Arcane Designs

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Arcane Designs She saunters across the room, her slippery walk doing more than supposed to, her hair bouncing in time to her out of time steps. She collapses on the bed, and then on second thoughts, straightens herself and sits back against the bedpost. Her eyes move around the room analysing fragments to process and place inside the vaults of her mind. Shes not supposed to be here after all. You want another drink? he asks. No thanks. No more for me she says with an intoxicated laugh. Suit yourself, he says and moves to the mini-bar of the plush hotel room to make himself another drink. Havent you had enough? I have, he responds coolly reaching for the ice bucket. Satisfied with the amount of ice in his drink, he turns around to face her. Look at you. Youve lost your mind she says gesturing to the near-finished bottle of whiskey on the counter. Beyond the mind lies paradise, and beyond paradise is where I have to go, he replies, standing upright with his arm raised mockingly in declaration. She did not understand him, and decided to dig a little more into his train of thought. She had always known he was good with words, but wanted to see how far he would go with them today. She was curious about him. She had seen him break down and reconstruct himself to break himself down again. She had watched him often enough to know he wasnt just another ordinary victim of another ordinary addiction. Is it the thrill of pushing yourself to see where you break? Maybe; but I dont think thats all. I dont have any hate for this life, nor love for an afterlife. Im curious, is all. You can be so vague if you want to she says and turns her face away from him. He smiles and walks towards her. Taking her hand in his, he lifts her off the bed. She laughs and trips into his arms. Still vague?

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Youre such a flirt. Let go of me, she laughs, Trying to take advantage of a friends wife does not suit someone of your stature, Good Sir. She added a high pitched emphasis on the Good Sir while playfully slapping the air. He let go of her and picked up his drink which he had left on the counter. So where is your husband today? He wasnt at the party either. Hes up north on a visit. He been working a lot? Nothing more than usual. We were talking about you the other day. Actually we were watching the wedding videos. And there you were alternating between the floor and the bar. Lets just say he doesnt approve of your curious nature. He looks down at his drink, observing the ice cubes floating, no longer big enough to clink against the glass walls. So how come youre staying in this hotel and not at your house, she asks. Change of air. I like to keep shifting. In fact Ive moved out of there. Nowhere Im really at right now. She walks to the large windows overlooking the city square. She had grown up running around this square looking up at these huge windows and envying the people looking out; wondering how rich or successful they must be to live in places with such huge windows looking out to the beautiful square. Now she envied the kids running around carefree. He had understood the pause and walked away from the windows granting her the moments she wanted. Her elegant red evening gown had lost a bit of its grace, trailing her and often getting stuck as if angry at the lack of respect she was showing it. She had opened the windows and had a tense expression on her face. Her nonchalance had given way to a more cautious look. Only the alcohol gleaming in her eyes revealed her clouded state of mind. You ever feel burdened by the years? Pulling at you, shaping you, destroying you with its weight. Your every decision coming out of a conscience dictated by the burden of your past. Her words had begun a whisper and gradually gained presence in the room. She looked to him and understood from his clenched lips that she wasnt going to get an answer. I guess you dont. You keep running from one place to another.

Email: Contact: +1-617-418-0173


Everyone has their burdens. And everyone chooses what to do with them. I dont run away from things. I run because I enjoy it No one runs because they enjoy it. Youve always lied to yourself. Ever heard about the man who believed he could fly? He lied to himself. Ive been completely honest with myself. I am what I am. I have no masks and no pretensions. I push myself over the edge not because Im scared of facing my life but because Im curious about whatd happen to me. And Im not dishonest about it. She turned back to look out the window. There were no kids at this late hour. She didnt know why she had expected to see them there. She didnt even know why she was here. Youve never felt the urge to go beyond yourself? Find out what lies beyond your mind? Beyond your body? he says softly She turned towards him, her face turning red and her eyes bloodshot. Silent tears streamed down her cheeks but there was no hint of sadness in her. You know, all the time I was growing up, I used to play in that square and wonder who lived in these big windows. I wanted to live in them and look down at the world passing me by. Now I stand here and I feel nothing. There was a long pause before he spoke, It takes a minute and a strong will to unburden. Are you calling me weak? she almost burst out. Her tears dried, she looked purposeful, almost menacing in her stance, as if on the verge of pouncing on some prey. It takes a strong will to be curious. To want to go beyond. It takes a strong will to stand ground while others consider you a problem. She was growing angrier by the minute. She could feel her pulse racing as her body prepared her for what was to come. Strange, for her mind had no idea at the time. She could feel the blood rushing through her body. Its all too easy to sit at the waterfront and dream of ships. To sit on the cliff and dream of flight. Its all too easy to WHAT are you trying to say?! She was surprised at the shriek that escaped her throat. She did not know what had inspired her to it, nor for what she did next. Before she knew it, she was in the air. In one swift motion, she had managed to fling herself on him and pin him to the ground.
Email: Contact: +1-617-418-0173


What are you trying to imply?! she cried. Youre not here to analyse my problem, or talk about your childhood. Youre here because youre just like me. Youre here because youre sick of convincing yourself of who you are. And because youre finally ready to move beyond. She burst into tears while hungrily kissing his lips. Her dress gave up and fell away in shame. The sun started its ascend as the clock tower struck five times. A little girl passing by the square in the early hour stopped in her tracks to notice the wide open windows and wonder who lived there. *

Email: Contact: +1-617-418-0173


Angel Inside my mind Are we close enough? Let go Of all your instincts I will strap us down Arcane Designs of the mind Shall we give in now? Hold on While we meltdown Evenings getting sober now Time Time Time Time * Stripped down Of all our masks Do you trust me now? Touch me And kill this feeling Haunting scent of the past Rising And sinking back Dreams reflect the weather Lasting Divine in us Flows from one to the other Time Time Time Time * Design the world in black and red
Email: Contact: +1-617-418-0173

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Define the borders of our time Resign yourself to helplessness Refine your dark arcane designs To find a night of bliss and thrill In dark the magic voices bloom Remind ourselves of life and grit We shine like silver in the moon *

Email: Contact: +1-617-418-0173

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