Pow Wow Issue 1 2012

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Volume 1, Issue 1 February 2013



he 2013 soccer season is

CHAIRMAN: Phil Robinson VICE CHAIRMAN: James DeAth SECRETARY: Claudia Proeve TREASURER: Vonny Mahlburg REGISTRAR: David Collins

quickly approaching and as a club we have been extremely busy over the summer break trying to get our new clubrooms and floodlighting finished for the 2013 season. At the moment it will be touch and go as time is quickly running out, so if we put out the call for help please try and find the time. The new clubrooms will offer toilet and change room facilities as well as a new canteen and meeting area for those cold miserable winter nights. We have a few new members on our management committee and have room for a few more, so if you would like to get involved a bit with your local community give me a call. The Adelaide Hills Junior Soccer Association has kept the same age format as last year despite the Warriors pleading to go back to the old format, so this year we will have teams in the Under 7,8,9,10,12,14 and 16 mixed and for the girls 12, 14 and 17.These teams are only possible if we get the numbers to fill them and this is where you can help, if you have any friends

at school or know of anyone who would like to play soccer give them our contact details so they can register as well. Im hoping this year will be one of our best on record as we concentrate on building team spirit and improving the soccer skills of our kids. We are desperate for funds this year and will be hounding you with fund raising ideas. We will once again be doing the Credit Union lottery, and if you are anything like my family you will probably end up buying the majority of tickets yourself rather than pester your friends. Keep in the back of your mind whilst you grump about this, that we have historically been very lucky with this lottery, with club members winning world tours and fancy electronic devices and much more. Our second fund raiser is a donation cup for your small change. One cup will be given to each family and collected. The idea is that you stick it in a prominent location in the house and when your purse or wallet gets full of those pesky silver coins you simply throw them into the cup. What a brilliant idea.

Our last major fund raiser is our quiz night. The Warriors quiz nights are legendary and the prizes are brilliant, if you have never been to one, this is the year to get there as our quiz night organiser, Vonny Mahlburg has already said that this one will be the best yet. Its a great way to get to meet people so try and put a table together from people on your team or family friends. Ive finished waving my flag for now, so hope that you enjoy the year with our club as much as we are going to enjoy having you. Soccer games are a great way to meet other members of the community so dont be afraid of striking up a conversation and saying gday to someone you dont know.

Kind regards Phil Robinson Chairman

REGISTRATION DAY Sunday 10th Febuary




Sizes 4,6,7,8,10,12,14,16 S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL

SHORTS $20 Sizes SS,S,M,K JACKETS $48 Sizes 6,8,10,12,14 S,M,L,XL,2XL

CAPS $15 MONOGRAMMED SOCKS $12 Sizes 13-3, 2-8, 7-11, 11-14

Generated by Foxit PDF Creator Foxit Software http://www.foxitsoftware.com For evaluation only.

Page 2
Our Sponsors:


Hey Warriors! Can you believe its 2013 and another full-packed season ahead of us! Im not sure how many of you know or have seen me wondering around or kicking a muddy soccer ball on the pitch. My name is Paige Mahlburg, and I am your brand new Newsletter Editor and Chief! I have just finished a satisfying and fantastic journey of eight years with this amazing club, unfortunately (as much as I would love to keep playing) I am now too old to play my favorite sport with the Woodside Warriors. So I have decided to give back to the club and have happily joined the Warriors Management Committee. As your Newsletter Editor Im planning to publish several newsletters during the soccer season, with all the soccer happenings from in and around the club. If you have anything you would like to contribute to the Newsletter such as Warrior related news/stories, pictures from soccer, suggestions or would like to advertise items for sale I will do my best to accommodate. Send in your c o n t r i bu t i on s v i a e m a i l t o , peteandvon@westnet.com.au Regards Paige :) P.S. Come up and say hi next time you see me wondering around the pitch, Id be glad to chat with you!

Soccer Inspirations: The rules of Soccer are very simple, basically it is this: if it moves, kick it. If it doesnt move, kick it until it does. - Phil Woosnam


As you may be aware, the Warriors are finally building clubrooms. Which for the past few months has been a ongoing battle for hard-working volunteers! Not only will the clubrooms hold a giant canteen that has a great view of the pitch, it will also have toilets. Reducing the amount of kids and parents having to cross the road and footy oval to get to the toilets near the cricket club. But to continue and finish the clubrooms we need your help! During season we will be handing out fundraising buckets for you to put small change into, to support the building of the clubrooms. As we need everyones support on this massive project that will be the Warriors home, we would greatly appreciate your help, as every little bit counts! If your bucket becomes full throughout the course of the year, hand it into your team manager and they will exchange it for another bucket. All families returning a full bucket will go into a lucky draw, that will be drawn during the season. We would also like to remind you that any change you put into the buckets in support of the Woodside Warriors, will come out in the quality of the clubrooms, making it a safer and easier place for your children and future soccer stars.

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