_ '" __ II .... 10 '" dIosh. p.ned
((jO'. '""0'.
WllrdlooOllh P Ilw lJ) '.'
Wlchout 1tc ay&nAmSh&. ....... Il>oo Navamsn.. ....:I
dMtkInoI IioroKnp<s Is '" necdlew SlOpe Into me depths 01 11M!
_ ... _-
MtrcIioSY oIr .. _ ... 0.. Itornon ___ UIoed airy "''''0'''' horotc.ope
bec __ he "'- 111M hII _ no! WOI1<. L at
_ know 111M hII _ ... th WIo oouIIy when ..., mMc
M ."'.- 01 dMoknoI lou. .**
ThBe C1DUId be .... tr. ctl on .......... 1Iof<>ocopo's AS II-... b&<tIe
.... ,_ .......... II_._by_
who hAd_ .... _ In but_ on
p<odudn& MIda 11M mills.. CCIfII'usI II-... ....... more WId more. It II
only now 111M me dMslon.ol horoo<ope "-' -.... to 8"" adoeqw.le
I ....... "-'" mot II-... CNtr"""",""" II)'-..sha worb
on eIM.I" .... hoooscOpes In this booIo.. I ....... "-'" II-... .- 01 JO
........y IIMsIonoI IIof<>ocopo's !w:'_ I teIood .. I _ In
.... .'" from II-... '*'*" ... .-bo. When bodI. ..... 10
one point. It gave ............ bledue 10 Ihe me "1;101
,oIN.,I" .... hoIotcopes I ...... dtce _ 111M _ ...... do no! know
more IhnIqueI 01 poedk:doo<J WId do no! .... tettlhdr IIn<IIr\p from
<IIfJerenf CIIII I"IeWf ...-..und Ihe UIIU<y WId 01
dMslonooll The technique II given In my bod; on jalmlnh
ow. D.oW. DMsIonaII>c>m$(Opes .. e ddlc.ote 1ri$trUrno:tota. Dlltertn.
11)'__ &fYe ....,.,. 01 dlltertnl _ I>otoscopeL An
will tty out dIIfe ... t.oy......-..hao WId
___ one gIws him .-.. ... II had to be _ WId will ....... 10 be
_ CCII"IIIn<.Iouo ........ at one Ihe Chiu"""","""
.oy.onornoho .... be Inodo>cp .... to ___ IhederNrds oICOiGdei ........
... e ctoo .. I know 111M M ... fuou<e dale, ........ this ....
'- to -SO oil"" "fill ....... ___ ............
... ,,, .... Su does _ . ot.e ChlIf<opol<W 11)1 .......... __ to be
like ... kIHI 1"1\1&' : *" HIndu who _.
SOO<l mNoI "" M<
One mint be<ome _ .... 01 II-... dlopar1t1es _ dll'leren!
dq.rea 01 pIaneIs an creole If Ale ....ed. lei me
.. up !he ......... ope 01 Gooose llenwd Shaw WId _ It.
Gooose ea"""" SNw 1Z61111y 185& 12:40 AM. GMT DubIn,
I.dIu<Ie , SlNZO.oo I..ctI;IItudc , 06W 15.00
DIffo".1I)IMWnShu _ CMI be'- 10 ptepIft lhel....
0I8emJrd 5I\aw _!heir v ........ "" Ihe _ . 1856..., bo:Io\s at-
below. 'e ..... CIIII <11_ !heir own (CndutlonI by JftIrcs how
.......... hooosc""", _ duha bpi' .... 01 the WId
........... alrt the a::cwoqo 01.-.. ...
' In Nouble Horoscopes. the blrth doouolG.B. SNw....ed IJt Dr .
_ .... _-
ItaoNn b , born .... 26dI july 1856 AD ........ " ,ld"lgtu (1M'. 53)11 1.
t.orc. 6 w 16)
The I... ... gIwn. CiIOI In ItM! d.o)'I ....... ItM! 01 ItM!
__ t ... ..
The _ -111 Dr. ItaoNn b 01 Ihe ..... ,"' '11 01 21111 __ 261h.."
_111" _Ii "_"'8ft> tom """'"" 1 go< !he birtli det.IIIL So
_ sets 011... ,ENe -. Pf=,,, .. d I+fe ,
As UMd b, Dr. Ibman
Nootoo: 14M Moon. Morcw<y. 1I.ih.I .... Ketu t-. beoro &'-'
_goNma SUitlll .... d'+ dho done. '""" d'+ ...... hooma:ope
.... 1tc....., d.Iol.., lloodeIli .... 1tc Is Wf)'
1:1'38' , .....
_ -....,.Iup\oo:' _ SaIuM _
_ 21'311' , ,.. , ,.. 17"Je' W I('
llI'OJ' l)'q '""iT 0""&'
_ Sa, ,,,,, _
I5':IT 11"10' 2t'1l'
_ ... _-

'NIIM ar- JodIry _ be_II
""" _I'l0l Ie IocaM ... RImM..........,...t .... 12-01 AM dlulY
21. 1856.
NQoo, The Iio.8J"o 10 _ _ ... pIMoet """ l6
_ Dr , bman '-gMn l6 mIno.ote 10" e...:epf Roohu _ 1tet\i, He
did _ have tho: d die! _ he dIto= .d """
17'l1'12'15' Il'SI' 0i5"4/I' .... I ... '" 1_ 15'52' _
_ Saturn ItIorou
-.... --

"" t ...
. ,"

do. and L.a/*I
., ......... ""



5omII! <II Ih! st-I by Dr. 1ft on !he bodIt 01"-
-son- p&.nim. ....." .. WIOI'III. Then to ...,. - "'" -. -
.... _SOftMnIin r ....... and noIlO....cIu 111M Shotw_ one
altho! ugtInI mero 01 his cIfde Is ..- mi,I.,,,,ns. R.wnM did _
.....eIGe INs II<t<boo !Io.w In his dbon.oIon. (Horotcope No ] I)
The........ _ _ hcfoocope 01 Lord Kt'!!ohna -.
"The L.\a'" .. T .... "" Of VrIshobho... cI Yeno.>t, _It Iso,,*", br
the Moon and bof $arum IftAkIna SrI KrIWIa Olfemely
__ "{IIui- ,E Nol)
5Mw In 1896 In !uPlte<-luIlIct< (o:he 7m Iood 01 !he
Heeled In 1950ln
period 01 Ketu.
_ _ 01 """ life 01 SNw
..... be cIbcusMd _,e.
Note I - There_ be. dIr ...... a 01_ dq< ....!lle _ . Mod. Yulct_
Not .. Z - fOtlleCWUop.oksl\.l. Jour........,
_ ... _-
--_ ...... -
........., _ three hIsher.
NoIel __ """ .... , , ~ . K M _ ... ...tIIdI_I __
_ ~ ~ srm"8 .11.., ~ rfIro<,gII. It!_
~ Of .ocnwd\1;! 10 /IiPW ~ Corobeaot 01
!99S. "'tlrrlosf""'d ,,''OdyeMS.
_ ..... _-

In !he .... ni"8 ..... to OUr wudM .. In !he VIIIy.
IIh.o.w ..... we ohow It
UN. ',,,.,
The .. lOde ... Mt ",loS'" " a-1liiy limned In his
I>eao.ox IN! .... """" no __ IIwr> "'" V'.o,"""' ..... In _
_ ...... ,,_-.1> he uoes " ......... ,,,tht<..t>ItrMlly one! ........ \IRS !he
dM!oIono>I I\oroKopes To IoIy ..... , ...... II doIns I!>e 01
r .. .....:I no< U$lng Ihe _ hototcopn and 0Ihtt < II
like -.yinl IN, hu no pIIICe In [u"",," Of KArv .. d UnIwnIty
Is not In the USA. If !he bini! r-... pe II the buk .uucture flI
penonA/Ity. 1M fW.Iormho .,..... .... bIIe ..... one! the cIIYhIonoI
hoo ." IW m.t mud'! d psyd'IIc ed>er &Ii comes IIR bitdlnS
1laII. _ "" I : $0 _ Ihe kemoI 01 .. ""'"
.. 11M! M .... dille '"""'" wNcI'I urInOI be "'"'
....... pIvoI bJ _ ..- IY'- _ WI 10
....-...- """Y"'" ... e .. """ ..., s<*'S -00&.
In rtw _ . ............. &I .... , of the
work <lI!he life
,,,,,,ud 01 """,o::Io.dng """'" olStleshoclr1Iyf:r one!
hit bold IMOV.rtve of u$lns !he Yogi point (!hough from
- ., ... _-
....... f'><'" ... , '-
mul>urta "",,<>logy), '"'"' haY<' him Of .......,., atll<lol him il<
'hough In )ov" 'ri.ang\e, !two patomou. of """,1M womon was
morol!y wpetIo< <0 good h....b.ond, n,., tNn lias
t>c-en cow.u<! at tM M.vI< lw.oln <0 ""Y, The ....... "Se
"'''oiogft I> "" l"'eU.II .... coward. ""aid of Innavadng. He .........
efuge 1>nCIfl. San;.krl, >lanLI w!>ose full ImpllulfioM he """""
MW ",,,,eel I" v.nou. ways. f Of l"'tAnce. debllluucd s.",um lias t>c-en
cooo1<",,,,,",, lot oil IagMS In a so-caIlM eotn"""'lM)' of. dassic
wlthou, ......., _ng how. debllI'.'4ld s.",u.n MJkI be produc,"'" of.
""'Y high a<lmI .... tt._ poloitlon In I'I'IM'4y pIa<;es.
1'1>0 C-..,... _"",.. Foc.
In 'oMChlng students with beliRan' academic bKkg.ourods. '"'"' In
the Blwatly. Vldya Bhaw ..... ale like heroes who face ftrM of ..... Of<k:oI
_lifter _. """'" who GlIl with esotetl<. mumbo-
tumbo In ..., .vtIde Of even a book. W., who ,ead> Ar., the pioUotm
wattlots who Jace the bottle wed< lifter _ lot whIcII "'" have ' 0 be
prepared lot .. quedon whIcII Iail outside the realm of dM>IcAf
.... 'oIog;,. bu, yet be most pmI""'" lot mo<Iem man. A Woman
with V ........ and Rahu In the 4th house with .-.qUIlt)'" Me""""""'_
told by ..... iIOtroioget tho.t !oM """,Id have <ex relation> with mat.1ed
tNn. IndIa.n _rolog .... emphoslzlng. even """"pl.>ylng _uaf _ts
of .. hotoowpe. ""'Y be rnotbI<I vlc;d .... of thei< own _uai
I ""'P"C'. I ,dd on astrologe. who d.\frns to be .. genlu, but CM _
only <exuaf combir\allons """" since the lo<d ...
planned hunan ON''''''' a new. Of ("" lempled AcIMn. all
'0 _uaf ..,.,. oho. His crea'lOn a>nsi>3 of ftfly pcranl
women and flfly pcran' """" attf.ocdng ead> other
(I'totnosoo.>cuafs and Ie!.bLlno .. ., o..opscttfng 'his thcoty) Of th.ough theft
_ honnones il< "" flu,1 """" would ""Y .
..... 1 IMoe the <Iil<ha anr:f the dMsiotW
'0 be ....,.;j lot a much wider 'iU\8e INn tMlcIy _uaf
....:Ilng. II was """"" I h.ocf '0 teoo::h IMoe techniques '0 out
.Ndcnts tN, the ..... of coflec.tlng the 1I1 ...... tIon> In ont pIaoe In the
ohapo: of .. ..",.,. of """"" <>a;urred!O me. II ptOII'ed a 8tH' .... c_.
Sc:ornc ,"""""'" coflNguM JoIIc" cd I, "" with many 'ex! books 01 high
The lint ,"",!Ion of """ book "1'1rnInS d t_ !htou&h """
VIrmno!t.vI" _ s<*I out within lour month _ "'" _ on
JoIrnItoI'IOwA o..sho Is ..... _ed.-1y. The bocIb..t.ld>_
pubIshecIln!he Ia.t qo' .... 011993 "-.. COft'COU(
o;dIlIoo .. k .... mode me .. 1kde __ "10 ...... .-....,.
WM'IIadiNl""""""*,,, a/ _ poedkll ... _ ...... .......
I CfIII CUI"'" .. _ ""'* by , clio,. .. tile wr1",," __ _
I '- Ifom In Ird.o _ chi: USA.
Some out a/ mAI'Iy ___ lot """ boob by_
In<IIans ... _tty .. Deomlbe' 1995, w!IId1 art !toe L.oIaI . .ve
The ___ by lndiMI ..... "", .. glHte<
v.-!uc brQIIstn up In the beloI MIroIogIc.II and
spIrIlWiI IlIdlrIc:w!s, know ..tly ..-.I -.. ..w<>iogy cuses to be ..
_ poedkdon bewmo:s. Sltr: ....t>en .. __ 1Ion
Is ""' .. ""'" button 1ed."""SY. '" _ ["""""""'" '-
aInoody IJUdrIs !he of indio.. but .. . ..
ouptf . ' .... _ rho: sr-:o: 01 SOd. The of
" OIEI''''' _Its ...... ,,_ Ihey'" the _lie " .. 01
boab. D.oYIIl L..o _ fa me ""'" T ....... "you know

A book on .... roIogy will. In Nve lO ... tl!.fy
""" hlgtI _ at ...rnnical by me v ,
number oIl"""'na .... .. oIlnd1& and ...... Mvc 10 Inft'l ' 1Ie
demor'dI 01 d;u1!y _ IucIcIt1y _ >011h ..
--. S.'lce
llil. DrIl. DI ,D.C.(
.-...u'c""" T .... """"" ......
' L..p AMOdal .. '
Thougtll om .an odvoutc b)I ",0,.,.,1011, 10m .. lover at ostrology,
_ my 00bby I, .c.od1na good os'r%gy booI<o I 10 _ ..

T __ ,-,, __ ._
by SrI K.N. -..o._.-ttda
1 _ beon.-os. _ .... In _cl",p'" Mia' I .. I
libel It>e book.. ' Ptc:<l<:1loOll """"Sh joImInI'. Ow .. D.ooIwo' "'*II>e
_ ..-.I 8tst of Its _ In It>e Tho: I\.uthot 1M ....... It>e
.. ,.:IrIM ..-.I IUndI)I COO."")' my best wishes ..-.I
UiII&'.U .... 1Iono ,e It>e I\.uthot.
I .." 10 buy ......... ..-.. _ 01 the ..... 0IJ1hcr.
Would you pINte Inbm me ...... , the IcuoI .odrMO$ of )'OU'
.. __
IW . ...... Sorojftv ..
OIJ: No I . NnM , ....... l<d nocr . ... c.... <_ ClI)oN;: SporuI
., 560009
, ... IuIy _ )'OU ........ of the ..- tdbni.- Vn. In
........ ..-.1 1_ puod 1 the 'en, .", _,.. IHm """"-..
lo:d>ok; oM 01 ....... ' ........ I ... ...r!Ied 'he ... ofliiWilyob..-.l you
- p<oved .. 8 ......... In ... toIogy.
I .
2. l'lmInI 01 (venc. Ihrcugll Vlm>hciwl D.o;II&
3. I'tedIciIns """"gIl ..... nI 0l0I .. D.uN
I.." fcIIcwIns I..oIW1 only *$ hototty.
The '-" _____ ...- from the USA ..... ., ve<bII ..-.I
.. the C"I*>""'" ICiIa CUI. 1M """""y _ ................ """Y.
_ ._ I ...".., When I ... .non of the -. I .... toI1Y _ "I)'
AmerIcAn "'-b a:U<I net .. atpIM... MI. _ s..e-- of
Sop ... ' . ; .. ' .. _ me """ he _ t.eq> '"" "'"
..p.vty """" _ en.
let me _ Ircm .. vrry._ __ I'tcm Son DIqo by ....
IWIy ollie ... , lon".oIne. 10111> ......... I n.w! ..
Ion! ..... _ sI>e IIod _ .. IIvtt how opoKh of ..... ne In
Dtmtof'f To t...... mel her. 10 _ Ie hrt ..... bK.otne ..
I\appy """"t "" me. SI>e _ .. Ion!- 10 __
_ , I ... d In DoW ... Dete. Ita N . IWS. o.bor&h .... p.n me
...... 1' .1O_1romthe 1MMr.
5 iZ I995
nw. _ 00 """'" "" ."" ... ,. me of Mr. It,oo' . _ to Son
DIqo. I ju&o. """ _ Ikione)I so< In __ me . ....-..
no peDOtWoI "".>cl .. u"., .. " _ ...... ' ..... he ....... 00<1 me 10 ..
_ood ,,,,,,,,,",, people who "'"""' no Sf<l'I"dIns In .... """SIr. '0
be _ . I _ beo:n o:w"", .. oood ObW, _ ......... 1 """",00<1 Ie....,"""
_ .. -.., him ,ho, WM 1!f"lOIns _ Ie _
r ___ ',,,.

DftIof .... I _ .., ,.,. 'M. Touo/ly u,p<tv&leCI. He Nd !I>e
,a,. _ oil _ him. 1_1_', ......... ..... I.e
_ ........ .......... to ...... "" "'I' ....., d til ...... Nod he ... <h.u )'0'1 _
_ _ d Ihe iomIIy to him. I baush' .. toocl _ _ I om IrI
.... ....... _ .. ....
I ..... Ihe ................... 1Mb .-,he choIIoonps he f.ooed _
In .. I""'" __ . _ like ""'"' .. ",",oy ......-
"-" If there I> t"'" , .. ,," .. ound.
He In .... toocl lOY> <h.u .... .. not A I"'" or but My
fedIng .. "* he .. CIO<tIinI)r .......:l\ ... Ihe .,.. ... ___ ..
....... I _ .eI d '" .- _ .... A palo< oIIIcer
..... , .. -, ........... --
Mr. ""'" ..... 10 -... -...u<*>cf CIIfI be helPullID Ihe
opIdNoI pod't In loa. _ '. b moIn po.orpoooe. I ....a.ood tom. .. "-'af'I
opIdNoI dIono people""" ___ 10'" .... -.... open lrl _
_ he wid. ' HoI_ lime . .... _ -. but .... _
- I ...... -. IwIpptn.
He obo ........... ot<I little til. _ ....... p ,p.". pool ...... I
__ odei1"1l. does Ihh 1M>rmo_ come I'fom \he _ 'I tNrt. or
does I,"""" .... OIha"', opedoII r.Illl lltt.'
"",,,.Iam ate '.'iMJ' funlt wUh 'MI' opinion . The
__ lor _ AsIrcio!D' ............... "'" loci...... ., II
...u<*>cf hoo no ... _we tad. I .... _ d .... ...,.-.
......,. .... ""'OIYJWI '" ."",,oobe good _ .. __ n.."",_
"" _ In .... west .. boIh .......... ... .... he. ...
... , .... "-U _ hoi, ...... IIIey .. _ .e .. -a n"I)I -.
porIIc\IIoIIy""1"... Oeodny _ "'" _ dllme . ""'" ,lito 11J"e_
lucid ... ' ..... _ . In 1991_ 1_In _d .... . ..
"- _. "..,. "-gill <h.u I _ poychk. lui ......... I .... gIII
_onclOICIriqua of ... -...,. ... they, __ .
............... 11>01 I _ nor ... IISU<Ik>gef ...... _ PI)'dlic gift but """ "- _ ted ; .... of ... ve')' W , No _odu In "'"
............................ ""'" 1995 . ... "'M' 11M. _ ..... .-""'"'
'Cordu! _ 10 frIAIo_ hb '- plano: _ of
...... 1M1y. his " """ of .. chArt b _* """''' .. hit
oIJeq. opedk detoIb 01 """ PfIIt _ PfUC"I. _ """
'- "" Ihe .......... "'" II ",,', F'-' lob
I ....... _ .... ....,.-. .....
',_ .... ... ....,. ... ,t .. "

te.och!nss of>Oed Technlq ..... 01 I'r<ldlclions I>ciles hl.
""'""'sI> knowIoodge 01 "'''oiog)r And ,he prrdolon wi."
_idI "'" '"PPro.ches ..- choat' an.aIyoIs.-
Tlr of being .os .. P")'ChIc "" an accu,.te
rudlng b a1w.oys \here, In !he USA WO''''''
il6lroIog.,.- t.I!k """" 01 "'" ..oe ola than "'"
glatlng pte:l1cttve foKton. In , .... !Io you could be ",I,taka> fo< pte!.
oIdd .... Ii: .eo,'ns a ghoot) Of .. yogi. I '-had no problem In <hi;
boouu ... all ... .... I ........., In my "'''oIog\c.ol wrI.1nSO ..-<I
mo:. In the cLo room. that In Hlldu ... 'ro!ogy,.no.
b sdcmlllc. In fac! wpo:r >dendI\(, And What .ore _
" ... ,!....,do and why b I. "'P"'.o<;if:otll\c "'" Iw:n undontood by 'IOf'I'Ie
Intdl igrm student 01 mine both In Ind ........ USA.
In ,"" edl,""' . .... trylng .... t some Cotrecllons. three
od<IIlIoNoI hoi ...... ....,... ,..."., _ with my .-:lings I<epI
bcbc <he """""'" ;."I ..... d . They ,....., _ to 1"" In Ihdr
flo: .... _ see the ""'-MId _ on IMn'I '" puul8. I. Is
by .hl t.... I _n ,lie giN! __ 01 Yotmud
R.>momut(1ly 5hastd _ wroIe OUI my two -. on -roIosY.
1IM<r<rtIon H .
In ..... ftr>l ..ell,..,., d ... , .. "'" a mi_1n To """"""
IN! dllIIo>tt)o, ho>oo::Ipe \O\m b<:>ll> with the bint.
.on<! "'" being gIwon.
The -"3' _ by me ..... "" <he _ 01 1M l.ohld
<>Ny. flo: 1 ... "'"Y try R.vnan', __ how the WlH be.
A>lroIogeB 01 Indio Ole more t.Joy In diII,,"ng 10 be SI ...... <llllmi"ll
It> be.,....., ree.vd'oeB wllhout poOYlng It, They ....- had the couroge
to pr-... .. 'ecI\nIcII popel even when "'" In Ihe _.IIy_ Vldya
__ \hem to...." ... out. _ willi enough U"""._ and
""bf' th.,.,,>elveo '0 hOfouSh _(Chins o"bo.e. GI"en .he
opponunloy. 'My o.ermonlled or uid w" "".ur w",'e d
Ilmo:. Scm<: bene< known """" .tIIed.w.y ftcrn .... , ...
totMIy. k 10 poMI!>Ie ." decribe .. the gtef.lft! ... roIcgIaI
buUy ........ '" k .. "",",,!>Ie ." decribe aneoe!f
.. the gtef.'e>' ""<>lose< 01 the world In <his high '""'" ..... I naw !\rd
twot .. In the us.o.. '" too In 1tw:I.o w.uhbudtlt"l!l ..........- an
doIm hiS'> 'ri . .l1li ......... _'" d Ilmo:. 10 through the -.
that """ WfI .... tN. """ an be judged ..... the more tdet1t111c mlndot<I

r ..... __ .... '... '''''''''''

,_ 01 .... modem generAtIon. Who' .... ....nor WI1_ eltMI _
01 _ no! _. No l<o<otIiIg<enI le./det Is prepored to ""
...... point "'"1 ""'"'. t......o to i\"'"oOOeI ..... _ 01 ...... new
8'0I.IP 01 ""'"' InrelHgent .-s.
I, b why I _ mat _ ore WI1,_ "" .... J<iIog)I buI _ no
.a .. ''''''is. " ............. ...".., r:onoc\I:nIkIUo ..... DIeS- InIo
Indlgnatkon MKI pmI ....... .oc:tior1. An .... rdoga!\old rI3f>t to d>oose
a co.r .... oI..a1on """"'" .... own de>C1ny. "'" Ihen he ....... no!
I>KDrne a arpIng ..-.a ...... 1dOu> otIIC If hi. horoscope .,...... IWn no
opponunIry In IIIIs Inr:.v_ 011>10'0 ..... own peld...,.. ond
""""'" '"'" aD fury ond no An
""oIogeI ....... believe In ... roIcgy 1iIm>df. In hi> own hoi.....",.,. ond
.to ... l ...... In hi> <lcodny.
In WI1dng my boob. I -... __ .. tNt I t......o to Igncft sudo
... rdogas ond write "'" tNt lOIS'" _ ..too wor>ls to know why
... J<iIog)Ib ioIbho.. rho' olllluml ... tkon """"'" Hft> hope<. """"'"
""-' Il\Ol >prd< 01 Hght ......-- gloom o.tcend:s "" ""'" """"'" bHorJdlles
_ "001,,,,,,,, 01 """"""'nt)' -. a IIaI.ondna """'OOIY 01 ....
_ up Hke 0 01 ..... '" """"'" _ r-I bur .........,. _. In
INmIng """- .odo",,- """"'" Me PO""""..:! In aD _of mI ..... " b

In .... we>! In "'" <;DITIIng _ .
u.-,., obI,,,,,
I _ tN. In''o<IucIIon by .t.owIns ..".,... of _
_ ..,..",111< .. .". ..-.a .1>00 problem ..... horIest "'''cIog''' .........
encounl .... "c-p by .. c-p. y.... __ helo!<. .... 'oIOI!<"'. prcdk:f wI.h
-... """ ............... ability to tum our t>erole cifteo ..
Irno pynNc.. .. : _ know 11>0 ... of _ 0<Jl ' ....... , ... :
""" can IrlClulge In gimn"Od<s: _ wen< of .oil. _ presocrIbe r:ooUy
............ _ ..... ...".., ....... expIoItollve ..-.a p>y<hoiogI(.iiI 10M!
llYn .,... <>WI> c.<IIiYI<Iion In ..... eII'kiocy 01 """'" __ . The ..-
pooblt-m, hied below will t......o '0 be opptOo>CI>! .".."' ... .. e 01 .....
<>Iller dhpHoklna'oiy. If..".,... Mbuloge. mode .... thel mind>
rho, "..,.., _ no OU""""". lhey -.ooIy WM\' the. ""'V<1t)' 10 be
I . ""'" "","OYflOy.obou, wt\a, I, ,he COlfecl birth II ...... will MYet be

z. ""'" (on"OVft'y obour "'" corlecr _y""""'''''' I, ""'" In India
_ .. " Is esoIlm,,,e<I . ""'" ninety percen ..,... tho:
oy...,...,,""'. In tho: USA. """" Is me Yulu"",w4I "Y.......,., ......

wWo:l'I did make me bQ an _ward Jltul.1Ion or two In Nov_
CIty. I ......... o.cupted It. lIS Uke the R.omon 1O)'.anorn>h&. 1, st-
wrong dM;I(>n,o,I ""'''''''''P"'. IaImIni Iwol<s.....:l _ b.I, ceo
Hlndu.astrologers of lISA wlU IYve to Ihh PO _II,
3. [-, usInS the _ 10)1""""""", dIIfe, .. compu\1!I' PfOSJ.ommes
gA>'e dlfmem dqrees 01 pII.roets and the I.ogno bo<h In In<I.o _
the US. r IYve found rmm 11'1)1 _ for Ind .... It Is I.v
benet to on Ind ..... progr.........a ond lor the USA, on the
US progr....vnes. ()(t"" In Ihe a... 01_",", hofoocopos I _
_ II W!f'J"""'" to Uke IMI. say .... ho<ooc:ope. de<Iur:t the
lOY""""""'" for IN! year 10 get yc<y good
4. n.. conll'OVlmy about !NO! sunrise whId> should be mode U5e of
Ie< aJcuW.!lng Mlndl ond IIt/mInI'. vAl\ws IoSI'Iol$, Is the tt\o:;ld$
"',.,., When It gcu combined willi wrong wIwIt)lOU
"""" -)'OU It a I"'" fun&Ie willi all wild .animals frightening

5. Then come 10 the 0Ih0:J r"8lns <Onnovoen)'. Wh,o! do)lOU WM\I to
...... 365 '" 360 In the \IImshottar1 d&sIII.l I """" stven
aI' my ............ ..11 predlcllons on the t....Is 01365 d.oys only.
!lui I om cpon to __ " liCn ...... a sood -.:10
on _. A. _. SoocIo.Wa whom I oespecI and
"""""'" __ me Oev_tta Ay........,.".. _ 1ft pubIIshInS ..... '''>Ins
"""""y. 1\0> a <l1'Icn:nt
la) _ to boJt_ Isdlflieoe,a.
(b) He uses 360 cI&ys.
lei lie .... naleo prOluody 10 provoe why rt.. RanWl "Y...........w Is
touUy _""8. why the LMIIII Is sllghlly off the rNII1<.
and why 360 <I"YI v..IlI give benet ........ ,.
(d) I _ ....uted owomIjl 1Iw. J,...,... my mind on the
""btu,. II he .. In (tII'wtncing "'" 1M3" section 01
or;ltndlk _ asttologen. I Will _ 10 iIdmI! INI my own
cb Molon wtItl .... .as u_dflc. n.. "'" Iwopptooed
IIut I un_MY" boecauoe I """" ""'" 20 dMhu of jMnIni
which I maIu: ..... 01 Sllillor cr<>U-Y'el1l1adon. He<e my range and
<Ii "ut"fJl ..., 1M hIgt>of. I ........ and
will _.yo ,ani< predictive leddques lIS being fAr
super\of arod predoe !hAn M>j known 10 rnanklnd. I this I
I\ad tho> "'PI"""" _antqe aI rudIn& """'" very renwu1<.able
ptedlctlons altho> Late Vernurl ShaWl About whom I _ wrltIM
In my book. ChM .. Dahl..

(II TIl my daIoI room Ie 'HI'll ......... ""' _ t" _ dIIII(dI
lor people 10 ahx<le chaI ..... .....sents. _ u_ ilion
II"'''''''' p.ondia., """ .. ,4N!d '-. .... __ bmMy
oecrf!tJ 10 _1hc:JuaI'I1n" W!f'J _ area. They now,
_ becu .... ""'Y Ire sroup <II..:.oo:Iomk _ "<8'" now
co I od) ..... .n.d< by !he In 1M tIeId 01
MIfOIo!)I. n- INdents know me III' 01 MIng JnIo t...mon)'
mM11 tecIriquet 01 Hindu il>CrOIoSY. roo !hom m.. Ii,", '
g... Of """ c;aoe I Pf'HOfI' are _ pro<Iucts <II any poychIc
SIfI but mullI"'PfO'18"'I- diIIIcuIt fO
In !he bep.oioOjl.. rnoredil\lcult 10 In 1M mIddIo!, din
_ end ... the _ Ida,*"", MId
obouI me.. lui ................ 10 the dMpr 01 _ .....
ba", ...... pIeoo ollcnuno! ' ....... Pi7d .......... 01
wono!, 'M
bIoclmoII wNd'IlI Is In .. d_ oIlnc11&.
Thew .. ot>Io." ....... be IIep _ Ihoo _ to 1IIIdef>Uond,
..-. the mMnIna 01 ...... , II>e &leal r .. _ . 00I<I obout
1M! IWDIoge' . lie thoukI tlC'.o one ..... It d 1XInIfCIIItd. II
___ he ohc:>uI!I be .. ....., d hi&'! ....... _.octft. II .. b !HI
__ .. ltIelwotio>8' 01. __ -. ... '"'" 1
lor _ . fOI -. ...... _It In " ........ , ....... " ........,"'*'
II .....,. torIrc> m O Its an 1M -., I.orrIIy 01 !he MU<JIoSet ......
_ ............ -.. """J 1se CMW'GI be __ ...... _
SO_SOd.I)QI..- .... _ ' ................ m..deio __
01 ..... __ ,"""'" <II PM"""'. or v .. _ .. lie II ... ....,.., In
.......... pI.oca d ........ lIIII. So there Is hope.
I hove -. ,._ II.>:I<)r In my tAl<:er ... I RBI &01
suIrIan<c ftoom my -.. rn<IOhof ....... _ ..... -... 10 ...,.,. ,""Ira"
SMutnIno pIo/w<o Of -.......cem -"*'CI'. I do no! _ \hoi she ...
.." good _ . __ Iho _ooIk
...... It ___ for M , _.o hIShet opIo1 ..... pur-.
Theft I """' rny ........ Gurv. Sw.omI , ... _ Sor_ b ........
... 'W _. opk1cuoI ",.aloe.. r ....... '"H_mt b'<JdsIo
Gurv. Moo _ ..... to ..... ""'Y 1M Ooitr"""""",, h_
__ .. I ___ <'!d""",rny_"""'.I_
.. _ p.vdt> ........ !he pcKIfaI _ 01 "'" """1
good an 1M .. Edkd . .. _. n..y _...."., .... II""'" to me. I ........
r ___ '= 1 _
_ 10 .... my _ 10 __ 'MIll ..... hdp d two 01 ........ I prodo""'"
w:ry >do ! .. popon on ..... KMI CNkI. DMII& MId ........ _
....... - ..... - ........ odj. ,
" lit .... .......... t ,,1
1IuIthen, ... "Y""' .... ,"' ... IM1 ____ hoo ,No
fGIow ..... __ .. pooIIo _ "'" We _tyor. In_
-. I .... .-... my tc:d . .. , 'e" .. to ..... buI oonIIned
en, 10 !he VIrnIhotWI """"" ond 01365
Preface to the Third Edition
1Ns book "'" IJfIdo1gone many repoIn .. but oInoe It _ ftfS{
publl<Md In 1995.ond row In ZOO6 """'Y more....- toUn
pIia In '*" 01 the ... !hoo. K.N. Roo wNdI an be
In the 'JflI 2000 ""'- K.N. Rae> w ..... n"8 oa\cIuoIy MId "-
unable even TO walk, .utrdogy ..... subIe 01 otudy In
modem lndiM . (It "'" -., In SanoIul. l ..... tudono
b many do:cades.and centutlos). II was artarJuo:d by the
the _ . boll! print .and
dearonlc, anIed on a ,MIlU.,.. " """" W"" ftlcd ftr>f
og.oI ..... !his oIlhe UnIYenI'Y UAlltS Commlwan In_as
HIgh Court -., ). _ dl ...... ,;<1 on prdlmir.ory grounds.. The! ........
I<r><;wm.odenlht P<>d"- ftl<!d a _ """" In Andhr. I'I-odeoh
HIgh Coun too II W"" <bm1Ml!d on Pf@Ilmlrwy grounds.
roof .. lngfi1h .uln:Ik>g<: ..
In two ci'_ oF Hindu <NthocJoity......., dJtift11r> ...
&1_ ......
"'" 8"'<'1 N>dmt
!lui PadmanAbhIah pursued the <Ase furttMer .ond
,"" .oIM to the Cou<t -., the IegoI kmIowy. Shand
In !he "'""" .dmImd to be _ on
>lowly from his no< ft. to ... lor long
hours In .. coutt ola.w, Roo "f1)eo'cd 10 a llolog ... olo.,thl and 01
other centtco to II9PNI In peson and ddiend the ause Mel """" 01
A!.<rOIogy In the 5<Jpreme Court. A, '-'1)1 0I1hem Jl<O'T'Ioed to
do so buT noI' o.Y ollho:m (Mr.e anywhc< .. nNI the Supreme Coun
"""" to hear .. wttdI''P 01 the a... ........, It w ... being b
adm ........ , Lola. -. I, w ... 1w:.onI on mml. on 4 No ZOO4.
to hi, cono_ ... tIon. Rao found !hot he was !he only pett_ In
.ond proO)'lng to God IOglveNm ....... , ..... to_
the """". he not __ ,he """" but """" won _ng
all the -suments dille r ........... laW)'<'<. ShAnd 8hu>/Io,n, Rad on
account 01 oU lhi:s v.o\lh e.IkI<:nces and the coun ludgement 1Ogert>et
v.o\lh the grUI Rae hao _ on Ihe
legacy 01 Indlo's culture In -ASTROlOGY THt SlJrtR
SCItNCL-. In Ihb book rNr'r)I 0I1he predicdons given by
Rae In mundane Ulrdogy,ore given oIong v.o\lh oome notable fallur"",
which he had a/wol)" h.\d Ihe "eIllng honesty to ...... I,e .. .,.,
/he rn<:tJW. J<}ffle wt:iJ /o:nr;>wn CnsIIYt And
_ the KJenI&ts .."., never MtIdH!d
.u/rok>8Y but .ttAdu:d It tltrowIns belrJrtd ttlm IJlnotN>a the .-Jallt
oIrhe1r repul.tJons_. the to the rtfumphol
.wrt>I<'8)' III the /tJght$l ((lCNf 0I1ndW1I """ mila oI.wrt>1<'8)' rh<n
$UIfrerrd 1t.llm1d 01 MINes but -., _ J<}ffle
whkh Mill CNty on fhIJ .rtdd!;J/yIy not tIt.llf thq C4II be wM
lot confl1p( oICOU1t !h>ce the 01 the Court Is an
the nw:ries 01
chonneIsl<.nown .. 1dIe>< -.,. are In """,GOd> .
.and grftlCllly coo, . , ... Ida!. They I\wm It>ei, Ignor.once ""Ih conI\<Ienr;e
which will Io<lI '0 tid .. ma, he Is 0 genlusl for tMm
the proyoo:.o.!IwI)I body 01. Is bIggef news thAn quiet
.and high quallty_eo, ... n{S 01 wy musIdMI Of 0 duoo:e<
or """" men in <>!hI:< fIdd. whidl do no! proml'" to J><OYkIe Hdllallon.
The haunting Irony 011, all Is _ astfotogers who pretend to
talk ""'h pricIe about ,he g, .... , we call IYO<bha Ifom puIlIk:
stag"'" MY<:f even CMnf: '0 the Court OS In
or at ..... , OS I ... _s In'e-M,ed In ,he legal proaedIngs In the
gr .... ' .... choIlenge IYoIIw f>oced '"""' . Single t...nded Rae had to
If the ,.... "" _, InrMdon 01 conltlbutlns to ooc:W
oofJy _ If "'" IdU up " 1fgIt/ fr.wduknt
.."., mItk" IrNnmn In !he",.",., 01 fr.iII1uImf _ non Wstrnf yos.o<
I/tq c/lut pt:OpIi!! ..u """"
Rae Is well I<.nown all OYer Ihe world for """'" """obit!!
.achIe,e" ... n{S. Ihe 8"""''''''' ""'ng "" the foundef member 01 the
work!'s \org .... _ 01 ... roiog'i In the Sharotlyo VkIy. IIhowon.
Ni!!w DeIhl wiler" there Ole In 2006. more thAn nI"" hundred studen{S
and twenty oIx on the tN<hIng l.ocuIty 01 the 01
- .
Not merely I. Rae. highly """,,,,",,,, but Is the teacher 01
..... ng wty _ astrOk>ge- who
'---'- -
_ ........ -
_ wNIy _ to. ida ..... __ ... _
-.. cNic _ look like tt... 'emt\AIlt of dogmI.....cI '"'"
tt... MIpOf ONIIYIJ. AlIhe"oe,otoe. 01 tt... feIIdoInS fUIl)I
01 lire \o\o:ty.a etwow.. are lois ................ He Not
enaIIIIqed aI 01_ ... wm.. boob Wlch d'>dr 0IIJIniI'. d_
.... M ..... oIl1oem ....... _It so fill , No..uolo!)l t.cuIl)I....."..neoc
In so fYiIIII)' .. <Ceo ..... .... 110 books 10 _,
..- Is CalAIt. c.:... doa
... """"
, .... ,
S. Dtld boc:*.. six SIUdera are !he
_ .ue-. worth '''''''tlorolors;. SmI, SI\aInI Dr,lSmt, j
IWn.& Mlsht. co-.outho<tr'll. book WlIh SIwIIls' Ponw .. _ OI/t. ..
5insIe 1wodedIy, Roo r- enaIIII.opd .... produced '""'"'
writers _, d ... , __ -. .. __ okS , He' oIso
.. _ )oun'woI 01 AWoIosY ""'*his lire _ _
""""tI'o'y CoVI)'\n8 tt... _ 'M"' 01 the _ ,
To stve to bOOIfsII.o thfOush ..... 'K Ieq _ =" cII, Roo r-
""'tun IIMIIy thirty books tome 01 wIIkh ....... been .. ..nsI.ued In
........, _ jIoponeoe, He '- ""CIW ..uoIo!)I .......... om. 01
SIUdera In indio.. USA _ ........ 0'0ef """"" 01 ,010*"""', 'I'NfS now
II ....... the foundIIna 0Itt... VIdy.> (Ihow,on , 1II'wowu1' .InotINIe
01 AstroIosY In IuIY 1987,
Since Z(l()5, Roo ........ tho I 1 A 1 n dwIneI ..... TAK
In Its DhMrrwo PfOSI'Ml'mIO 01 ........ tel d ....uoIosY
.... eYdoed ba,oedwi """I : .... I>r'C; ..... ollis idtiodlk
!ippI'OIIdl _ deep' "" cr- _I", !he $o.p aMI" III<e dilly
po , _ , do --... -.e rnM1)'In3
... lor..., eJoI1y """""'"' 01. "".
CNptl!1' - 1
The Need to Write
the Book
TIll Ihe Iot>uMY sesIon of .... r .-."ClioSY bqM> In
1995. I _ rNChlng only joImInI. and .......... " .. NXA'*'sY
10 Ihe Muden!s oflhe oecond _ couroe In our .... ""'sY dM'eI In
!he '" 1 e'"l JOtSoIon. I _ rcquftd 10 \INCIo "TImin& of E_1hroush
!he _ DW\oo' .... wIW:tIlhefe It no.- book. In."rt.l: 01
.. Il0l1 gtll "*'& """_ only.
I _ buoy ..... m IWO __ 01 trIitoe ....., on PlcdIc''''-'
1hto<I;!ft J.IItnIttI'. a... .. \osh,o willet> ... be """ ftf10l book ollt$ In
!he _ . I, belns my OIIno1 reoeardl In oOlIroiogy. The! I aIoo
cornpke1e<! the _ book. YoglJ. DalkIJI- Ihe ""-i 01_.
Soon I dIded to produce .. IINII _ on timing
Ihrough """ Vlmoho!t.v1 -. ""<>wIns how .. ho<oocope shouI<I be
tM:fon: <he cIIent...-.and how .... III>ouId be ""' ...... Ie<!
..... 111 '1' .... It ... ""'"""" his "-Ins 10 Jd <he MOly 01 his ."" r .....
dIenI WO!OOpJ ..... ...,.-.y 01 his ....... _ the '""'.8"" ....
becoo.oa .. __ 10 _10 ....... "' ..... _ of.aottolosY. lei
!he .... olcS!l oeI you"""")'OW ",obit> " II ..... _ k. _ !hen you
may .," r..y Of and cont '*" ..... 111 .. '"""'118 01 true
......... It Is .. twppy pIe and ,.,.., rd.oilon be, ebO .....
.o.sttoIog.". _ "" ellenl. The more ...m ..... ..
me bel,.". Is I .... beneIIt 01 ..... 'roIo!IlcAI ,Nodlnll.
No.o.wologer who can no! do It c.on be '0 bcoound.
ThIs _ will be er>Iarged more _ mor ... ThIs me ........... M
_ .at ..,.....", ..... prubla'n 0I1e.v'*'S """"" hIna about ..... use 01
the ___ ........... Iq anytNng wIW:tI II .....
......a.. ...... 1hod 01 ... '.'8 and.-. AtoInlIoSY.
_1II>ouId ..... _bc-ment..s .......... bcen .. pt tl ....... '"
.... .an.:.. I -. _ an... "".- 01...-..... fI'IO>f 0I1hern Wf)'
In_ ...... and .. 0I1hern . ....tth .. very 11_ educMIonIII
r !bey fed ,to.ot my n .. thod 01 tftdIIn& Is so .... .. "". the _ I
planned 10 wrI, .. _ be '""'""tty to my 0IyIe of teathlnll. I
- .
Il10_,,_ ... _
To Pf<M!lhIfastf<llogylsno! black ma8\C.1he_ngand!he
"""" of elM: m .... be _ . It tMe$ A 10< of_
In 1he beginning bul to most rtW.Wdlng In !he end bee .. ..., good
with hi< now sotufallOd CM\ ....... !he event.ond
At A most of !he lime. If !he 5dentl1lc rndood and _ng
n"", Is no< 101_. _wlH be n"OAn)/.
Do no! gfllnlO elM: hobIt of uoIn.g prW- 0< hor.ory ...... oIogy b
IIndIn.g out 1he po obi<>" oflhe die'll. If you do tNt.)CUt,.."t of
a hofoscope wi" becoo,,.. sI>aIcy. "!he Pfas/lno astf<IIogy >houId be
done -'nsIY and In emergent "_dono ody.
no., Cl$4'$ <1100" "1 In Ihe book _ Ihe I s- rtom
_ to time to who to <:<>mull mo>. In nwty Cl$4'$, I
Kl"lJdnl....:llhe beI'on! Ihe ... "" .. of!he dIMI. An &Strdog ...
who Is wIItt hi< anaIyoIs. It\us, will be a coo ,,,,, pef!OI1.
Finally .......... becoone "'rog.u>t and do:d.ue tNt you .are !he .,.,..
&Sttolog ... In Ihe world. YOIJ ate but ""'" OIJI of minion> of.wologftS
of !he world. ThaI _Ity ITI\3t be 1_ you oIw.oys but you need
no! ......e.I1. to your dlenl who ........ e you for an l""""'peI""t
Some Broad Hints
Some broad IIInts about Ihe ..... of !he 'IImohotwI r:I.ooI>a ohouId
be gtven!>en: ft",.
I. no., condhion> of Ihe daW Iotds must be Ihe birth
hofoscope and Ihe Nav.armtllt.
z. Then If elM: Ql>C>dorr ""-,, ... to tN<:er. examI .... elM: DaoI\amohoo or
[).IO, If to $lblln8"- to Ord<Unol or [).l, If to 10
o..,urttwnoIwI or D-4, If to children. to s.pwn ..... or [)'1, If to
!Walts.. to DwM:Ishamohoo or [). Il .
1. Now mMe. mblnlOd .-dIng d tho: raul .. of elM: """-giving
rhr"", and t..If pOI .... to elM: condition oflhe daW Ior<b In Ihe
birth hofoscope. rhr"", poin .. fCt Ihe Nav.armll.o. condltlon and
ody half point to Ihe Inlen:onnecteti INRI chan.
4. Every eventlTl\3t be eqmlned elM: three choru.
5. _.oI1ow 1he thlRi r:Nn to Ihe of Ihe
birth hofoscope and Ihe N&vM>toha. SUI do no! /all to .... Ihe
6. Gcr down to tho: thlRi _ of ,'''' VlmVlolWl <Woha. Ihe mojot
period. Ihe oub-perIod and Ihe ...t>-.... b-perIod In most oflhe
ca...s In Ihe beginning.
1. Now ..... Ihe IT"OUIUaI pooItIom d Ihe "'""'" dasha Iotd and Ihe
-_ .. _ ... -
--......... \\. ,-
Iofd. If they are In quad,ont$ (keId'''1 01 In trI,.,.,.
{trI_l. It It r_roblo:. If they are In Z/ I Z Of 6/8 pOsitIono. I'
>Orne obs'odes. !lui do not jump to the ""', It
Is now a story of ruINtIon. ft (MJ an '''''','''''t cf
8. ConskIa the raul, of tt.o. of the ciulla lords.
9. Now w.., da""'-. yostn'-dost.aprderably.
bec.MIoe It Is tt.o. quIckeI" and now yau ........ the
adv .... .. of .... book "1'tc<1Ia '",,"'iWIy thtough
yostnl !los/I,o" by V.P. GoeI on the 1Ubft.
10. Ifyauan...., IaImInIsaw. Outwo 011""*11 Is now
yau an .... ewnI.
I I . Re-u.vnIrM!.oI1 this I'rom the Moon 01 ChancIr ..
I Z. Now corne lao! to rr.amlts toJ. rr.= without the s..rv ..... .......
turnpIeo. stven In the book show haw 011 ............. , to be ....... .
Chapter - 2
Modem Method of
Learning Astrology
Theoo1g1no1 indian U.odillon ofleamlng tyodoha by hod gu'
1IIftI . The prc(IIctIve principles r..d Into the compu .... of one',
btaln ...... oome ntcb -.e WIgh. to rec.oIl the prlndpie
wittOn SDnd$. rnudllaote< thon the futat compute<. I
"'III)' times """"" I i'Mt a well-known astrdoger of CoIcutu.
Sol SmaohanaItwa<. telling me the ..uct chaplft ...... _ of the
voIumln<Kls 1IrI ...... I'a<...t>ar.Hot"aSNs" . the grea. utroIog:IcaI
d.wIc, fran he __ dhol!'M utroIog\uII ...... tiG
olallo ........
The 1ac.III!)I and eo... with wNch he dOd IT. neve< surpl10ed me. I
hod oecn this gu. Samkttt Uadltlon ()/ >IMIZ<U IlIte<
mtwd by It..- who knew fran their cHIdhood tho, they hod to
pr_ "" IMI. trildltlonoi ...... f.omUy "'X''P''tIon. They
k'"P' oIl\ooe tho. MCIalt tIvoug:tI the Ofal UiIdltlon the
printing made .... .oILob!e many of _ to ast,ofoge, ""
whom b'OfIsha Is not a UiIdltlonoi "'X''P''tIon. oYoost of ... haYe gone
throug:h ..-., Eng:fhh ed""",tIon nISI .and Ia .... got In ........ .,.. In
jyoIIshIo a seIouo P"'SUi', Or some persono memcJIIoed the SWIUS
In Samkttt without any irIIowIedg:e of 5&<>01011 Or. R.omon had 6c:ooe
then wcm through lng:IIsh """"",IIon ....... .at oome fdI twod<
upon _ memorized swu.r.t "" the they dIded to

The latgeot runber of pr..ablng astfCOIogers ali! _ wilt>
neither haYe -rd"'I-oI _"II not good Eng:fhh <duc.otlon. These
...., the ....,.....,. ...... q.....:i<s In the _ofogIGoI _ tNt I\
aw:Iangered the ....,..."$dendlk allure ()/ tyotbha. __ daaIbe
astrology vert wrongly. not "" the oclenr;J: ()/ UhnolnatlOn. which I

The tr"'tIoNoI method ofleamlng by _ the best way ()/
Ieotnlng jyoIIshIo rish' frun childhood. _ the yeung astfCOIog ...
grew UP. he Ieomt the art of intapfe1Ing _ swu.r.t In "'III)' new
WO)'$ wNch c:ouId hive t111fen:nt &om ......... w ...... gIl 0 him.
-_ .. _---
_ !he loft! <II .. pow' I'IouM: 10 hit point _ ....... hit
-.e_ ..... 1 could not __ -. How' ... be hMI
' ; ,hMI-.ys ... ""
dogrnadc pwtdIt -'10 .. old ...:twoIc .... not-'
It In !he mode" eu,KX' <IIhVo&. II. wrona <II !he d"'kdly
wdj,uointd """'" hM hMI !he oppomonhy of
willi people lIIwo,ys.
The dM''cti .. ..,thod of IMrlllng hMI no suboIINte and CM'! _
_ , aut they -.. n ... "Clty ""II. I .eo,oember Il10>, In 1970 ""'- I
hMI mel !he IIoIoc SwMnl !he bind Wolnt who died
atlhe ... <II ...... ho..wodrut _ .." yeon In 199), how ...... I Jolt. I
_ """- he _ CIl'I quOdng fI'om Ihe V_ wI'oId> ....
1.20.000 MM'!lA and from ... v-. ..... GuN Gr..-h SoHb _
__ ...... _<""'""_he
<ememloet' .... -'Y .............. __ wI'oId> he could qI.ICMe _
eooIIy dwli un drIr*._.
In _ KIIOCII days _ II!!..!&ht _ f .lI. the
lngII .... 'eo'","_ whole <II P._LosloFMJJ _
_ _ people,.,..,.., amazed.t 1111 pMoOCll, ... woI """"CIty. If I hMI
"'-' 10 my and _ !he ...a...ry IrodlM>
pMOdh, wI>o <ememloet'ed ten dmcI _ 1bon ........ 1""""3'
___ W<II*I _ !hoe)' wld1 The _ method 01
_i _1e ' . CM1 ____
C#I'If!$1n me, OW< ollhe pdnI. AI'Ief __ d _ when
che .... "* 1011: me, _ '1 hoonot.. he loll: wid'! !Nn)I _lIS CIt
.......-jWopeoly ..........
!hem. "-"""" 1ioe"_1CIl)' _ whId! MJpJ_".Job Ik.
Throuato (!Of'!$lMII oppIIc.otlon d !hex 1\iIJ .... be gal ....... ImIghI
Into Ihem _ ,,,.1ctoed Ihe ha1"'8'!. aut !he IT'"3e<1y d!toe Irdllon
ul!dltlon .... -. Il10>1 this croIdIecI 'lnowIcdgc _ w .. I<ept ..
__ no! -..yo J>M>i'!d CIl'I to .. gwoer_ Thc$e
CIt -..... toeurroe cIIl'lIcuIl 10 .. ",d 1aIa". Now ... _
In book.fconn. IheIe ....... bo" .we .,.. _dons
""'*-It _ proudly o:Mtn /0 __ .. 1 _dil8 d>cm ......
ftIOIII. "'" '-IIftn. _ Is, lite tp'Nlnt dIongcr 1n lite 1frOWfIt oF ..
, ...........
The 10 IY<>tIsho. ......... fI'om <erUIn roew Wqoncs
A"""""I)I dlhem _1cornt_s...IuIl
and IcSf b'Od"'" Of _ not rrIcd /0 .... In
IIexIbic _yo. ThcIf c.opodlylO do <WnI8<' Is YefY 8"21 boc"N: they
lUI, Vi'ii fill
[. !lHH [H! i IH j !

}a 1'1 :' t i
h[ Iq
l "1 OJ
,lr;J!IIII,I:l[lll iIi :11
eo. 1

il l
,iiI!' [ [ t
IL -"1< .
ji,Ji If.fiiiil
. ,[ .! hal- I. .'
illH ill iil ..
___ ' _ __of'-........
_ ............ In _ onoI)oIIo 01 a I.. for
-.ce 1M ,N:JOAJlS 01 oMIe _ "Jill 111 ...
10 much thai II !'1M becoo,. on.macttve cucNi'13 aid
_ "odhod 01 the anoIyM 01 a hoi' + "", . I _
...., IHmIlhMonAmerlc.on d'Ih ,."'.000)
tobIo:l _ !'1M been II 10 be her _ In>. ..
fer ....... ,IIng It+ opon 01 lifo! ............ "*'*" .. otctood
!'1M hdpoo:I me '-" an endre cI\IIpoer on It+ ...totecI e&$II)t.
In sMns KNaI ... -.uc. ... It+ ""'_ I '-evoIvto! It.
"" "" .... IabId In _ ___
And "- .b ......... -7"" can"",, '. )<U '""" ..,..01",
only tor _ ) .. 1. ... fI, n.... Is no ............ aadltlon 01
asIJOk>&7 ony .. ' .. e In It+ CXIUIItI)I as -.. could __ been In the
lui IWO ........ red ...ncn _ "- been _gil' only thfou3h
tile ..... ",It: 1 _ "- '.IKIe1 ..... ttadillonol me!hod 01
tr I.e. The _ ........ oIlrcIIIIh ...... _ In the II*d ""cAde 01
the i.e_ill, c.enn-y led 10ft .... ,. "ante .. MI ...... dawn 01
the .......... oil' I .... In .... I+:P .... 01 the I\, b_ oontury
"""" "trraq> _ IeH IIwon ten pellCeO _ female _aq> leullwon
I\aIf pelceo. Gtntr ........ oI"lb&<e could __ Mtooe_.
par.....,.,a, THERE.FOR1 If YOU COMl AaOSS AN"( HINDU
1 __ In .. pom 01 ....... ___ ...tIt! aw .......
who, I _ ... 10 5<I(y, "'- only a ..... oI.11!o1t<>1oSY but '-
been ... 0dbIr0& H ..... M .... they do _ '- quIiIIkcodons
'" ca ........ "" better lobo- Some 01 ItEm ... qo.&IICIcs _ ..- 01
ItEm hu.1s ...... "'- leu 1:>0' _ MIlLe "-*7
IIwou:g!I <DIll)' --... ..-..eo as """Ch they can """'" out
0II)00'II!'.1wmo 1Iwouah ............................... II'.met 10 them tor
Ch;JPtff - 5
The l'irst Memory Tablet
If is _ .... fthIc,oI to &he po'" to .,700"'
...,... aboul IhM Pft'KI"I _ ,...,.... ot>out hislfe.
p.tttem an: ,"" .. u .. bIe. When.., MUoIog'" 10 stve p<e:l1ctIonr.
on the bosIJ 01 ..... ollled _ unteCIIIII _ 0K0IIt. "" canrnllS
__ Iie.abo bqIr6 to &fOP" In the."".. If "" is_
.able 10 gNe po_dool$ !he 01 his dIenI.
In the CIiIi! 01. Slrqe< whoCDrneS 10 .an.asttologo. how $houkI
.an po00t<d1
He ....... write <lUI hlhod on .. pIec.e 01 _ his reo<Inp In
....... p...1f 10 _dIenI_ hc-.- _ ..... I*n 00 gNe
his .. ""'" <01 ............ TNs po.ottia! It _ 10 be iOupI"" on
"UoIoge<" ..... _:pM '""""sh ""PC'iooex wlu. .. I lo:.0oi
hotoKopc: In .. ............., peI\od 01_.....-. TNs
.... !hod is rbIIy. buI cteOoes <kto .... IOW b
- .
I'd f.oI I know. !Nt poocedu,e is belns "'" only I>t me In
Ind .... I _ donell b .. moitIy Iunerk:.ant. who .. e "-
b \10)1 rdIotoIe Joed IwidI; .. f.oI .. !hoi! is """"'""""'. no" &0_""
_ is IhM IwdIy '0""'_ the opo1Ik
d.aoes 01 ........ major 0I1htir Itvft. f .. 1no<Ance, In .. I t ;10"
COI"IIl.IItIIIon _York. I An>o\ whl.1_ the d.ate
01 hI$ rn.arriqe. II _ In Nc ... ,obet 19904. I Nod INI his
.......... had become old. HIs ___ ""Yes. IIHnk IIx
.. "'"' )IUD oId-.
In....:to .. cae how CMl one be ... ,e ""'I !he homKt>pe is
Genet.all)l who"< ArnoIuro wn>e 10 consult me In IndI.a. I stve 10
1hen ....... _ .... 01 mine In wrftlns thqr c.aII on me. I atve
......... my oypot _lien ...... _ aok ......... 1Op... _ <OI ...... u.
I _ .,....... ....... InItMooes In my book. JUi>ob.&T M>tI

Two """"pIeo 0I1hit \ype.are bell\8 &fII01 ,"""e.
___ ',",,.. _ ",. ___ ca
First Example: A Fore;", LacIy (Friend of 0)
Birth CUt H;ry 21. 1951: Birth TIme 10:41 ' .m. PST: Place tat
17N41. Lore I12W42.
rex' In 11Mb .ore ...... ...-n g-. 0/ 0 _ _t '" /sqwtf:
............. oonIImw:d 0/ on horn on
M.vt:h 9. /995.
Pr"""""ng \two! I!>e t>oroscope '- bo:<:n <;.Ht con..rny. It..
koIlO"Mng !nform.allon net.
I . Ho!t (.0_ could haw: ...... SO'I>UI ... en, job.
0"""'"", m..t "'P",OI_tJcb.
ThI:rf: lUId .01", haw: bo:<:n 01 --.'Ia! In the ",",y.
o Soli,.. JI>e _ not.\:now.
(SI. tNkftI,., me on on M.oJdo 9. 1995 a' &/0 p.m.
from _ oonIImv:d HH Is a

Z. 51-.. It !he -. CO" !he I'O'J'"'geot lib" sibling>. Shoe It !he
-. It !he Wormallon I haw:.rn:.<Iy.
{9" M.oJdo. 1995 >M(DI!//mw:d m..IJI>e Is
3. Ho!t moIn 1<>1> _ boo co .. o"mecI wllllleochIng.
o soys m.., >M" a frM;/ler.
4. Suf th8fo.ue UIIstIc In her won:.
wtoIdo mlty not haw: bo:<:n t;.olldme.
Sloe ...... <Una< MJo.
IY""- JI>e ,.. b;t//el ddnc./
S. ThI:rf: Is ke-uo In'.".,.. kl opirltual .:IIYI_ and po<SIbIy some
Initiation auo. ftom guru. CO" a s.odfwM wI>Ido a
Iorftsn otIgIn.
o Y""- In "SrIf IWI.Lr.lIlotr -" .

6. _!he -s:. 01 twelve and NY Illlee CO" """"'Y """
)'HB. !he .... bfcas 01 study could bootCOi .... ,ob. poIIlkoaI scloce,
sIng:Ing and <Wodns and ther1 o.glee CO" dlplo>m.t In !MChing.
D s.o,.. m..1 JI>e hMJ Uk"" "Nnlns In M"mcs.sorf 1t:M:IIhlg.
Ad s'cY>aldinc<!r.
{Y .... _ ".tJnIng /to tHcN"lJ at "3" 01
1. In 1911 -12 she should haw: been living In a good

8. In 1913 14 !h/:fe could ..".,., lu.-t CO" dlSIUrtoIng het"
- .
D Soli,... m..f In Moidt 1975 Jhe hMJ,., gtw up bMI b.1 ..... 01

IY ..
___ ', .. ", 10...
9. Bul ><>On she rNkeo up.and thio ..-:tyeM. 191 .... 75. Is
IAndrnMII; In tier eOuadon.
W ... tlJIIns to Ht:f Into Ihr ..............
10. 197576 CCOlId be 01 an .tr .. , ..... 111 ..,.,. ........ In
tournai"", public rdationo or buoJ-. Bu. It <""*I

D_""" _ a boy "'-t1 /h:Im 1974 10 Augu.t
IY .... II _.-Ious -h.I
II. In 1918-79 Is & ;,,; m n. _ tIer.ar1bClc:

D _ """ SOf info luchms

12. In 19Q0.81 tr.welwhlch .... ,," lICK fruitfUl .
D wys she SO{ catUlulC and m&y m(JVf:d.
13. IIoetwo:en 1981 and 1983 b abrupt jolt to tier areeJ. could
be ttuough or some adler y.", ,, 'm _""ox.
D up Decembe< 1983 fO I9BS _
""8<\8'" ",'" .
fM ... cU:>'1 tool< pIMCe,/
14. From !his point tier In.,,,,... In sadtwv. d p"' IS __ t>u bcoen

D ya. she Is """'Y .-Ious In '-

15. Slrox 1991 tier _th may lICK be at Its bat bu. she >houId
0Ihcrwbe be YO<'f comfort.oble In tier car"'" and may 0'Wn be
laying with the Idea of wrlHng SOIJrce of Income.
{HH." ..... _ ""SW'./
D .. ,.,. MYIng "- __ "'" DoIr!s -..e uIe MId n.s
16, SomeII"", After 1992 or early 1993 _must bcoen thlnIoJng
setIousIy of Se\"dng settled down In.o m.urIed lifo:.

11. An ynpl "anI queolIon 10 ..... Is .....nether """had SO{ I_In
"""'aJr.ol. which ....... .-.. and which prowd harmful In mony
-- D u,.,. -. ht:r ""8<\8""'-' /:Ott:oot .. oK. II ae.oted some
fioooog-'- .... ,. '''''''''
____ CIII
18. If""" coo,cdved. which to to. """ got>ortft:l . It
<;l4UId to.;around 1981.
o uys. not 1:I>owrI.
fDld not ... ,-"" M.ttd> 9. 1995./
19. RIghi now. 1he perxon """ Is am""ted to _ 5Om4! IedoroIc.oI
bodground and an to. an
o uys he Is psyc/toIDgW.
Second bample - Illustration I
_ng GIwn on frbru;ary 11. 1995 at Ddhl a' 4,45 p.m.
_ Vfttfy "'" /otlowtng _ .. I po<lO:d as 1he dme
COhKtlol .. In USA."., 1he and I I'oope tN, both jIOUt birth
lime Is rec_ correct lind 1he horoscope given to me t.;".,n .:.sI
corn:aIy on US PfOS'<Vnme.
GIve your """"""''' eoch reodlng.
I . You;are 1he ftm or 1he last or "'" only oI)'CU' par""".
You <;l4UId t.ave Ihtee more btoo:t>cn _ s1s1etS.

u .... -.,
N ...... hoI


".. ___ '* r ___ ... , , _
""'" okiHblod>t> ..
1.. -. 1M you. blnt> 1111 you reocI>cd thc! age 01 siJ<, you
I\ad dIher _It> poblems 01 mel' with .oocIdeo11l.
Notf:, In the period 01 Saturn. the lord ..-.:I the sub period d;
Mars. m.. In tho: 6"' h<>ux. I. could ............ oed.
) . torIy 1n)'CU! dlIldhood, say ffom the 01 six 01 -. liD thc!
age 01 tho= Is good rnu>IaI .....:I .n'IsIIc InftUMCe on
Hoc,,: n.. S loft!, tuPI'.". I$.upectlns the Moon In PIsces. .. bencIk.
rulll. In 5.oturn' luP!te- ohe coUd !\ave 80( In,,.,eoted In opens
since !he 6"' lord aspKtS jupiter .
ute! """"'" the period _. fr<Im july Ill, 1963. tho
1nII_ cI V ......... Ihe pW>e\' of muJIc II1'I(I me 3"" lord 01 hobbIeo,
_ I\ave >hown III 1nII""""".
4. ..
on(! .. shc:In tr1p to. foreign counlfy.
SUng frlFd, n:iIW!l with fAmIly 10< ohon polodJ oF tim<:,
Note, I. mlal Mw: the P"'fIod 01 Saturn-"""'.
5. In 1980 01 round .-bout lime >CUTIS 10 be scme
dlsl,OdIon In your otud"'- and .. with _ """)IOU III<M.
DnJg$ ......... the dIwl1oru.
Not." s.tum m.. 6"' k>n:I. ....-:tIns !he S lord. .....:I In the
Nov.",sho the S lord Mar. by Satwn Is the oource 01
dbtractlon. It w ... the pa\od 01 Soturn-IWIu-Mots..
6. TMfe Is d\Anc:e 01 ytlU. with ""
1_ and YOU' own ",eN dONI! training an be In the
J;:iIo>I. '8 ... btes:
(a) SomethIns concerning restaurants. or ....... "8 pt ..... " on.
_<"<1 iII,e$UJuunll sin IN: "8'!' 0116-
No.e, Afl\icted V ....... the 10" _ ... V,...,... an be
nu""'s _ :eta\lrants.
Note: The -..:x<I1ng: to R.n\on' s And driIW
you own conclusions. You will arrive III resuitslOUlily dltr..r_.
( b) Then """'" I<!dvIIaI and ..""Hm.nIaI eduallon.
Not .. , The InII""""" 01 KeN and Mars.
7. Your l.all .... coukIl'Yve I'I.od .orne with the f\aYy ",Ihe
"'"'Y a' some st<oge.
Yes. oIImy.
... ___ ca
-. $lie IIIe InIIuona! ol MArs ... IIIe 'CI" _ fn>m che 6"' house
_1I_olllle,. f 'hnolwt..
a. rrom '1l8" .. _do then: ...... Mo'I tNIry cNnseo 1n)'CIW"
_ ,.edg ....... CCO ..... iIi ........... '*' .... ".""cW..cI.-ed
fA' . ...
W.o/na.t, """""" d<II>E.1a t.o/I.
Note, It 1I_Ihed&<Not_CItt)I _!he ICI" _ ol
the birtto _ """ the 'CI" _ ot the d:.uhom>IIa.
9. In '989 ......., _ SCiI'i'>e """,,01 .lItadions ot 'JO'.I' ....:I
popIbIy _ bat fMfod _ Of pubIlo:; ... "IOn,
Heo:oul<l be 1\An<IIot.", Of ..........
rei. _ ,""),muJIuI""Ih..-_,,," __
The pMod ot MercoMy.Ve!ut.
,0. rrom 1990t you '-< been -... -Sood lOb _ ,.,...... .... Of
you Me 10 110""""'" I""'" COIIt'iby.
ocnsI<:Ie the 0DCA'itI)'.
Note. Mercury-R.ohu. bIIU II !he ol fo:wW'o c.cont-.
I I . Since the ftrsl -=do. ot 1995. ItottE '-< been trawls but
.. !hoe< q....m. With Of _ fa SCiI'i'>e bat ftIend.
I hMI 6gtor _ "!Y /:lei)' friend IlbocK goItos 10 __ _
Wht:m Nu e.obo ZS. 1P941O 00/00' ..... ZT. 199of.
NatEt period CIIInIInuIn&. In Itllnlll. Mors
.... 0010'11 eoocI! cott... bm 0I"Id .............
12. You are _ p&orir*o:g!he wttq ol ___
Yn I "'" not ...... _ the "'"'* oF It but my
Nate, The ouI>-poerIod ot the 5" _ ol """""'& (Jupiter) _ CCiftW
,.,. ___ C*
--_.- -
I. kto co. 199ot_ lOy 10 ...... monoy_ .....
spend oImlnMy.
Note' MoIoIry.w... condRlJa, R.ohu It In IIIc ....... 01_
2. The jIfCSftIC period It o.-y &ClOd lor spIfttuaI
NoIe. Itohu ... ,1c<Is _ good lor pIIgJIrTwIgcs.
1. II! '0' 1996 _ 1999)OJ .... Jo:d IfI'II: tllt d 10 do more
aeo1Ivc -. _ may cwn produce a -.
Note, I<4>Itcr __ period wIU <:Omi ..,.><:e.
A"'*1111c tcrdeh<;)' 01 &Mna up joI>s..
The opel 01 .... )'C'IB)'COI .... set from 1999 ........ )'COl _
plated. wIItI a &ood _ ........ sIloIe job.
NoIe, TIl !he end oISarum .... pcolod.
S. A' _ In you< lllor: you Mil warn 10 build up an institution
lor &ood IOCIaI _ splrItIWII-.
NoIe, Lo&na Iord.wl!he 10" lord togctllEi In !he""",
I'tepotc yourJOIf Jot _ good tun.c. c:NcrfuI ...:I you
.... - .... MtlIy .. )'COI_ &ood--.
NoIe; /I>pItco" In IIIc . .. ....... .anti aopecdng the Moon.
Some'*'"to .... _to ... ". _>1_1000 " ,."
y".... Leo or swn.o
y".... s... Sian Leo or swn.o
YtNI Moon SIsn Pbccs or Mccna
You. 81tt11 Stat Utt.v. lINod'apad.o
You ......., born In IIIc major pcttod 01 Saturn __ OWl' ....
July 19. l'il8l.
The period 01 Sarum _ nor &ood Jot)'OW /teOI ....
y"", Me now pMSIng """"ah the "'*" period 01 MoIoIry _
Nt'll lor 1C'ICfl'-' yearl.
bdI M<JIo<''''''''' II.."" Mo'd.' __ ,.....
Sec _ $up"ptOIOd' _In IWS til YO<oI_ '-the
major period 01 MoIoIry _ -......Iod 01 w....
you .... "-:!he 01 JupIter __ be
good lor '""18\Onl. IOCIaI .and myotlull -. You m....r _ 1'0
rry/te Ufe oF t/Jb
0urIn& IIIc Mtn;uoy pcttod )'COl an also UM"" .. U.ot1! or! _, ...
_ 10 _YO<oIMC obIc 10 NYC ..... e monqr _ k poopoly.
The period 01 KeN _ -.. frcm July 18. 2000. _ I&sC lor
ICYCtl years. Thb It good pcrIod for spltttuoi IIClMdcs IIIId many
---',,, ..... ,.,.,.
""'"' fordgn contr-.
Do not Sef dbtfl1Cted ""'''8 thb period. wNd\ an Sfm1 from a
~ " ' 0 C f : 01 opIo .... , with mM'jI.
The IWO:nty __ 1oI\fI; period oIVenus SWU"8 from the _ 2007
shcuId be the mosIlICItIIe period lor mM'jI actM-.
The Second Memory Tablet
It b hi8hIY IIIog:IcM to IN .. 01 doing fI'rf reildlrogs on 1M _ 01
santy .. unuNIn InbnwIon.. The Cal poooedute b ..t.ooIutely
(w"M'O'Y. It b IItft <k>In8 In thai an -.uoIo8er an to. A ""'Y hIInac
friend, pN!o .... ..-.I .-..
............... ' __ I "'Y b AmertcMII who
"""" ..... yet ....... '-wdl1hcy co.Ad ... jyochha b _ hAn!
pWoo wI\toou( beta,_ .. fat""k; On the _.....-.:I. ns.n. who
......., hIOd the e>q)ti ......... 01 ge1di-S from ""'Y SOOd to -, _
pdklloo" who .we G.ns'"""'"- Ihofe h .. mood
S'ft1n&. In elltlet cue, _ It 1$ an Of an Iroo:IIoon 1M
.ostrdog:$ an ddlnlldy disturb. dlen' IMn'NIy and p<yd>k.oIly
becMIoe he an willi !he UI'oCJtfUIn lows 01 hit client.
The C'INct oI;on....uologa II _ hu becui,,,,
since _ sr-- dIYIne ..... ..,''1'''''''' Ihe_
", .. dhUS 01 _ Inlo "oodftn _ hu becu,j
A -''*'80 muM lin! ,.:.ply the C8I "'""""" 10
....... hII den! r..ppy _ ..... de< I' l'Il !he ho>bIt 01 .-
Me .OS> 01 pWctory oombIlIIIIIons In tile lui dIMISlns 1Irrots. In
...tlIch noohIna _ to be otabIe to do ..... ecu .... ,iIcMIy and
The Second Me mory Tablet 10 " TASK
All aI"*'S\CoII -.. gtw .. sped'" "'-"tIS 10 Ihe
_ deblMudon oIp1onets. ThM ".1ho$II",T. KftplllnrrindblnOo
"'" MId< to for _ . -. debIIIMecI Vft'OI!O
one. be:aaM". II. OUIft, ....... elle" be . .. mere .....,' ......
, ell '0_ OW< .. porIod 01 _ . an ___ ge
"'. Uin
_ -. In money. Tho: sIde_
me .is 01 .. debIIUIed jMneI ..-.I """'" b ...n. ....
IIStfOIogy II RUIy to mW.. It thuo .. 01 tho _ . CiIII
"N>n'-ll'IaIsOf A.
--_ ... ,.-.,
... _--,-
...."."., you tno. u-.o and tno. andlheslo _ anaga
oul 0111 Is tno. Synthesis Of S. I{ an ........ that a deblU_ pw-...
MYlna a nq.>1Iw an ....., !wive a posIIIve _ .
The p><oe!oS 01 which _
.., asl!dog'" InfO a varleCy 01 meaning>. 01 d11rO!1 .... , kinds 01
""""""lIo. So K lor Kinds 01 synthesis.
So T -'SI( OIands lor -. and--' oynthe>ls and kinds 01

SucIt oynthe>ls becotna VO!IY easy If horoKope 01 rorrily
" .ovala.blc. The...cmlog", who 1orS- tno. """" importM>!
t.>a tha, destI ...... an: will rail fO synlheslu In tno. "".y II aon
and ohouId t.. <!<:><'r.
It Is common In Indio to go '0 an "'roiogcr and .. him If a
WOft'WIon Is PfqnanI. The as'roIog", Is iISked fO &Iw: his on
tno. ba>Is 01 p<.ashrvo Of hoorory astrology. lNs Is a , ... :11 ... and an
iOppfOOdt. Ir you !wive !he I>orovopes 01 boch !he hu>b.vod
and !he Wire. II bt<:oono easy to ..,., It and prIkt. " q.-don 01_
""""" was PU' to ""' In 1994 and I had no hesitation In
_ hlswllo!wouId t..prq:"",,11n 1995. Howoudo a$)' " d ..
Is ontved .' 10 bo:Ina explained
1I1 ..... tion 1
The M _ ""as _ hili Wife would t..
In 1995.
He __ th'ough !he lI.\hu maIIaocIasha and /tIf>Ito"r
antArda$ha. MlI- 10 II\<: lord.
In If_I was In Scorpio aspec!Ina his S" house.
SaMn. when '''''''8,ado: ..... rr"", CAprIcofn and Ifanstlfll
"""" his 5" lord. JuP'''' and aho hili 5" house.
,.. ___ r4$r
.... -
Ito \he the """'Is belna aspe<ted
bo,I v-.... \he 5"' """'.
My .......... __ he WOUld t.ave a cHid Mel .... wife WOOlkI
- ........ .
"'-'-'.- - ... _---
IIkrsa .d .... 1: W ... , Horoscopoo
Now Oft cr.. ___ In cr.. ,_ .+ 01 his WIfe.
She _ pO! , \II Ihfou&h cr.. pmod 01--. II-. -. 01
....." _ coooo1>C<l -. cr.. Sf l I ...... 01 cr.. t*II'I 100. & +
.... -.
In cr.. ~ /UrI"",,, cr.. 5- lord, "P""" -. RNou and
In trlMlt, tuPi""" In ScOfJllo w. on II 5- lord and Soturn from
AquarIus -.upecti"8 the 5- lord, cr.. s....
In my booII l"IAnets and Chid,,..., I ~ p.en my .."or d ...
on cNkIrer .. whId'I _ lr ..... c.<I try my . ,oochto ,
The ThIrd Memory Tablet
ftom TASIl whot .. _oloStI .... '" do lis '" dr_ the .. _
okI Of I, on the he(MI do his .... oss and lift OUI
01 f, rtIoI!dley 01 mt "!po out 01 TASk. !he P"'"'bIe and
probM>Ie me "'ijp. To be _lID do It, ...... o6oSe n'K$
_ eqo4A*' ... oppty _1IOd .... _ n... Is ..
___ po I pooIo II"k'I31n the bo!p."'1& bill' YftY "" .dIo .. In
..... ,
In the IICt 01 tho .......,e .. "''''''' and the IM\doMI
P ".lIes, 1111. oo4odoo'l "'!he_ okIStf _ CJDmeS Into p40y. At
1IIIttt.ge1t II ... MIl "sn's_ed dfH'Ilei ..... d'woI hdpo hIm, 5uctI
"" 1 m Is """"" GIll I"IeIIef be __ ,,<pt to another. If Is
...... cne has to -.. CIfIef<OIr. ThIs Is .an 1.-..1 ..tIIc:h I
-. JIwe ....m ITWIl1J and otu<k'nts cI MtraIogy.
...... ed' .r
' .ustntion 4
I . The .ospea 01 s.turn " Mar$ on the third houR dm.. nacI\oe
"'-'" her """"'" of qcny to be ftam .. sIbInS 01 ho:r1.
1. The." _1toe Sun In the 10" '-'eoeM;W .... 9"' -.pea '"
JuptIef. !he 8'" Ion1 01 __ he InI'Ie!tII!bIe
... ".U.IIoo. "
...... M"
__ FC
). Venus. the 6- I0I<l In the 8" _.aspoctIns the 8" I0I<l In the Z"
_ ......... dbpu'e> obout lrn.r1tonce.
All !lib trouble swted In

I . The.area oItfOUbie here Is the 3 .. _....tom: In his
own _. Is the aspect 01 Saturn farm the 6"' _ .
Z. The muru.l aspect 01 MooI\ef V,.,..,.. oIong the Z/8 axis ohown the
lrn.r1c.b1e po """" I)' .
Illustration 5
In !lib c.ue d&oNo 01 MMs swted In 1986. Thb was thedMIWI of
the ,,-I0I<l In the 3
_ .
I . the Z" I0I<l. the Moon b with M.s ... "" the 6"' I0I<l AM
willi SMum. the 8" I0I<l
Z, M>/ttfaspectS the 4- 1oI<I. MM:ury forrn the8" _ . lIb",n
n. ...... _._1PC noInf __ '.... , _
J . The dbpulO: In !he -.. of MaD IIICIIs condnulnS In !he
RMIu dull&. RMou hen! Is Mats.
c ............
1. The 4" lord, JupIter Is 'specdna: !he (,& lord. V ...... In !he 6"
Z. The 8" lord of _tance.!he Moon Is.....m!he Z" lord. SaNm
rKeMng !he aspect of Mats. ohowIna: his deep plan. It bana:
MIn. !he S" Iord of_ng to apNre "' ........ 1) .
P for Perception
Pftapllon Is !he highest suose of In one' ,
astroIog\cIII careeI'. Two good _ulugei can rch up to !he
sua'" of boktoott Ewn Ihoon. thqr ....., give preck1Ioo ..
wWch an bo! ""' ........ tIoo1 1s tN.t UlumlnotIon wWch
t.odlMft I'tOm human mind In moo( "oexpo!Cli!d n""",",11i and sNe"
dllrereni ITI<>InIng to posIlIon In hcmKnpe.
See !he folk "\" 8 C&SI!.
In indian _oIc>g\gII IIocb. then: .... """')I IIInti gtven ..t>out
IlIq:Itttn.tI! I*thi. In the bo<oKopI' In !he USA. _ ICIOiS
rNnY, """')I OCher comblnodons no( menllooOfd In out boob.
SImIwty, !he Indiciltloni b _II) and
.... rNnY ........
Pocepdool Is !he ftnoI product of raeordI and obsetv. 1Ion of"
For !he InllIIMU cI ""od ... falhet. no( !he bk>IogIcooI
one. Is "-" Rahu/KeIU and !he inII.-oa:. of mae on !he 9"
,Doono ,,-,"",, __ ..c
house and the 9" Ictd. ThIs 1 1n !he ha "" ollMll)'
In the USA.. See the foIlowIns ho<<>K<>pr.
'Iuttntion 6
- -
a. The 9" lofd .. felf08I_.
b. The 9" house ..... lW1u.
c. The Sun r .... uncle< keNJIIM>u am.

il. The 9" lofd. Saturn.n< lW>u,II(,etu am.
b. The 9" lofd from the Sun Is ....... which .n 'al .. ...- the
ThIs..........,. got .................. and alfectk>l, from I>t< father !han
I>t< -.. bIoIogkaI f.o!her.
In asuolagy. !he ptOCftS 01 """"" lofOPIo. The a.y on
asuoIoge Jedo!hat he has the subject. he Isdoa, oed. Hindu
"" ..... __ ooc:
io """ d .......... NsCory _ io I
clore if)
Ikt ... , __ e>klS" ....... '"'*""' .. -':Iou!
""" __ COII'IIoiMtIon In ....... I.. '"' The IudcIoer d
!he _ """" the IItwoI ,,--os !he O. 01_ a.t(y.
1M c:IMI(y ." ..." .. 8'" _ this gilt MJ _ do!'I _
Iht:y tw:ed II()t P hto.",. dI:uJb..., ...... wol(8flt.""O'.
It II """ _ UII<>ioII)' an be wid 10""'" tau,,", ...
1II.mInMIon". ___ lor I*n. I ....... " ... otIu .... In my
booIL Ocrt!l' _ no. I"""'mefonly_
Mliologtis In my Jar whom uuoIogy _ .,....,lIh ........ 1iotI1n tt.Ir
hlane< d splrttuoI df:"elopc, ... ,t my L'tIOIhti. my i)Io(Ish-.........
VOjIl __ boIh no __ VOSI StwMWId.o MunIIy 01
Andhr. Prdsh _ II __ helps """"'" who SO 10 .... b
(Yti'y I>otIest _ e>q>Mtioca his
Ulurnlnallon In " IIM.h oftftI.
In 199ot. _I SOl" """ IoIIowIna In !he USA. 1 c.oukl
_1n.iIuh __ .........
........ I ..... ' et>d!he _ ............ .-. Jar It.
_ ,....., "., lob 1 _ II __ ,....., "., .......,
,.....,., Itx It whir '--. -. In" IIMh c/,..""",.-.
....tIkJ> I CAIJ D.ARfTY ." 0111 yosI', /IJumIniIrJon.
illutmmon 1
Hen! """ Ion:! d 10" houM, V......s io In !he 8" houoc which io"
-1tiY sIS"- V......s'epI oI$l/'IIpI.. MoI$lIthe . .. Ion:!. which :Ihows
r __ ,-.." , __ , c-.. Iloo '"""" -,. _ ..:
.. ' ... _ It II -. """" .... "-
led.k,oI .... The dlt>e Moon COO"iid _ lib II _
To go 1IIrou3h"!he INt It cat. IMn tASK...-.I ftlllllly.
IPC. 1he 1IO(,0I08a must go the o;hreoe oIleMn1na
In !he d ........ ' _ KtIptut .. book aI india,
{pfopeI' studyI, ......... 0... led '" ? p, ..:I nkMII-dto .... or
Or ' ... _ ooed
The ............... _ ""11 .... !hen,..- do It 1O..,py cr.. .......
e-o In Ihe d'>eckIIII
cnapte.- - 6
The Checklist
2. Now. _lIIedlo,nl c:o<nes,yo..."" uudoga must take IIIe
IeIId .....:I put 10 him questions )'C"f'IeIf. Some ofllle __ will
ftt InlO your IT __ of_anced rudlng> done . .....:I"""'"
noI. Now. r:hn!e doubCs must_In your mind,
.. IIJe me blnh dctJIb on me bosIs of whIdo me IIotciso<ope has
been cast. """'"81 Ask your dkenI how corr..a Is his blnh
b. If Ihr: bll1h deto.II _ Wire:!. has me IIotciso<ope been cast
""""SIY1 ThIs be)'OUt Sond doubt.
Co If me bInh _I _ comet and the of the of me
IIotciso<ope Is"'" Wired tt-. you mUll hoooe>tl)o to
)IQ<ndf that yow undem.andlng of"""", principle Is
Is no ...rroIoger. '-e.xpcoleh",:d who does not
wonrnil me slQIesI of rnktMes.
It Is my expol ........ that """,..,lII r _ "" utroIog\aIIlICIIo'Ice gt...,.
betterpc "'I" .. 1n ott")' lhM'Ioid and
aut !he oound .....:I honest astroIogft' _ h&Ye eighty perce'lt .. "'"'"
r."" comp&lftI to IICIIo'Ice who ""'Y bout of his SIr")' ........... as
pcooIs of his superiority. which It Is ceNInIy Is not.
thai JyoUsha must be pce ::lla .,. .. .....:I not mere
psychoIosIc&I ........ _ which an be dane d e- uly. It yow
predldlve abIiIly thai shown 10 you that JyoUsha Is .. dMne tderIoe
---" ... ,-
The Second Pan
The oon<I pM'! of yew Is T.-.sK. Here. _ 011 1M
meanlngs of 1M _ combiMion. AWY 1M
MC. DARtS """""'Y _ glWn In my book on Le.un I-Indu
MboIogy WIly. reputedly.
Such repeo.te<I Will &""")IOU
Now)lOU I<.MW wi'" coo.'\derocr: th&. _1I ... ted can be
e>rtrllClldinortty goo<Iln r;Main ways.and also bold In 0Ih0:r ways.
my book

T _ roo- thesis
, ."",,.,.,
S lor synthesis
K lor I<IncIs 0/ synthals.
The '"'in! Pan
The third """ 0/ 1M IPC, Is wh.I.l )'OIl _ 10 de-.
by using mM!y d Hlndu-tYo!\Shl. It Is for thh Iholt
an .. ""'" Is technialty turns 1M dMne science
0/ IY<>dsho InlO pIe<e 0/ Iorrune 01 psyctIoIogIcaI bIuII'.
I. b rh;se th&1 &"'" )'OIl "" Inslgh . An In:!.Ighr Into .-
I>oroKope Is wh.I.l dIstIn:guIshr:s g<><><l .and ........:I fran ""
y""""",,, but devo:r btu"" ."'Ie< ""'" more o/Ien 1hon noI. will be
.vudous 10 _"" -.1_ urders!.lndin,g 1M
Such WI astrologer Is LaymMI ""'" pr....:rllles _biotic
mcdlcInes 10 his friend ..
ThIs,!pplkarlon 0/ 1M "'_ noeo,,,,,y !IIbIets. CSI. \hen TASK And
IInaIty. IPC Is M1n:g explained here with tho: """" >Iudy 0/ .. 1''.....,Il00,
glWn by me.
Chapter - 7
More Money
but not Higher Post
As '- been e><p&oIned aI.-Iy, _ wIU prooeed to M\OIy$IS -:II
hoto5<opt \II'Idef Ihtee c.aptIon!. lor .. lloelho<lkoll approodI to the WI
d .ootroIogIaoI """,lOt')' r __ been _

The ftfSl UbIet 15 C!I or ccmplefe blM::k.&round
In ...... use, the oriy lrIormadon IhMl _ !Nt the MINe was ..
bI8 ofI'Ic. In the antral !Nt he wanted to CIOI"ISUt me
as .. good d mine IIo.d adIIbocl him In on:Io:f to help '*" flO
O'>oWl"e the ",GtIiern he w.u f"Clns.
I got the ..-.d _ It -. In my IeODfds. I then
boo oed some Impo I .6 out d which """'*' the que5Il<lno_
_ oriy would I be sure 111M I was ClIO .. CDIro:t
1000 .. ""
111 ... tnotion 8
Tho C8/ VerIf'IcJo<o
The IIrst ",,,,,don I _ 101m __ he IIad technIc.aI
educadon. At .. g\anao! It Is Nt the '" e, oa d ((eru In the S"
_ Mf"""""<I Mals_ the S .. lord, Malsln the 1000 .opeded by
Sotum '-to give '*" .. due.don In i"IOI'i to..-nanId8 group.
E><ImInc It from Mt:;ury raw. (lhwedl1C!n,ed _In my bock
MtroIcgy Dfilkf}I- tile _ of11md.
To .......... good eduarlonool b.d<ground In india. he should
8U"iUdy .......... wrt f ........ '_ duha at the right time In his student
Now .... the hoto5<opt....:l the N.v ........... lint.
from 19S6, he SOIlhe oS.uho d,...,.. wno Is posItm In
the 10" hcuIe. the _ ddbdnaton upeaed by Wld
The.-t dun. lord IW>u In the 11 _ bound 10 be bene" as
"- bhu _ pAnldpallng In the bmed by the oorfuncdon
d the 9"..-.d the 10" lord. In bhu P'!I'IOd, he "'" so., s"""Y the

logna S ....
12'55' 04' 11'
...... UO So!l.m(R) RIo ....
10'18' ZO'3T 2 .... 1'
JUt>.po<Icds of pupltet upectI"II 1M I 0" ~ and 1hM. "lloln. Saturn
100. Ad1Ic'<ou" .. , ~ mroush twd ....... In Rahu-Soawm perIoo:I_
poosIbie IhroorSh <:<mpet111Ye e>WT\lNulon.
.... _ ...... _-
""""-_.".. ,-
rlr ... rbJl
s... here !he! position of IWIu both from the ligna wid !he! Moon.
from the a.gna. IWIu .. In !he! II house J<>Ir*Ia """"Ie from
!he! Moon. he .. with !he 10" lord. r.\ftoIry, oond the Sun. a pIanM
I..... Idna: administrative..",...,..
Ncow the condition 01 Saturn. the ... b-putod lord will '-to be
Rm. Sarum In IcftIdra am !he birth IIgn& oond In the house of
whIdI ,.... been p"_ In .. aspecI1tCI
........ , the Iotd In !he! Tho:n from 1WIu. It .. In the
house of compe!ItIon. from !he! Moon, he .. the 5"' wid the 6" lord In
!he! .,.. I>tw.tx. a IcftIdr partIcuWI)I the .,.. ""'- whIdI ,.... been
cIe<oIbe<I as the place of pMU.prapd !he! position g!vef. More
IrnporWlt .. !he! next so.ob-peolod of w.ercury. the .,.. wid !he! 10" lord.
VIewed boma
l'ish position oond
In !he! i'Wvarnsh&. ltahu Is In !he! II " a,gaIn WId SaNm Is In
!he! .,.. ""'- of pMU-prapd wid manlqe or _ of or
dlglbllily for from RaI'o..o. In the Nw.ornsn&. Satum Is In autne
aspecI1tCI by fup/te' oond Is with Mefcwy. !he! 5"' Iotd lObo t1KdvInS !he!
.spect of juplw.r from the 5"' house. The best ile&ture of the Navanuha
.. !hat Motrcu<y. Saturn WId RaI'o..o _ the Moon from
!he l'" house. The IWIu b bound to be goocI .
The ne><t pe<Iod of """"*' _ been comforuoble but not
... good ..., bee, .... 11 Is detoIlltited. BuI beI"S Ir'Ivo/ved In ""
l!XChuoge with So.Nm. II mu>, hove been a period of ....... "S of
propeny wid comfortable but a run of the mill CItftf.
What muse _ runaI......:I __ !he! _ of !he!
Is an WIdkIInguished rOrd. s... It In mr... WI':JI:.
from the cleblBtlted In the birth IWIu .. In the
10" house with 6" ar)ll1I'" 1ord. 1Iooou8h Motrcu<y here ... !he! 9" Iotd
coo.*:! \tie ruination olhts career.
In the Nav.orn.ha Roohu Is beI"S a'P""""" !he! II'" WId IZ"' Iotd
In !he! Duh&msh&. IWIu .. with the 8"' _ lZ"' lord In \tie l'"
house, Iwdly goocI for ..... 1n CItftf.
Now !he! ne><t daoh.o. of Satum .ospoected by MIn. the IZ"' lord In
the birth hot : ..... show> ocme WitbC''''I)', bad oo.,,,,,,,,1IN
reports or lid< lustre " a re.uIt of whIdI he would be
ovaIooked br "" ImporI&nt p" .. t_, Iflt bec;amedue.
If all thb If, cont then Sal\im In !he! Nw ......... with !he! 12"' lord

..... -,......- ,- -_ ..... '--
by the lord """""" does show ..... ..-, ... In Ns
- .
In one s.n.n _ the 10" Ion! ... ,1 IojI "'" s..:o
"""' ""'i!I"' __ ""'i!I"'lord Min_ ' ... "", 10- __
_ Ns bdrIS 0> .. 1 'd Jot"'1rnporunI ",U,iOIIooL
I __ to &JftI" Non """" _ qunIIons.. IIiJI 011 _ """" _ q.-.Iofts I'oe _ bf, d .... U .. IIfi<I. $0 I
_ him >Orne 01 "'" pIeuIont quoostlord _ !tim _ '*" "his
_ ...., bftf> KIlt b >Orne public _to< unc\o:ftAIdns
_. thore .....,. conwuo;tIon. _ ...-.g .ocdYIty. The
IUOOfI b uIdns _ q.-.Iofts _ 1M! Saturn In "'" . - _ .........
houoa. Min 1 ....... 'ts.1IIndJ. _ bdns "'" 12-1ord .. dopuwIon
wdl. .. depuwIc:on whIdo mq his .. do .. , ..... """' hh
The 10" lord 01 the ___ II In the i!I'" __ "'" 10"
kood 01 the Is by the Sun """' the i!I'" _ . In
sucto cate. It II my 1M! -'Y boi, ...
bel"" ....
1_ ,w. hete ttw. 1_ -' Ir MI hom JMmJnI<>_
Wolf .... _ gtocJnds.
The ............ ,' J\r."."yTodet I ....... It T-'SK.. thaIJ (I) .-.d-
ihaIs tAl. 'Y'''' .. 151_ klnrbol 'Y"d!Uf:(lQ.
I_co .. tdalllwlnmy ....... " .. m 00".
Now I come to the 1M! Ml5,!OIY Todet IPC..
to me ttIoll'oe _ ..... get lob ",u,oodcw,
If ttIol hli quedon. SInce lie wu comins to me In the tI.uh.o 01
s.tum _ .. upeo::ted by Mon """' the 10". lob q ............ _ be
rdattd to NsIOb _ pn>rn<>don. I did ..... wont to dk I' . ... him.
$0 I told him !Nt It bdns the peoIod 01 hh 2" lord. s..1UiTI, I'oe
_ P' """" rncnoy "'-' hlp pooItion.
fIorn the Moon. Satum _ bdns upe<:IftI by on., 8" lord. $0 I
_ tedI ........ _ """" rncnoy. The _ o\Ou\o,Ay .....
"""' _It dlMl'oe _ get Unp ___ lItO" .... boodlo$ whIdo-*,
__ ..... 10 ... _ ........ s..tLm_
.. hIIIO"_.
IlMplIon _ltt1m _Md the tronslt 01 s..tum .....
( 19921. s",rum In C.aprIccm _ 2"' fr<om the Lag .... _ S- fr<om the
..... _ ...... _- ,...-...... ' .... ,-
Moon and 'upll,.,. In teo was 12'" &em the Moon but &em the
a.gna. So some ..-.. Sood Iud< _
CWlty - fO< cWlty , &em joImInI on:gIe and g.lYC
him thefdlowlns_1Ip
I. He would not be as ... addltlunol ....:retMy to the
01 india but would be doeputo.lIon.
2. My pn:cjlcdon was chaI he would to fJom his
-., and 8'" _ In his job he would
___ :greateI" aulllor1ty Ihoan now.
3. My thin! pn:cjlcdon __ \ho( hlsddldn:n would durlllg
He joined oneolthe most pratI:gIous_ buIkIrtg .. :gonIMdonI
01 "'" S"',.,. , ..... After seekins n:fIn:menI fJom hIs-."
His son h.o.s SOl'"' to USA fof higher educollon.
He hu aIw.ays warmly appredI.!ed this MMu.
Predictive Tit Bits
I !\ad no about M at ..,.,
A SW ........ , <IbocIj* oISwMn1 SIW_ 01 RnhiI<ah ......... uoed
to ..- """. told ..... one day thai Gftnw> woman dlidpk 01 his
........ _ . Sw.mI VIshnu _ ",,",.'8 to DdN .w:I
_..:I 10 "'-" -oIosJoCoI COI'I$UIIMIorL.
I him 10 Af'I: her "-.oDDDIdIns 10 me lime 01
her _ .-1ISIIOIos ....
The horoKope atven ...,.., _ hondf:d _ 10 ......
I . jupItft ""J'1Ins I(f,nJ In me ' l" __ Is good b opk1_
2. with !he Sun '0 !he comblnallon ro. MIIlam I><IIkUng
1. jI.IpIte me 10" _Is good lot rftIgIous IICIMda.
4. rrom IIIe Moon 1tIO! 10" lord "!he s.... with
CIII Srep 0...
The .... " .... ....., I pullOlwf _____ noel)
M'cdUed _ the temple to 1I.'1M .. MIIHoIherGuru.
Now the"'_.
I. Tht<e IWO bf,,,dlcs. the S lord In !he .,. _
01 her own chcIce ""*" Is true In the aoe 01 ""y
wcmA/l 01 weo.ttin coumrla -.. ar'qed ..,.,
1. The .,.. 101. !he s.... Is with fupItft . How CCJUId ..... .-
..... _at .. 1
1. Then. be! co. 19M and 1970."., hod 1Iwou&h "'"
d&tN 0I1he s-. .. porIod In ...tok;Io she C<>uid ........... _
4. The .,.. lord. the s.... Is In !he 6" _ willi Itohu _ aka
"""I .... ' tt.. 01 ,....,... Sud! coo.-*' "'" "-
- .
5. Salllrn. ilsptIns the"" house from It>e 5" _. corrobolate
. ,. .... ::.

In ... tnlliafI-

- ...... II . 1t4.1
':45 p .....

Uluolnlli<M_1 1 __ "
......... 1>0
of "_1IIJo I y ..... 12d.
v.n.. ............. . ................. upI01\pJ'I23.111(W
s..... ............................................ upIO 1\pJ'Il3.
Moan ............ . ... ................. upIOI\pJ'I23. 'aeo

_ ................. .. ..... upIO SepIei,_ 20. laeo
.... 1fIft. ................ _. ____ "'_.,. upI000::t0be.-8. ,goa,
...... _ ...... , ................ upIOSeplo ,_
.... s.tum ._ .......... , ._._ ....... upIOClo::I.--23. 1ge4
.. _____ ........
.... KeIu ...... ,........ , ... _. __ __ ___ ... upIO_ l1.
m.. ""'Y of a b<oken
6. In m.. Nav"",sI1&. the .,.. Iofd ..... !h receiving m..
aopecI of SoNrn In a dual slsn. SaglItMlus un bt a prOmI>e of a
--_ .. _--
.. -..
-..old ..........
eel Su p TWo
IAsI<e<I __ .
SM sold, "TNt It correct. _ In 1969"'" _ In
The ........, _ !Me'I pIcJo In Ihr mojo< period d elM:
Sun. !he 7" _ !he 1Ob-peilod, v ..... In IIw: 7'" __
The ,ook pIocJe In tNtr 1911 >he w.oJ """""'s!he
oI1t1e Moon, !lie 6"' lord 01 divot and 1M sul>-ptfIod 01 Rohu
In cIM: 6" hoo.ose.
She NIl (DMe 10..- Me In Ihe MOI'I<II 01 fo:ton.o.y 1984"'"
oIIG 1hoI: .. 10 .... _ Ihe YIsI\I!CI ........ 10 I<> 10 t.... GuN' .......... In
IOU'" IndI.l. >he _ !here "'" 0dhI1O"- me...-.l IMe . uoiogk.ol
I. See the IfIIIuMot of Ihe 9"' lord on 1hr .,.. '- In Ihb
In !he birth !he 9"' Iofd It In !he 7"' __
(b) In tile It>e .,.. lord II In tile 9"' houte.
2. Gene<MIy. ooud'> no! f.ovour !tie", ...... 01
!he -Iotd In the .,.. or "",,"....,... _the.. I(Jt 01"'" 7"_
In Ihe 9" .. We _ Jar lhe putp<IIIft
) . In ohio U6e, bocI\ In lhe ____ ltM! """ ......... chi:
9" lord 11M .. dHt ...... In cIM: "" .. oIlhe 1" __
SM IIMJ to _ me In IN mtJfIth afkbtwly IIlI'U. ""'-
1M w.u runt>Itta rile pMod 01 MnMoom.oIy. P<'fIod 01
....,...,. ..... In s.at_1n 1984 apectIn& t.... .,.. ......... lshe( ..
'1''"'''''' a< ...... "Haw: you mIfIIed f'Ka>CIy .. are IhH<Ins d
"""'Y\fla ..... _,...... GuN "- )IOU 10 morry1
my .................. """'" heIpod me ....-- _ 1M
...... _Il00, dille 9" lord ..tth 7'" _ CiIIII..-. he< GuNIIIklns he<
She _ ourp<be<I, ..",used..,., _ wid, "It Is fM, ......... ty
c..-.I. , XOC mMfIf:<I only Loot .......... In VIIbI1Nv She !hen
poIollOt<! _. IIM!", : i ,..- 11ft _ wId_
he _ he< -.oold 1IusI>Mod.
She come 10 ..- ..... ...tIeto one ....... p.wIns IIvou8h !he
.,_.orr .. .:.
p!fIod 01
I . "'" ' !he '-<II cIIsputa.
2. Ii:.eN In !hi! 12"' """'"' Is "'"' _ ..... dille Gwu.
1. In !he ,...." ......... !he 4
Iood. Ihe Moon 10 In !he I Z" '-
.-. !he aspect 01 Mots "&'In..
.0 Kct\IIn Ihe I>ouse in rhe Nov.ornshl !he 8" aspect of
Mars aIIIlItmJ the "'OfY 01 dlopula.
SIN!..,,I me how...".,.. Itt:< JplrlrwrJ Hie be.
I wid tNt "'"' .......... g'"' ''''''''''''''' In & W>d In c....m..ny
-.. she WM IookInglits Mf c.m..'. """' ..... .

Thlsw .. pot:diid) her .. "**,,. ,
I ...... ""',."., ....... ca, ... ...
w.. II In lllet.- ......... 'eoc' ...... che aspect 01 Mots 0III'Id Is ""It!
jupltef.!he 2"" lord, Ihe klIe<.
f fOM!he Moon. 2" IM:I .
CIHr to twr hNltII. I g.ove hoot mild w ...... "S.
In 1993 I hod on "ensign to spe a.tho: SIv-.d.o. """om a.
San $am.onsbco, USA. lMte . !OId them mat I I<new G.f. 01
StW--.:Ia AoIv ..... , Go:m>any,
They told me Ih&.""" w .. from c.oncef.
Chapter - 9
Guiding a career:
Timing Events
let me rq>eol fo< YOU' benefli m.t ClII mo:.nI cornpIe!e
bodground If you .. prtdkdo oa lO) Pft'O" """'""
Is wei Iu'Iawn, .. _ you _ lO) do Is lO)
coo ..... 'li .. on !he """"""" he ..... b.auw )'011 ....... IIIfNI"y wotked
on hb dian In ......, CUI!S, II no .- '0 the
(Or,,,,,tneSo 01. horoKOp<' .
!lui If you _ nwedro,g !he lor Ilnf ""'"'. " 10
..... M"ry ""'. you 1houId. yow Noo4r>s 10 ..... '*"
0< he<. pul some qunllorrs ,&11"8'0 p.>I 'JU'S If
Ib;ty IW''''' ,I of d>r>se Y"'"" '"""'.a1fty _ ...., oil ""'_ !he
_frllme 01 !he "'""'" ...... ,'". )'OIl ca'I ",owed lO) eurnIne
q .. M ...... ...., _ .... on "'" _ IIIIouI _ he .....",

a.n If you k.- ,WJII .abouI >UCh 1houId .....
'*" 00 otI" I., d', -")'01< _ ..., .. _Imeto OUI
!he , ... lEd InIotm&don IIwough _ 01 ql'_il. If d"rc ""'"""
ocheme and rho! pI&neWy combliWiliorrs -" 10 be In I\&nnony ""'Ih
d"rc po.twm ... 1>Im. you ca'I P<Hd ""'Ih yow
_ .......
1f)'Oll .... not wdJIIetI ""'" _ . do not pooo:reed to stve
NYY ,Nldlnp. Iloeca<ne )'011 IhouId nm 01 ;r,Il be klldlectually and
""",Illy 1f)'Oll w.....c 10 be ..
The CIII 01 the Cue
'ThlI)'0Un3 ""'" Iwod come 10 me room DdhI Uriver)lry kw
ftmlltne In 1987 wIM:n to. t.eAl'dlrom >ern :: .. _ my I)'olb/wI coo.o6:l
help '*" .. some onoofuI "" .. CMfti'.
my.nldn on tyoCIIha. PM'. hrly lhe (.lIoe...- 01
predictions wNch 1 db<uoocd, rnM"ry )'OWI& ..- who
tough. my help _ !hose """'"" In Uo/loglcl!l lor
c.v_ ur_-<It<hIono ..... ,oed .........
10 me. I "'-" .. tn.Ie. tou< ....... $IIown Ihrough
...... t tyotbh& far supotior to psychology In nndlng out the aptItucles
for edUUollon _ GMeCI' . s.:.. the horoscope gtven here.
tlhntnatlon 10


ru.. Jupl. _ Solum
00'0' ,8'1Jo1 Cle'11" 22"3T
.... _

S. .... hIokl

IWIu s-\Od August 10, 1963 10 Auguol 10, 1981.
Jupifw wboperlodo
n' ... ",*, $epIo&o._ 2t. 1l1li3
.k4Iit*.s.tLon ....... _ ... ",*,AprilIO, 1_
.k4Iit*.-a.y ....... _"'*'M'f It, 1_
............... ",*,Juno 22. 1_
.k4Iit*.v.nuo ._ ......... "'*' FoIInJefy 1882

He arne 10 me In moods 01 10 fo< ............ In the
AlHndll. eMmination.
He w ... born with baI.\nce 01 Mou. oI_)'eM, four ITIO<I1hs It>d
oevo:n''''''' _ over on Iwgu>t 10, 1')6].
HI, I!.aI>u d&Vv. w ... over on IwgUOI 10. 1961 .
Now conccntr.te on the sub-pr:r\od> 01 Jup/t<:I.
_ on lB, 19611t>d ....... &)'OUIlII
man with IUplIef and Mem.rry In the horJse, stKrwIng his subfem 01
>IUrdy ... being I"O>Iory (Jupllal ewnomla !Memrryl, _atlQn
The combl ... tIQn 01 and Mem.rry In the horJse """-
In, ........ In joumorIlom 001.0
He II.
The ",.....nee 01 In the horJse 0I1UpI1ef In the N&vomstwo
...peered by the Sun hJm the horJse 01 Mem.rry ..gain "-' his r..Ir
IUplter olopecI> hb own housoe In the N&vMn>ho """"'"' Mem.rry b
k Is & 01 the promise 01. good eduallonol arer!'I'
... "-' In the bInh horoocope
ltlmanba, II w'" the d&Vv.oIthe6"' Iofd, M>I-, .ept ..... 'dng
ccmpetIlion. the """"'" Indian mkk!1e d&ss blldtground, II b
r ..... __ ....... ,ow..
cleM thai tI>Is young man w .... In'e<<:SIed In for some
'"-'<MnInadoI'IlO """""
The JtIpIfe...s..t"". PerIod
The ... b-perIOO 01 5;0""" could ........, -.. one 01 li'u:ittatlon
boo,;Ju .... s.tum Is with I(f,N and Is placed In tIM! from JUptlCf tIM!
......,. do!sN Ior<! .
The jupllCf.5;oturn perIOO ......... up to ApIII 10. 1986. aorn In
1962 he rnust ........, got one or two to _ for oome
'"-'<MnI ..... 1IoM and may """'" ewn got Ie< I'ttO.
b.auw s..tum. t..Ing tIM! lord ""')<IpI1Cf t..Ing In tIM! hou>e.
his education would continue oomehow.
He CDnIInned It.
Hood hec.ompeted In some ex.amln.atlons and w ....
my """, queodon.
He CDnIInned It.
Old he ""SO take up some Iobdurlng Ihh prrIod. t>e:A ..... Saturn
he: a>pected tIM! 10"' housf:. and ""SO tIM! 10"' Ior<!. tIM! Moon In tIM!
HIs onswer was, "It w ... exactly so."
_ my rr'IMt CIUCW q"""""".
W .... he dlstrocted durlns tIM! ..."., he w .... comP"'flns 01
a not --Wns to .... .-e Of c:omrnunll)Il
ThIs qu..stlort ... rp!Ised him. Mt logic w .... _ on two !.>ctors
nISI tIM! p<escnoe 01 !he .,.. lor<! ........ In tIM! hou>e Is sudt an
amactlon. To r:onIIrm It. lhete w .... !he S" Ior<!. s"rurn With KeN. !he
pIInM 01 tleYl.&tIon from tIM! .......,pled norms 01 !he ooclcty Of f.omily
he belonged to.
n.. JupI'Ie,.Men;ul')" Period
WN.t w .... -..111118 Nrn now In !he perIOO 01
.....t1idl would be.,.,..... on fuIy 16. 1<;1681 My ans-. _'" tIlr_
(;oj "You Will .. V6'y good car_ In my """ feb<uary
(b) To now. (In fupllCf...........,..I)II. he would ........, to_
rnud! harder. aut hi ... ",,,,,lion for !he he w.u In IoYe with
would """" to w.&l t.
I know thai he would And II dlA\cult MoeI"cYI)" In !he 5"
hou>e WOIIId prolong .... Irlatuadon with tIM!
He fot tIM! IMt diana .... .&I1abIe to him and again railed.
He w .... desperate. Since he could write well. he .. Journall ...
'-"-,"","'", , ,-
_ned _1TlCIf-.y __ IT_"" me leo ............. 111 ...
..... day too _ to moe wNk: the " b pulud _ ...
And sold tt>oI too "" __ !ely frustr.oted .
tiM! he SO' _ 10 the gItt he _ arid not. _ In
........... .o _ yet. _ '"l'
'" '""y 10, too Mel sold.
Nodce her, tt>oI JiuP''''' arid /VcfcuIy _tosemer In the 5'" ""'-
willi Ihe 1'" _ MMt the_,
I ........ _" .... '" 11m, IrR by -"'8 him tt>oI too _ rnoI<.e
"a<""'- 1992 ..... _ ..... I. d ; .
w_.....t>M he _ '-10 suI'fer Iior __ puIc1d,
""'" did I So1Y tfwot he ...,."."., fIIove 10 ........ ___ lot
-..... '
AppIyyoo.- mind '" Ihhqooedon. We_dbcuoo k.t the_of
Tho: ""'G' I ...... 10 was,
to .. SlrI And f!:lIP"essIns ll ln ..
.... th .. lin nor lIM&t\M .... Our hypcogItIcaIIy puoIran'caI todf!:ty ....
.... II 100:* as terrll:ole lin <IwrIn3; .... bod hIsIooIy of anIUIIoes of
.a.....y. In the Vedic 1Itnc$. . : ..... ...... of cooAd
nwry _000t000cI. I qooooted /rom M.S. AIteI1M' . _ ' I ....
WQITIf!:Il In Ved'c 1I<noes.
So:oc _ eatlns 01..- _lhel\atll/'" arttM;don$_1notIn(b
01 ...... ........ c-. .. to .... ouIpNfes. IkII leo _ who wanIoOd 10 ""'"
10 the _It! ...... s. Of !he pom of ......... 1on. II ""'" be oIded,
Now _ car_ ' guI<Iance "'_10 be stv<"n II _'M'( 1'')' to
100:* dootIy.t the ....tHub: ... ,k>:fs of V ....... In !he ........ ptIIo:f of
s..b: '.+ ... h .. Iro jupire ... "'-""r
Up to june ZZ. 1989 the preo!dlna oub:oub:pe<Iud was JuplIef
.... - .
Do you ..... Inf clltoIs puIc1dl
Do you ..... v.".... In "'- 8'" toooo..ln the
wt..t:toeslt oIgnIfy """'1 See wlm 10..........-..
Sun -up 10 jono.&ory 19. 1991), .. In the s.,pumw 1qNo. ' II
.. 1
Moon....." 10 19. 1990: the Moon --" the 1"'_,
Man....." 10 ""'" 6, 1990: .. In !he 5'" ""'- _ ...... ..".. II
_ anyIhI",l
Rahu ""p 10 Oaobf!:t 30. 1990: Is In the 1(1" ""'- In the birth
....... _.-._ .-._r-..\= ,_
t... ....... <><n. ' 1N .... I O_InINNov .........
"'P to MotctI II, 1\1\11, The ". 101<1 bin"'" 5"' I1oouse.
SIII\Im .... 10 ""'SUM 10, 1\1\11 15.,. Ike"'" UP' _In"'"
birth...... .. .
Mercury -up '0 Dllcembe< 26, 1\1\11 , Is In the ICI" house 01 the
KeN .... 10 febru:oIy 22, I\I\IL "*' "'" 4-10 MIl In
"'" t*Ch ....cI In the "-" .........
b a peoIod 01_ cNn&e ""'" 101 0I1ruw-.
se!tIoIln. IIy Yht!.oe 01 his <><nopodon 01 "'" "- 10 _ In d'w birth
IIoroKope and "'" Nov.."".... r..., y<tI to I\.olftl his hi oeoe", pooo be.
aut he wi. walt 10 do It In !he ItIb-sub-peoIod 01 a boodo:, he: V"""",
So ...... , the """"".1IeN period did _ 10 oeate In '*" a oerrII*
.., .. Ioohy cu'. I .... _ ................. 01 his dar. ......... _
cu.o.OC!OO-'esp. I ,td .... 1IefYIcft.. he _ .. tIIouato beI'Iind
In d'w .ago.
KeN. "'" Gy.ankarMa ... II-01 knowIf:dse ....- hIm __
to !lot '-<I to make. GIl,.... wtlll d." .. ""lnotlon.
The kendoa ........ >11."".
n.. , "'= 0( __ 1.+ , ""'0(","""",
NoIIce "'" 01 V- In !he ..........."... He b !he .....
lord ....cI ex.Il\d, Now ro.ounber thrEe prlhd .... eo!he .................
po>1od 01 "'" Iagnio Of !he ICI" Iot<h. nke !he period oIex.I,Ed pIanecs
..... fwour_.
MY..:Moe to '*" to.." fNsc. __ billed .., \trio ex.Ited
It _!he JMjOt peoIod 01""""". !tie '" 101<1 01 CU.lIu1d_
bdna In ot.. 5"' house, In. cu' .... dd .... <OII1mInMIon.....tIId!
." ...
The tub po>1od 01 exalted V....... In !lot 6"' _ agoIn

Now notice tN, IhIo V ...... b In !tie ... _ In !he o...t-..
1ndIadns" oudden opeo+,..
In !tie "-"M'rIIh:l. V- In !he 3" _ Is now .. ..,........ to
rrwokeau.r,.... and be ..... d') 0I ..... 1MIy __
WI\Io, l\apperoEd ftnaIIyl
He Ivod ....n.usted ... his dIances ro. "'" all Indl:o cu' .... "d ....
aut In 1989 d'w Co:r O'.,oeo. 0I1nc1a j Id:o j MOddenIy
to ........ an extra dwonct b!i ........ !he qe 01 -tlalbIIt)' ro. !he
...... IOtwcnIy eight
,.._,-..,' 'OWIO -...c---,.._
He (Mne """'*11110 .... _ .t$keoI lOt m y ~ . I told .... !Nt
It _ ellha" ........... ....-. He .... '" do his ~ best, _ he_
....- SeladlMlCll! __ "'_ .. M ................ .
'Thtft _ dO)! he (Mne ....... his ~ ....... . ~ >OdI ..........
..... 01. :Iff eot cale. I told Ihem __ +'111 ''tJ!My-
.... ....:I:J tNrded. They wid choo ~ _ bultho: f.uha oIthe .... did
__ him 10_ hIs-'
A.nodle< lime bom 0I1hem (Mne. I coo.+! __ tho:
~ - ~ .
They _ moorrIed In tho: eM1y!WI 011990.
A 0NIe child _ born 10 Ihem In the ~ !WI d 1991.
He I"Wde ~ Sood U<ftf In 1991.
It .......... """Y ....... a happy.,.....,..
- 10
Difficult Moments
lho:rc ..-e oorne _ dlfl'lcul. IYIOIl'ImtS I have '0 fllOe like
ry other .....
lho:rc Is a In my hean and dftp conc.enttatlon "" the
me. So lIsten fO ..... Slory.
Sorn.MIme In AIIgust 1992. d<:>cwq In ModhyaPradf:<,h and
had uamlned the oecond son 01 a fiko:nd of mine who In
being mud! furioI fO me In the Sft\'\a! from w!"Ikh I had rellre<l.
was Initially Msitanl fO consulT me. But pahops. his wlr.. 1_ IhaT
he sI\ouId do 1tIIT and heume one day with the
WN1e I w .............. 118 the I _ 111m sudOenIy
the boy was. -0.._ In the car. with his rr"I<)thft--. was his
I I'dl bar! and .... 1tIII!hoy ohouId """"' In.
boy was brOUghT In. In . no..-....-.:onodouo wndl!lon and he
could nelthcf woll< no< slI. WI\.o. w'" 1t?"Tt>o> docTOrs had only wid 1tII.
he had<loorne pan of his brain. whet> he had
d&ohrd the w"'l of a swimming pool he we>! aItr"IoSl
No UNtrnen. worked. There was a ....,.., 0/
"Tt>o> did no< know how and ...tIm .11 ttro.I had oeo>ne<l
bu. had only noticed the condition 0/ the boy In 1992. So the
lta",11 01 planets on the Sarv.uht.>k.> ohouId .abo be .......
The Starlc: Analysis
Now """" fO the .. Mga_ points In
I. IagnlIotd Mo!fcury Is with Ilcnr r:xar:tIy on the oame dqrea.
4'" -"f'eO of Mars falls on thl ...
2. "Tt>o> laS"" has two rnaIc1'Ics. Saturn and Ma!'L the 6 and the fI'"
Iotd for the i>'JflIOX 0I1his ......, .tudy.
1. "Tt>o> sub-perlod of MMoury Is 01 the laS"" Iotd. which Is why
troIrbie to the body w!"Ikh ooorm:d In INs pe;1od Is _s.
4. "Tt>o> Moon of the dIIId Is 11I--pW.e<I. In the 6" 1Iou ....
S. "Tt>o> only boondIc In _.a Is Mercuoy whk;h Is ... he.>Ylly a/!Ilcted.
---"',., ,-
.... _"'--

I . lho -.. It <II 1uPIte"" In ... --.nd '-.-.I .. ....., ...
Z'" lord from IIIe -. buI twos .................. , _ In 1IIe_
___ "
OK l l . 1M1
II :' p ..... 151
LaI U _
Lon- 1OE'5


I.agno ..... -. ...... -
0",, , 1'22" .n. 2t"3O" '2'W 10'0II 21"!>1. 2:t"52"
o..""5 ...
RafItII*\ocI_ on ........, 1. 1811
..... SoIl' ,_ 1. I!ISI' 10 OK. Il. IIISI<I
' wi
........,. ,...--.,,2, .II1I:I
1<00II ,.F-..y " 1II1I:I
Sun ,.AI,oguIM 17, .1111:1 __ ..... 1*fOf/
_ ... 0 t a , 1II1I:I __ 1Irio pMod
Mort ... DoCM,_ '2, 1II1I:I - _ .... 1*fOf/
l$IO,t,priI 15, IM __ lIriopMod
- ;.--
d\art Of In
2. The 5IJb.peo1od Is aI wtokh Is huvIIy -"'!aed _ Is o/so
8"' Ion:! from 11M: Moon.
3. The .... bad. Sun, 11M: I z" 10m Is
r-vIIy oI'IIicted .on<! 11M: Moon In 11M: 6'" _ Is IwIdI)I
... Mon as 11M: 3- _ 8"' Ion:! Is a for VIrgo 118M.


Aug II. Itl2

@ @ @

SI"' .... "'''''

@ @ @

0 0 0 0
8hI ...... _""

<9 0 0 <9
n-o __ ... _
. , ........ -
5 . ...... In!he 10" _ HptCfO'd tov two 1';&
'"',In .... *.
6. Then .... come IIIe ... I>-... 0I1UPI1et who an -. !he
boest tftkiw ..... he If, IIIe Moon 0I1IIe eNId.
1. The ...... begh ...... oIIlleSJidhe ' ... 01
Ihe eNId"'lI'o IIIe SAturn In Ihe _In In
which he ........... mnIIIn nu _ 5. 1993.
8. [qwoIIJ bid _ m.: Ir.-...c 01 s.u..n In Coo>olcoo" In IIIe
01 -.... !he l'" _ IIIe 8"' 10<0. where IheM Is no
paoIlt.oe poInI iii ...
Ughl paIntJ .... urAvautMoW.
I. It Is Ihe nIahI- 0I1IIe Iir1goIIww NIt. The
Moon muM. 11 .... "*"" PO"-" Ihe d6:I -.e!he G "I Mud ....
AS !he ... *'81<01 d .dea
Z. The Moon ....... _fed tov,..,..... _ .,uCh .. good poInI.
3. Some ASUoIogIuoI d",'o",,1e Nt If In ...p birth me... ....
moIdIcs In Ihe Iqno.IIIey COO oIr.. po ......... ..
The ...... 1rnpuNnt palm If, _,..,..... II.... I .... IheMuunol
Ihe dIIId. ........ be oIIoen:d. ,..,..... Is Lord Lord
I mode them redle mMI/,. wllh "'" and..Md them
IOdD,... them tho, ln AptII 199) Ihe eNId ...........
bec:oo, ............ .
N!et s..nm u.orolra;l In!O Aqua100J In _ 1993. Ihe d6:I
_ In AprIl 1993 he .......... In IIIe JUt>.
... bopHIod 01 ,"pIC,., In Ihe "'*' po:rIod 01,..,..... _ Ihe IIIJb.po:rIod
ThIs If, eM JfOI)I 0Im.: JeCOnd .... oISIwI C.V. Av_. 0I1IIe
IndWo ......... and Ao:ouna 5eo o1ot 110m which r mired In No '"'lobo
, ....
CN'Pter - 11
The CRFD Approach
to Predictions
What I\u .., for beftl In the lnoIMICft d predictions
&fwn _ c.ase otudIe$ 11 _ I dftcrIbed ... "'" as ...... In 1985
In .on ___ 11 _ ""'" brI8Iy In my bc:dt. t.p MJd ao..n. .,
__ . Hen! I ..., .... 1" '; ""g II .. little mote doboo-.a!dy lor Mute
..,nok>gers 10 where ..... )W"od In OUt utro1<>g1c.II1 PfOtIIftf.
C >Cal
C M.onCIf lor dM'bl ...... 10 6(ECICS> ...tIIdI lt "'" ....-.des!
-. for acqu1rlng -oJosIC.IoI TN, 10 wh.ot g_oIIy All
UliOIo:>gctl h.ove to ._...-.I , ... ,_. The boob 0I"IIi! muoI
_ ...... '1. Ie b ...-.I ....., ... the con: lor It "IIIg. not _
MIf01og)Ibutlor _.on
.. " m.ony. Some cf ........ h.ove gtiWfol1y beftl the....- daJo! d
all'" v'u1lb1rCJ1ogcrL
l!. M.onCIf lor ..,..,..."... Of llV1OY_ ...tIIdI should be
donoo artt Iitti" IbSIm1I.ridng d"' ...... principe _ .............. 1Ic>cIbIy
10 the cf".....,. the.:o..-my. oodeCy. the
fornIIy...-.l _ facIof$d.on
_ writ"'" many boob In [ngIIoII_ record In _ ......
I..oI:e Iyti _ the artt person ....., \Cd; up the CNtI.
...-.I showed dMsIotwoI ...... '"" cooAd be
used. n...n CMTM! -. ft"" me who leik"",d the 8-1.- s/Ytil
...... pcrI\op5.lmpo.,.. .... upon If.os ..... be In this book. The
--.. cf)lOUll8ti" AOtiOICStis _ ...., ... -':ItIg1n !hit 100
__ 10 pooduc<i! much _ -..Ito""'" _ .aotr""'Sfi"I cf g"""" __ beftl .. Ie do. It 11 In this ..... ItIot the
UIrOIogti"I_ me _ produd the good rtle' dIc< In new
_ the SWbdoc.oI ...... ._.dld.. The
prl>C"'il toMntI In rwo doqdoos from _ . the Iucure gu-e-.adcro
_o.a_ .. ' __ _
01_ oIo:gen_ + V" __
buill up Ihclr p<O/IIe Imosa wI_ odeq\ .. , ...... "hl il ce or
ImIgtltful undsUlndlng 01 Hndu_l,o!og:y.
r _ "" """ ... whIdI __ ""*"" ..
otter or ...t>a .... !he IcngINdeo 01 _ """*" _
u.ornIninS tlOI\!oIta _ 10 predict .... cvenc 1InoIIy
D ..... ... _ P .. ...n.-.. - ....... &I'"'"
___ MoIt_'*S .. .. i ... --....
""""'- So.d! Is _ oI_aIogIc.oI krIowIed8<'.
We .,.".., tome out with OUI .....,.,.,.!Itd wI!I1 moony
_......, 10 .w- how O!hf:r (oM:! be u>e<I b prtdlcclOn"

JoImInI a.... HcJw ChIs dooho _ be uoed 10

Ow. DioW. "'"' /lie tt<quet 10 ...aoo';;cos 10 trNl me not lIS. 6Nt/
..,thctfty bu ., .. pIook:CO wIIollllS JI>ooon .. IT"tItod oFoItow/JIs how It
aNld be_.
IlaI Cho'.<. Gosha; I_In
mine ....... KoI ChMt. o..N as lohown In IIrII\M I'fMhM.
H .... !he_dille_d. nobIIaU .....
---. But tills dWI.o .. 'If!!ty dll'I\cuI ..,the <ItS- dille Moon _ be
.............. up to ........ ., ..... me _ at KCUI __ lime.
Yozlnl DM.ha; , .. ..",.. his IUN.ot.d! the ute d Yop.!
o.w.. _ his In _In pMU ollndLL '"'" DII<enI boo!<
' 1'1MJct rhtougII /MjIw' by V.P. c-I " now
w .....
ThIs prOteM aI bold now, &tla1! It. lac
of """'" _ In !he _ INn)' dille Oosrt- opre.lld In !he
n.wne 01 ..m>IoSY by _ ""' ..... """""" _ tftdng
them be d'vcown OUt.
c"',." .. ,"
I . '"'" o;Nn at-> ... show 1lo0oi ........ IIor. 01_
COlI dille """'>''''' oI<.p" d"" a aN! ......... _ . no! oneol
!horn, Slowy'. book on I*nInI Sut ha to mony
uam",", The 8""" credit to 5a><ry IN, must be gI'wn" Il1.0, "'"
".. 0'1'0 _ _____
",-,,- """"""....... ,-
-'-'- .. ,. .. be -. Ihrouah Ih! oppI<;td<wI oflh!
__ We "- only ......... ,"'1t01IM)' _ oohItf ..,. .....,.
If ..... d .. Scmeof1hom .. -,rr!.1 ....
t. In lhellomrdc AIe.a, 11M! ..w, ' dIa _ -. done b, me
IX """ Monds -troos """' ....... It If !he moo! d" <p",_1IM!
moo! ...... 11118 kid.
1. rotmuI.o tI><:dd be uoed 1cu.I .. 1toty CM1 imopIII. fine IUdpmeOi
of homvope ...tOdI mull be done .at tM,e CSI. 1hen
TASK, and ftNlly.!PC.
4. All "ceM ...... use more INn ..... dosha Ihoush In
tt.Ir ""'""" they _11M! -= of only Ihe ......... ""toI1 dosha. In
""" .nIdesandln 11M! -. Tf>1Iq ..., or
,o!"'**"'o. abed by me. II 11M -. II-. '-Ihe .... ,!POIhe
tu:.ldq oM . .... , ...... 11M! VIrnstootIMI and a.... dosha &Ms
<IopncWIIy .."..., Now 'l'ostnI Dosha CMI "" ..-.
Using tine -. Ihon on 11M! ........ be
5. Theuoeof __ "'''-'b,Dr. k,S.O'''' ... lnhls
VII/IJIoiJpNI, and also his MMJuI be mo5I uodUIlor
pledktIooOf In .... (I.oy 10 d.ay "" .....
6. Thete _ no aood book on !'Iofm!: d til Col. Cc>w broII.e.
Msh aro-d ...t!h his _ ... It.
7. fo\I books conI.aIn __ .... hM,. boIh .... d ... " __
_ ..... 1 __ 01. The..w a-olIIonol_lkga ....
_ "*'S d .... ""1 pl. II' _ ""'"" mlro:!. There II to much
"""" _ for 11M! of -ok>&>.
cnapter .. 12
An Example of
Here b on eumpIe 01 ptedIctIons st-lln _ tho"n.
Try 10 11nd out the JU>OIIJyouneIf liter ptepMng dI,..." .. ,t<llYblonol
I'iott>$lpeS ...cI the f\II1 ddIa pel k>cb..
Though In the 1 l\rvoe uoed oma !ethnIques u wdI. the
ell ...... 'I", he'e will bea>nllMd to the \I1msI'ooIW1 ddIa only b...- .....
motooIry oIub'*'8ei ..... _ unde'sWld It.
m ... tration 12
She got the homM:"V' rn.oIt: on JlrOST ......... 1n he' own

JupiIOi' ....... _ .. _ .....". 2fI. lli101e
s.nm ............... .....". 2fI. 1l1l$(I
"'""""Y ............. .....". 2fI. 1882
KooIto .................. NJIof 2fI. lli1S1i
...... .......
._.' ...... -.
.. ,-
country. wIIIdlls one ollhe d the -st. DwIrog indian
tOW Vc ....... 10 me and I s- In _once the Ii:IIIooMna _np.
Hs _ .... gtwn __ dille -na.
1. MoW and dh",ud. Shecoukl Nve two chIIo:\m., a
""" and .. <IaughIef .
...... Tk:JIl bctt 1M the Ifrst M>d !he JOfIl.orer.
2. 8n:oUIen ond sbterJ an be II" .... _ at two """"""'S .
rQYI IndudInsme. y. y.
3. n.e ... bjec:tI""'mq could n"".uun:,
poIIdc.oI sdei ...... ond at on 8"" an, ..., mUlk. &ndng
..-.d mosIlikeIy. plllnIIng .
......... UttJe pMno, t..II. "" das. Sc:wM 01 Ndr but not In MpdI.
She tJdred only llter_. mtI!IIc, cMndna _
- .
. She would be .. >II_to lMft1t """"" p<opo<ly _ Mt f .. _
.... ......
S. She Is very with I'4h qu,oIlIIdllons.
...-.Ilke"""'Y I\maIcans """" do not reodI the postgradUMl! level
Inlllo!ir .... codon .
.......... Sht:lldtllt .
..... ,-
1. Tho: ft...c ten to twelve ye.D 01 her nre ohow that her fame. must
'--. In on ... port.ont posItIon.alttc time ol her birth but by
1941 -., could Nve a cI\aI1,ge In his car-.
h . . ..... Yes. Let
2. 1947-48 her xhoollna should hove 1WtCd
..... 1950. k1ndt:ts.vten.
3. 195 IS2 her fadw,r coukI Mvoe g_ to ;0 W olr """", .
.......... No. CcukJ ........ on n..o..-, wc.oflotl to be

4. 1952-53 She does well In her INdIa. ctwr.nses her courx 01
studies. addin8 ;0 10 her (lItf\Ojum
.......... /110. No. ?". 3" gr_ 1-. srno/t, but do..n..r tMy
5. 1955-50615. olgnIlIc.nt yHr b her AO It 10 the beg:lnnIna 01. new
"", as. teenIp with ItIMtI.oc!IonI .
......... . 1khd It. 10-11 sa lI'.ode, trMlJkJotl />M "", IMtt,g In
/tie dry MId-..tls.

-_ .. '-_.
---, . ':::-
_ family po ....... 1Y mq _ been tnI/Ck,
... Dt;>tot/NnJI. ....
,1. She heoxIf IN)' been In ......, -.y In ....
. _ . No.
fl. Is. peIod "" ....... .troill .
.......... 11" .,1Ide *"""""""'" In hIP IdoocI. flO
9. 1963 ..... _
1963 o:here Is. eNtIa'" In IIucIIes v.4tt1 !ler......,. _ 1Ine-.
wNdI can be mU$lc bccomlllS mo", ImporWll" IIw> _
... _.- y .... y ....
10. 1967.(,8 the _ oIWn.lhM tIIkes pI.oa ...... -*1l000<I 00 1tSo"I.
.......... y ....
II . 1911 -12. d'IIId 10 born-!IuI _ a>tAd be. or......,
dIIIIcutIy in d ' ,ct). -*I be Io:w dIIIIc:utIy If 11 Is

"",,, , fh(. _ no 1lgMn5l1971-11
IP1J 'K"" />om.
12. Then_I ca'1911-18Ihft'11!COI*Ibeaoud .. ,cHId .
_ ...... / 916 T ..... bMt.
13. _ cHIdr'oo, -*I be Sood looking, """-....,.., hNllhy.
, ......... HNItItydIiJdIM. flu, -f(.,. not IIeoJtflynow.
If, 191)-7. prtM!S.o.-:I_ "" ha husborw:I. IIut ......... 'Il
dIIkooer ... 101> moy "-totsun 00 ...t.u..
. _ . Sloe tided It
15. In 1975-160 .. '& .... ln 1981-83 .... momqecould u;rbls
point. In 19841hm! could be. dIYooce.
__ "_e," rkUd 197>76, "1'IDJ$Iblr- 1981.4U _ nor
)'1ft' _ 1S1i!W.
16, &Ot eu, 1911.,.., I Il8.Z life Iokeo .. ",*""", rum _ auru
Iorm.o fordS" counny. f""" 1975 . period ofltblts to iI<nIsn
ccuntry begins. Thfte Is """'" wilt! or In Ioo'dsn
aMICI)''' work ......... -. 6IJNlI me ,
. _._ 1917. ",-, '979 CMfW! fl> 1M .:.orne '*-
MeMtyllS /915.
" " " ""
IN)' "- mel lOO'oeDI" ...... dIooIe ....
._ ....... --
___ '", , DooM

... In 1991-91 ...... amponIonHp aMd ere! _ *- Ihttt
ct..... be VIIDoUTl In htt .......
__ 198IJ "'b' 1tu$bMId.lo!J'l
....... _ 19M> IeII
...... He IIt<:d with ...... -tv}lln. 1990 I "" he
.......... C67W: In AprlI I 990.
.... "'.., """"""", ' Moe _ -y." upl lot bMf. In_
Sloe tho<*! hove ..... ' _lIIenfb -.. ecI\Ir1s.
.......... for. Tut IIc:o:MI _ 1911lB 69.
I . Her 4oItC> from IAJlI.I!I9.......- IN)' '- been _
towMcIt ....... WOItt.
.......... CWy. per-.. joumiJI
. ,.,., .. A.pIral spIr/tu6I...:ri:.!Ihe _. -y .....
1. _w.entootudlo$_ l_
could '---.. _ twr,lnmeoC In Mt'", __
.......... _ d_e, do -t",xhooL
l . In 191') he< ......... COOa<"'_ II on .. new
wtcII .. ptnOI'I pIocBIln &ood pasItIon. aM:! ... In .- -my or
p<;A:ie Of on uec&IdYe wtcII .. lItiChooial Her h
_ !MY ...... been tom .. oechnk.oI _ .
. SI>t: 1M IItIft IId<J the ......
...... SI>e stuc* oK .....,.. poIIoo. -
4. from 1967 <>IIWMd ha chIIo:IItn '-been -ns honours_
"""' pttIns ....... monqr from )(()(b and
.... "'S.tme honours' Ihe ..- .
.......... "QI(r.o , Ide' Jhe ..-.. .. _ ..... "0'.
5. 1994 95 -. Mf __ boed ...... bqIn __
- .
........ She _ , -.: "'- -. '-/:10) """x: ..
Some od>tr "*'IP I _ are _ bdns .cpo "oced .......
CIoooo '-"
I . Thftelsnothln& ............. 1n .....
IIIIve been man1ed and Yet moM 01 !hem moy """
""""J but ooiy""" lOSert-. Hefe bee ...... 01 Jup/h':r't ..
... .0_"' ......
wcrament.ol CO' legal
2. )uplte< In the 10"''''''''''' aspects Venus.. the 7"1on:I.
l. Bulthe 7" Ion:IIn the 6"' ""'- to d"-"tu If It>ere Is some
other 1nII .......... also. Heft Manolhe 6"' lord the 7"
Ion:I In Ihe 6"' ......... .
4. The thePftl<>d
S. The ><Jb..perIod 01 the Sun. and the Moon In the mojo< pMod 01
would stve her children At at., co ... ectecl wilt! her
5" house.
6. """"" children """*I do wdl """ao .... It>ere Is W!f'J good
1Io>r.,UIi the S .. .....:IdIe 10"' Io<ds.
To .. ,,.,,. It _ ....
At Ihe of her biilh. IwocI the cWho 01 )uplte< ....tIIdI _
<:NfS soon and 1tIen began the mojor PftI<>d 01 Saturn ....tIIdIln
the birth horoo<:ope Is In the IZ" house tom the 9" house .
........... 01 ....tIIdI MIdI c::han8<! In Ihe .....,.,.. d ho:r latho:r
boocornes _ to _.
7. JupIta. IJ her S .. lon:Iondthe Sun. Moon and Mc<cuoy ... ., In Ihr
5" toou5e. In !he Navolfmhl..luPlte< ana Venus _ Inlluendns ItIc
5 .. 00.......
NoIIoc:JI, Ih.o.t boIh In tile biilh hCO'oKnpe .....:I In tile
)uplte< InI'IUftICeS the 7" ......... CO' the 7" lord.
In boIh Ihr 7" lord 1m<> the 6" house.
In INs -rf maI<o!:
a. ",ot .an Intfl-horovopl< at"oAIysI$ by e.umlnlng tile birth
b. Then moke an 1nte<--IIoo .. "" IInOIIysb by oednS Ihr _
Co. To conIi .... YOU' \151: __ other <IMIII also.
Chaoter - 13
Reason Out Yourself
_ INs __ -1\11 !he I&K stI,ges arne an AlrIefIcan
IIIdy on Mord1 9. 1995 III my 0dH n:oIdence. 1 g.l"e ho:f!he
ho:flOputhet:emar1<s. _INs I>as been done
Is notbelngexpl.olned. Trat It_ .. puuleand work It outyoo.nd/'.
111" nntion U
1 !wove not >e<:n ho:f 1995J but Iw:r hotoscope as (.l$t
on an comput ... progr.omme ...... been 10 "'" for
.-lIngs. which I om recording In _1\11 hen!.
See should .-I It and put ho:f ,ernAfb,
il. Hwe!he birth df:<.a11$ been noteel ><t!Iy?
b. She should put Iw:r rerrwks agoIn.t _ 01 the <eodIngs given
I . She Is a vy proospooroIIS Pf'I'SOI'. with Iw:r awn """""y and
properly and ohouI<I be ",?dr'ed with three houoes."""" "'"
got ..... 11 Of one. 'WhIch she could !wove Inhoortll!!d.
unless she <IecI<Ie<I not lO.s.Im II .
.......... fOur hou:scs.
2. She 1$ !he lint born dIIld allw:r 01 Ihe I&K born. Or the
-.: 01 the youngat d.aughttt ......,.,. many siblings.
.......... Oi<kst.
3. Her fatht< shauId Iwove hMI_ with army pouIbIy
"", .
.......... AImy.
Ll.tef. he mllSl have 8fO'WI' proospooroIIS through bIISlneu.
Investrnents and even and !INn$.
......... . "."...,y __ 1S.
4. Wlthln Ihe ftrst dSht> allw:r birth. Iw:r f.tht< m.ay !\ave been
_from her. 01 gone 10 a dlOUtll pia and was root
--. .......... ,,_ dJw>tr;l -. 8)"Un old.
5. DurIng the same penod. Iw:r moIheI oIso does not """'"'" to br: In
good ho:.aIth 01 she hMI ......., _ worrIeo 01 .. ""tu.., .
.......... AJt;JtohoIIc..
.. :".--,-
1\. In the .-'-yurs., fi'om the "8" (]I d$hIto. wy. eighteen Of
her rue could ....... been as 5hown bela-.
ilL In 19!6-51 1hert ".cho<1seOf. to anolher pIoooe.
. " . " . SMl Dkgo.
b. 1956--59 .. tdarlvdy with """'" _ In studies (]I
.mstIc .... bftJ.
" ".". V1!I)' _
196().61 Sood studies _ -"'''8
The ptedoInIRAI'I _ (]I studies bid "" 1956 _ 1968 Is
tcdIric:.ll Of one (]I the ...... (]I could
be p<)'dI<>Ic>g)' ...., the _ marI<etIns Of wIes.
........ ..r-. LMlft.
d. 1961-61 cIwlge_ rdatIveIy b;M:I In studies.
""."." Yes.
.,. 1962-6l_1n the r.mlly. posolbly beo::o._ .. mpon.m
flsure, there .. sale Of pwd>ox (]I """"". _ "'" (.CUd be III Of
mo:y ....... met with .an
..... " ... lJto;>thHbom. _ _ Mrleg.
".""". IJto;>thHdif. Tht! houx ..... l'ho b<Hnt_
... " .. ".PMenfs JDId. __ bough/.
I. 1969 there .are many change in JtudIo!,j; MId
iTIIIfT\I;gc like oltuadon>.
.......... t.lott"" dIvotri _ moved mom fJcmt:.
1. The "'bled (]I study _eodns her tAIl be reIalIn8 to IfflIotmefll.
mcdIdne. poydllony and phl"*'Ph}' MId religion.
"." ..... $M _p6ydrMtTy_ ph/Iofcphy.
8. &elY eet. 1968-1919 montage and __ . with chlld, ...
born 10 her. oru.amage. perhops.are IncIIated .
.......... 1911. 1915.
1980. Son In 1960.
9. Su! II Is. perIOd dlspotes and oepAIiillon ......
"" .... " .. 1IM 1919.
10. ,4,/ter 1919 ....... deoool ... "eiil. In her ""'""'8". """'" tension
could also be the<e.
" ........ St!pNiillM _ tf>eSOndIHJs.bMd _ptqrWnCY.
II. 80Jt rhls pctIod. from 191910 1989 ol'oO<*l for
her own studies If "'" gOllnrerested In MY. A, any , ale It Is good
for her child .... rbc.
In_ Yo,or. 1988 /'Ndoerolyog.t 198Z..f18.
12. from 1989 \III ........ """'" oIdneos 01 her own. """'" lamlly
.an iiCd<Ieo.t while In a IOU'ney II _ "'" _ ....... to
_Ool_ ,..._r-.._ ,_
beCMdul.oboul .
H Mam-.. HMI_-zwy.
1l. -.. .. ....... he",hC, -.. ........ dlllue" .... 01
:p ..,. 01" chonse =' ..... fi'om,..,.. . h' In

., .... " .. TC'IS:foro In
1 ... A dIIId ....,. I'IaYe SOl " house 0I1wos ....., but _ ccuId be
...... UI+I 'um d,.., >lOPOhe"'''' """"'"ae .
..... ..... St:e 1oId",., rn.t /he _ . Some Mpo<Its /to _
II::Wnet ..... MI rn.t /Ny _ done.
15. In 1995 she should I'IaYe ume Into ...... posItIon_
s**I ""'"'"Y, ...... she balI:gtoI _ -=-
.... _ ... Sltdo In,...."..
16. Thb period _ flO be ,sood Jar !he -..... 01" dIIId 01--...
.. _ ... f'tM""""O'1rI o l u, 's_
Her 1UTIIiIb ... m.. -.._
lNJ 1 ... In _ 01 ...... 0I_1I-.yaxrect.
G, I' ... "." .......
Aftf:l YetlfyIns your I.... ..... the 1I'*I<Ince "" firture II '-
1. Thete ........ , ........ In _ """""sc. The """"'"ae an be
2. Ntc< 1991 you .... pion _,,,,INI .. dllk",n, -. '"""')IOU.e
....... _ . It....,. be ... illllef.1Ion 1n)'OUl" IrIUdIo, e:ocp<iRIIan_
you ....,. yowseIf be It , _INI .. rnooc 10 "IjACWC you
3. Gf:l>f:lolly .. Sood period ........... !hen IUIIIecI "")'OUI"-
... It you Itftpyourment.:lll t>entIon c.oowd)'OUl" heiIIIth .... be
5, You I'IaYe f.oIrIy long nrc.
6. Ie C<IfeIUI In ...... e.dns In .- busI.- .......rures.. There CMI be
___ 1itf:l19\l7 If you .e _C<IfeIUI.
But ..... 1IIy It .... be. period ... "I'lli ' ..... , .. Ity .
1. $f1t"'I)', !he por1od 01_ .... be ....
born oI.'s ewpeIr<><a.
8. 1'- tom 200l ..... 1Ords YOU' IJ*1IUOIIIe _ be SOOd.
9. from !he eo.! 01 1995 !he 01 dw1sIns)'OUl" ..
"",,"",01. ' ;te ...... _ CfOI& you mIneI.
10. In !he _ 01 1996)1OU may -.. 10 Min" ........... _
hilly plAce,
,..--"' ... ''-
MI<I ..... ............. Fotwu.ry 2$. I ~
lin . ............ fotwu.ry27. 11162
JupiIoor ............... F""""-Y 2$. 11170
SaIo.m .. F ~ 27. ,1IIItI
-....y ........... _ F.........,. 27.200S
Ketu ... . ........ Fotwu.ry 27. 2022
v.nuo . . ....... F-..ry27. 2m
s.... .....
. F""'-Y 27. lOtll
. ..... F""'-Y 27. 2055
- ~ -
bamplo 1 k
~ ,
, II Jo.o>o ,_
s.K.I ........... .
s.YoI .... . o.c.,.oboo , S. IIK12
s.&I ............... F ~ 'S.1111111
_ ................. .Ianuaty 30. l W1
_ ................. o\o.9JM 3' . 1I11III
Sa-Ro .................. ae- 'O. I M
s.Ju ... _ ...... _ ....... Ao.oguoI ,s. 2002

..... ... ,_ 1l;>00000
R. dln.'- <WI o.c..""., l5, ' "5
She Is noI CJertOibI <Obout the time 01 ..... birth. II could be around 5
AM .. oIIlhaI she fCIId me on ph<>noo. CoUtIng ..... 1Iofoocope _
some lads, the tIme..:lcpfed It -*I be
If """ dIld<ed the fcIIoo.<.4ng rot Pwthe< vatl\u,tIon 01 '- IIInh _
_ I pr ........ I hove SOl accurMely on the 01_ ",oesdons
lhodaslal Mr. The InbrrwIonshe puHClontome_arlc:tl lAther
In and " b".ch.. younger Is enI<n8 the ........ th

The qooestlon I eked her ond ..... .. following:
I . n-e $IbUngs .
.. .. .. SIt.> MId .)"6
2. Had done ........ otthtk 1tXl ....... studles1
.......... She MId It>It _ was . ..,
3. She he<xlfhlld 1nhetIa.d someproptol)
.......... He MlSWe' _ tNt the hItd.
t . She hod manIed ..-.I dIYorted
.... . Her ""' ...... was ,..... husbM>d dkd. (On WI IMfIs
I h#w: /lOW ><trh me to be ",, 'CdJ
5. SISIe' elder wu manIed and the monI&ge _ .-
.......... She ccnIInnI. _ nIJII'Ibw Z. " _ :5 so.-r tI>!
""' ... , ... , ..... ...trw.
I'leoM _tIM! /jot fwfhu...ntk-J
I. f..,... 1946 10 the ft'" nlne)"!'>ln of _ Ire you 1MmI"""",
"""* Of
.......... 1_ JuIf: IIumt Ir In xhcoI.
1. In 19041-48 """"" you wo:rt ... booby, was there any mo'd""'"
&om """ pIIIOI! 10 atICI!Mr or " fordS" trip?
.......... No.
3. In 1951).51 educatlonotane:l """'->I1y .
.......... y ....
4 . OwIng: the ........ j>ftIod )'OUt lollher ""'Y have alllet toured Of
to anod>o!< pIIIce .
...... Yeo. a_" Iot.o the ""I:Idd.
5, 1952-53 was a yeN 01 IllS d\ang<: 10 pIoce.
6. 195 1w ..
,_ .
.......... Do root iEf""' ''bw.
1, 1953 _ good IICfIdemIc.oIIy and thereCOtlld be

ItrWIv _ IlIqjII ,,,. I DooM
....... .vw.oy,. next to rile _.
8. flom 1955 m.. blggeot tNng<:s begIn to with your 1.1IIer
becomIng. very PfOSPC<OUS ponon In the ....,., ,en Of -.,
.......... y .... Ite /l..tmerldt. -..tsoJnclalgnlt1g.
9. Fram 1964 a Ihookal and artI$d<; edUC.ldOn dtht< beg.on Of woI$
neIUIng completion
....... Nt>. Ju$t rr_ns Sldnt:d.oboutJn 1968
this 9neslnce
10. 1964 Of 1970-71 could be of....m.g., Of rdatlorto/"Ops.
...... _ In 19r58.
I I. By 1974 a child could been born.
.......... ..... born 19r58.
12. 1975-76 could P>"'!' I:w:I b your sp:!<I!e .
.......... Hu$b.Jnd_Jn 1971.
I). In any use II tN, from 1976 to 1962 your.....- II""
beame dlilicult r:Ithcf because of the lId<r-essofyour huIbond Of
an aIdf!n .
.... ...... off /tie lOp 01. bulldlns.
14. 1978 ond 1961 could becrltlclll yc.ars b yo<JII hvIband .
........ .. NINdyMHwmct.
.......... W ... lfllrtdw '""*If1$1fI1980. Ute
thInIIit!JI india.
16. 1984 ond 1986 are "gnlllcllnt b rrwfIIge-llke """"ions.
... .. .. Alm<><trrvn1ed. burdl:ddcd not to.
17. 1984 and 1986!ohow b,",gn CC>fV\KIIons.
.......... .u """'" tht: """*1.
18. 1967..(19 pMod could be perIo<!s of dlsdncdon. good e.om1"lP
and Iotfl&n contacts """"'.
19. Sin! then you """" I_,ft:] =-
and you been doing wd """. '1"""'1)1 .
.......... 1987 sttottg caIItJon .tom india ar>d lnae.utId my
pf1a ....
20. A. the.,,-,lt of 1991 Of eor1y 1992 yo<JII Plof .'''''''' SUM Of
ImporWla! seoms 10 ..."., .
....... y .... "'"'Y. "'"'Y mIlCh $0. much _ .
21. From 1993......-rt f<ulgn "'p> of ohott durallon ma:y """" been
- .
.......... 5hon dw.tiDtt nw, b _,.
U. 1994-95 ... abrupt Of ..-. '"'_ In the job Of the

__ r-." '1:"'11 , 000lIo
nature d lob mIIY haw! _ place.
.......... W_ out In 1P9>I Mq _ CMneIMd/ In Nt" suber 199<1.
23. 1\191 and JIaht now ..... ..,.... lA_TIS.
..... , .... wfd!
24. ClwInc:es exist 01 gfltIns ....... money IIftu !he
death 01 the hIIsIwod .
.......... No.
fI'otd r I ' '" r .. ,40n ,,.,
The psycIIoIosIo:.o Ie dudes visible In the 1Iomscopo' .
. o-_____ .
....... AbItJIur./y.
I>. To! ,led .... I11 ... .t>iIiI)r 10 well Of be vecy aeatIYe ln)'OUt
.... "' ....
... ....... y"" do ptaS JC' I do Ifkom quite well.
e. like to _ wdl and get .. ...... _,tary Inc.ome (odw$ II\an
fi"om!he p f slon) iI'om _ Of JUIUII
.......... Im .. "b".,,,, (1994).
d. Very _In your ""'lIt. good aottsmanshlp buI
hord IaOkrn.UteI' .
....... ... c.otr'r.
eo y.,.... .... _good admlnbtratGt. "t.ord barpno<...cI __
.......... CDtrtrt. IddlnlfdylYvebewm" Ih.It.
f. Amactlons to with d11fen!m ethnic. an:! mlglous
I>oci<gound seems !O be .. (.omtnOtI ol)'OUr life.
.......... Nofatrrw:ted ..tI.o'" ... ,
c-. ...... "" dI. It fII"
It Is vt:<y iOCIt>.I,.l1I!. Very dose In "'" _ to whl.11Ias s-on In
my In 1994-9S. That_ .. big 1Nng.
batnplto . 1
ReodIng gIYcn on Oec.ember lB. 1995.
Your horoscope Is recorded at PI8<' 45 01 " UtMI,IDfthI
'''''''''''''''''''..;. PIeose remember IIlb ,oSaaoGe b .&ua .......
The h.oo pe I how 11M DhoroI, If3n& 1 <Wg! : I and 24
mlnutes_ IheMoon In VrIxII' at 5 degie= and 48 minutes.
,.,... .. 'I on the 1ft'
1, at the time 01 your birth your did
some Lond deooIs. had .. fo.aory .....:I goIM<! .......-rtIy. ThIs Ite'>d

r __ r.....,.' _ _c.._
eGlIIo oed ...... 1965 ... 1977.
""""" NHtb ... k wrfIIecj,
1. In 1969-70 _ ~ -. younpr ... you bom1 Or _ you 1M!
- . ~ ... su--y
Soo _", ___ "._, __ n llM12
_ ~ ~ ~ - n . ' . '
KIll __ n.l.
...... _23, 2OOe
Sur> _23. l!Ol:5
_ ._"_,_,, , __ 23. 2031
..... ._ .. ___ 23. 2001
~ ".", .................... _ 2l. 2041
_ ...... " .. " ... " ... "" ... ...... 23. 201M
___ .. ____ .... 23, ,.,
___ . Aug 20. 1111$)
__ Aug ,t, ,814
_ .Sur> _ ...... ".'.7
_ ._ . /lcI<n".
____ .. Soopn".
_ ~ . __ ... _ ... _ 501>',,'*
_-./up ..... "'" 7. \1183
_ .s. "" .... .lui 1 ' _

.. ....,m - f>IaYIrC ... rrICJ\IIrlgl'
l. In 1970-71 did you SO on III)' UIp 10 .. Iar DII' p/e. IndI.dna: ..
M .... "::::::;: __ ..
4. In 1971 72 w. -.. III)' <It .. _
popal) <It t.aooy tD yow r.dwl
.. . Yes
S. In __ ..a po-'
"""*fI tnIUbIed you .-.d _ then! .. otwp dwo'Ise In 1M wort< 01
_ ..... ,
...... Yts,
6. In 1976-77 $hoUId '-t Sood yoe.ors lot $lUdy but ... Ihere_
upsets ln edUCMlcn. Is It
..... Yes.
7. In the pe10d 19n 10 1981 1htf'e __ ItrI'eresIIn
_ you twI 10 -.. """"" after !han )'CU' IIIoOIhe
1OI'lgUI! 1IIIso. II I! a>necIl
... . Yeo. LeMnt rrIUIlaI
8. r""" 1981 your ecIucA1Icn 10 IM<!!" dIsdna 'ed, 5 ..
Nm. leu, ,, ... to' ......... tolo ... ..-.cI _
_ W>d. IfIaory one! rnonewy pooblE .... In the fMnIIyl 1$ It

.......... y .... li p' ' '''''
9. 1982-83 the ced.oIc.oI eduadon. willi .. _ In""'-, .""
10 t ' ! .... e". .... mil)' hwe token
.......... Yeo.
10. In 19S1-85)'OW &acher'1_ ............... ode tum ..-.:I he .....
buill _ .. opal). houoe ... fllCfOly .
M _ No.. COO"IC!N .... ' .If.wJ ukI ya.
11 . IhouId hwe .. period d _
lICtIIe\a.,eM .
. __ ... y ..... AtJdt:d ttll1O P 10 l.ISA
11. 1985 1!16 there could _ bN:n ........ dwIge and ecIuaoaon In
.. r.r elf pWa In_ you. this MOC ...... IhouId hwe been
p.nfy >edM1QI
.......... Yeo.
13. In 1986-871here1s ......... c:IIange..
_ M. r ....
r ..... __ .. .",.,..
1 1n 1 \lI:I9-9I) or>w_ tall< of and .... own attraction for
""""'""'Ie coolId Iud you on Into 1n further
.......... y ....
15. In 1990-91 yo<Jr n-.y """".-. pa..:e Of ftNll!.ed .
.......... y .... Mq 19l w.a the dl: rIO SI>"=
16. Roundobout INs petIod. aftc< 1990. there m",t """" -.
...."".,. p<otH! with younr sibling. perhops . obieo'
.......... No.
17. In 1992.093_ c.ouId I\ave -...""""" further " ....... ng. How
_ YOU' faltler', health thI' period ......d what w ... the
...."".,. omtggIo: during Ihk period. ""y from 1991 19931
.......... y ....
18. 1n 1993 did you youneIf w.e. """'" -. about a.nd Of
.......... y ....
19. 1n lW4-95 _ could I\ave -. cNnge 01 reskIena! Of
factory and even YOU' _ changed Of InvoM:d """'" .
... ....... y .... Added rJwt thcyshlffed toBamly.
ZO. In 1995 when you I\ave """" to me _ Is struggle In you.
own wort<. and you I\ave no de about your g<Wth. Is It

.... ...... y ....
2 1. Bu. your father , I\ave -. In aoundant slroce 1990 .
.......... )lddM,e "" w.a MIng.
22. HIM! you <IeckIed to """"""' pMce Of even go obro.>d. with lot 01
tension In your mind !hac
.......... y ....
2.3. Your technical wort<. """'" .......... f.>cru!lng etc. Of So1ng to
gootI_ ftnc oIwpe bu. ofta """'" 1 .... ...., ..... ggw,.
2 . In 1998 lhere w111 be. rum 01_ In you. fa""",. TiIIIherl
there an be ......... confusion .
.......... LooI<it1g fotwNd _
25. If you -:wsNp Co:><I<Io=. Mo:>Iho;r you wlU benc-IIt Immensely .
.......... y ....
Exam .... . )
RoeadIt1;!l SIWn on 18. 1995.
You. ho<oowpc ..., ....-.IerSO change If the birth time Is earlier
Itoen S AM. It Is the d"", stven to "'" may not be &<:<:ur e. YIM
pIeIISC commer on the iIollow1t1;!1.

now... __ "
I. HM your fattoe< -. _. _!lie to' 0 . .... . _ wilt!
"''CHkw> or Iow ...... ,
Is he -.y lid! _ IcC 01"_1)'1
- -
&llmpie. J
UIO ....
c, _
_ 1M< GK PII OK 8K
23"0' 0I'11!' 0lI'32' OJ"C4' 21'0&' CIe"U' '1"1" OO'U'
.. h.d.,... ."
... _ ....... 21.' ..
_ _ ....... 27.1111
KoI "'" 27. ,_
...... ....... 2IJ, ;/IXI3
$wi ....... :za.20Z3
-. _ ....... Z7. 20ZS
..... .. Aug 28. 203t
ItM\ ..................... _ .. ....... 28. :zooe
Jup ....... ................. ....... 21, 20!101
- -
____ , __ ....... 'l1. In,
....... ___ n . li12
_ . _ ____ .... 20, leu
_.sun ""'"ZO.'.
__ s.,.27, '.
____ ,._ Ft1112I, , ..
...... Ftill 22. '_
_ ..... ............. __ . s.,. 12. ,.,
_.a.t .................... Ole Ie, 10113
"-f_-'" _ _0.0_
.......... No. tIcIo.. _" dll(.,.,. h ..
"""f'MIY ..... 1M MkJJIionIJ IM:tmMdon on.
2. Havoe you _ In .. pWoce _ IhMI you: _ pWoce _ .....
In .o1OreI&n alUIItly1
_._ . CdI.odon h I'Une (6krh Is h 4ombqJ.
1. 6ero,cc"your blrthlll 11175 "-_ _you: /dIer _
_ 1'Ie 1mpo<IWII_..." alrNdy1
.... _._A'lwntyllltdo hIsOi .... 1t uo .... hpoc rod
. ! to, 19l5_ 19111_youo_-.nIl
._ _ Yes.
5. 110:1'0 04' 111111_ 1\18) d'>en: coukIl....e
sNftIrog. -.. .. rnoven. to .. dhWIf 0< brdsn pIAoe. 10 It CO,,%7
.. /Iob.
6. kt ea. 1\18) and IIl8S II:eto! _ ..... cNrosos ...... you
'""", ... .., IOwMds type d u:Iu<.ollon, Ifom
""""I you Iwod pIAmtd. Ifcoukl be IhnkaI yet """'k """""lion.
f.nsIl'oI!Ct1ng 00" _le<.Nre could _ -. youo "''''"'a .....
... _ lID br.., alP ca. 1lI'Ieen,..... 0/ dm'a'
""'* Ihr duo Iht.
1. from 1085 SOi'" to youo t.omIIy btcMne ImporWll. Yoo.o Iwod
your own boI-. -.. ...., pauIIoI)I youo own CM abo.
__ . )\of.
a. In 19M II:eto! coukI _ -. .... d youo ........... ..
pooIponcd. the......". could _ taI<ul pike In 1l1li).0).4
.......... Yes. I!IO' It> 1990.
II. fII&t:! ....... ......., 10 bI.& _ and you are In
.. posIdon .... 1ii1y _1ot&AIIy .
.. _ ...... 1_ PMfneI h nty ___
10. Foom 19\I6d'>en:M!CITO'J 10 be. bli moYC lOct..nactO ..
pWoce. enon .. Joretaro country.
-....... ,
"'"'"' - ,--VI,. ,_
WhIch Ayanamsha?
I _ pooduc:oed .. my _en ches ItII'oII&IIIhoo
.........,w betIs u-. _ LohI!1' .. I '-pmdooced In Ihoo lui cwo
""'c0CWt ........ ":lel ches dwI my cd'Ioo:r -'*IW -*' '-cion!
Willi .. Ihoo burdons 01 an ofIIr', Ire.
M)'1nCotr$ ......... _Ihoo stucknCs...toom _ '-... "" t'$i iIo;or
orlsfNI and _t, d_1hoIIkI uceI .. pal' alb + SV' ,
II II 'lI Iu_ IIYIIh! -' GIIOIogeoI ha Iound time iIo;or
or\stNoI .... =e eft. Why1 They dd not '- !he
wJa4!l1lc IpIItude and appoAdI, They ....... SII 'e:! the Ide of
InMIIon .... used no -S- ... ,
",,""SMe .oIIten-.ed In ............ theUSlo. II wNd't _w .......
Ihc:dcI be " .... " ed. ThIs '" aucIoI now In 1995 """- Dr. bman sot
.. boob..tlll ... paalbed iIo;or who! _ uMed 1tc New
oflh! ........ CaundI of :de ....... f ..... _ point
_ '-II> poor! _'1Pi' oy ........... 1 ..... !he
In .... d"'t" of ..... _ and Ib<I;y __ '-
been ...... _ cny ........ yeoB. 'Why _ PI;man' .
Impc:osed ....:IdcnIy In DecI!rnber 1994 m.y be bee ...... !his
1$ not Ieed bJ 4'NforIIY of alb "&"" In 1990t a
_"ace of Io.IIIndIol Plf'ldlanga MIokon(l4lmarwtc 1N4keBI __
In whIctI _ of Jon;y eI&ht thIny ,.,." ...,....0 oa:I Ih!
__ 1n tamon
........... If Dr. RInwt Jell with ... the
.. of boob In whIctI ... II!tft hII _ ..... he IhoIIkI
II1II '- 1 1 ted Ircm ImpcoItls hII on Ioeen _ of
WI'Io voW pct:It.ocoo r , dlCS uoIr\a vatIouI "-S- In which

We __ Ieed ... .....-noN .... 1 '-bond II mosI'
-utoIe In mIII1)' __ In my bcdo., and 0IIIdIa>. I _
_ up Or. 1IoIman' , own 1Ioft>tcope .... ......, pawn '-1-*1
time !he bInh ofhllchlldren ttwcu&h
Or . ........... lhc:dclt-oo ... ,:
_ cl"af&'< cNm, .... had dono!"" he _ t-oo Iound Ihoo
very foundallon clhb genlns desuo)oa:I, 50 very IInw his

noor.r_ "'"-'" ,_
loy"""","",, _ ..n.d<ed, he rq:wodt.ocled _ 1 ' ..... d hh
by d'>e' ..... who ",,,eel ,0Jd.'3 exupI .......
...... IM1toemMk.oI 10 de, ............ .-.1
ptKllc.ll tdonc<t.. IOIarqM .-uoed _ v ... '" fit""" Ills pdnI,
who _ uoed La!*I'. _ be
"""t 1WnM._ ""'*" he '-hh Jot _ d.- """"
-=t .... ThIs chor1se does ..... Ihoom as Ihqr not be

ToMoJns !WNn'. own _ope tftfI!he dlfltioonceo In deSH!I!J
.... both lint:
I ... tndon ' 4, Dr, LV. I'Iaman

LoNrI' . lMnan' .
10'2'7 I loST 01" 28' _
Swllc..-J U"59' U "ZT 01' 28' """'"
MoonfT ..... 1 23"40' woe' 0 1"28' _
In 1NoWl/Y .. !hecll'lit< ......... will ........ <Iqrft_ 28 ........ tft.
To Do . ......,.. tills mMeo no dil'lit' ..... bI!<-_
.. HedOesnol ..... dMyoiltrevargu.
b. [wn!he ...... MIIW lie has JI"en Dooks I'1f'W!I' dIIcuHed,
In INo ...- sIJ<Iy )'CO'" _ he has ..... onoe
de .... bIr.ted "'" ..... dv ......
d. The CI(dIt _ ... '" be JI"en '" Do. a..... Is _ he ......

Ktrt 10 >:he IWnM ....... "' .. '" both
30. 1930 ....... ... .. '"
lI1hI11'. A)'
11_ IWIu-VertU$ 10 R.nan ....
Set the _ dKide It younroIf.
HI. mother In Mars-juplIef IlODDI'dlns 10
_ II C<IIft In two _ )upIIef II !he .,.. kftI oIthe l),r,oodstwonlN
.-.1 both MIn _ )upIIef _ In the ) - the Moon 01 Itre
h _ be _s.n.m ............ to a..... .... h II
.... 1alhef_ 1n 1941_ ....... ... .. tO lahIrI" h_ I'>PI*-
Mem.oy petIrod. Ktrt !uP"'" II the 1" kftI d!he 1_
)upIIef' , Ide In d'>e' oIn1rOlhe1._) _ Mem.oy II In the 8'"
..... ,.
Aao<dIns '" 1tornM\' , ay..........ulla II w ... aloo jupI,..,.-Mtn:uty but


- -
,.,. ".,.


11'5T 2o'"5T
.. ... , ....
UOj .... -..,.
I __
:42:20 p ..... 1ST
.... -

-.., .......
02"15' 10', 0'


... ,-
-....... .
here MetoHy goes Into 9"' hou>e .one! Nos no aJIIIlctIon.
y_ y<:M a>IfOIogers wtltte"I obout de.olll ol
Dr, !WMn'. UluotrIouo son. SU'Y"PI" ....... who oeeU me
r--.bll,l..:Ndlng Dr. -., ..... ol" .. gasmore
According 10 me Sun. the S" lord aopected
by Marl led 10 sudden deolh ol hII son, Surya I'tolwh, on
s..pteIiber 2. 1963. 11 wuSatum-s..n perIOd, Here posIlionolthe
Sun In the 3" house .upected by MNs. the 8"' Ion:! Is ayIUIi cleAt
Ao:ordIns 10 Dr, -". the de.olll oc.currfll In
s.rum-Moon. Here the Moon aopected by should no{ .one!
CM\IIOI be the uuse olthe de.olll 01 hII son.
Dr. IWnot> who Nos produced no ..... ct; onMrJ vgas, sho<IId
ay"""""".one! ""-""" how by IIIdIln& 10"" own
he lias obIwcted hIghef .-In ...uoIog)I ro. _
d.o>deI 01" more.
, n.._,....,.



- -

hi '

n",,1nS In me _ .... .>dtnlrer who has Pf'Id hkn .. tr1bu1e for
JMn3 10 men IIk<e me ...... b <Vw"Ma 1ISI2Oiogy, he Iound It
10 a:apI my IOUI "" ,10 n cI '* at !he ......
WIth .... mind !\aYe If\ed Ihe Rotnan
It most """"'OIUbIe _ the bIas- ",,"lode 10 IQhef __ In
- .
,h b "l' , I IS, 1'1"- .*"L ....... 1taman
HdaIe Oo;eober)O, 19lOWs....alyln lheperlod
Au:otdIns 10 Ihe ......... Is In )upioer-
k eM> be $Int;e s.r..n II the ".. I'Iou$e In the bini!
..... ,.
---',. ...
-"'"' .... ,
"'"- s..... _ ...... ......... s.tum "" ....
211'1 4' 211'2T 011'52' 11'01' 00'02' 22'33' 111'42' 02'5T 21"38'
Dead! Surya I"rakaoh
look .. t the sa house the birth horoscope at Mn.. R.aman ....
you kn;)w tN.t the .. .. son Is oystoI duro 10 the
Sa house a/I\kted by 5&tum _ OO<pI.oInolt. AccordIn& 10
the death occurred In peoIod.
IIrlcd >OrN:tio,,,, 0< the otho" .... Iound ...
atlhom sMna WIOI\lI _ . Those who .... It\!Ionstell In ..........
raeateh musf Idck 10 only. It Is possible tN.tln
.-.. future tho;n: be (.O<Iecdon oI5M"'Oe Yet, 10 """'" willi
.... .oy ............ In wt1Ictl the dill'","" ..... Is "".t>surdIy I.arg<! _ wt1Ictlls
_ unlit ro. totgoe .-ch Is 10 do to
- .
' 00
_ ..... :0'
7;""g -... _ " ".. , 0MI:0
th.,.tration t 6: An Americ." tmtanc:e
A ........... npe t saw In tt... L5A 03R ..:cordIng to LmllI's
ayat>Olruho." gIvoen below,
Accotdlng to ayar.rnsha. he w ... pMSIng Ihtough the
period 01 MerI:ufy-Mat:o 1111 July 1994. As b evI :Ieol!, ..... b tt... 6"' lord
_ the 0Ih0:r Is In the 6"' house In the birth homvope . b In the
6"' house In bod'o the birth homvope.and tt...
W ... 1M' fodng any charge 01 UnelhIaI p<00tIi 1I'I1I<I asked him.
He w ... d.ued and 10(6 told lib friend Mate s.n
that I had nO<! OUt lib problem without lib to ,ell me.obout It,
Accotdlng to l!.aman's'"yat>Olruho. 1M' w ...
period. Con you _ the conru.ton that Is c.ou>cd when the
d.uharnsh.a Iogno cMnge, Or, RarTw! should "- tiled dllfe<em
_ < on va/gil
- ....... .
Log"" Sun Moon
01"10" IINI' :1'33' 1:J'22' Q8"M' WilT 04'21' IINO' 11'20'
___ .... ,'" IDooho
Illuw atIon 17, An Indian Example: HartI....t e-
The fest 01 an lO)'anomohoo Is -. Ihoo dqrees 0I1hoo Lo.gN. _ on
u... _ 01. _ as though "hood ",,,,,,I u... au- _. It Is
_aM S....-..y
~ -
Moon _ .................. ..... A&.og 31. lae<l
14> ' op .................. . Sep 1. 1_
_ ........................... Sep 1. ,t70
RJ4I\ ........................... A&.og 31. ltn
~ ..................... 0cI1t. 111$7
.'<op I., ... _ ............... "'"Y 2. ~
~ ........................... Sep 1. 1Wl1
JIop.I(M ....................... A&.og. :zoo2
S. ...... _ ....................... Sep I. lOll
Jup-v.n ............ _ ....... .lUll 2003
_ ....................... Sepl . 2030
~ . . . . . .. .... _ 200II
~ .............................. Sep 1. 1"'7
.......- .............. ___ .r.. I . lOCI?
....... ............. .. Sep I. 2064
~ ........ .. ... May 2. 200II
SUn ....................... Sepl.207.
~ . . . .. ............. _. Apr 2000
--.... \-



MardIn. 1 .. ,
11::15 ...... 111

- '"'""'-
_ ..... -
12'10' W2l ' 00"2" 01"05'
CWOT OI!"2T '."8'
- -
_.* .... .. "")
_ .. _ .................... 1_
""'" 30. 1\1Il00
..... .........................
... _ ......... : s.., 17. 111915
RM'I ._. __ . __ ._ ..
JuF I. _on_on ___ .. "")1. 1*
.1'P JooIy30. ,\11100
-"4>-KoI __ ._ J<If'. 2001
... _ ___ :..v. 12,2002
_ ""'" 30. Z02f
__ ... _. hlJl0. 2005
Ke1 ........................ ""'" 31. :zooe
.......-. ................ _ 28. 2005
........ _ .. _. ____ ._. ""'" 30. Z053
............. _ ... _._ ..... _ ... "")1. 2007
s... __ ... ""'" 30. 207)
""8. 2001
tt... d>e .. _ of.., CIDIT"OOL All ........ )'OIa"S mill
who helped me SO IiIrrI4h !he oInce too It IIUdI MIl
ruda of "" U!fOIosIcoI K1ef.ature. &<>I from me In wrllIn& the
--_.- -
_,., _ Coo'. 'N'"
VowNnh ...... IfJlslotly_m.n ..... hubHn._ded.CMI

I'Ieae poe your remorb ..... me ......... "11 lID .......... me
1. When you -.. bam, _ you _ nee wry IUIhy 01 then!
_ ... _ ... \ott_' ...........
2. The """'" you _ bom In _ wry sood .
1. In 1963-61 your Who< -.Id have cl'wlgcd pMc.a 01 lID
_ .... -
... .... _. 1'Ir>IbfY dtIi!gI pI'I)It1Ym..
4. In 1961-<.8 you do _ In studies aftu dwoaIns JCh:xoI
....... _. 1 _ put JidrJI. -.. rromwI.
S. Mer 1973_ befooe 19711here Is _ ..... ,IE 01 __
... _-- then! __ Imoeo_ In you _ 01 you bou&ht
.......... c.... .,sq.
6. .... ro'eo. 1977 _ 1geOthen!.are __ In me
INdy oId\oan1stty. _ led._ M ....... _ h.a. v.tkto
_ .. -
.......... No. I f\:>OIt In hlSh Jd>DcI.
1. 1984-8S_lOtoe.crucW_ ........ you..--.
IItCepf lOb In me ...-y 01 (,(II oeocW thIppIo-a _ ""* you
........ -
.......... 1965 Md 1 P" job In JNppIn,g. R/'Il '*"'" ....." IndI.o.
8. 1986-8111oete Is _ kIYe 1IWf. 01 piK.e_ , .,.a.oeoot
lID IUd oeo CID\OOItIy
.......... 1987 ,...." ... _a.aed
__ ,. 19901 "'Pt1I.
9. In then! -.Id toe. like IItu.o1kwl __
JIrlIn public I'd (c." 01 business. The CIIIoI1i! -*' toe
II>e 01. Iih.ouI 01 bwM.
.......... n.e..:_ . .. a"" 'W--
10. room 1991"""""""",,, -. '""' " ..... """"" ctwoseJ. v.odllodont
10 I\rod ... ""wer 10 wtoIcII oome opIIttu.oI q_ toea.on-
..... _ ... Comoct.
---'"" ... -
_ ....... ' 1
11. Your _ hood some contICIS wItto !he &O""'"',.,>e,,' or
saved ..,d Lt...,. dkI N$ own ""-1.-. He should be
..,d rich. wItto In ........ 1emIy furnlshe<l hr:>u<e willi ......rt>Ie fIoorIns
a pIao<e .
........ CcwNcr. .
1 Z. You (.<Ud be flUe<! siblings ...... 111 you bdns In !he mldd ....
... .. .. CcwNcr.
13. from )uty 1994 !MIlO haw been changes buf 1000 cl _ .....
)lOUt )'OU"8ef bfott>er too "-" ou/fer .... some loNes, You
too Iosf some """""y In .. .
......... . 1 0JUId JuIkre<J IxH nor my btod!er,
14. YOU could haw gOl: Inferesledlnme SMlycllon8uagesln 197Z.
1979..,d again In 1989 89, days I......,....,.. !he
cornPU11tf lon8uage abo .
.... .... 1988-890JU1d
15. [lder _ .aftet """'YIn3 against me 0)0"'" ,1Ico .. clll>e famlty
..,d In hanc1000me person. could haw .. son. unless me birth _
,,"c, o Her martIage could haw taken pIao<e In 1967 or.aftet .
......... . s.:..r WoOS _ . Now Jhe Iw d.JugII_ (toMtuJ.
16, The)'OUnSO" rn.y haw taken !he cil1zenlhlp oIa foreign <:<>untry.
fNY In_led In .. gill 0U15i<Ie india MId alter some
unso fullobs. mq "'<101"8 some ""-I""",, now,
........ BIothItf Iw Gon.odW> rnkkncy, Irr /oIghIy pMd job ..

17. Youryouosoec brOlher' $ nairingcould be IKhnIcai w.y Ilketlw 01
an .,,-.gI.-< .
..... CcwNcr.
18. Your splfI ..... Ole will be good bur yout habit 0I ........ in,g
yoo,orsdf wItto .... f doubt Is .. ..,."'" OC}I you should avoid .
........ Do _ 1* 01 MOd " __ 01 drlfllr,g Mona
.... thour Mnblrfon.
G"u' J ". """ r.n-
I . You, "",","",.., ,, and -ns _ wons Unks with
Iotdgn counnies you live In india or .abroIod.
2. Your own now and you will experIeno:e a
........ 01 dlrectlon.
1. Your sKlt..n.. will go on _I and I'OU' period 01 spI<ltuai
Which .... now began ..... N ..... taln )'OU /tom wllNn.
4. aut !he pull be. co' me twO, _nlng wry _ and <loins
sKll\&ov. will goec Iwn"oorUed wry _I. Do not mognlfy IN.

5. A1te<MI.rch 1995.)'CIOJ wdI move our ollhe country.
6. In 1996 middle there wlH be dIanceI 01 rnanylna;.
7. In """'" oI)IOUr dlsIrod\nOIIQn 10 many. )'011 _ many _ '-
hippy ITWlleclIIfe _ hive ctolldoa .......
8. y".. bood>o;i Is"'- _ days In a iIoreIgn &kt
whom he moy WMl' fa many.
9. A GooSe of)lOUr fl.1hu which two<! h$orIp In 1 \163, de. InIo
.. ..-e .......... trouble In 1984-85. will <kq; on till tho! _ 01
1996 Of even 1997.
10. Splrltuolllfo: Is an urioIdmo:nt """""" gy_ _
.. ouppon to bNkd. lhlt 1$ the _ 01 fMl)'as. ...,
InIftnOI (DndItIon wllhotrt '""_ trappings..
(RNdIngsstwn on _1. 1995 at myplKeln * Kunl.
P ...
No(e, 10_ Odlll cI\atg8 ", ...... osIy
_ found It dll'llcult. He sMI _ he __ 10 rectIfY the
1IoroKope, ThIs Is the typIcM rlld<el 01 ..aolcgUi. nm ak on me
basis of the hof<><c:<>po' bdore )OJ. """'" q.-llons. If the pattftTl ..
anc<g'lng out. all !hat will _ 10 be done Is 10 really some degi
v.!1hout chan$lns me
wll! .:cordlna; to's ayllnOlTlSha. You will _ M_
Iogn.a willi Mal$ln It. Rahu In the 3" "",*, Moon. _ s.o.twn
In !hell"' _. Ku In the 9" _.IheSun In the la-
t.......,...:1 v ....... In the I'" house.
The whoiIe re.dln,g 01 his life would 80 wrorog.
Of COlI ..... 0.. Roman has !he of making up rot his
teJ.1IcIoI ddIdei ... y I!woush the Ohrwa Nd he ...... uti! p.s. l)'er
told me rTWIy dmes!hat Dr. 1toman could sM: IOUnd IUIdIngs with
the help 01 0tIn,rv,a NidI . We an .twu .......... fI'CIfn 1985 10
1991 . the Asb'*'Sko! lnol$b;d!Nt the oIltoilv
GondIIIhAd Then Sl.IddeIIy In 1991 .... ftndlnS It In
the Ohrw .. NIdI, the cNng<! 10 leo was without any Dr.
Roman could I'll)!: flSute It outlh&t RoIlY c;.ndhI's hoooKopc 1..:110
....... Leo MCendant. In .. letter 10 the editor In jMouary 11l6S, 1
InsImd that It had 10 be Leo. AgooIn one year bdore the _
I I\ad made the p:<Ik:rk:ln.
,.... CnocIalTw:
The dlfflcullies of 0.. RMnM!'s ..aoIogIaoI can!Jo!O" has betrllhe
indian I"I1me MI_lndlra GandhI about whom, In spite 01Il10 haWl.S
r-. __ "_ ,DooIoo
Ito! __ bIfth IIr'M. he I..t 01 WIurft.
He -......t tw......,w, 'ftI 10 _ Gullhe CIIUOa 01
"'. ,.d .. " I I: TM C- ell..!;" G. IdhI
1. Tho! S .. 1oIdlhectw-......n. (0-12) 1!llnlhe 12"'houoe ....
.-.Itcl.....tlldl her I\MI edlJallon 1n.1o:>rdyI COUlltI)!.
2. Tho! 6"' 101, V.,..... In the 4" houoe. the 4"'1ord In the 8"' house
fIIII.tft1ctf!d Melon to Indl, wry sIc\IJy " ...... ..".
3. In RllhlrKen! peoIod her Whet becMM the prime .... _ 01
IncIIio. Ken! In the 5'" house b In the house 1'I'IInIIIenh1p.
4. In __ peoIod. one bdnS Ito! 8"' kIId In !he .,.. house cI
l""M J1du s .+ 'ftIby
_ cI her _ .... '8IlIIY cI her . ,
-... - ,

5. The '-"'Iyallllae:l I I - house...tth!he l"_ In !he II .......
her Whft !he eIdeo( --... .13 eNId of his .,..eo.b.
6. ...,.... OIIIPKI on \he ......... '" he< tatt-Ihe dial.' , _
tw_ ... foce he_ -.. g .
(S<ee my boo!< MtI,*,. DeoC'n) _ !he 'MIeeI 01 TIme)
1. ThenherfAlher's extr .. marIt.oIdtN 0."". _
_ ....
""'-'I A, __ _
l. Joretsneclo ........... Is _ vbIbIe.
2. SId< .. wbIbIe.
3. r.:her"1 f...:.e Is _ ...tsIbk:. On !he otha !\and, !he
of $AlUm _ "...,. on !he .."... -*I ..... '*"
In my book Nehtu Dyn.os(y I t- st-l deep 0I0Ir<II0gIcIII
__ on .

... .. GondN _, !he a_ry oIltMnM ...

poc:duoo . &uthe lNI-..cyt..
been !he : tlude In his ",poloflluol-. He c:ooAd '-
produood..,..,., _on Vlfgas __ aspKIS 01 MI/'CIogr 10
... d&e his &ul he It Ihe ..... who __
_ ...... lI1aIish. 1kII ...... _, 10 ..-"",.o _
_ ty .o Ramon cWms,.". hImodf .... use 01 !he
high ptoftIe he can build up roo I*'rIsdf IIvougtI his
..... -_ . .,--,-
CNj)tlf - 12
Summary and
Some pdnts _ SOOf\ous ""'"' terMmbft .."
I . FIrtI.....-I<e owe IIwrt _ lime' .O)'OU 10 CCIITCCI.
l. n-Jflll c.oA on 11M! _ of iIIy.-msiwo only.
l . MaILe dMsIonoIl .................
4. od)bebeycu-.
S. Do no! miss "'" <Nnce 01 ..edna ,I( Io>osI two _
6. 00 not be.afr.old cl mIWMs.
1. ""'- mIiI_ oco. . .as !hey mUM ... your doll. and
_ ...n.'wcnI WI'OIlS wIIo<e. MI,1Akes (OI'I'In\lned by ..woIoga1
IhtIr bell !""G.
a. Do noll be If 'fOU ,.., told ""', !lOme ..m>Icge< Is
!he """Ie 01 .. book. ...., so .... ""'"' be &ood AOn ..........
tt.y _In !he USA MId. now ..... '" n...
9. IIud 11M! _ ...., ....., "- IntbIYc or IoptIII It II or _
10. 1f)'Oll SO to an -."*'8<., ..... I*n IO"')'OU """'''''''13 Clout
_ PfISI)'Nt' and IIle preoen( problu', I ......... ThM _ 11_
yo.. monIlIPPY -.ys.
11. UI.dy ....tIenyou w.m
CMI'Ie to tonoult you tiI,oIoglc.oll)'. points gtvcn In
!he .....,.,.,. ICIUIIny .......
Alb " . ..... Hodd For I'Iaearch (Shodha)
fof.rP:I In the _ o.N "'" modd ........ ".
_ elMo .. IQOdcnf ""'"' Is Ihe
I . Nofe II MrJ pIM\ft .. In _ pne<1Ity """ ....,
!he l " oIlCMk.o ___ the . " _!he Z" ofVl1ochlU,
u-gtlllil no< II...:: from conuowrS)'.
-,. .. 0 ,.,.,.- ,-.," .
. -
];! ........



, .

, .
:g; =':;'-=-"=:::';'M
2. If """ piMIet Is In MIlCyu-........ which an be ....." or rno.e
-. twoenCy tnlnutes from !he f.wI dts>to: no _ be
....aIyM . ...... 0IIty.
4. See U ..... IIIII 1ho! 5vW'oIlb.
5. See If In my Ihfte .e bIM1k I'Ioo.tte5 _e any
II ttonoldnS.
6. 1'1hcft Is .. s.dtoeos.o.d. II ..... (011 hoe 11110
1. ",., ImpoIcI: 01 ",., doosh.o dwough which .. pc<XO'1 I'Ib
"rudy ..... In<WltAe fMIb It Q:JIjd 100ft .... I'Ib
p$) die _ ou-.
,..._1-.0" _ __
8. Now __ Ihe CUIMnI _ ....- *'-1y and dI_
.... -
9. \IIew Itoe lu ... _ I'e!) dot ...... Ihe .... 1_ 01

Tolle .. an Ihe -..cnpe 01 Edp Ihe .-
01 !his cam.oy and do the GC Ise, Tho wrtllnS 01 hbIory
boIna what It Is. not be.Anked In the hbIory 01 the USA ..
the greoteI.-....mcan 01 this cam.oy biJ, __ ....... no IIesIUIIcin
In 1ndI.o In KCcf>dns ........ 81,.,.''- and yosI ...... In opIte
0Il'ft .. dOO<ku< and 0",1>0<100; 0Vbdan!fe. _
UOUI>Ie In life had Ie. or13In In Itoe kotmas 01 pasllife..
c..r,.c. bellum In -.y and Ihe Inos 01 .......... In bc<* on
1*n, [dip c..r,.c. on PI ............ Chen! Is. tI:gnIIIc.n <emort. Ore 01
' ol(JtlsllOd\o(h .....
1toe_ ........ _ .....
and .......... willet! dotmotiSlfale Ihe law 01 aoc and
ftIita. It not ony to !he _..., but to PQt
and rurule RYes. Qui tiJo Is !he I8UII 01 __ ....... _. 11
It !he c....... 01 OUI IUI\Ife e.<pon\c!ncet, lot !he WHI be de<ennlned
out IIIoooup and 00CII0ns naw" . (p.471
Cayce /wi Ihe sp.J\UIII_ to so InIo nonc.e and _ ...... _
_ _ and cured many peOple 01 thdt .......... In the 1>f:sIi .... 1;8
he _ not cN<" My but Iab!f he /wi 10.
f'IIv 1ft the "'"" , .. 01 td;p'
''''tnotlon I I: Edpr c:a,ao
Hor:te In the 12- ......... 01 ......... Is aspedIns Ketv In the
8"' ......... 01 rncIuN. and opioIlUIII and DCCllII powom..
Let me sIv'e some other alfOloslaol _ ,.,.. fovourlns thh
I . He _ nwtlo:Iln!he pMod 01 Moon-M:>on-s.... The Moon Is
his .,.. Iud. In his NVfrnIoha. -. Ihe Moon and !he s... _ In
SeeIheNav ..........
He _.....- on jIno 11. 190) . _Ihe Moon moohiodIooI'wo
and Moon Ihe .,.. Iud 0I11'11! bInto _ope and In !he""
......... lnlhe.-..........
Z. tts Me Jo:II ok!< ocrIousIy In 1910 _ he _ the
petIod 01 Moon-Ketv. In !he ...... onuh.o !he Moon In the .,.. _
and Ketu In Itoe 8"'''''''''' ""Uti Matt Is. dMt ....... 1Icin ,.,.. .... s.
'"" .. _COo '

= = ,
." .........

UpIi- - ....... ---
lD'4' or'" ,,,:rr 1.45' 1.43' 1)1' $1' 22'SII' 20'37' ,.23'
) , HIs d1IIdtGI wae born In !he ......,. "",1tcI. 01 !he Moon_
In !he "'*" period 01 !he Moon, !he I&gna Ion! 01 !he
obo In the period 01 MoB. !he S" Ion! 01 the
the 5"' houle,
4, the ftrst ..... _ born.".,. on Fd>ruary 9,
". .......
\ , When Ihr In!""" _ born s.cum _on the 5"'_ oICoyce.
1. JupIter_ ... '''l8theS'' -,V-"
3, !heS"' __ the 5"' _ , VIOnOIS.
... The Moon hood ",.tftftl ArI!es_ '0 d'"ftI the Moon oIG.oya: Of
_ ptepAII"8 10 do SO aI'Ift' Mv1"18 If_1ft! OW< the 5"' _ 01
* IDooM
-,._c.. __
In !he P<eadIn& JeWII!)r twO 1>ouB, a .-..n::h 01 mine
wt.Ic:h I _ In my book.
I. When the tNn:I ..... was born. Saturn _ !he hc:oIse

_ 11, 11101
1..11- 31./113

the houoe lot child, ......
Z. jupla" was In the 5" houoe .,... aspK!Ing the ".,..... nke
l. MMo _ In !he I>ou ....
4. The Moon _ In the Lognoo.
My theory cI the .... n_lIon .. LO' !he
ho<oscopeo of par<:tlts .....:I child, ..... set. v.alldated hoerL
111<0 1'ImII_.oa/",
The So. Of !he IcnIs cI the birth horovop<s _ !he
Wnshamsha. If exalted In eI!hef of Ihem Of both 0I1hem. Is. good
a .)--,(>:0 _ 1rWv __ ' '"' ,_
prornbe of splrItwoI de\ !!I:pmeI,l. In INs cue. Coyce'$ 5- 101 of both
the dwIs to Venus whId'o Is ex.oIted In the VlrmIYmsh&.
...., woOS born In the dasha of Venus wilen rnUS! _ hod his
divine expc<Iences before _ng the -ae of nlnefftn. Some
1ncut.oble.ollrnMt her ... 1'foors:I from,go! '"3S'.-. .. ted In the Pf'I\Od of the
Sun. the 8"' 101 of the birth hor<>Knpe but his splrItuIII _lei ......
- .
...., woOS mmIed In the dasha of the Moon ..-.:I had chlldfftlln the
dast- of the Moon ..-.:I
11 _ .......ume In the dasha of Rahu thai he woOS ........ .aneoIed
but after his rduse. dld nor helt.lte to conllnue his Pf.alce of
cutIng ........ fi'om .. In india. '"'"' know of many cases
of bitten by poho:lr'Ious and ""fed by from
Swami I'oornarIuidl11 of Moen,y .. Pr.odesh '- been cutIng mM'I)I
persons similarly for many )'WS ""thou! M'f publ1dty.
The nooobIe ChI<! Mlnklti of ClorI-. SrI R.N. Slnsh Ceo _
o-ing slmlWIy. 1 Wfou, In _ TebruNy 1986 1WO..-tIdes on
his, , ... the """'" of SrlloI<eo/'I Mb/'I, ... the gowmcr 01 AHlIn
who IIbo $lmlWIy.
c.yud1ed on 3. 1945 In the m.ajor pe<Iod and
the ... b-perlod ofl(f,tu the_of the 12'" _ the 8"' 101.
' Rustntion 10: Swami Poomanandji
Sw.omI died In !he mafo< pe<Iod 01 JupIter In !he 12'"
....,...., .and the sub-perIod 01 Rahu. 11 the of nI""'Y 1M.
I hod mel him ...... long eight hour ... _ him In 1962 at
the ....,...., 01 f.vnous 0I1nd1.a., SrI c.. L Sanghl. HI> dbdpIe_
devoIee5 hod _lite f.alth In his mi .......... fO CMf' . I bind
him it.$ a gr_ yogi Is, telling me .and <>!hers. If he Uked. about
""""""'"'" and ow fuN", all of whld'I came out COI'I'eCI ...., _ not
requited 10 SO Into M'f II""", Uke any grell yosIs about v.1'Iorn I _
written In my -. .yop, DesdnyMld doe Whed oInn...-
During the NooIiOrMl tmerSe<q' 01 1975. the then prime mlriste<
of india., indira Gandhi suspted him 01 dolns a PSN .... _ 01 her
political """",,,,,IS, and Wit.$)alled. Lata. wilen II was found !hal: II
__ of the norm.aI pIob of the poII1Id&ns 01 thai aa., he was
" .r'se<! . ...., never eYeIl cufSecl her. He said tNl hod 10 suire the
result 01 his 0Wfl kanno\ and Indloa c..ndhI and her family 01 chelf 0Wfl.
He hinted at the sinister possIbIIllIes 01 their end. who created us .....,."jd do justIoe. Mon should not eYeIl
__ 000
UOM- - _ *--.
01'33' 11"48' 20'35' 13'OT Q)'33" 10'$6' ot'W .001' 11'11'
K4ItJ ....... 31, lQl$
_ __ ........... _01. 11136
.... ................,31.'1'01'
_ __ .... .........,31. 1/1151
_ ............ """'"......, 31.'_
_ "'*'.......,)1. lVlt
_ __ .... .......,31. 1II1II2
with the oImegreotyosi thoi
.. -
r Sw.mI '" _,oeoooe 10 do .. 'P9'I In
........ c...ya,. II _ 10 pre.aot" _ 01 Of
<1_. Those who did It _ IItrOkI!s 01 IT\bIortI.Ine 01
.. ,rocal..,_d_
In IheUlM! 01.- born IwIIIy he !wi __ me ib<Ih 01 ..
IIJe -*" bII dlII\cI.II WId _ ""38_ .-It __ no!
_WId !he IqIdIed e>:A(IIy .. 1ihIt .. 01 .....
The ochI!I' Is .. middle .... man """" 11M! 10 be "',oIlIed In
'!he dodoo, MIha'e_ no hope d
1M ,,",lien! ................ SwMnI """"'-'<IJI -.m:I 11M! _ 'ec!
IM'IIIy thai lie -*" do the Ions ","II ...... oc*ttuoI The
podent _ cured In less 1hMI Jony elahf hoIn.
Scellw .. P __ ".''''_''', .
I , In IIw bIr1tIl'Jor<wope. d'>e 5- lord ....... """ In d'>e 12"_
I<>It*18 d'>e Moon In the 12- house,
2, In d'>e VImsIwnsha, me Moon UAlted whId'l It the 12- lord eI
.. -
1. In !he VImshomsI\4 II also !he e ucMnse 0I111e 5'"
....:I1IIe I C1" lord Is In IIIe 5'" house _ Mcfa.oy. d'>e SO' lord II In
d'>e 10"_.
HIs _'000,,,01 yoaIc po cos _ 10 be
...... s'ed or wIItn lois dbcIJi"" I>to:JuShf out
a _ on ...... _ ftnt IwId KDIlinC 01 pe< ..... _ beodl."""
his yoaIc otec:cIor... ThIs booIo _ given 10 me .r his In$tana: tor
disciple 01 his lor teOdI"8 when I 1....:1 d'>e SW ........ II why we
thouId no! 100 ,..,it oM IhoJe -. In !he typical indian trlOdltlon 01
yosIs he.., no! _ 11* to be done.
.sam.. 01 hIJ,.,.,.. A'l'Kduo .. 8Iven """" ./ont1 _ frO
be <'Jq)e,.,,>Ced to be bel' .1. 1* WOld II> d'>e".flMt
_ he _ /Ie _ on 1>1 .t. _ b1 fa d'>e _ . He
...",.., fMn lID Into lIEs -.. ItIG'I'I _ ...... II. lie did .a not
*'-10 .lfOIlEO /he pMlw. the _ end j 4 I _1Ie_
HIs yap: powen _ " .. ,..,-. W.rwn,; on \he roood. he
once ,,"w. pe<1OtI_ ..... dIsdpIe 01 his _ ........ _ be_In
one hour. A YftY -.toy man, waII<InS bfbWy on d'>e _ . he_
"'-10 _., "It... One hour oI!a "* ........ dIt!d eI-':.n.dL
Yogi _. house'- and had NO ctoIdren. HIs
""'" died YftY J>n aha lob """""Se, Then for eighty long he
--_. - . ,-'-_.
led !hi! 01 .. aIIbote. He lived only on .....
Edgor Coyce """"*' _ aNled .. In !hi! USA _
peDOIIS beI_ns In relnc.mollons ond _ kolImoo. The
.. nINde 01 !hi! id."CWIc. Ii ond _ be !hi! bI8!"'Sf
ob'''de to .ne 01 hoI!m In tun- MIItuCIo:s.
11_ ...... iUfJIIbot ..... 1ndIoln !hot ...,;II ....... _In the -..ald. for
!hi! USA hg CYef. he _oO oIOI'Id !he grMlesi AmaIaon 01
!he (OUIluy.
Spvkoll .............
-for ... In the ....... 101_ I. 11M 10 be tuct. .. _. 10 no
!IIJdIltlIns .. !he ..-polll1 and 1IIoe _y Indloln IWIII 01 oocapdng
bolt. 1he)'08l<. wq dille """ """"""y IM<\ens..
Whtn I c.onouIted )'OU '- ye.on .... )'OU Iwf Iinted Ihe
" You-.:sMna ............... 01
my !Ue'._ """ J>S7doulo&i.
I did IlOl lind I. eolSy to olCCqI! mo. my Ilk would ,.."..,.. lolkeoO
tpItINoIoI 111m. I ccmpIIt!ed my ..... 3""""'" In In<II,o ..tIiIe )'OU
_ 10 !he USA. -He w .. W)'tng _ lie CMToe 10 meeI me at ....,.
DeI'II ,.,1" t iiCot In Mord'I. 1995.
-You gOCoOlohodI from your gb1 and IhooJghl oIloCII'Nl WIfj
01 ow:rcomIns II. You IouI'Id .. ,emedy. Is moc'OU _
10 IIOi1 ..... 1- I ......... him.
"Yes I ... ourpoIwd-. he wid..
'I1'-oere Is .ood ourpoIoIng hft<E. A IypIocIiI weotem ......- 10
_they ItlInk 10 splrIcuoIli IlOl splrIcuoI. The woW 10 \I1oed
10 c::IIeolpIy In 1IIoe USA tNC r;on(e)'OU In tN, tountry ..,.,..
...... _ better """"quiet. n.y _ ileeped In ....... M+m 1OQIy.
-""c" oofi_ 1>.00000 .. "*' IlOl mbbt:l .. booOopIoIIwI
",..". If they hold --. !he area. yogis oIlndLo..4th chelf tpIoodour _
.coo N>.IJInll men and hutIlns '""""" oO' ctCOo<Io round Chern.
cor.oId never _ """" _ opIo1Nol11y In hIo acts at ...
"OUt IIIe 01 10 l>'iOIIoo ... _ ..",.... _iiClIono _ .. .ne
_ Ii. bI& hutdI.o. I. Is IlOl __ -.. spkItu.oI life
10 .os 1'iQm'\olI . I...ut rOghcl w .. pns 10 .ncnd I*IY where
I would _ Co <IIInk ond ,... ..-t. I knew I hold <IIded i'iOf 10 .... 01
my opIo1 ..... atlJ-' &uc I hold co. II _ IlOl _ -. -
-II: Is "')k 10 """trio", co:Iboqo _",11 dcy In ..... """'" -
-y.,.. In ...... USA 10m too .. Il1ed 10 "11"" ..4th ...,., mo. yogic Mfc
-. .... Qo' - .
twod no """lion with crlllvac:)', nle twos aulell dellnllkIns
_.-y Ion&.
let me Ihal "'", ... oN! dMne In the highly II\&!1!MIsIIc
lie 01 !his WOIe"..".
IIIuI;t:r a tioolll: A EIIt"OpUII M&Ioo
lit _ IUI'InInJI JupItef.M!IIS """- he wan bod< CO No (;(U\t/y.
Mars. the lord 01 the l"IaVornWo. the Moon .. under Ihe
In Ihe 1IOY.amsh&.
jLIpIlft'.f.W:s mIgtlt t- led CO xp,oratlOl> from No I'sIond
afte a quam:I.
n... S"1ord 0I1he ............ V.,.,..,. Is a/lIk;teII sImDar1y. In Ihe
birth hcmocnpe. the Moon \IIIdoef double aIIIk;tIon from MIn and
21"28' 110'48' O1 ' U 11"50'
,....--'- ,.-
__ COo'
Siotwn, the o"odo,," lui_its 1nIft"osIty.
He <lei _ ......... penon ohouId "" In .. ....-. _1hIL n.o..
10 ................ I '-__ In the _ ........ "".anyone who _ 00
b CID\,O, '8 .-cI ...- _ .... &01 -"t
uoduI.oo:Ma:. Dftp..,..",.,... s..m...._ mw "'"""" ct .... ,'"""eo.. l MYe
-' In the us.<. one! indio. MI'IAofo' pot""odIo'8 "" bt __ In
the IIPI><<W;I\ .., IhIJ lVflO' IUbjKt ytlaIwlIYS ""old "" .. new
autho< coml/IA out with .. booI< which .:oukI ..,. the ..,. 01 !MI,
own -. .. I>o<>b. Th..o, .. the .......... 01 buslnHS. I have ....,
........... 01 on old UUOIogtf 0I1nd11. solna to the USA..and t.aIdroS-
the .- 10 mIIIntIIIn Vedic puritY In the Hie "" .. ttndu -1Aofo.
w.- ..... "' .. " td with iN> qoitOdon In the lISA. I $aid --t.-.y-
I MYe -. ... Iroo:II.I _'*'so 1NitIuIr*lg..-.ythlna Vtdc
puritY InducIt18 that. old -1Aofo hImIftf. II.aIc , ..... .-.:1
.. ........ Iwvo: ....... _
dt\ c' ..... tedInIuiI .... Th..aI __ oIont 1$ the ...... IkIt wh)I dill
this old "'"""'oges ........... 01 .. pIIICft In tilt US/\, whae lifo 10
oouIIy ..... ttrWloII<l ThM 10 his JMn ...... the omaokI.o 01 .. It .........
who muJI poot 115 Gt.Iru. '" .. who will .- "oelll"S
btcau>e ..woIogy .. _ ytI will WMI to I.akt the
CMIIII lot !KIP It. He oMII me <lui! 10 .. CoJru
whhou. reolldns thAI ....... You&h< nothIro& 11M noI" ewn ptl MihO:l
tilt -..... duty 01 .. c....u. ThIo 10 the ....-. 01
tnsr- In ptfS(IN In ft OOJC _ we>( ""* who
IhW. !hoy ..., 1"'II:zb'" ..... It __ ....... -. -.-Ed
........ wdI ........ _1' rrT"J --t v.tJeIy.
...... t"
..... 110m lufopoo. Then I $aid _1I11t I<ntw I 0DUkl ecpWn
to I*n wily I I"""" lilal God _ ewI}' ,....., """" doe
.... 01 dMne "PM* ,..."." ro doe ......... almlMI In doe IOQ'/d.
Il oouIc:I bt ottn ... troIogk:aIiy...- 1Irntd.
I.e. """ e.-pWn II heft.
Jupllo ""9""" KeN In the IIIWIITIJI\a. But Ite!u loin the 6" houM.
Had .... been __ In )'08'11 He $aid .... hood -..
.. 1M V'mall."wIw
I . JupI"" ..... lIoc!>dmIo""1 '1i&-
L the 5'" lord 01 po.alc.e Is In lilt 7" houM d
3. Mort loin the s house.
If _ In die ptiIod oIluP1ttr ttw. .... had to bt to
-;:,-111' ," ' ..
- - -
........ -
I fold him Ihot the ttme-fr""", KCOfdlrcg 10 hli homvope_
from 1995.
'11: Is In INt pe10d _ 1 did Ihn!e CO'""", In """"'"""
"*'"-'.. "" MId.
'!he h "" MId _ In 0 tie, 1tc oa:uod In
,"' hboor 1_. bod! II"'Ie ptfIod ... JuplIf$.-...
Then he 1..:1_", Irw:k 10 af>end the Ihkd 0:-. In ....... In

The Moon It the bd 0I1ht bIr1h I.,. opt . the 1'" lord 01 the
......- _Is In 1he9"' houM In the
...... tndooll1: The lumpI<I of. H_hold,r
In my book, f jed
In !he 11_ pMtJollhe _ft!he _ . _(aeries SpIns; from
Are", how 5f*ItuoI _""CEO ... the birth oIP 01 """*'a
bel".. 'Il'Iroush the n .... one muse 10 Set IMnt, with Co:><! In his
In """'Y IIdd 01 """"'-...::tM1Y 1hItre ........ be leolO'ory. "'<CeM n
Ioikn. A _ __ IS hIm...t.o fIHPS _
"' ....... &"'. M 01 _ woukI DIheI_ be Ic.rln the a ...
of 11'" wilt. In ..... p co"'pelltions _
It '-bHn rrrt blmr eotpef' ... oce that In !he IIdd 01
IIMfOiogy when wilt! m_ odenIIlIc:. minds begin 10 do
the serious beSIn to doIm In the \)'pk.II IndIanIA$hlon
_ ... __ "'11), as ........... malt. It ... been 10 In Ihe
CCII'I'OI'I'IUt <II " ........cI .. pu abo. 5udI .,., the IIfeI; one "-
10 pMS thtcItJ:&h. Who _ 111 He _ ,.. -.r ' -0- .. II*.
ba co, the qs oIrNrry IIInd """. lNf Ide de'>0II!!d 10 the CMm/c IJ
___ ' .... ,.. ,000lI0
__ c.. __ _
doe onlY _ tight pIIffJC<fe 01. Iun.1n bHth.
Among many such I know oils ht 01 &.otuk 6haI.
How the side 01 his Qfe. hIddoon ...... tIy to the view oIhb
frIencIs and and 8'M' him divine Is
In ht booII.. Here an awoIogkM anAlysIs Is bd"8 st-'.
It 10 1>01"8 """'" with the Int .... tIon 0I1howItoS the In d'v"'''''S
doe yogis ... n .. Of .-.s _ need not -illY" gtve the e:ompIa 0I1he
wellknawn ones. We muot .- to 01 0Ki1noly .-n.
the W-1ro:I .... house wife .......
"The HotOK ..... of Batulc Bha!
I-'e was born In doe d&;/\,o 01 fuplter wI1Ido was over In 1918.
The d&;/\,o 01 doe 10" Iotd Saturn. st.>ttcd VftY --'Y. He plunged
Into _,.,.,.. as mosI of his s-allons, did, I-'e
"""'--'- -
--1 ..... ,..... 1---1
-'*' '<tod OIl! 011* _ pI.>oe
11I19S41t _ the porIad oIhb 5- lord, Mercury _ awe him
boch his two cHIdren.-d ........ 0 d his d 4 1 _
Then c.rne the period dltdu, In the 5" "-.......-. Moll.
He _ p_ to,! po<>pIe""""'" "'" 1NSted. It notIher ....
... eo. nor _led fn>m the pd! 01 -..... ThIs Ileal In chi! 5'"
houM: II the "Ares" OUt ot"""'kh IP'MS the eawles oiNt JPlrItuooI
Die. r.ut first the Ilno, then the II<Imng. then the e><MnIno1IonlO_1he
.". , ............ powe<. Now "'- _ 8"G" te I The w ..
11-. 5prItIIIII1* becMne prIrMr)I b him _ ewryttq 1:OI'Id.ory.
The greac ....... hoo ..... II JupIta In !he 7'" house.
1ndI.o" greaI b"CH .... the indian women "-10 be .......
opIttNIII support 10 !heir _ 61' tlvcJugllthe manlelllIJe.
Jurderthe pe. ..x...., .. Is, . ..... theyounge< aene<.adon
II ",IdE" fioorn 1taooo: s-t ......... II ... __ bod< InI:o the
...,...... "*"""" Ird!lon. ........ 1Ii ..... . ......... -. Is !he
lind '" yogb ....... IIumIne )IOU' life rrom """'*'-
Ills """"-t Iwq)aitd 10 laNk BhIIIIn the ,,.._ "'....., _
Ketu wI'oeII he fl'e oed the splrllUIII poth shown by his GuN. s-m
,.,_ $orne)til1 ....". I _ FC "'*""'" InIcIIodon
...... !he /PM 000N.
Vcn.o:J It In ChI: I Z- '-In me _ ...... E, !he houa 01
but with the 5" 10<0, Meocury.....:l the .-Iewd. the Sun. He
did all his s.odhAn& redInIns on the sofa d hIJ ......." There _
.oud ... bmioI. I*hMlfWd>flhMoupollpklrwJ,*, " f .... 1n
the pmod 01 VMu:I IbM M QI1IMI do his In _ cQICfI:b4
."" .. Ioac::.
He _ -' any IedIIIIP 01 IItha. 10 ...:Is
!hoM: ....... hood dft;O'Iwd him MId did ..tdous IIGOI"od.oI

n.., __ ' _ -,._COo 4
He had &do 6)WM __ _ I ......., no< Oftn ..-ry 0I1he
.. + S .In Ihe ... 3"""P oINIy 10 d3htY 1tw:)'UI$. II
lsdit' ..... peOpIclOt ' ... __ +g<,. """"doImlOknowlhe
"*""'"' .., 01_ ........ t-*'IP "'-bot abouIlI_ are ........
"""""'WIlY _ vulS- than .... CIf<IIMry ___ """" II
WO<IdIy "1Ivo.Igh wI_ OlIff Of piety.
In Ihe "",.....two. Ken. In !he '"8"" Is -soIn by juplle1
but no< wllhout the .sped 01 Mon. II Is !Ills aped 01 tNl
fUSUoIned 11m Ihtough those d.t,ys when he l:oun'Ied In _ c;Mne
"'" oil! ... "'**'3 SOld "'l.JnIesf &old Is tuned In ftre II .... no<
-.e," If Is ..... 111)1 GutuII. $wMnI P .. _ 501_ Ilwqs
wid. II Is ..- IYflpms 10 .. ......... There Is ... IrIsWn! "*""'"'
.. __ ... __ '"-
....... know _ opItttuoIllie '" _ hM 10 "" a ......... ectae
know Ihe !Mh.
EltMnIne ........ Ihe btura 01 tho! V\msI'wnoh&.
I. Venus Is Ihe 5"'''''''. 1M:re. aoluk __ h&Y1na Ihe bel dills
IntemIoI expo<Ia oces..
1. II Is willi Jupitel' In 11M: 8" house 01 MoI<Jh,o.
1. V......, _Ihe 11"' """ Is .... n !he """ 01. MoII.sIwo ""'-.
4. The Sun In !he 5"' house _ tho! _ po"', .... 0I111s __
COfI!ItUn& ...tIll .. !he Is -..yo.
5. The 1.-1 _ "" gee _ 01 !he Moon Is apectet:I by
v-.. _ ""'"'"' apn.
He _. spktru.IoI Jor&t!d by Ihe _ ollie.
" 1100112
""", ..... <II ...
O ...... ....,.
T_ , ."..un.u<
for Vedtc Researches and Practices
..... __ ...... _ ... _"-M !too
....... '._ot ........ __ ....
-_.,. ... --....
--"'< ...... _ .. .. IIo"Socoay""_

' __ I .. "'--,...,- 4 .... ::::::"

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",_", .. __ -..1 __ 10_
... .

..... .. .. _01_

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