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"Industrial research means the planned research or critical investigation aimed at the acquisition of new knowledge and skills for developing new products, processes or services or for bringing about a significant improvement in existing products, processes or services. It comprises the creation of components of complex systems, which is necessary for the industrial research, notably for generic technology validation, to the exclusion of prototypes." The production side of a business unit is referred to as industry . It is a business unit which is related to raising, producing, processing or manufacturing of products. The products are both consumer products as well as producers products. Consumer goods are those which are finally used by the consumers. E.g.: food grains, clothes, cosmetics etc. Producers goods are used for further production by the producers as the raw materials. E.g.: machinery, tools, equipments etc. Types of Industry Primary industry Primary industry is the industry which is concerned with the production of goods with the help of nature. It is a nature oriented industry, which requires very little human effort. E.g.: agriculture, farming, fishing etc. Genetic Industry Genetic industries are engaged in reproduction and multiplication of certain species of plants and animals for the purpose of sale. The main aim is to attain profit out of sale. E.g.: Poultry, cattle breeding, nurseries etc. Extractive Industry Such industry is related to extraction of goods from soil, air or water. Goods of such industries are in raw form and are used by manufacturing firms to convert them into finished goods. Manufacturing Industry These industries are involved into transforming raw materials into finished products with the help of machines and manpower. The finished goods can be either consumer goods or producer goods. E.g.: textile industry, chemicals industry, paper industry, sugar industry etc.

Construction Industry Such industries take up the work of constructing roads, buildings, bridges, dams, canals etc. This industry is different from all other types of industry because in case of other industries goods can be produced at one place and sold at another place. But goods produced and sold by construction industry are erected at one place.

Service Industry In modern times service sector plays an important role in development of nation and therefore it is named as service industry. The main industries which fall under this category include hotel industry, tourism industry, entertainment industry etc.

Objectives of Industrial research

Promotion of cooperation in advanced areas of fundamental and applied scientific research between India and other countries Development of cooperation through identification of scientists and scientific institutions of the countries likely to cooperate in a profitable way. Provision of complementary support to the research institutes for engaging doctoral and post-doctoral researchers. Provision of assistance in the form of grants for consumables and small equipments necessary for achieving the objectives of the project. Exchange visits for Indian and foreign scientists providing an opportunity to work in India and abroad laboratories. Organization of workshops/seminars and other for scientists of countries to interact on topics of mutual interest. Promotion of applied/industrial research projects through collaboration between educational & research institutions and industry.

Literature Review Problem Formulation: Understanding the meaning and importance of industrial research for an organization. Industrial Research Industrial research means the planned research or critical investigation aimed at the acquisition of new knowledge and skills for developing new products, processes or services or for bringing about a significant improvement in existing products, processes or services. It comprises the creation of components of complex systems, which is necessary for the industrial research, notably for generic technology validation, to the exclusion of prototypes. Advertising research Advertising research conducted by the company helps in understanding the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, developing new and better concept, knowing about the behavior of various type of customers and their wants. Concept Marketing Concept marketing process is for understanding the customer's needs. The members conduct surveys on small and big samples to come out with the results that might be beneficial for the end buyers as well as our clients. Some of the features of such service include: Creating awareness in the minds of the customer about product/service Initiate/ effect changes in the customer's minds about your product as a solution Advocate your product / service as a solution Create a satisfaction in customer's mind to buy your product/service Marketing and distribution research Such research proves to be beneficial to find out the market acceptance of a particular brand or product. The types of survey we conduct in this category include: Market share analysis Assessment of marketing potential Determination of market characteristics Distribution channel studies Brand tracking

Sales analysis

Marketing Consultancy marketing professionals are well capable of suggesting the right marketing strategy by making use of various tools & technique for any kind product & services. These professionals guide the markets in the following ways: Market Consultancy Services For Market Research And Analysis Market Opportunity Assessment Business and Marketing Research Consumer Research Business Environment Analysis Business Risk Analysis Market Entry Strategy

Developments in industrial research New product design and development is more often than not a crucial factor in the survival of a company. In an industry that is changing fast, firms must continually revise their design and range of products. This is necessary due to continuous technology change and development as well as other competitors and the changing preference of customers. A system driven by marketing is one that puts the customer needs first, and only produces goods that are known to sell. Market research is carried out, which establishes what is needed. If the development is technology driven then it is a matter of selling what it is possible to make. The product range is developed so that production processes are as efficient as possible and the products are technically superior, hence possessing a natural advantage in the market place. The US Federal government spent more than $25 billion in health-related R&D in 2005. In the United States, approximately one in ten compounds identified by basic research pass all development phases and reach market. Research The commonest areas of research in the board sense are:

a) Pure Research Pure Research or Fundamental Research refers to investigations undertaken primarily of the sake of knowledge itself. In this type of research, there is no consideration of commercial gains. b) Applied Research Applied Research is primarily directed towards solving some specific problem which has a practical purpose. Typically applied research finds uses for results of Pure Research. Development of transistor, computer chips etc are examples of applied research. Applied Research is designed to solve practical problems of the modern world, rather than to acquire knowledge for knowledge's sake c) Product Research Product Research attempts to uncover new product ideas which will meet the requirements of current as well as prospective customers. In expanding product research, efforts may be directed toward new and different products, new uses for present products or utilization of a by-product. The stimulation for product research may come from results of some pure research effort, some ideas from customers, need to utilize special technical skills available in a company, desire to expand product line in a feasible direction, etc. d) Manufacturing Research Manufacturing Research is directed towards development of tools and equipment, handling devices, and methods of manufacture which can result in costs and increase productivity. Manufacturing research is carried out parallel with product research as the feasibility of product research depends on the feasibility outcome of manufacturing research. Fiber optics, Robotics, humanoids, Just In Time (JIT) manufacturing, etc have added new focus in the area of manufacturing research. e) Materials Research Materials Research is linked with both product research and manufacturing research as the discovery of new materials has impact on both. The jet and missile age has put great emphasis on materials research leading to success of many space programs. Materials research has also introduced new materials such as plastics that can conduct electricity, that change color with changes in temperature, that degrade in sunlight without spoiling the environment, and superplastics from which automobile engines can be made. High-tech ceramics, which incidentally do not resemble traditional earthenware pottery, have been developed which are stronger, harder, lighter, and more durable than metals f) Market Research Market Research is a systematic, objective collection and analysis of data about a particular target market, competition, and/or environment. It always incorporates some form of data collection whether it is secondary research (often referred to as desk research) or primary research which is collected direct from a respondent. The purpose of any market research project is to achieve an increased understanding of the subject matter. With markets throughout the world becoming

increasingly more competitive, market research is now on the agenda of many organizations, whether they are large or small g) Operations Research. Operations Research (OR) is focused on the application of information technology for informed decision-making. In other words, OR represents the study of optimal resource allocation. The goal of OR is to provide rational bases for decision making by seeking to understand and structure complex situations, and to utilize this understanding to predict system behavior and improve system performance. Much of the actual work is conducted by using analytical and numerical techniques to develop and manipulate mathematical models of organizational systems that are composed of people, machines, and procedures. Merits of industrial research a) b) c) d) Gaining access to new ideas Reduces internal costs of the industry Innovation Opens sources of knowledge and new technology

Demerits of industrial research a) Lack of representativeness b) There is a change in the environmentfor instance, new government regulations, new competitive offerings, or price declinesthat make the new product less attractive to the company Unforeseen technical obstacles are encountered and the laboratory does not have the resources to overcome them c) The project falls hopelessly behind schedule and corrective actions are not forthcoming.

Application of industrial research Pharmaceutical Industry Drug discovery is the process by which potential drugs are discovered or designed. In the past most drugs have been discovered either by isolating the active ingredient from traditional remedies or by serendipitous discovery. Modern biotechnology often focuses on understanding the metabolic pathways related to a disease state or pathogen, and manipulating these pathways using molecular or biochemistry.

Drug development Research in these areas generally includes a combination of in vitro studies, in vivo studies, and clinical trials. Textile industry An Industrial Research Institute for Textiles was established in 1949 to help the Indian Textile and Allied Industries, to become Internationally Competitive. Various developments include Epoxy resins for high performance Composites, Use of epoxy machinable pastes For single use molds, RP approach, Carbon fiber etc. Food and beverages industry Producing quality goods at the lowest possible cost is a major concern. Manufacturers are responding by identifying opportunities to improve production efficiency by using information systems that monitor operations and provide the capability to analyze results and determine the root cause of problems. The performance of assets is being improved as maintenance regimes are stepped up with improved support and better management of spare parts. And, you are reducing utility costs by installing information systems to monitor utility usage and identify opportunities to reduce costs. Todays consumers run the gamut from those who want healthier choices to others who want more convenient packaging and unique flavors. This increased volume and diversity of products is causing plants to design their lines based on shorter production runs with more changeovers. Meeting these demands requires operational flexibility. While speed and flexibility are crucial, plants must also take the steps needed to ensure the highest quality possible. The key to maintaining brand equity, which is paramount in this industry, is product consistency not only batch-to-batch, but facility-to-facility

COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) established in 1942, is an autonomous body and India's largest Research and Development (R&D) organization, with 39 laboratories and 50 field stations or extension centers spread across the nation, with a collective staff of over 17,000. The research and development activities of CSIR includes various fields such as aerospace engineering, structural engineering, ocean sciences, molecular biology, metallurgy, mining, food, petroleum, leather, environment etc.

CSIR ACHIEVEMENTS Achieved the first breakthrough of flowering of bamboo within weeks as against twenty years in nature. Developed the first transgenic Drosophila model for drug screening for cancer in humans First to introduce DNA fingerprinting in India Design of 14 seater plane 'SARAS'. In 2009, the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has completed the Human Genome Sequencing In 2011, successfully tested India's 1st indigenous civilian aircraft SHANTI SWAROOP BHATNAGAR PRIZE FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY The Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar (SSB) Prizes are awarded annually by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) for notable and outstanding research, applied or fundamental, in Biological, Chemical, Earth, Atmosphere, Ocean and Planetary, Engineering, Mathematical, Medical and Physical Sciences.

INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH AND CONSULTANCY CENTRE Industrial Research and Consultancy Centre (IRCC) co-ordinates sponsored research and industrial consultancy projects at IIT Bombay. Through such projects, researchers at IIT Bombay solve problems arising in industry and conduct basic and applied research. CAPABILITIES At IIT Bombay, we believe that close association with Industry is crucial to the growth of Science and Technology. The challenging problems in the field are best solved by teams of technologists from Industry and researchers from academia. IIT Bombay has outstanding resources for research and development. More than 400 faculty in various areas of Science, Technology, and Humanities and Social Sciences, with doctoral degrees from the top universities in the world, and with expertise matching the best available at the national and international level. More than 5000 students who are amongst the most talented in the country. Excellent project staff and technical staff. Some of the most sophisticated experimental and computational facilities in the world.

TYPES OF PROJECTS Anybody from Industry/ External Agency can contact the Institute to solve for almost any type of problem/need in almost every discipline subject of engineering, technology and science. The Institute through its faculty/ Scientist/ Technical Staff can handle such external requests of the industry/ agency that can come under the term consultancy in its broadest sense. For illustration, a list of the Types of Consultancy services being offered is given below: Analytical studies Calibration Cause-and -remedy studies Simulation/ modeling/ optimization Design of systems/components/processes Development of industrial products/systems Development of systems software/application software for offline/online applications. Development of laboratories Human Resource development programmes Recruitment/entrance examinations Testing of industrial products/samples Validation of designs/drawings Retainership of faculty in advisory capacity over specified periods

TYPICAL PROJECT LIFE CYCLE Finding a faculty and discussing the problem and the possibility of taking up a project to solve it. Proposal from Dean R&D, specifying the scope of the project, deliverables, and time and funds required. Payment of first installment and signing of agreement (if required). Recruitment of project staff and purchase of equipment (if required). Review of progress at predetermined milestones, and course corrections Handing over the final project report and transfer of deliverables. Closure

Conclusion Industrial research is always required to ease your application to the competition. It provides a a totally unbiased perspective on working in industry. Industrial research can combine the best of academia and industry as a half-way house, it offers some of each. Access to real systems can be an exciting opportunity. Its probably possible to build bigger, better, more robust, more interesting systems in industry than in academia. Altogether it is a process that combines ones efforts to achieve a defined objective .It is a systematic process that requires a certain amount of input in the form of various resources to fulfill the organizational and individual goals. It has always been profitable to develop new products, advertising, sales, etc.

Sources 4Ps Business and Marketing Magazine - website for Industrial Research Institute (IRI) Industrial research projects-

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