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Interview Transcript Phone Interview Conducted 10 January 2013 Questions from: Larissa G. Babiak and Keara C.

Reilly Responses from: Dr. Eligar Sadeh, Ph.D., President of Astroconsulting International. Eligar also serves as a Research Professor with the Center for Space Studies at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, and as Editor of Astropolitics.

Political Impacts What were the major impacts of the Cold War in relation to the space race? And how does this impact the present and our future in space? The Cold War has direct impact [on our present and our future in space]. We have to keep in mind how in the concept of the Cold War, you have the ensuing space race that developed Although it was a competitive environment between the United States and the Soviet Union, many people attributed the space race as a way to prevent outright war between the Unites States and the Soviet Union. We engaged in a peaceful pursuit of technological prowess to beat the other in terms of capability. But Apollo is directly related to that. Educational Impacts Can you speak to how the Apollo program impacted STEM related study programs in the US and how STEM has contributed to producing scientists, engineers, and mathematicians during the Apollo era? There is a direct correlation. You saw a dramatic rise in the interest among students to enter into STEM fields. It was an inspiration- there were exciting things such as the space telescope, traveling to Mars, the space rover on the surface. For whatever reason, it does not hold the same level of inspiration for students in STEM fields as during Apollo. Overall Result What was the overall result of Apollo? What Apollo led to was this whole sense of world creation where you are not just hearing about technological spinoffs. In fact what you are doing is inspiring a whole new generation of people to enter the fields of science and technology. You are laying the ground base for a prime technological workforce and industrial capabilities and really that is what Apollo contributed to more than anything else.

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