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Part A 1) Define Trade Union. 2) What do you mean by industrial relations? 3) Define strike.

4) List any two benefits of industrial peace. 5) List the basic objectives of Central Board for Workers Education. 6) Write short note on national safety council. 7) Describe preventive and curative measures of occupational disease. 8) What do you mean by Hygiene? 9) What are the effects of contract labour? 10) State the importance of education for the child labour. Part B 11. a) Discuss the Industrial Relations Problem in the Public Sector. Or b) Write a detailed note on Codes of Conduct. 12. a) Critically analyse the functioning of various machineries available for resolving industrial disputes. Or b) Compare conciliation, arbitration with adjudication procedures. 13. a) What are the statutory welfare measures? Explain with illustrations. Or b) Elaborate the functions of labour welfare officer. 14. a) How do you prevent accidents? What are its causes? Or b) Explain the significance of employee counseling on industrial hygiene and safety. 15. a)Discuss the significance and implications of social security in detail. Or b) Evaluate the various social security measures provided for the employees working in BPO and KPO.

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