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Landmark School Tutorial Observation

Student: Holly Kaneb Date: 12/05/12 Time: 2:35-3:05 Strengths: Your rapport continues to be great.

Teacher: Becky Anderson Case Manager: Brett Hall Location: CT 17 Suggestions: None at this time.

I love that you allow Holly to drive some of the direction of the class- it is tting for where she is at this time. You do a good job redirecting Holly when she gets anxious.

Foundations Begins class on time Collect, reviews and assigns HW Visible lesson plan Addresses appropriate skills and strategies Effective use of time

Y/N Comments Na Na Y Y Y Well done Perfect

Facilitates maximum independence of student Y

Records errors


Teaching principles used Provide opportunities for success Use multiple modalities Micro-unit and structure tasks Automatize through practice/review Provide models Include student in learning process

Y/N Comments Y Y Y Y Y Y Along with study suggestions She drives it! Great! Cutting cards

Instructional techniques, class exercise: Feedback: Study Skills- vocabulary As I came in, you and Holly were cutting up vocabulary ash cards for one of her classes. As you do this you have a dialogue about some of the terms and there meanings. You also suggest using folders to help keep the relevant information at her ngertips and to make it more portable. Holly suggest using color to rewrite the vocabulary cards which you afrm as a good study strategy. Holly has some difculty with technology and printing, but you help her to gure it out.

Study skills- test prep

You create a chart which you share with Holly using Google Drive. It has space for the subject, date of exam, materials needed to study and study plan. You go subject by subject and she lls it out on her computer. She articulates it as she goes. Since you are sharing the document, you can both see it on your individual computers. Holly actually has a lot of insight and you help her get it out and organized. Her tendency is to get a bit overwhelmed, but you help keep her grounded. You give her a lot of choices and cause her to really thinking abut her schedule, study habits, preferences and time available. You help teach her how to prioritize. In addition, you cue her to advocate to a particular teacher of a subject where she is feeling she doesn't have many ideas on how to actively study the content. Holly seems especially anxious, is this typical for her?

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