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Discussion Questions Catalina Marketing 1. 2. 3. How cost effective for manufacturers is Catalinas coupon system relative to FSIs?

? (Table B provides a good start.) What are other advantages to manufacturers of this system? Are retailers and consumers better off with this system? What should Catalina do next? (See pages 1 and 16 of the case.)

Discussion Questions Culinarian Cookware 1. 2. 3. 4. Describe consumer behavior in the cookware market. How is cookware bought? How is it sold? What are the implications for Culinarians marketing strategy? What are Culinarians strengths and weaknesses? Why has the company been successful? Was the 2004 promotion profitable? Calculate the profitability using Browns logic and then calculate profitability using the consultants model. How would you calculate profitability? Should Culinarian run a 2007 price promotion? If so, what should be the specifics of such a promotion (e.g., product scope, discount rate, timing, communication)? If a price promotion is not suitable, think about another type of sales promotion (e.g., manufacturer rebate program, gift with purchase, sweepstakes, product placement, etc.) to recommend.

Discussion questions for Reliance Baking Soda 1. 2. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the RBS brand? Analyze the effectiveness of past RBS consumer and trade promotional events. How have the promotions strategies impacted sales volumes? What kind of return on investment is the company getting for consumer promotions and trade promotions? Compare the relative merits of a push vs. pull strategy for the marketing of a low-involvement (low price) grocery item in a mature market setting. What is your recommendation for how Regnante can achieve her 2008 profit target? What if any changes should be made to trade and consumer promotions to make them more effective? Develop a pro forma income statement (see template in Case Exhibit 10) and be prepared to address the long-term strategic implications of your decisions.

3. 4.

Discussion Questions for CEMEX 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Describe the CEMEX strategy in Egypt. How does the Reward Program fit in this strategy? Why did Llotop choose the Reward Program and not another incentive program for retailers? Did the Reward Program motivate retailers to sell more CEMEX products? What characteristics of the Reward Program do you like the most? And the least? Why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of specifying quantities of each type of product in retailer targets? Would you think a generic target of dollar sales, or dollar contribution margin, could have been more effective in supporting CEMEX strategy?

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