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The Integumentary System I. Epidermis 1. Structure a. Stratum corneum b. Stratum lucidum c. Stratum granulosum d. Stratum spinosum e.

Stratum basale f. Keratinocyte g. Melanocyte h. Langerhans cell 2. Functions a. Water-proof layer b. Physical protection from pathogens c. Protection from sunlight(UV light) d. Skin color Dermis 1. Structure a. Papillary dermis b. Reticular dermis Collagen Elastin c. Hair follicle d. Erector muscle e. Swaet glands 2. Functions a. Regulation of the body temperature b. Provides nutrients to the epidermis c. Excretion of body waste d. Sensations of touching, pressure, heat, cold, and pain e. Elasticity and resistance to distortion and distraction Hypodermis 1. Structure a. Fatty tissue b. Blood vessels c. Lymphatic vessels d. Nerves 2. Functions a. Preservation of energy b. Insulation of the body c. Provides nutrients to the upper layers



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