Beam Routine Information

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Must include:
* Mount * Walk forwards * 2 balances (hold for 3 seconds) * High/ Stretch Turn * Squat/ Tuck Turn * Jump/Leap * Walk backwards

* Dismount Descriptions of all of the above can be found below. Remember for high quality performances keep your chin and EYES UP, POINT YOUR TOES, SMILE & PRESENT at the end. MOUNT There are 2 types of mounting the beam:

1) Straddle (easiest) Hands together (over fence) - Straddle the beam aiming to keep legs as straight as possible and toes pointed. - Once straddled over the beam, bring both feet up behind body and place them flat on the beam. - Stand up gracefully.

2) Hitch (harder) Must always have a straight back. - Hands shoulder width apart. - Squat one leg / knee onto the beam, other leg is hanging straight down toes pointed. - Bring hands around and twist body so it is running parallel to beam and at the same time bring the back leg up and onto the beam flat foot. - Then can either go into a knee scale and swing the back leg to the front and stand up. Or can just swing back leg to front and stand up.

Walk on toes - Swing legs forward maintaining a pointed toe throughout.

- Must walk on the balls of your feet. Walk backwards - on toes on other high beam. Dips - Bend support leg and dip and step. High Knees - Bring knees up towards chest. - Keep toes pointed and trunk upright. Chasse - Skip together foot swap (step behind, step together) Gallop - Skip together, same lead leg all the way. Skipping - High knees, straight leg.

High / Stretch turn - on toes, dont shuffle, - arms up for turn then out for balance - feet close. Squat / Tuck turn On toes, feet close, any arms out, in, sideways, Stay in tuck for whole turn, dont corkscrew up. Must be tidy arms and turn. Figure out on the ground or bench which way to turn first.

* Balances MUST be held for 3 seconds and routine must include 2 balances. * Must have spotter on beam at all times.

Shoulder stand (H) - Hands behind neck for support - Use abdominal muscles to lift legs straight up vertically in the air. Kneescale (M) - Support foot flat to beam kneeling on one leg. - Arms straight out infront holding on to side of beam for balance - Head up - Extend other leg back and high, with toe pointed. Stag sit (M) - From a kneescale, lower extended leg onto beam.

V Sit (M) -

Sit back onto squatted leg. Arms out (aeroplane) for balance Trunk upright. Legs extended, toes pointed. Put arms behind body using the beam for support. Legs may be extended with knees together OR with legs open. If balance is good can put arms out to side (aeroplane).

Arabesque (M) - Stand on one leg. - Extend other leg up behind body - Arms out for balance.

Stalk Stand -

(L) Stand on one leg. Other leg/foot rests on support leg. Any arms.

Lunge side or forwards (L) - Lunge forwards or sideways and put weight over lead leg.

As long as both feet leave the beam it is counted as a jump not very H, but counted. Pratice types of jumps on floor first and then benches.

Jump Straight up (L) Foot change swap feet (L). Cat leap (M) High knees, Pointed toes, use arms for ht & balance Swap feet.

Flick Jump (H) - Jump, bring feet up to bottom. - Arms out for balance Tuck Jump (H) - Jump, bring knees up towards chest. - Arms out for balance. Split Leap(H) - Splits in air

Scissor Jump (H) - Like scissors in High Jump.

Pin Drop Star Jump

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