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December 25, 1642

Isaac Newton (1642-1727) is born at Woolsthorpe prematurely and posthumously.

Newton matriculates at Trinity College, Cambridge.

August 1665
Newton departs Cambridge due to the Plague and moves back temporarily to Woolsthorpe His work at Woolsthorpe for the next 18 months is now legendry.

Newton begins to observe the Comet of 1680-81 Newton observes 'Halley's' comet.

August 1684
Edmond Halley (1656-1742) makes his famous Cambridge visit to inquire of Newton about the path of a planet moving in relation to an inverse-square. Newton later begins work on his Principia.

July 5, 1687
The Principia appears in print.

February 1704
Newton publishes the first edition of his Opticks.

March 20, 1727

Isaac Newton dies at Kensington dies between 1.00 and 2.00am.
All words are taken from timeline by Robert A. Hatch, University of Florida

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