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Chapter 1 Overvie w of

Electroni c Commer ce

1-According to Peter Drucker, e-commerce is profoundly changing markets,

industrystructur es, products and services, consumer segmentation, consumer values and consumerbehavi

or; jobs, and labor markets. True False 2-By purchasing a textbook from

and having the merchandise physicallydelive red, would be considered a click-and-mortar

organization because pureEC did not occur. True False 3-In the field, a sales

representative writes notes with a mobile handwritingrecognitioncom puter immediately after a sales call.

This can be viewed as an EC activity. True False 4-In addition to EC being

conducted via the Internet, EC can be conducted over local areanetworks (LANs).

True False 5-An example of business-toconsumer (B2C) is when Dell provides customer service

onlineby collaborating electronically with its partners. True False

6-An internal corporate network that uses Internet tools, such as Web browsers, is knownas an intranet.

True False 7-An extranet is a network that uses the Internet to link together

multiple intranets. True False

8-Purchasing a Dell computer online for use at home is an example of etailing. True

False 9Networked computing connects multiple computers and other electronic

devices that arelocated in various locations by telecommunicati ons networks, including wireless ones.

True False 10-When Dell purchases Godiva chocolates as gifts for its

employees and has Godiva mailthem directly to the recipient Dell is engaged in B2B2C.

True False 11-Peer-to-peer (P2P) technology can be used in C2C, B2B, and B2C.

True False 12-The final participants in B2B transactions are consumers. True

False 13-Doing your banking on an Internet-enabled cell phone is an example of mcommerce.

True False 14-Despite the many e-tailing EC companies that have failed in the past, the

dot-comfailure rate has recently declined sharply. True False

15-Since 2001, no other company has had more of an impact on EC than MySpace. True False, a Web site that

allows people to work together online and shareinformatio n, is an example of Web 2.0. True

False 17-The digital economy refers to an economy based on digital communication networks,compu ters, software,

and other related information technologies that provide a globalplatform over which people and organizations

interact, communicate, collaborate, andsearch for information. True False

18-Economic, legal, societal, and technological factors have created a highly competitivebusi ness

environment in which customers are becoming less powerful. True False

19-Strong competition and increased power of consumers are two of the major marketpressures in today's

business environment. True False 20-Business models are a subset of a

business plan or business case and refer to methods of doing business by which a company can

generate revenue. True False 21-A business model outlines how the

organization or the EC project will generate revenuethrough sales, transaction fees, advertising fees, affiliate fees, or

other revenue sources. True False 22-A value proposition refers to the

tangible and intangible benefits that a company canderive from using EC making it an important part

of the marketing plan.True False

expensiveagentn etworksexchang e horizontal

exchangeexchan ge vertical exchangeexchan ge vertical exchange lateral exchangesourcin g strategic sourcingsourcin

g horizontal sourcinggiant model. co-op model.fee model. fee for service model.fee model. fee for

service model.fee model. advertising fee model.fees. membership fees. fees for services

rendered.aggreg ation seller aggregation

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Chapter 2 E-Marketplaces for Test Bank

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Chapter 1 Overview of Electronic Commerce Chapter 2 E-Marketplaces Chapter 3 Retailing in Electronic Commerce Chapter 4 Consumer Behavior Chapter 5 B2B E-Commerce Chapter 6 Public B2B Exchanges Chapter 7 E-Supply Chains Chapter 8 Innovative EC Systems Chapter 9 Mobile Computing and Commerce Chapter 10 Dynamic Trading Chapter 11 E-Commerce Security Chapter 12 Electronic Payment Systems Chapter 13 Order Fulfillment Chapter 14 E-Commerce Strategy and Global EC Chapter 15 Chpater 16 Chapter 17

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Chapter 3 Retailing in Electronic Commerce

1-The amount and percentage of goods and services sold on the Internet is increasingrapidly, despite the failure of many dot-com companies. True False 2-A retailer is a sales intermediary, a seller that operates between manufacturers andcustomers. True False 3-Consumer electronics, including cell phone sales, are the largest category of online retail. True False 4-Jewelry sales over the Internet is just beginning, but could be one of the top sellers on theInternet in the near future.

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