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Casting Solidification

This topic presents the analytical solution of finding a hotspot in a solid casting by vector element method.

Casting Solidification Solidification Time

When metal is poured into the mould, the temperature will be as high as its inversion temperature.

Casting Solidification Solidification Time

It gets cooled when poured into the mould and molten metal in the liquid form will solidify. This time is called local solidification time .

Casting Solidification Solidification Time

The solidified metal in the mould ( called casting) gets cooled in the mould to the temperature of the surroundings.

Casting Solidification Introduction to Vector Element Method

The object shown is a casting . Locate a point p1. Divide the casting volume into number of pyramidal sectors, each with small solid angle.

Casting Solidification Introduction to Vector Element Method


vector flux each equal to half the length of the distance from the conduction boundary at angle of its angular bisector.

Casting Solidification Introduction to Vector Element Method


magnitude and direction of the maximum thermal gradient at any point inside the casting is proportional to the vector resultant of thermal flux vectors in all directions originating from that point.

Casting Solidification Introduction to Vector Element Method

Repeat the same procedure at the resultant of the thermal flux.

Casting Solidification Analysis


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Casting Solidification

Total solidification time is the time take for ________.

Freezing of liquid metal Cooling of molten metal Cooling of molten metal and freezing

Cooling of molten metal, freezing and cooling of solid metal

Casting Solidification

A sphere , cube and cylinder has same volume but the surface areas are respectively in the ratios of 1:2:3, then which shape will solidify in less time?
Cube Sphere Cylinder All

Casting Solidification

Two metals of densities in the ratio of 1:2 and are of equal weight are poured into a mold of same volume and surface area. Then which metal will solidify in less time?
Metal1 Metal 2


Depends on the value of the constant

Casting Solidification

The dendritic structures during solidification are formed first at _____?

Free surface of the molten metal Hot spot The mould surface The riser section

Casting Solidification

During solidification of molten metal in the mould, which part of the mould will be cooled first? Riser Metal near the lower walls of the mould Metal near the upper walls of the mould Solidification is uniform and the part is instantaneously cooled

Casting Solidification

Metal Casting , Computer aided Design & Analysis by Prof.B.Ravi PHI Publishers Metal casting by Schimdt & Kalpakijian

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