Please Put A Tally in As Many Options You Feel Necessary

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For our second part of research we decided to create a questionnaire and hand it out to the public.

We are going to ask a variety of people to obtain a general response, through handing it out in Westfield shopping centre. Gender: Male Female What grabs your attention as a viewer when watching a thriller movie or trailer?
Please put a tally in as many options you feel necessary

Special effects The actor Director Plot Weapons Mystery/enigma Cliff hanger/ ambiguity Sense of romance Betrayal Media communication use of devices as bringer of bad news

What makes the best thriller? Action Crime/Murder/blood morbid fascination Ransom Drug abuse Psychological

What are your thoughts on having a female protagonist (central character) as oppose to a male protagonist? Good or Bad? Good Bad Do you prefer for a film to be quite straight forward and linear or do you agree that it is more intriguing having a film that makes you thinks due to the chronology of it? Linear


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