Maktabat Us Sunnah Nigeria

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REPORT ON BOOKS RECEIVED FROM ILM4U Bismillaah, wal hamdulillah wa salatu wa salamu ala rasoolillah, wa bad.

This is a formal report on the books sent from ILM4U, Birmingham UK to the Nigerian Salafi Community in Lagos, Western Nigeria. The Books: Al hamdulillaah we have been able to set up a temporary home library managed by a righteous family, due to insufficient funds to open a public library. In all, the library can boast of having quite a number of books on various areas of islaamic knowledge: Aqeedah, Fiqh, Ibaadah, Tazkiyah, Akhlaaq, Arabic and so on. A detailed list has been prepared and documented. A good number of these materials were sent in by the charitable brothers at ILM4U. The books, which were only received on the 3rd of dhul-hijjah 1433 due to air cargo logistic issues includes: 45 Childrens books 18 Arabic books 62 Books on varied topic 135 books in total 40 Tapes and 49 CDs 20 Copies of Hausa translation of the Noble Quran Find attached herein photo shots of the modest home library. A number of the Nigeria brothers have made very generous contributions by donating quite a number of their own personal books as well may Allaah grant them commensurate rewards and eventual success. Since the receipt of the books from ilm4u we have tried to extend as many of them as are requested to the brothers and sisters who live in the locality where the library is - and all the adoration is Allaah's! - We have received great responses and very positive feedbacks. We also received leaflets majorly on Terrorism, which were distributed on the day of Eid after salat ul Eid. It was very timely as it addresses every bit about the subject of terrorism and suicide bombing. A topic which is a concern to everyone, especially the muslimoon. Maa shaa Allaah! Particularly noteworthy is the effort of one of the brothers in distributing a good number of copies of the Hausa translation of the noble Quran and pamphlets (sent by the charitable brothers at ilm4u) among brothers in Niger state North central Nigeria and where the predominant population speak Hausa.

We are currently working on sharing out the rest of the Hausa Quran to masaajid in Lagos and especially the Northern part of Nigeria to benefit our brothers and sisters inshaa Allaah. We are also working on a masjid project and hoping to relocate the library there for public use inshaa Allaah. ...And the close of their call is that all the praise belongs to Allaah the lord of the worlds.

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