Storybook Arcplan Edge EN - 2012!10!25

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Demonstration guide and storybook arcplan Edge (multi-user)

As of: 2012-10-25 Status: Final

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arcplan Edge Standard demo on MSFT AdventureWorks 2008

The arcplan Edge demo is a standard demo to show how BP&F (budgeting, planning and forecasting) applications can be realized using arcplan Edge. As planning applications are never the same in different companies, this demo focuses on main planning aspects and functions. It is a general approach to planning and can be used for demo purposes, as a foundation for POCs (proof of concepts), or as a guideline for planning applications in general. To make usage easy and to have a broad set of data available, the underlying database is AdventureWorks 2008 R2 for Microsofts SQL Server. The following areas of planning can be demonstrated using this demo: Setting of financial targets (for income and expenses) on an aggregated level and use of logic to break them down to bottom lines (so called top-down allocation) Account planning: enter values for each P&L account by region and department (bottom-up planning) Sales quota: set sales targets for all sales representatives on a quarterly basis Volume and/or revenue planning: each sales representative can enter their plan figures for their resellers within a defined sales territory; entering the data can be done as quantities or as revenue figures

Note: To use this demo locally on your computer, you have to download AdventureWorks from CodePlex here: You also need to have SQL Server >= 2008 R2 up and running.

What is AdventureWorks?
AdventureWorks is the database and virtual corporation behind most of the arcplan demo environments, including the arcCorporation demo application for desktop (arcplan Enterprise) and mobile (arcplan Mobile) use as well as for arcplan Edge. Also the arcplan Engage demonstration setup makes use of the aforementioned applications. The fictional business sells and manufactures bikes and adventure gear. The database includes various dimensions of data, including sales, production, marketing, HR, and planning for a set of fiscal years. Dont be concerned about finding empty data cells. The demonstration data also includes a growth story of the organization, including regional and staff growth, so you may encounter empty cells of data e.g. using arcplan Spotlight for ad-hoc analysis on a given year. This usually makes sense as for some regions nothing was sold in earlier years, neither were sales people available. Have this in mind when analyzing data individually.

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Where to find the demo


For the arcplan Edge demo starting in June 2012 we have deployed a specific multi-user demo environment that allows every person presenting the environment to create his/her own user name (login) to create a private dataset. The individual login then uses the four distinct Personas (and the Admin account) as described below.

Why create your own user name?

For planning we usually write-back data. Doing this on the same database tables for the various Personas would lead to inconsistencies.

Do Start the arcplan Edge demo with the appropriate URL in a browser.


Note If you do not have a user name and password yet, you can create this on your own. Click on the dialog option in blue. If you have login credentials, you may reset your planning data and scenairo executing Phase 1 as described below.

Create your own new User Name and Password by clicking on the appropriate dialog.

Fill in the fields and click on Save. Dialog will switch back to login. Now login in with your personal credentials. Remember your upper/lower case writing for user name & password. The login dialog is case senstive.

Enter your credentials to login. Screen shows this for Test.User.

Note that you can also Delete User, so you remove all individual demo data for this user name from the system. This can be useful if you create a customer specific account, e.g. DemoFor.Bayer, that will never be used again.

Forgotten password for user names

If you have forgotten your password, you need to inform arcplan at Please let us know the user name that we should delete. This manual step may change in the near future and will be replaced by a password reset dialog. Stay tuned.

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Phase 1: Demo Preparation

These steps have to be done prior to a live demo. They are required to bring the planning system to a defined state. This should take less than 2 minutes and allows you to always start at a defined state. Do 1.1 Login with your individual user name and password. 1.2 After successfull login you should start with the admin account. See Note If you have not created you own login, see paragraph above.

Select the user Adminis.Trator from menu. Click on Login to login with this user.

1.3 Enter RUN in the shortcut box on the top right corner and click on the arrow or open the report Run Logic in the folder Planning of the navigation pane. 1.4 Select the Process Chain Reset Demo. Press the button RUN to the right. Confirm the dialog window with Yes. 1.5 Select the Start Workflow report from the Workflow folder on the navigation pane.

First you need to open an admin report to run a logic package (shortcut is RUN), which will reset the demo. You can either use defined shortcuts and use the shortcut field on the top right. Or you can select the appropriate report within the navigation pane to the left of the screen.

The logic will run all necessary SQL statements in order to reset the system to a defined initial state. Now all data after 2008-01-01 is deleted in several SQL tables.

To shorten preparation time we use an already created & filled workflow. Its name is Planning Demo. Before you can start a demo you need to initiate this demo workflow. This can be done within the Start Workflow report.

1.6 Select Planning Demo in the Select Type in a name for your workflow instance. Click the Create button.

The idea is to create your personal instance of the pre-defined workflow Planning Demo. For this you need to select the workflow first. The workflow parameter Year is set to 2008 and can not be changed. After that you have to name your workflow instance (i.e. Planning Demo) and start it by clicking the Create button.

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1.7 Select the Workflow Monitor report from the Workflow folder on the navigation pane.

The last step for the Administrator is to double-check if the workflow instance has been created correctly.

1.8 Double-check the workflow instance.

You should see all tasks in the Workflow Monitor. Once the monitor is filled correctly, you are sure that everything has been created correctly and you are READY TO GO!

Log out of admin using the switch-off ( ) button in the upper right of the report.

Do NOT log out of your session by using the arcplan Edge Log-out option or refreshing the browser page (e.g. using F5). This ends your session. You need to re-login with your personal user name. Then start with the appropriate Persona again.

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Phase 2: Demoing arcplan Edge

Phase 2 describes the real demo phase which should be done in front of a prospect, client or partner to show how a sample planning application can be realized using arcplan Edge. As arcplan Edge is more of a complete planning platform or a CPM (Corporate Performance Management) solution than an out-of-the-box planning tool, you always should to tell the audience that the demo is only small subset of functions and reports that can be created and modified using the arplan Application Designer. In comparison to out-of-the-box planning tools, arcplan Edge may not have as many pre-defined functions, but offers the possibility to create planning and forecasting solutions which fit 100% to the clients needs and their way of planning. arcplan Edge can be customized to leverage the customers planning process, not the other way around. Following the statements of BI analysts like e.g. BARC, this is the most effective way of realizing comprehensive BP&F solutions. Having in mind that every planning project has its own scope and is not easy to compare with other planning applications. The way arcplan Edge is created seems to be the most effective one and should enable the client to create a planning application that fits their needs and will be easily accepted and adopted by the users. To make it easier to demo the different reports and functions, a workflow called Planning Demo was created. You should use this workflow, which guides you through the different steps of the demo planning application. Also note that we use a set of Personas that have different job roles within the organization and are typically affected by or responsible for planning processes.

Personas used
For the arcplan Edge demo there are different personas available that have different roles in the arcCorporation organization.

Michael Durham: He is member of the global management and responsible for global finance. He is a Global Finance Director. Carmen McRae: She is member of the regional management and in charge of setting the sales targets for her sales reps. Shes a Sales Director. Dylan Miller: He is a member of the Research & Development team of arcCorporation, responsible for the expense planning for all R&D departments. Rachel Valdez: She is a sales representative at arcCorporation, responsible for Germany.

Note: For login, all passwords of the Personas are set automatically to make presentation easier.

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Planning demo workflow

Here is a brief overview what happens within the workflow (as defined in arcplan Edge): WORKFLOW STEP Set Financial Targets (Top Down Allocation) DONE BY Global Management (Michael Durham) SUBJECT Set targets for revenue and expenses on a global level and break these targets down (based on last years actuals) to each line of accounts on a monthly level Enter the sales targets for each sales representative on a quarterly basis Enter figures for expenses of R&D departments Enter figures for resellers as quantities or revenue

Sales Quota Account Planning (Bottom Up) Sales Planning (Bottom Up)

Regional Management (Carmen McRae) Departments (= cost center, Dylan Miller) Local Sales Reps (Rachel Valdez)

Picture: arcplan Edge demo workflow Planning Demo containing 4 planning and 3 review tasks

Note: The year setting of the demo workflow has been set to 2008, to match the planning periods of AdventureWorks in the data model.

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---- Make sure you have executed Phase 1 prior to the following steps.---Do 2.1 Start arcplan Edge in a browser. Login with your User Name & Password. Then start with Persona Michael Durham. See Say The first objective within the planning workflow is to set the financial targets for a given period in our example for 2008. The typical user groups doing this in an organization are the members of the global management group (which Michael D. belongs to).
Note: Keep the password (******) for the Persona login.

The underlying AdventureWorks database provides actual data up to Dec 2007. The goal of the planning demo is to create plan data for 2008 for different accounts in different departments and reseller sales figures for various sales reps. 2.2 Open the Workflow Calendar in the Workflow folder of the navigation pane and select your Workflow Instance from the menu. 2.3 Click on the filename to open the planning report. Once Michael is logged in he can have a look at his tasks in the Workflow Calendar.

In our case the only open task is Set global targets (marked with an opened lock ). By doing this, Michael is guided to the report Financial Targets. It is a report where the financial targets for the planning period can be entered.

2.4 First you have to select the entity (region) you want to create targets for (e.g. European Operations). Enter values in the three yellow cells (e.g. 10%, 5%, -5%). If necessary: Switch the menu Data-copy to on the selection Budget_V1. Press the button Run Allocation. Confirm the question dialog with OK.

The idea of this dialog is to create a whole chart of accounts calculated by the system using a top down allocation by entering just three figures. Michael is free to use any basis for the calculation, e.g. the 2007 actuals (recommended). Then you can enter percentage values for Gross Sales, Other Income and Expenses which are instantly calculated based on last years figures (left column). By entering these percentages the new targets are calculated on screen - as a preview only. Below you see the menu field Data-copy to which lets you select a different scenario to store the data you enter (as a copy). For our demo we select Budget_V1. Once Michael is happy with the result he presses the Run Allocation button. This will calculate all values for the selected region and create values for each account on a monthly basis. This way of creating budget or plan data is called a Top-Downallocation on last years actuals.
Note: Various other types of allocations (e.g.

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weighted) are easy to implement with arcplan Edge, but not available within this demo today. Note: Technically this is a different data slice that we will user later in the demo. The script will explain later what this is for.

2.5 Open the report Workflow Calendar in the Workflow folder of the navigation pane. Click on the open lock icon for task Set global targets and set it to Submit.

After Michael has set his financial targets (e.g. for European Operations), he has to close this task in the Workflow Calendar.

Closing the task will open the next depending tasks, which are Sales Quota and Account Planning .

Icon changes to

The next task Sales Quota is owned by Carmen McRae.

2.6 Log out using the switch-off ( ) button and log in as Carmen McRae.

For our scenario we now change roles and log-in as Carmen.

2.7 Open the report Workflow Calendar in the Workflow folder of the navigation pane. Click on the filename to open the planning report Sales Quota. 2.8 Switch the menu Sales Territory to Europe.

In the same way Michael has done his planning task, Carmen is doing hers by using the Workflow Calendar as a guideline.

She has to fulfill the task Enter quarterly targets in order to enter her planning values in the report Sales Quota.

Carmen shall only set the targets for her assigned sales reps she is head of the European sales team. (You need to switch the menu Sales Territory to Europe which limits the list of sales reps to those who are responsible for European territories only.) Note: Our database holds data for Germany and France in Euros. Now the report only shows 3 sales members and their targets from the last year. Since it is important to set targets manually, the targets for 2008 are not pre-filled by any logic and left blank from the beginning.

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2.9 Click on the Copy icon next to a sales reps name and copy the values for each sales rep. In our example you should select Copy LY values for. Then press the Save button.

Carmen does not want to start with a blank piece of paper, but wants the table pre-filled with a copy of Last Years (LYs) data. Clicking on the Copy icon opens a menu, offering the option to prefill the quarterly targets for 2008 by copying over LYs or even older targets for a selected sales rep. She does this action for all three sales reps. Indicated by the yellow background, this data is temporary. The values are finally stored in the database by clicking the Save button. Background turns to white. After filling the targets with the ones from last year, you will find that for Rachel Valdez there is missing data only the last quarters are filled why?

2.10 Click on the sales rep name Valdez, Rachel in order to examinate the Info-Card.

You want additional information on this sales representative? Simply open the Info-Card of the sales rep for more details.
Note: The Info Card gives all the information about a sales employee you may want to know (e.g. hire date, e-mail, phone, salary details, Line Manager, Group Members etc).

2.11 Go through the different InfoCard entries and then .

The Info-Card retrieves information directly from the employees master data table. Next to other pieces of information you can see that the sales territory assigned to Rachel is Germany. Furthermore youll see when you look at the entry for hire date that she was hired July 2007. This is the reason why she had no sales target for Q1 and Q2 in 2007.
Note: For consistency the business card is generated the same style and layout as you know it from the arcCorporation demo for arcplan Enterprise.

2.12 click on Data Input tab to insert data. Insert values for Q1 and Q2 for Rachel, e.g. 550.000 and 650.000. Press Save. Extra: Modify the threshold for the graph on the bottom left side and press the Refresh button.

Back on the Data Input tab, you now enter data for Rachel for Q1 and Q2. Note: One more time - all unsaved fields have a yellow background for better overview. You can modify any quarterly value to what you think should be the target. Once the values are saved, a little (in-line) bar chart gives you an indication if the target is higher or lower than last year (LY).
Note: The default setting is that variances below 90% get colored red, between 90% and 110% they turn grey; above 110% they will be green. This is only refreshed after clicking the Save button.

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2.13 Click on the PYs Data tab. Analyse the budget development for the last two years.

Before setting the targets for each sales rep, it might help Carmen to first look at the individual performance within the last two years. This can be done by looking at the tab PYs data (Previous Years).

2.14 Click on Chart tab.

If you want to do the analysis more graphically just use the tab Chart, where you can see the performance of each sales rep separately.

2.15 Click on OrgChart tab.

Go back to the data input tab and enter or adjust data as you like in order to fulfill your planning task. 2.16 Open the report Workflow Calendar in the Workflow folder of the navigation pane. Click on the open lock icon for task Set global targets and set it to Submit. Icon changes to

If you want to see how the sales department of arcCorporation is structured, you may have a look at the Org-Chart tab. This graph derives data from the employees master data table and uses a database procedure to create a hierarchy, making it easy to understand the structure of a department (here: Sales).
Note: Since all users who have access to this report are members of the regional management group, no security on the data displayed is necessary.

To finish the workflow step, Carmen needs to submit her task. After doing so, the icon turns green and the review step is opened. Now the Reviewer can start his work in order to open the following tasks (by the system). This is an important feature of the arcplan Edge Workflow Module. Every task can be reviewed by either someone who is higher in the organizations structure or who was defined to do the Review Task within the workflow organizer. Carmen cannot do the review by herself her boss Michael needs to submit the review before the workflow can continue.
Note: The advantage of the procedure is that the reviewer directly knows the state of the planning procedure and can take action if needed.

2.17 Log out using the switch-off ( ) button and log in as Michael D.

Now we need to log in as Michael to review what Carmen has done and submit or reject her work.

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2.18 Open the report Workflow Calendar in the Workflow folder. Click on the reportname to open the planning report Sales Quota.

Once back in the workflow calendar, we see that only one task is open (indicated by the open lock), which is reviewing the task, done by Carmen. Click on the report name. We are now seeing the appropriate report and can review the quarterly targets entered.

Go back to the Workflow Calendar.

Once the analysis is done, we return to the workflow calendar to finalize this step.

2.19 Click on the Open lock icon within the Workflow Calendar and select Approve.

As Michael we have two options: Either Approve, which will than open the next workflow step, or if in disagreement with the sales quotas he may select Reject, which will re-open Task for Carmen. In our case we select Approve.

2.20 Log out by using the switch-off ( ) button on the upper right. Next is a Sales planning example with a new persona: Rachel Valdez. 2.21 Re-log on as Rachel Valdez now. To start the final step of the demo, you need to jump into the role of a sales representative in our case this is Rachel Valdez, sales rep for Germany. After Rachel has logged into the system, she will jump into her planning task for Reseller Sales by clicking on report name.

2.22 Open the report Workflow Calendar in the Workflow folder of the navigation pane. Click on the report name to open the planning report Reseller Sales. 2.23 Intermediate Preparation Step: In case the Sales Rep shown on the header of the report is NOT Rachel Valdez, proceed with the
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following: Switch the menu Sales Rep on the Settings tab to Rachel Valdez and return to the Data Input tab. 2.24 On the input screen Rachel finds her sales target in the blue box. This was entered in workflow step 2 by Carmen in the report Sales Quota.
Note: In a real installation the database security would handle this automatically. In our demonstration scenario we have limited security applied for convenience reasons.

arcCorporation offers hundreds of products and the sales reps in our scenario are asked to provide their estimates in a detailed fashion. Sales reps such as Rachel can use some helpful functions to quickly develop a meaningful plan.
Note: Why is this table not pre-filled with any data? In our demo scenario we want the sales representatives to enter their estimation for their sales territories by product and not just stick to a calculated top down set of data.

2.25 Select Accessories within the hierarchy on the left, then

It is possible to copy data over from last year for a selected product group in order to have the table pre-filled with values which then can be adjusted. First Rachel needs to select the product group here Accessories she wants to fill with data.

2.26 press the button Copy from LY on the upper right. Then press the button OK.

Selecting Copy from LY runs a database function which copies all values from last year for the product group and sales territory over to the current plan year, which is 2008. Once this is done the report automatically gets refreshed showing the LY figures as the ones for 2008 Budget_V1 target calculation. Note: Only the values in Quantity are equal! At the same time the graph in the upper right corner starts to grow comparing last years figures with 2008 planning.
Note: Remember, Rachel joined the company in July 2007, so there are no values for Jan - June 2007 associated to her. Therefore the target for 2008 (which is a full years target, displayed as blue bar in the graph) seems way too high, which it is not.

Rachel has to repeat the two steps for all 4 product groups to have a full set of values.

2.27 Open the hierarchy for Accessories > Bike Racks > Hitch Rack 4Bike and type in values (only in blue cells) for Quantity. Finally press Save to store the data to the database.

Planning Single Value in Whole Grid To come to a completed target Rachel has to do a lot of work this year because she needs to run through all the products and type in their figures, e.g. open up Accessories, Bike Racks and enter some values for Hitch Rack 4-Bike.

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Note: You will notice that after you have entered and saved values for products (blue cells) the aggregated values get automatically re-calculated and updated. This is a standard arcplan feature when using hierarchy objects working on OLAP and on relational structures too!

2.28 Open the hierarchy for Accessories > Bike Stands > All-Purpose-BikeStand. Enter 360 in the CY 2008 for AllPurpose-BikeStand blue cell, press enter and select Slow Decline. Then press the button Save. 2.29 Open the hierarchy for Clothing > Gloves and click on the Info icon next to Full-Finger Gloves, M.

Planning Total Value by Allocation To modify a whole range of data (Jan - Dec) Rachel can make use of the pre-defined allocation functions. Since Bike Stands doesnt seem to work out well, Rachel selects the allocation method Slow Decline which generates decreasing data for this product.

Until now Rachel has entered the values in quantity format only. For certain products she wants to enter data as revenue because she isnt really interested how many of those she will be able to sell but how much total revenue it should amount to. Especially for those products that are really cheap, it only makes sense to plan the monetary result. In our demo scenario she selects Clothing Gloves and clicks on the info icon next to Full-Finger Gloves, M to bring up meta data information for this article. Looking at the Dealer Price you notice that this item is dealt at 22,794 USD. Note: No currency conversion here.

2.30 Switch Input menu to Revenue.

To display and enter revenue figures you need to switch the Input menu to Revenue.
Note: The option to enter values as quantities or revenue within the same table is a special arcplan feature and offers many possibilities in bidirectional planning (USP!).

2.31 Enter 36,000 in the blue cell for Full-Finger Gloves, M in the CY 2008 column, press Enter and select Even. Then press the button Save.

Planning Total Value by Allocation Once the menu is set to Revenue, Rachel can enter revenue figures in the blue cells for any product. As soon as the Save button is pressed all aggregated values are recalculated and the graph gets updated.
Note: Even though you entered 36,000 as an annual target, after saving the data a value like 35,832 is displayed. Why? Very simple. Since arcplan Edge re-converts the revenue figures to a quantity (using the formula: Revenue = Quantity * arcplan confidential Page 14

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Dealer Price) only absolute quantity figures can be stored in the database (because you do not want to sell 70% of a glove for instance).

2.32 Switch back the Input menu to Quantity.

After Rachel has entered the value for the glove as Revenue, she can directly see how many pieces she needs to sell to get to this number just by selecting Quantity from the input menu.

2.33 Switch the Hierarchy Level to open menu on 3. Press the button Fill empty input cells with average values. Then press the button Save.

Planning Empty Cells with Average Value Rachel can save expensive working time by using the button Fill empty input cells with average values. This enables her to preset all empty input cells that are open and visible with the average of these rows. Later on she can modify the input of each cell manually if necessary.
Note: Copying average values of each row is only one option. Other custom actions can be implemented (e.g. an input field for percentage increase). Or some function to fill completely empty lines (where no average can be calculated).

2.34 Click on the PYs Data tab.

Even though planning is always looking into the future, you often base your estimates on developments of the past. So does Rachel and by clicking on the PYs Data tab she can select a period she is interested in.
Note: Your selected hierarchy view remains open.

2.35 Click on the Chart tab.

Rachel might find it helpful to get information on the top resellers in her sales territory, the top products or the top promotions within the last years. All this can be analyzed quickly within the charts tab. She can filter the elements by changing the menus on the top right corner.
Note: The count of displayed names in the legend is limited. Alternatively you can click in a part of the pie chart in order to get this information. Note: From this point of view there are other drilldown reports possible.

2.36 Click on tab ERP Source. Select 2007 and Bikes / Mountain Bikes in the menus on the top.

Sometimes it is very helpful especially for bigger positions to have a look at the actual ERP source data highly detailed. No problem with arcplan Edge since drill down to any ERP (such as SAP R/3) or other source data system is an inherent feature of Edge. This keeps your planning application small (in amount of data), at the same time offering insight to any underlying (highly

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detailed) data source within 1 report! 2.37 Click on the My Targets tab. During the planning, Rachel always wants to know where she stands in terms of target achievement. Easy to do just open the tab My Targets and see where you are. Note: You may change the sales rep to a different person on the Settings tab. See description above. 2.38 Open the report Workflow Calendar in the Workflow folder and Submit the task. Rachel brings her planning to an end by submitting her final task within the Workflow Calendar. This will open up the reviewing task for Reseller Sales Planning, which has to be done by Carmen. Now you need to log in as Carmen to review what Rachel has done and approve or reject her work. Since the procedure of reviewing has been shown before, we just submit it and proceed to the final step of the demo, which is the Expense Planning due for Dylan Miller.

2.39 Log out using the switch-off ( ) button and log in Carmen again. 2.40 Open the report Workflow Calendar in the Workflow folder of the navigation pane. Click on the filename to open the planning report Reseller Sales.

As mentioned before Michael unlocked the tasks for Carmen and Dylan when he submitted the Financial Targets in the beginning. We went through Carmens tasks and now we start with a Bottom-Up planning of accounts with a new persona: Dylan Miller. 2.41 Log out using the switch-off ( ) button and log in as Dylan Miller. To start the final step of the demo, you need to jump into the role of a Research & Development team member in our case this is Dylan Miller. He is responsible for the expense planning of the R&D department.

2.42 Open the report Workflow Calendar in the Workflow folder of the navigation pane.

Within the workflow calendar Dylan can see that it is his turn to do the expense planning.

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Click on the filename to open the planning report Account Planning. 2.43 Just look at the report Account Planning no actions within this report required for now.

By clicking on the report name Dylan will be directed to the expense planning report (named Account Planning).

Within the report for accounts planning, you will notice that, despite the fact that you havent done otherwise already, the values for 2008 are already filled. This is the result of the top down planning done at the very beginning of our demo by Michael. Michael also provided a data copy as Budget_V1 that we are working on now. It is time for Dylan to do the expense planning for R&D now.
Note: In planning tasks where large accounts have to be planned it makes planning more effective if values are prefilled by logic. The planner then only has to check the values and adjust or modify those he knows better or likes to see adjusted differently.

2.44 Click on the Settings tab and select from the Organization menu Germany (if not pre-selected). Press the button Refresh. 2.45 Click on tab Sum Entry and enter the value 10 in the Modify by cell.

In the Accounts Planning report you can also see that the scenario is set to Budget_V1. The first thing to do for Dylan is to select the organization he wants to enter data for. In our scenario he selects Germany. Now there are various options to enter data for Germany.

Dylan knows that the expenditures for Germany within the R&D department will generally be higher in 2008, so he wants to lift all values by 10%. Doing so he opens the Sum Entry tab and enters his raise in the Modify by cell.
Note: Using the Sum Entry function will modify all visible datasets - be careful using this function for the demonstration. In general its a powerful function to plan various scenarios!

Press the button Calc Values (in the upper right). The screen changes to the tab Data Input. Finally press Save on new report to store the data to the database.

Once done, he re-calculates all values in the table by clicking the button Calc Values.
Note: At this point data is not stored in the database but only calculated on screen (indicated by yellow background). This enables users to modify the values if necessary.

Once finished with all changes, Dylan presses Save to write the data to the database (yellow color disappears).

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2.46 Click into the cell in column CY 2008 and row Equipment and enter a value (e.g. 360) and press enter. Select Even from the popup menu. Finally press Save to store the data into the database.

Once Dylan has done the overall sum entry, he now wants to modify certain accounts by entering an annual target to be more precise. Dylan likes to adjust Equipment and enters a new value for CY 2008 (e.g. 360). From the popup menu a set of allocation methods are available. He selects Even and the system allocates the 360 evenly over the twelve months for 2008. Note: You may enter different allocation methods (to show up in the popup) within the report Allocations. This report is only available for admin users.

2.47 Click into the cell in column June and row Equipment and enter 100. Finally press Save to store the data to the database.

The most precise way of entering data is cell by cell. Since Dylan knows that in June there will be new Equipment required for the German office, he enters the expected number (100) directly into the specific cell.
Note: You may recognize that the input currency is set to EUR. Once you change an organization, the currency information will be retrieved from the organization master data and refreshed. This ensures that the planners always enter data in the right currency.

2.48 Open the report Workflow Calendar in the Workflow folder and Submit the task.

Once Dylan has entered all his values for his R&D section he needs to close his task within the Workflow calendar. Now its again Michael to review and continue. But we stop here. Thank you for your time and engagement.

2.49 Click to edge so you have a corporate screen.

As the audience can imagine, this is only a small subset of a real life scenario demonstrating the power and flexibility of arcplan Edge and the arcplan architecture in general.

As a presenter, you should again state, that this is a template approach. All individual requirements can be created with arcplan Edge. Ask us for more.

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