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EndNote User Instructions

Note to user: These instructions are based on my personal experience using EndNote. Therefore, it includes only the parts I consider immediately useful to you in the iMET program. At the end of these instructions, you will find a list of other resources that you may find useful with specific EndNote topics. I will assist you in any way I can with your bibliographic endeavors during the iMET program, please feel free to ask for help at any time. Joyce Dibble

If you already have installed EndNote, then you may skip the next two screenshots. If not, then go to Fill in the form completely, then click Submit Information

Read and follow the Installation Instructions

After you have successfully installed EndNote go to start > All Programs > EndNote > EndNote Program When you open EndNote for the first time, you will see a dialog box titled: Get Started with EndNote X Select: Create a new EndNote library. Then click OK. .

Name your library and then navigate to where you want to save your library. Saving it in the same folder as the EndNote program makes it easy to find.

Open you new library. I named mine iMET10_Research.enl (the .enl extension is added automatically by EndNote it means endnote library) Click on the arrow until you see Select Another Style, and then click on it. The Choose An Output Style dialog box will appear. Scroll until you find APA 5th, click Choose.

You will now see your empty (no references yet!) library. You can add references manually (yuck) by clicking on References > New Reference

Enter all of the information into the fields provided.

If at all possible, let EndNote do the work for you!!! References from some databases can be imported directly into EndNote.
(I like databases that allow direct export to EndNote.)

Try it yourself.
Navigate to the Eric database managed by OCLC First Search Go to: 1. Sacramento State Library > 2. Database & Article Searching > 3. Databases and Periodical Indexes

Click Database and Periodicals Index (DPI) Page

Select the ERIC (OCLC) database.

Search for and locate an article of interest. Select an article from a database and click on Export.

Click Export

The File Download dialog box will appear. Click Open.

The Select a Reference dialog box will open up and it looks in the Endnote folder first, that is why it is easiest to make your library inside the Endnote folder. Select the library

Click Open

In EndNote: Click on Tools > Cite While You Write [CWYW]

From here you can go to preferences and set up options such as having EndNote start up each time you open Word. (This is great when you are writing your Research project but it can be irritating when you are just writing a simple document.) Or Tools > Return to Word Or Tools > Insert Selected Citations Or my favorite: Tools > Format Bibliography To insert citations as you write in Word: Write something. During the early part of this century, students used the Internet primarily for email, online gaming, and My Space (DeBell & Chapman), which resulted in the parental unit restricting access blah blah blah Then go to EndNote, select a reference, click on Tools > CWYW > Insert Selected Citation and the parenthetical reference will be placed where your cursor last was AND the entire citation will be placed AUTOMATICALLY at the end of the document AND the next bibliographic reference your enter will be placed in alphabetical order - wa la magic citation and bibliography! DeBell, M., & Chapman, C. Computer and Internet Use by Students in 2003. Statistical Analysis Report. NCES 2006-065 Access ERIC: FullText (070 Information Analyses; 110 Numerical/Quantitative Data; 143 Reports--Research). 2006-09-00: National Center for Education Statistics (ED), Washington, DC.
Note: There is a substantial amount of formatting attached to the citations and the bibliography. Using the delete key once will usually not be sufficient to remove it, so do not add citations indiscriminately.

Other EndNote Resources (This is NOT a bibliography)

Endnote Support How to find Journal Articles General assistance on search for Journal information for your research project iMET 8 EndNote Tutorial NIH Endnote tutorials + pdfs Northwestern University Library List of databases with the Direct Import feature (instructions with screenshots included). UNC Endnote Tutorial w/flash videos University of Queensland Library Introduction to Endnote University of Sydney Library EndNote Tutorial Yale University Endnote Workshop guide

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