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The first pillar, Learning to Know, encourages the mastery of tools for lifelong learning than the acquisition

of structured knowledge. It is both a means and end to learning. A means, for it gives a learner a good understanding of the world one lives in, and especially nurturing for
The challenges of the 21st century undermine all known value systems. Breadwinners realize that they need to get away from their families if they want to earn more for their loved ones. Some businessmen disregard ethical practices to earn more profit. Corrupt politicians continue to prevail in mainstream politics and influential government positions. All of these can be avoided if schools, starting with teachers, would teach their students with values and virtues they would

The second pillar, Learning to Do, fosters the value of competence and cooperation. Besides the use of the intellect, it must be paired with a set of skills and values that would make a learner an

The third pillar, Learning to Live Together (in Peace and Harmony), is the resulting pillar from the rest of the pillars. It stresses a great deal on social interaction, responsibility and camaraderie. This pillar encourages educators to incorporate values that The last pillar, Learning to Be, places the individuals development on the forefront of learning. While it seems to contradict the social thrusts of the Four Pillars of Education, it actually complements by requiring the individual to develop first before s/he incorporates into the larger society. There are many

If any universal standard is present to define what education ought to be, the Four Pillars of Education proves itself to be a sturdy yardstick. The world we live in nowadays is cold and unforgiving. It is wrought in near-anarchy as people, from the highest positions in the government to criminals in slums, continue to threaten the peace and order. Educating, rather than teaching, is the best solution to these problems. It is a teachers prerogative to inform the students on what a peaceful world means. If education meant shaping young minds

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