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Objectives: Distinguish changes in meaning of sentences caused by stress (1.0) Use the correct intonation (Yes-No Questions/Questions introduced by Interrogatives) (1.2) Decode meaning of unfamiliar words using structural analysis, the dictionary and context clues (1.0) Write a composition showing introduction, body and conclusion (1.0)


Subject Matter: Sweet Aurora Listening: Speaking: Reading: Writing: Distinguishing Changes in Meaning of Sentences Caused by Stress. Using Correct Intonation (Yes-No Questions/Questions Introduced by Interrogatives). Decoding Meaning of Unfamiliar Words Using Structural Analysis, the Dictionary and Context Clues. Writing a Composition Showing Introduction, Body and Conclusion.

References: English for All Times 6 Reading by Agnes P. Galapon, et. al., pp. 94-99. English for All Times 6 Language by Agnes P. Galapon, et. al., pp. 3-13. English for You and Me 6 Reading by Elodie A. Cada, 2-12. English for You and Me 6 Language by Elodie A. Cada and Joyce H. Ternio, pp. 2-6 Materials: Graphic Organizers, illustrations of the topic, text books, charts of activities and task cards. Value: Be kind to animals III. Learning Activities: A. Pre-reading 1. Pronunciation Drill /a/ ankle Grandma candles 2. Unlocking of Difficulties Identify the meaning of the following words through: 2.1. palatable (pleasant taste) 2.2. souvenir (remembrance) gestures real objects hands back bad snapping

2.3. bunting (a kind of bird)


2.4. mystery (something unexplained)

context clue

[Lesson Plan in English 6] First Grading Period

His life is something unexplained, full of mystery. 2.5. afloat (on board) 2.6. impression (strong effect) gestures context clue

The first impression is considered lasting because it gives strong effect to ones feelings. 2.7. veterinarian (an animal doctor) doctor : people 2.8. dusk (twilight) analogy

veterinarian : _____________ picture

3. Motivation Show the illustration...

Ask: What does the picture illustrates? What do you think probably happened to the bird? If you saw a bird got hurt, what will you do? Why? (Answers may vary) 4. Motive Questions Show the title of the story

Using the Prediction Chart, create queries to the story that about to read and make some guesses out of the queries made.

Prediction Chart

[Lesson Plan in English 6] First Grading Period

By Elodie A. Cada



Really Happened

Write the queries given by the pupils on the first column. Then let them give their guesses that will be written on the second column. The third column will be filled in after reading the story. B. While Reading 1. Standards of Silent Reading. 2. Shared Reading Activity will be used. C. Post Reading 1. Collaborative Work Group the pupils into four Each group will be given a task card to perform. GROUP I Draw It Right!

Draw Sweet Aurora before Celine found her. Give your impressions about the event. GROUP II Act It!

Create a short skit showing how Pahiyas Festival is being held in Lucban, Quezon. Then make a short explanation about the origin of the said festival. GROUP III The Bottom Line!

Using the Story Pyramid, make a summarize report on the story read. SWEET AURORA


Then Afterward



For All You Know!

[Lesson Plan in English 6] First Grading Period

Make a four-line slogan about taking care of animals. 2. Engagement Activity Group Presentation Deepening: Who is Sweet Aurora? How close was Celine to her Grandmother? to her mother? to her sisters? What family tradition do they follow upon reaching the age of thirteen? Was Celine an obedient girl? Why? What made the family members feel close to each other? Why? If you were Celine, would you set the bird free? Why? What particular part of the story do you like most? Why? Answering the Prediction chart 3. Critical Thinking Words in the English language may be formed in different ways. It can also give different meaning depending on how they are being used in the sentences. But how can we decode or identify the meaning of a word in a sentence? It can be decode by the following approaches: 3.1. Structural Analysis Using affixes (Please refer to English for You and Me 6 Reading, pp. 9-12). 3.2. The Dictionary (Please refer to English for You and Me 6 Reading, pp. 49-50). 3.3. Context Clues In each sentence, encircle the word or words that can give meaning to the italicized word. The powerful hurricane brought about great winds and floods that destroyed houses and crops. A long journey on foot along a mountain pass could be hard and tiring. What a refreshing sight to watch a field covered with beautiful flowers like dandelions. The gruff old man frightened the children as he shouted at them to get away from his fruit trees. On his birthday, Mark and his friends went to the park, picnicked there and enjoyed a biking spree.

D. Mastery of Structure in the English Language (MSEL) 1. Spelling (Horn Method) An interrogative sentence is one which asks a question. I find the pronunciation of Japanese words easier than Chinese words. My uncle worked as a field reporter for a popular radio and television station. Our Science teacher asked us to do a research on the solar system. Who is our new librarian? Do you always consult the dictionary for word meanings? When I grow up, I want to be a successful engineer. The number of words in your essay must not exceed three hundred words. Our library is spacious enough to accommodate about one hundred pupils at a time. It has natural ventilation because the windows are wide open.

[Lesson Plan in English 6] First Grading Period

2. Motivation How do you feel today? How do you feel when you see again your classmates? How do you feel about your new classmates? School Life is very exciting, isnt it? 3. Presentation Listen to this dialogue (Please refer to English for You and Me 6 Language, p. 2) 4. Elicitation Where are the girls? Why are they excited? Whom does Lora want to see? Why? Whom does Carol want to meet at Loras house? Why? If you were Lora and Carol, would you be happy to meet your new classmates? Why? Listen to the following sentences as I read them and try to identify its meaning. Nice to see you again, Lora! Have you met them? Shes young and very pretty! Come to our house on Saturday. See you then! Her name is Ms. De Vera. (Its to see you not anything else was nice) (Its to meet them not anything else were asked) (That shes pretty aside from being young) (Its on Saturday, no when else to come) (Its to see you, nothing else then) (Its Ms. De Vera, nobody else)

Remember that stress patterns affect the meaning of sentences. 5. Language Integration What kind of sentence are the following? Who wrote Mrs. Rosales a letter? Where does Carmen live now? Did she spend her visit to that place? Do you think Carmen wrote a letter to Mrs. Rosales? How did she find her visit? (Interrogative Sentences)

What did you notice about the following sentences? What word begins each question? Listen carefully as I read the following interrogative sentences and examine the way I read each sentences. What intonation pattern I used in the first question? Second? Third? Fourth? Fifth? 6. Practice Exercises Read the following questions, then write the intonation pattern required. a. May I borrow your pen? b. Is your father an engineer? c. How far can you swim? d. Which seats are ours? e. Can you take good care of your pet? 7. Generalization May I borrow your pen? Is your father an engineer? How far can you swim? Which seats are ours? Can you take good care of your pet?

[Lesson Plan in English 6] First Grading Period

Use the rising intonation pattern for questions answerable by Yes or No. Use the rising-falling intonation pattern for questions introduced by interrogatives. E. Application Say the following questions with proper intonation pattern. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Who are in the picture? What are they doing? Did you eat your breakfast? Can you sing our national Anthem? How long have they stayed there?

F. Transfer Stage In writing a model composition, one should know the three basic part of it. The introduction, the body and the conclusion. Examine the example below.

The Badminton Club held its culminating activity on February 20 at one oclock in the afternoon. It was begun by an opening prayer. The moderators assigned the final teams for the tournament. Team A was already declared the champion. Teams B and C had to play for the second and third place and Team D as the fourth placer. The awarding of medals followed. Some members were awarded as the best players. After the awarding, a get-together was held and the foods brought by the members were shared among themselves. It was indeed a memorable one.

The Introduction tells what your composition all about.

The Body is the elaboration of the introduction you may write all the things about your topic.

The third part is the conclusion; it gives the ending statement of the composition.

Write a short composition about your impressions on the first day of the school showing introduction, body and conclusion. Use interrogative sentences carefully.


Evaluation: Write on the blank if the question requires rising-falling intonation pattern and if it requires rising intonation pattern. ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 1. Do you wish to talk to? 2. Why is he going to Davao? 3. Which do you like better, a dog or a cat? 4. Are you referring to me? 5. Whose paper is this?


Enrichment Activity:

[Lesson Plan in English 6] First Grading Period

Study the picture below. Write 5 questions that are answerable by Yes or No and 5 questions that are introduced by interrogatives. Draw their intonation pattern.

Prepared by: JULIUS P. BACHICHA Teacher III Reviewed by: FLORITA O. ALVAREZ Master Teacher I District English Coordinator

Noted: OLIVIA DL. SAN DIEGO Principal II

[Lesson Plan in English 6] First Grading Period 7


Objectives: Listen to the short story carefully Relay information accurately using different discourse (Statement, Questions and Commands) (1.1) Learn some common idioms (1.1) Use figurative language to describe people and events (1.2) Write a composition showing introduction, body and conclusion (1.0)


Subject Matter: Sweet Aurora Listening: Speaking: Reading: Writing: Listening to the short sort.. Relaying information accurately using different discourse (Statement, Questions and Commands) Learning some common idioms. Using figurative language to describe people and events. Writing a Composition Showing Introduction, Body and Conclusion.

References: English for All Times 6 Reading by Agnes P. Galapon, et. al., pp. 144-147. English for All Times 6 Language by Agnes P. Galapon, et. al., pp. 14-23. English for You and Me 6 Reading by Elodie A. Cada, 51-52. English for You and Me 6 Language by Elodie A. Cada and Joyce H. Ternio, pp. 4-6 Enhancing Reading Skills 6 by Menelea Mutuc Chiu and Dr. Isabelita M. Santos, pp. 130-135, 206-211. Materials: Graphic Organizers, illustrations of the topic, text books, charts of activities and task cards. Value: Be kind to animals III. Learning Activities: A. Before Reading B. During Reading C. After Reading D. Critical Thinking E. Mastery of Structure of the English Language (MSEL) Evaluation: Enrichment Activity:

IV. V.

[Lesson Plan in English 6] First Grading Period

[Lesson Plan in English 6] First Grading Period

[Lesson Plan in English 6] First Grading Period


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