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How to Be a Great Leader: Six Key Characteristics of Effectiveness

Even if you are not a natural born leader, you may still develop certain characteristics that many great leaders possess. By identifying areas in which you lack skills and working to improve, and by maximizing the those traits that demonstrate your potential, you may grow into a person to whom others may turn when strong leadership is required.

1. Intelligence is a key common denominator among great leaders. If you are not on the high end, or are not aware of your intelligence level, that does not mean you cannot lead. A trend toward lifelong learning is critical, however, particularly within your field, whether it be teaching, analysis or business. Tools such as brain games allow you to increase your capacity to memorize and retain information more systematically. Using such tools and working to improve your vocabulary help to increase your overall intellectual effectiveness. 2. Open-mindedness and the propensity for flexible thinking is also a pivotal trait. If you are willing to try new approaches in your work, you are more likely to be a successful leader than if you are rigid in beliefs and actions. 3. Consider that excellent people skills are required of leaders. You must be perceptive in dealing with others, good at assessing moods and trends and able to handle any situation involving sensitive matters and emotional issues. Some of the charisma attributable to great leaders has been a byproduct of this ability to read their constituencies. 4. Be aware that another characteristic of great leadership is tenacity. This might mean that you try something 100 ways before you get it right or you persist with attempts to reach a high goal when others would give up. 5. Be willing and able to take calculated risks. This also involves the intelligence to assess risk objectively and to have the courage to make changes and deal with the consequences. Many great leaders did not see the end product of the course of action they advocated, but they made changes that they believed in anyway. 6. Remember that positive thinking and motivation in the face of adversity is an important trait for any leader. If you tend to be the one who says something cannot be done, you need to overcome this tendency to achieve maximum effectiveness. A true leader visualizes success, pushes himself and others toward the goal and makes it happen.

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