Vietnam War Memorial

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Vietnam War Memorial Required an act of congress How does man deal with death through the built

lt form What form would the memorial take? Who was the best architect in the firm? How to determine who was the best? Memorial was supposed to be all the names chronological order Architect had to write an essay with the design of the memorial Death in the end is a personal; and private matter Area around the memorial is a quiet place, meant for reflection and private reckoning How do you select a random group of Vietnam veterans? Each group was different as the war lasted several years. There were different generations in the war Third party had to decide what the memorial was going to look like Blue ribbon committee appointed to choose memorial The memorial was unconventional The architect was a female, Asian and not American. So there was a lot of opposition to the memorial. The chronological order was central to the design. The name Smith was common, how would parents feel searching for their son in a sea of the same name. Looking for the name makes it that more precious. People were trying to stop the memorial from being built. It was a small group of very influential people who were against the design. Understanding verbally and contextually what the piece should be about Timetable of events- water table near the names. Cause and effect of how people changed history The circular table brought people together, making the piece more intimate Memorializing history When on culture put another in a museum, how does that change our perspective?

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