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Jan 17, '08 11:50 PM for everyone

Computer Computer is an electronic devise for storing and analyzing information. Computer can do a lot of jobs more quickly and efficient than people can do. Since the first time it was introduced computer has become more powerful, smaller in size and smart with high technology. There are three kinds of computer namely: first is mainframe. It is a very large and powerful computer. It is usually used by government and big industry. Second is minicomputer, this computer is also known as a personal computer or PC. Third is microcomputer, it is very small and smart computer. It usually used as a part of a bigger machine or car. A set of computer consists of there main parts, namely the central processing unit or CPU, the keyboard, and the monitor. The CPU works like our brain. It stores, memorizes, and possessing the data. The keyboard has different functions with the CPU. We can use it for typing or giving other instructions. When we want to see the result, the monitor will show it on the screen. If we want to get a copy of the result on paper, we can use the printer. In sort, whatever the form, computer has the same way in using and it is very useful for us if we can use it.
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