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Steps 2 Prevent Sending Mail without Subject Line

1.Open your outlook 2.Press Alt+F11. This opens the Visual Basic editor 3.On the Left Pane, one can see " Microsoft Outlook Objects", expand this. Now one can see the "ThisOutLookSession". 4.Click on "ThisOutLookSession". 5.Copy and Paste the following code in the right pane. (Code Pane) Code: Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean) Dim strSubject As String strSubject = Item.Subject If Len(strSubject) = 0 Then Prompt$ = "Subject is Empty. Are you sure you want to send the Mail?" If MsgBox(Prompt$, vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbMsgBoxSetForeground, "Check for Subject") = vbNo Then Cancel = True End If End If End Sub 6.Save this and Now close the VB Code editor. 7.In Outlook Go to Tools > Macros > Security > In the Security Level Tab > Select the option MEDIUM > OK 8.Now Restart the Outlook, a dialog box pops up to Disable / Enable the macros; select as Enable Macros (this option will pops up when ever you restart outlook. 9.From now on , this macro will make sure you do not make the mistake of sending a mail without subject

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