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In looking back at Germany and the time period of the Third Reich, we see Hitler using his power

to manipulate and alter reality. By clearing out any art that wasnt praising the Master or Aryan Race, and only allowing artwork, media, architecture, and sculptures that glorified this idea of German supremacy, He brainwashed a nation into thinking what they were living day to day was the truth and the future for Germany and the world. If history was so easily altered and edited to create an illusion of a perfect society who is to say it hasnt happened before or even now? My project which will ultimately be the foundations for my dissertation looks at archaeology in the face of modern technology. My questions to you are as follows: 1. Do you feel that the power of Hollywood and viewers ratings and numbers can cause documentaries on history and archaeology to be altered in such a way that they become truth?

2. Do you feel that like the Third Reich, things are happening behind the scenes

evidence is being hidden or edited to create a better history or one that fits what we already believe?

3. How are we to know what is truth and what is fiction in the cyber world we live in today where the closest thing to touch is by a keyboard?

4. Some theoreticians in the academic world would suggest that really there is

very little factual basis for making statements about the reality of human experiences and that many, if not all, of the interpretations given to a particular historical or cultural situation by one person are as valid as any other. This is sometimes known as a relativist stance i.e. the answer to a question is always relative, with no single absolute truth. What do you think? Thank you for your time. Your answers help me on my long journey of discovery.

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