Case Hand-In Content Worksheet

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CASE HAND-IN Content Worksheet

* This is NOT the format for writing up the case only a vehicle for organizing your thoughts and arguments. IDENTIFICATION OF ISSUE(S)
What is the problem/opportunity? Outlined immediately after memo heading in your writeup to provide context

What are the causes and effects of the problem? What are the constraints in coming up with a solution? What analysis did you do to develop your recommendation(s)? Is not directly placed in your write-up but is used to support your recommendations & arguments and aids in your thought process

What are the objectives that the solution must satisfy? Discussed after your recommendation(s) to explain what was considered


What are your options for solving the problem? Alternatives stated to present options considered and then incorporated into your justification of why your recommendation is best

What is your recommended solution? Stated up front immediately after the issues in your writeup to say what you suggest to do to deal with the issues

What are the specific short, medium, and long-term steps that must be taken to make the solution successful? Discussed after the justification of your recommendation to demonstrate how to make it a success

What might go wrong and how will you deal with it? Discussed last to show that you have thought through what could go wrong in your implementation and that you have a plan to deal with these risks

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