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CAMBRIDGE 430 Vo er S For barr ea) Elan tss rice abst Contents Thanks Cad INTRODUCTION 8 gi} Learning vocabuiary: tips and techniques 10 A Guessing meaning from cortext B Organizing vocabulary C Using a dictionary TOPICS ED Living with computers 12 Computers, friend ... ... OF foe? Things we can do on the computer A B Cc A typical PC 14 A Computer essentials B Parts of a computer { Functions of a PC: input, processing, OUTPUT, s5TOrage Types of computer systems 16 asia’ Wait fra eres Li welacable WUTLIPULETS Input devices: type, click and talk! 18 Interacting with your computer The keyboared The mouse Voice mput Input devices: the cyes of your PC 20 Scanners Digital cameras Dipital video cameras and webcams Output devices: printers 22 Technical details on 7 +} mow a Types of printers Professional English in Use ICT ma oo & ry) mm } On 7 om © Output devices: display screens CRTs and LD Hig screens: plasma and prejecnoan TVs Processing The processor RAM and ROM Unirs af memory Disks and drives Magnetic storage Optical storage Removable flash memory Health and safety Cloniputer ereufiiwiics Flegtroni¢c rubhish The risks of using mobiles and in-car CUOMPULETS Operating systems and the GUI Types of software: the operating! system (OS) The Graphical User Intertace System unhnes Ward processing WP features Spreadsheets and datahases Spreadsheer basics Parts at a database Graphics and design Types of graphics saftware Multimedia A multimedia system Recognizing Ale formars Applications 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 oa > 23 ,..8 ..+ _,..8 — ,..8 ...8 Sound and music 4? Audio fles on the Web Digital audio players Other audio applications Programming 44 Programming languages Steps In Writing a program Computers and work 46 Jobs in computing Computers and jobs: new wavs, new prohles ICT systems 48 ICT systems: components and functions Types af systems Types of devices and services Networks LANs (Local Arca Networks) Nerwork topology WANs (Wide Area Networks | 50 Faces of the Internet 52 What the Internet ts Getting connected Components of the Internet Email 54 What an email is Anatomy of an email Sram Mailing lists and newsgroups The World Wide Web Whar the Web is How cto surf the Web What you can do on the Web 56 Web design HTML. Basic clements Dd Video, animations and sound om a > 7 Chatting and video conferencing IRC and web chat lnstant messaging Video and vole calls Virtual worlds Internet security Internet crime Malware: viruses, worms, trojans and spyware Preventative tips E-commerce Flements of e-commerce How to buy on the Internet Types of e-businesses Online banking Online banking basics Online banking services Online security Mobile phones Mobile phones: definition and technology A brief history Features and functions Robots, androids, Al Robots and automata Lises tor robots Artificial Intelligence Intelligent homes Domeotics Control devices and networking Automatic Oper ations Future trends smaller and faster Computers everywhere: human-centred technologies Professional English in Use ICT 650 62 64 66 638 72 74

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